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; $Id: gsn_csm.ncl,v 1.245 2010/05/06 22:15:21 haley Exp $
; ;
; Copyright (C) 1998 ;
; University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ;
; All Rights Reserved ;
; ;
;; File: gsn_csm.ncl
;; Author: Mary Haley
;; National Center for Atmospheric Research
;; PO 3000, Boulder, Colorado
;; Date: Tue Feb 11 14:08:49 MST 1999
;; Description: This script contains some specialized plotting functions
;; used by CGD for the CSM processor. To use the functions
;; and procedures in this script, you must have the lines:
;; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
;; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
;; at the top of your NCL script, before the begin statement.

; Function : xy_ref_interp ;
; x1: numeric ;
; x2: numeric ;
; y1: numeric ;
; y2: numeric ;
; ;
; Given two points, (x1,y1) and (x2,y1) and a reference value (ref), ;
; this function interpolates where on the X axis the line from the 1st ;
; point to the 2nd point crosses the line y=ref. ;
; plot to the workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous ;
; call to "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of ;
; resources. The Id of the map plot is returned. ;
function xy_ref_interp(x1:numeric,x2:numeric,y1:numeric,y2:numeric, \

; Function : ref_line_interp ;
; x: numeric ;
; y: numeric ;
; xinterp: numeric ;
; yinterp: numeric ;
; ref_line: numeric ;
; ;
; Given a set of points represented by x and y, add interpolated values ;
; where the line crosses at y = ref_line. x and y must be the same ;
; length, and ref_line must either be a scalar or the same length as x ;
; and y. ref_line can be an array of reference values, as long as there ;
; is only one X/Y curve. ;
; ;
; The dimension size of each interpolated set of points is returned. ;
function ref_line_interp(x,y,xinterp,yinterp,ref_line)
local ncurves, nref_lines, nlines, i, j, location, xnew, ynew, npts

; Check for missing values.

  xmsg = get_res_value_keep(x,"_FillValue",-999)
  ymsg = get_res_value_keep(y,"_FillValue",-999)
; Convert x and y into two dimensional arrays so we don't have to
; test for whether we have one line or multiple lines. Convert
; ref_line to a 1-d array (if it isn't already).
  ndimsy = dimsizes(dimsizes(y))
  ndimsx = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
  nref_lines = dimsizes(ref_line)

    ncurves = 1
    nptsy = dimsizes(y)
    ynew = onedtond(y,(/nref_lines,nptsy/))
    ncurves = dimsizes(y(:,0))
    nptsy = dimsizes(y(0,:))
    ynew = y
  end if

  nlines = max((/ncurves,nref_lines/))

    xnew = onedtond(x,(/nlines,nptsy/))
    xnew = x
  end if

  refnew = new((/nlines/),typeof(ref_line))
  refnew = ref_line

  xinterp(:,0) = xnew(:,0)
  yinterp(:,0) = ynew(:,0)
  npts = new((/nlines/),integer)

; Loop through the rest of the points and find out where the curve crosses
; the reference line. If it does, then do an interpolation.
; Store the location of the previous point (-1 if it is below the reference
; line, 0 if it is on the reference line, and 1 if it is above).

  do j=0, nlines-1
    num_crosses = 0
    do i=1, nptsy-1
      xinterp(j,i+num_crosses) = xnew(j,i)
      yinterp(j,i+num_crosses) = ynew(j,i)

          xinterp(j,i+num_crosses) = xy_ref_interp(xnew(j,i-1),xnew(j,i),\
          xinterp(j,i+num_crosses+1) = xnew(j,i)
          yinterp(j,i+num_crosses) = refnew(j)
          yinterp(j,i+num_crosses+1) = ynew(j,i)
          num_crosses = num_crosses + 1
        end if
      end if
    end do
    npts(j) = nptsy + num_crosses
  end do

; Function : get_bar_widths ;
; x: numeric ;
; res2: logical ;
; ;
; Given a set of x points, return a bar width for filled bars later. ;
; ;
function get_bar_widths(x,ncurves,res2)
local ncurves, npts, bar_widths, dx, nwidths
;---Get number of curves and points.
  dims = dimsizes(x)
  rank = dimsizes(dims)
    npts = dims(0)
    ncurves = dims(0)
    npts = dims(1)
  end if

;---If bar width is set explicitly, we have to check it first.
    bar_width = get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnXYBarChartBarWidth",0.)
    nwidths = dimsizes(dimsizes(bar_width))
      print("get_bar_widths: Fatal: You must either select one constant bar width, or the same number of bar widths as you have curves.")
    end if
  end if

;---Get the distances between x values.
;---Special case if we only have one bar.
      if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartBarWidth")) then
        b = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartBarWidth",0.)
        print("get_bar_widths: Warning: You only have one element,")
        print("and gsnXYBarChartBarWidth is not set.")
        print("Will default to a bar width equal to x")
      end if
      dx = min( x(1:npts-1) - x(0:npts-2) )
    end if
    x!0 = "ncurves"
    x!1 = "npts"
;---Special case if we only have one bar.
    if(npts.eq.1) then
      if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartBarWidth")) then
        b = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartBarWidth",0.)
        print("get_bar_widths: Warning: You only have one element in each set of curves,")
        print("and gsnXYBarChartBarWidth is not set.")
        print("Will default to bar widths equal to x")
        b = new(ncurves,typeof(x))
        b = x
      end if
    end if
;---Get the minimum dx for each set of curves.
    dx = dim_min(x(:,1:npts-1)-x(:,0:npts-2))
  end if
; If bar width is set explicitly, we have to check it first.
    bar_width = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartBarWidth",0.)
    nwidths = dimsizes(dimsizes(bar_width))
      print("get_bar_widths: Fatal: You must either select one constant bar width, or the same number of bar widths as you have curves.")
    end if
      print("get_bar_widths: Warning: The bar width(s) you selected ("+bar_width+") is larger than the smallest delta x ("+dx+").")
      print("Defaulting to " + dx + ".")
        bar_widths = new(ncurves,typeof(dx))
      end if
      bar_widths = dx
; Make sure bar_widths is 1D array of length (/ncurves/).
        bar_widths = new(ncurves,double)
        bar_widths = bar_width
      end if
    end if
    bar_widths = new(ncurves,double)
    bar_widths = dx ; Bar width is not being set.
  end if


; Procedure : outlined_bars ;
; x: numeric ;
; y: numeric ;
; xinterp: numeric ;
; yinterp: numeric ;
; ;
; Given a set of points represented by x and y, represent the y values ;
; with bar outlines. ;
procedure outlined_bars(x,y,xinterp,yinterp)
local ndimsx, ndimsy, ncurves, dims, npts, nyb, bar_width
; Convert x and y into two dimensional arrays so we don't have to
; test for whether we have one line or multiple lines.
  ndimsx = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
  ndimsy = dimsizes(dimsizes(y))
    ncurves = 1
    npts = dimsizes(y)
    ynew = onedtond(y,(/ncurves,npts/))
    ncurves = dimsizes(y(:,0))
    npts = dimsizes(y(0,:))
    ynew = y
  end if

    xnew = onedtond(x,(/ncurves,npts/))
    xnew = x
  end if
; For each old y point, we need two new y points to represent
; the horizontal line. The new X values will be the width of the bars.
  nyb = 2 * (npts-1) + 1

  yinterp(:,0:nyb-2:2) = ynew(:,:npts-2)
  yinterp(:,1:nyb-1:2) = ynew(:,:npts-2)
  yinterp(:,nyb-1) = ynew(:,npts-1) ; last point

  bar_widths = xnew(:,1:) - xnew(:,:npts-2)
  xinterp(:,0:nyb-2:2) = xnew(:,:npts-2)
  xinterp(:,1:nyb-2:2) = xnew(:,:npts-2) + bar_widths
  xinterp(:,nyb-1) = xnew(:,npts-1) ; last point, no bar


; procedure : filled_bars ;
; x: numeric ;
; y: numeric ;
; xabove: numeric ;
; yabove: numeric ;
; xbelow: numeric ;
; ybelow: numeric ;
; xequal: numeric ;
; yequal: numeric ;
; nya: integer ;
; nyb: integer ;
; nye: integer ;
; iya: integer ;
; iyb: integer ;
; iye: integer ;
; yref_line: numeric ;
; bar_widths: numeric ;
; ;
; Given a set of points represented by x and y, and y reference values, ;
; represent the y values with bars above, below, and equal to the ;
; reference lines. ;
; ;
; Bars aren't filled in this routine. They are returned as threes sets ;
; of polygons: those above, below, and equal to the reference lines. ;
procedure filled_bars(x,y,xabove,yabove,xbelow,ybelow,xequal,yequal,\
local ndimsx, ndimsy, ncurves, dims, npts
; Convert x and y into two dimensional arrays so we don't have to
; test for whether we have one line or multiple lines.
  ndimsx = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
  ndimsy = dimsizes(dimsizes(y))
    ncurves = 1
    npts = dimsizes(y)
    ynew = new((/ncurves,npts/),double)
    ynew = onedtond(y,(/ncurves,npts/))
    ncurves = dimsizes(y(:,0))
    npts = dimsizes(y(0,:))
    ynew = new(dimsizes(y),double)
    ynew = y
  end if

    xnew = new((/ncurves,npts/),double)
    xnew = onedtond(x,(/ncurves,npts/))
    xnew = new(dimsizes(x),double)
    xnew = x
  end if
; Make yref_line a 1D double array of length ncurves.
  yref_lines = new(ncurves,double)
  yref_lines = yref_line
; Loop across ncurves.
  do i=0,ncurves-1
; Get the indices where the y curve is above, below, equal to the ref line.
    ya_ind = ind(ynew(i,:).gt.yref_lines(i))
    yb_ind = ind(ynew(i,:).lt.yref_lines(i))
    ye_ind = ind(ynew(i,:).eq.yref_lines(i))
; Create new array to hold bar charts. For each old y point, we need
; five new y points to represent the closed rectangle.
      nya(i) = 5*dimsizes(ya_ind) ; # values above ref line
      iya(i,0:dimsizes(ya_ind)-1) = ya_ind ; indexes above ref line
      yabove(i,0:nya(i)-5:5) = yref_lines(i)
      yabove(i,1:nya(i)-4:5) = ynew(i,ya_ind)
      yabove(i,2:nya(i)-3:5) = ynew(i,ya_ind)
      yabove(i,3:nya(i)-2:5) = yref_lines(i)
      yabove(i,4:nya(i)-1:5) = yref_lines(i)

      xabove(i,0:nya(i)-5:5) = xnew(i,ya_ind) - bar_widths(i)/2.
      xabove(i,1:nya(i)-4:5) = xnew(i,ya_ind) - bar_widths(i)/2.
      xabove(i,2:nya(i)-3:5) = xnew(i,ya_ind) + bar_widths(i)/2.
      xabove(i,3:nya(i)-2:5) = xnew(i,ya_ind) + bar_widths(i)/2.
      xabove(i,4:nya(i)-1:5) = xnew(i,ya_ind) - bar_widths(i)/2.
      nya(i) = 0
    end if
      nyb(i) = 5*dimsizes(yb_ind) ; # values below ref line
      iyb(i,0:dimsizes(yb_ind)-1) = yb_ind ; indexes below ref line

      ybelow(i,0:nyb(i)-5:5) = yref_lines(i)
      ybelow(i,1:nyb(i)-4:5) = ynew(i,yb_ind)
      ybelow(i,2:nyb(i)-3:5) = ynew(i,yb_ind)
      ybelow(i,3:nyb(i)-2:5) = yref_lines(i)
      ybelow(i,4:nyb(i)-1:5) = yref_lines(i)

      xbelow(i,0:nyb(i)-5:5) = xnew(i,yb_ind) - bar_widths(i)/2.
      xbelow(i,1:nyb(i)-4:5) = xnew(i,yb_ind) - bar_widths(i)/2.
      xbelow(i,2:nyb(i)-3:5) = xnew(i,yb_ind) + bar_widths(i)/2.
      xbelow(i,3:nyb(i)-2:5) = xnew(i,yb_ind) + bar_widths(i)/2.
      xbelow(i,4:nyb(i)-1:5) = xnew(i,yb_ind) - bar_widths(i)/2.
      nyb(i) = 0
    end if
      nye(i) = 5*dimsizes(ye_ind) ; # values equal ref line
      iye(i,0:dimsizes(ye_ind)-1) = ye_ind ; indexes equal ref line

      yequal(i,0:nye(i)-1:5) = yref_lines(i)

      xequal(i,0:nye(i)-5:5) = xnew(i,ye_ind) - bar_widths(i)/2.
      xequal(i,1:nye(i)-4:5) = xnew(i,ye_ind) - bar_widths(i)/2.
      xequal(i,2:nye(i)-3:5) = xnew(i,ye_ind) + bar_widths(i)/2.
      xequal(i,3:nye(i)-2:5) = xnew(i,ye_ind) + bar_widths(i)/2.
      xequal(i,4:nye(i)-1:5) = xnew(i,ye_ind) - bar_widths(i)/2.
      nye(i) = 0
    end if
  end do


; Function : find_cross_xy ;
; x1: numeric ;
; x2: numeric ;
; y11: numeric ;
; y12: numeric ;
; y21: numeric ;
; y22: numeric ;
; ;
; Given two points of two curves: ;
; ;
; (x1,y11) & (x2,y12) and (x1,y21) & (x2,y22) ;
; ;
; compute the point at which the two curves cross. ;
; ;
function find_cross_xy(x1:numeric,x2:numeric,y11:numeric,y12:numeric, \
    x0 = new(1,double,-9999)
    y0 = new(1,double,-9999)
    x0 = -9999
    y0 = -9999
    x0 = (x2*y21 - x2*y11 + x1*y12 - x1*y22)/(y12-y11+y21-y22)
    y0 = (y11*y22 - y12*y21) / (y11-y12+y22-y21)
; y0 = (x0*(y22-y21)-x1*y22+x2*y21)/(x2-x1)
  end if

; Function : get_valid_long_names() ;
; ;
; This function returns the list of valid names that can be used in ;
; place of "long_name". Note that these names are in the order that ;
; they should be used. I.e. if both "long_name" and "Description" are ;
; present, then long_name takes precedence over "Description". ;
; ;
function get_valid_long_names()
  return((/"long_name","standard_name","description","DESCRIPTION", \

; Function : get_valid_units() ;
; ;
; This function returns the list of valid names that can be used for ;
; "units". ;
; ;
function get_valid_units()

; Function : get_valid_long_name_value() ;
; ;
; This function returns the attribute and the attribute value of the ;
; valid long_name, if it exists, and missing otherwise. ;
function get_valid_long_name_value(data)
local data_atts, n, found_valid_name, data_atts
  data_atts = getvaratts(data)
  found_valid_name = False
  if(.not.any(ismissing(data_atts))) then
    valid_long_names = get_valid_long_names()
    n = 0
    do while(n.lt.dimsizes(valid_long_names).and..not.found_valid_name)
      if (any(valid_long_names(n).eq.data_atts)) then
; Return both the attribute name and its value.
      end if
      n = n + 1
    end do
  end if

; Function : get_valid_units_value() ;
; ;
; This function returns the attribute and the attribute value of the ;
; valid units, if it exists, and missing otherwise. ;
function get_valid_units_value(data)
local data_atts, n, found_valid_name, data_atts
  data_atts = getvaratts(data)
  found_valid_name = False
  if(.not.any(ismissing(data_atts))) then
    valid_units = get_valid_units()
    n = 0
    do while(n.lt.dimsizes(valid_units).and..not.found_valid_name)
      if (any(valid_units(n).eq.data_atts)) then
; Return both the attribute name and its value.
      end if
      n = n + 1
    end do
  end if

; Function : get_csm_long_name_units_string ;
; data : numeric ;
; ;
; This function checks if a valid long_name and units attributes exist, ;
; and if so, constructs a string using them. A missing value is returned;
; otherwise. ;
function get_csm_long_name_units_string(data)
local lname, uname
  lu_string = new(1,string)
  lname = get_valid_long_name_value(data)
  uname = get_valid_units_value(data)

  if(.not.any(ismissing(lname))) then
    lu_string = lname(1)
; Comment out this code for now, because I'm not sure I want
; the default behavior to change from just a long_name string
; to a long_name (units) string for now. This was added around
; version a031 (Jan 2004).
; if(.not.any(ismissing(uname)).and.uname(1).ne."") then
; lu_string = lu_string + " (" + uname(1) + ")"
; end if
  end if

; Procedure : check_for_subtitles ;
; res: logical ;
; left: logical ;
; center: logical ;
; right: logical ;
; ;
; This procedure checks if the resources gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString,;
; and/or gsnRightString have been set. These resources provide three ;
; subtitles for the top of a plot. ;
procedure check_for_subtitles(res:logical,left:logical,center:logical,\
; Initialize
  left = False
  right = False
  center = False

  if((res).and..not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(res)))) then
; Check for font setting.
    if(isatt(res,"gsnStringFont")) then
      left@gsnStringFont = res@gsnStringFont
      center@gsnStringFont = res@gsnStringFont
      right@gsnStringFont = res@gsnStringFont
    end if
; Check for left string.
    if(isatt(res,"gsnLeftString")) then
      left = True
      left@sub_string = res@gsnLeftString
; Check for ParallelPosF/OrthogonalPosF setting.
      if(isatt(res,"gsnLeftStringParallelPosF")) then
        left@gsnLeftStringParallelPosF = \
      end if
      if(isatt(res,"gsnLeftStringOrthogonalPosF")) then
; 0.0 is just a dummy value. It will not be used.
        left@gsnLeftStringOrthogonalPosF = \
      end if
; Check for font heights.
      if(isatt(res,"gsnLeftStringFontHeightF")) then
        left@gsnLeftStringFontHeightF = get_res_value(res, \
        if(isatt(res,"gsnStringFontHeightF")) then
          left@gsnLeftStringFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(res, \
        end if
      end if
; Check for font color
      if(isatt(res,"gsnLeftStringFontColor")) then
        left@gsnLeftStringFontColor = get_res_value(res, \
        if(isatt(res,"gsnStringFontColor")) then
          left@gsnLeftStringFontColor = get_res_value_keep(res, \
        end if
      end if
    end if
; Check for center string.
      center = True
      center@sub_string = res@gsnCenterString
; Check for ParallelPosF/OrthogonalPosF setting.
      if(isatt(res,"gsnCenterStringParallelPosF")) then
        center@gsnCenterStringParallelPosF = \
      end if

      if(isatt(res,"gsnCenterStringOrthogonalPosF")) then
; 0.0 is just a dummy value. It will not be used.
        center@gsnCenterStringOrthogonalPosF = \
      end if
; Check for font heights.
      if(isatt(res,"gsnCenterStringFontHeightF")) then
        center@gsnCenterStringFontHeightF = get_res_value(res, \
        if(isatt(res,"gsnStringFontHeightF")) then
          center@gsnCenterStringFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(res, \
        end if
      end if
; Check for font color
      if(isatt(res,"gsnCenterStringFontColor")) then
        center@gsnCenterStringFontColor = get_res_value(res, \
        if(isatt(res,"gsnStringFontColor")) then
          center@gsnCenterStringFontColor = get_res_value_keep(res, \
        end if
      end if
    end if
; Check for right string.
      right = True
      right@sub_string = res@gsnRightString
; Check for ParallelPosF/OrthogonalPosF setting.
      if(isatt(res,"gsnRightStringParallelPosF")) then
        right@gsnRightStringParallelPosF = \
      end if
      if(isatt(res,"gsnRightStringOrthogonalPosF")) then
; 0.0 is just a dummy value. It will not be used.
        right@gsnRightStringOrthogonalPosF = \
      end if
; Check for font heights.
      if(isatt(res,"gsnRightStringFontHeightF")) then
        right@gsnRightStringFontHeightF = get_res_value(res, \
        if(isatt(res,"gsnStringFontHeightF")) then
          right@gsnRightStringFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(res, \
        end if
      end if
; Check for font color
      if(isatt(res,"gsnRightStringFontColor")) then
        right@gsnRightStringFontColor = get_res_value(res, \
        if(isatt(res,"gsnStringFontColor")) then
          right@gsnRightStringFontColor = get_res_value_keep(res, \
        end if
      end if
    end if
  end if
  if(isatt(res,"gsnStringFontHeightF")) then
  end if
  if(isatt(res,"gsnStringFontColor")) then
  end if

; Procedure : set_right_subtitle ;
; data: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; newres: logical ;
; ;
; This procedure checks if gsnRightString is set. If not, then uses ;
; data@units if it exists. ;
procedure set_right_subtitle(data:numeric,res:logical,newres:logical)
; If gsnRightString hasn't been set, then use the valid units
; attribute if it exists.
    newres = True
    newres@gsnRightString = res@gsnRightString
    uname = get_valid_units_value(data)
      newres = True
      newres@gsnRightString = uname(1)
    end if
  end if

; Procedure : set_left_subtitle ;
; data: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; newres: logical ;
; ;
; This procedure checks if gsnLeftString is set. If not, then uses ;
; one of the valid "long_name" attributes, if they exist. ;
procedure set_left_subtitle(data:numeric,res:logical,newres:logical)
; If gsnLeftString hasn't been set, then use one of several valid "long
; names" if they exist. Also have to delete the attribute used so it
; doesn't get used in the title by gsn_code.ncl. But, be careful here
; because you don't want to remove the attribute from the actual data.
; Before calling this routine, you should be using a copy of your
; data.
  lname = get_valid_long_name_value(data)
    newres = True
    newres@gsnLeftString = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnLeftString",lname(1))
; Delete so it doesn't get used for main title
  end if

; Of course, if gsnLeftString is set, use it. We had to do the test
; above first to make sure the attribute got removed, if it existed,
; so it doesn't get used again for another resource.
    newres = True
    newres@gsnLeftString = res@gsnLeftString
  end if

; Function : is_valid_coord ;
; ;
; Checks if the X or Y coordinate variable exist and if it is ;
; 1-dimensional. ;
; ;
function is_valid_coord(data:numeric,axis:string)
local dims
  dims = -1
  if(axis.eq."x") then
      dims = dimsizes(dimsizes(data&$data!1$))
    end if
      dims = dimsizes(dimsizes(data&$data!0$))
    end if
  end if
  if(dims.eq.1) then
  end if

; Function : is_valid_latlon2d_attr ;
; ;
; Checks for a valid lon2d or lat2d attribute. This special attribute is;
; used by the gsn_csm* scripts for cases where the data is represented ;
; by 2D lat/lon arrays, instead of 1D coordinate arrays. ;
; ;
; The lat2d/lon2d arrays can be one element larger in both dimensions. ;
; This can mean that we are dealing with cell boundaries instead of cell;
; centers. ;
function is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data:numeric,lstring:string)
local ldims, data_dims
  if(isatt(data,lstring)) then
    ldims = dimsizes(data@$lstring$)
    data_dims = dimsizes(data)
    if(all(ldims.eq.data_dims).or.all(ldims.eq.(data_dims+1))) then
      print("is_valid_latlon2d_attr: Warning: The '" + lstring + "' attribute must either be the same dimension sizes as the data, or one element larger in both directions. Your data will most likely not be overlaid on the map correctly.")
    end if
  end if

; Function : is_tm_obj_valid ;
; ;
; pobj : plot object to retrieve trGridType from ;
; tdata: data variable to see if it has 2D lat/lon coords ;
; ;
; This function checks to see if the given plot object has had a tick ;
; mark object created for it. A tickmark object can't be created if ;
; you have 2D lat/lon coordinates *and* trGridType was not set to ;
; "TriangularMesh". ;
; ;
function is_tm_obj_valid(pobj,tdata)
local tr_grid_type
  if(is_valid_latlon2d_attr(tdata,"lat2d").and. \
     is_valid_latlon2d_attr(tdata,"lon2d")) then
    getvalues pobj
      "trGridType" : tr_grid_type
    end getvalues
; trGridType == 5 --> TriangularMesh
    if(tr_grid_type.ne.5) then
    end if
  end if

; Procedure : set_axis_string ;
; res: logical ;
; data: numeric ;
; axis: string ;
; ;
; This procedure sets the tiXAxisString or tiYAxisString resource ;
; depending on current resource and/or attribute settings. ;
procedure set_axis_string(plot:graphic,res:logical,data:numeric,axis:string)
local title, tires, is_xyplot

  tires = get_res_eq(res,(/"ti"/)) ; Get tickmark resources
  is_xyplot = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnXYPlot", False)

  valid_coord = is_valid_coord(data,axis)
  if(axis.eq."y") then
    mode_res = "tmYLMode"
    axis_res = "tiYAxisString"
    if(valid_coord) then
      coord_var = data&$data!0$
    end if
    mode_res = "tmXBMode"
    axis_res = "tiXAxisString"
    if(valid_coord) then
      coord_var = data&$data!1$
    end if
  end if
; If the axis tickmarks are being labeled explicitly by the user,
; then don't put a label on that axis.
  if(check_attr(res,mode_res,"Explicit",True).or. \
     check_attr(res,mode_res,2,True)) then
    if(.not.is_xyplot) then
      if(valid_coord) then
        axis_string = get_csm_long_name_units_string(coord_var)
        if(.not.ismissing(axis_string)) then
        end if
      end if
      axis_string = get_csm_long_name_units_string(data)
      if(.not.ismissing(axis_string)) then
      end if
    end if
  end if


; Procedure : set_subtitles_res ;
; res: logical ;
; plotres: logical ;
; ;
; This procedure checks if any of the gsn*String subtitle resources have;
; been set. If so, it adds them to plotres as resources so they can ;
; be passed to another plotting function to be processed. ;
procedure set_subtitles_res(res:logical,plotres:logical)
local valid_string_res
  valid_subttl_res = (/"gsnLeftString","gsnCenterString","gsnRightString",\
                       "gsnStringFont","gsnStringFontHeightF", \
                       "gsnStringFontColor","gsnLeftStringFontColor", \
                       "gsnCenterStringFontColor","gsnRightStringFontColor", \
                       "gsnLeftStringFontHeightF", \
                       "gsnCenterStringFontHeightF", \
                       "gsnRightStringFontHeightF", \
                       "gsnLeftStringParallelPosF", \
                       "gsnCenterStringParallelPosF", \
                       "gsnRightStringParallelPosF", \
                       "gsnLeftStringOrthogonalPosF", \
                       "gsnCenterStringOrthogonalPosF", \
    nstrings = dimsizes(valid_subttl_res)
    do i=0,nstrings-1,1
        plotres = True
        plotres@$valid_subttl_res(i)$ = res@$valid_subttl_res(i)$
      end if
    end do
  end if

; Procedure : check_for_coord_arrays ;
; data: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; type: string ;
; ;
; This procedure checks if the data contains a coordinate variable in ;
; dimension 0 or 1. If so, then it sets sf/vfX/YArray (depending on if ;
; type equals "contour*" or "vector*" to these coordinate arrays. ;
; ;
; If no coordinate array exists, then this procedure checks for the ;
; special "lat2d"/"lon2d" *attributes*. This is an indicator that we ;
; have "2D coordinate" arrays, and we can set the sf/vfX/YArray ;
; resources to these values. These 2D coords only work if you plan to ;
; overlay the vectors/contours on a map, however. ;
; ;
procedure check_for_coord_arrays(data:numeric,res:logical,type:string)
local prefix, xstart_name, xend_name, ystart_name, yend_name, \
xarray_name, yarray_name, valid_2dcoord_types

; If the data is 1D, no coord arrays should exist.
  if(dimsizes(dimsizes(data)).eq.1) then
  end if

    prefix = "vf"
    prefix = "sf"
  end if

  xarray_name = prefix + "XArray"
  xstart_name = prefix + "XCStartV"
  xend_name = prefix + "XCEndV"
  yarray_name = prefix + "YArray"
  ystart_name = prefix + "YCStartV"
  yend_name = prefix + "YCEndV"
; I originally thought that Only plots over maps could have
; 2D lat/lon coordinates, but I don't believe this is the case.
; So, I've commented out the valid_2dcoord_types stuff.
; valid_2dcoord_types = (/"contour_map","vector_map"/)
; First check if a valid "lon2d" attribute is set and whether we are
; drawing over a map. If both conditions are not met, then
; check for a regular coordinate array. One of these will be used for
; sf/vf/XArray.
            isatt(res,xarray_name))) then
; if(any(type.eq.valid_2dcoord_types).and. \
; is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lon2d")) then
    if(is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lon2d")) then
      res@$xarray_name$ = data@lon2d
      if(is_valid_coord(data,"x")) then
        res@$xarray_name$ = data&$data!1$
      end if
    end if
  end if

; First check if a valid "lat2d" attribute is set. If not set, then
; check for a regular coordinate array. One of these will be used for
; sf/vf/YArray.
            isatt(res,yarray_name))) then
; if(any(type.eq.valid_2dcoord_types).and. \
; is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lat2d")) then
    if(is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lat2d")) then
      res@$yarray_name$ = data@lat2d
      if(is_valid_coord(data,"y")) then
        res@$yarray_name$ = data&$data!0$
     end if
    end if
  end if


; Function : check_class_name ;
; plot: graphic ;
; plot_type: string ;
; ;
; This procedure checks what type "plot" is, and returns the plot from ;
; it (for example, if "plot" is an overlay, and you want the contour ;
; part of it, it will return the contour plot. ;
; ;
function check_class_name(plot:graphic,plot_type:string)
  class_name = NhlClassName(plot)

    new_plot = plot@$plot_type$
    new_plot = plot
  end if


; Function : get_allowed_latnames ;
; ;
; Get list of names allowed for a latitude coordinate array. ;
; ;
function get_allowed_latnames()

; Function : get_allowed_lonnames ;
; ;
; Get list of names allowed for a longitude coordinate array. ;
; ;
function get_allowed_lonnames()

; Function : get_allowed_pres_units_pa ;
; ;
; Get list of names allowed for pressure units in pascals. ;
; ;
function get_allowed_pres_units_pa()

; Function : get_allowed_pres_units_hpa ;
; ;
; Get list of names allowed for pressure units in hecto-pascals. ;
; ;
function get_allowed_pres_units_hpa()

; Function : get_allowed_pres_units_mb ;
; ;
; Get list of names allowed for pressure units in millibars. ;
; ;
function get_allowed_pres_units_mb()
  return((/"mb","Mb","MB","millibar","millibars","MILLIBARS", \

; Function : get_allowed_pres_units ;
; ;
; Get list of names allowed for pressure units. ;
; ;
function get_allowed_pres_units()
  mb = get_allowed_pres_units_mb()
  pa = get_allowed_pres_units_pa()
  hpa = get_allowed_pres_units_hpa()
  nmb = dimsizes(mb)
  npa = dimsizes(pa)
  nhpa = dimsizes(hpa)
  all_pres = new(nmb+npa+nhpa,string)
  all_pres(0:nmb-1) = mb
  all_pres(nmb:nmb+npa-1) = pa
  all_pres(nmb+npa:) = hpa

; Function : get_allowed_lat_units ;
; ;
; Get list of names allowed for the units attribute of a latitude ;
; coordinate array. ;
; ;
function get_allowed_lat_units()
  return((/"degrees_north","degrees-north","degree_north","degrees north",\
           "degrees_N","Degrees_north","degree_N","degreeN","degreesN", \
           "deg north"/))

; Function : get_allowed_lon_units ;
; ;
; Get list of names allowed for the units attribute of a longitude ;
; coordinate array. ;
; ;
function get_allowed_lon_units()
  return((/"degrees_east","degrees-east","degree_east","degrees east",\
           "deg east"/))

; Function : is_valid_latlon_coord ;
; ;
; Checks if the X or Y coordinate variable contains real a valid lat or ;
; lon coordinate array. It does this just by checking for a valid ;
; "units" attribute. ;
; ;
; It used to be that we checked the name of the coordinate array as well;
; as the units. But, according to D. Shea, it is enough check for just ;
; the units. So, as of Dec 2003, we are now just checking units. ;
; ;
; We don't print out any warning messages in this function, b/c ;
; sometimes the calling routine is just calling it for informational ;
; purposes. It is up to the calling routine to print an error if a False;
; value is returned. ;
function is_valid_latlon_coord(data:numeric,axis:string,latorlon:string,\
; If tfDoNDCOverlay is set to True, then coordinate arrays shouldn't be
; used in the first place, and hence the units don't need to be correct.
; It is up to the user to do the right thing and *not* set coordinate
; arrays. Here, we check for the setting of this resource to True,
; and if so, then the units attribute isn't even checked.
  if(get_res_value_keep(res,"tfDoNDCOverlay",False)) then
  end if

  if(axis.eq."x") then
    if(is_valid_coord(data,"x")) then
      if(latorlon.eq."lat") then
        if(isatt(data&$data!1$,"units").and. \
           any(data&$data!1$@units.eq.get_allowed_lat_units)) then
        end if
; Otherwise, we must be dealing with longitudes.
          any(data&$data!1$@units.eq.get_allowed_lon_units)) then
        end if
      end if
    end if
; We are dealing with the Y axis.
    if(is_valid_coord(data,"y")) then
      if(latorlon.eq."lat") then
          any(data&$data!0$@units.eq.get_allowed_lat_units)) then
        end if
; Otherwise, we must be dealing with longitudes.
          any(data&$data!0$@units.eq.get_allowed_lon_units)) then
        end if
      end if
    end if

  end if

; Procedure : gsn_geop_hgt ;
; ;
; Returns geopotential height (in km) given array p (pressure in mb) ;
; p must lie between 1013.25 mb and 2.54e-06 mb. ;
; ;
; Algorithm is simply logarithmic interpolation from Standard ;
; Atmosphere. ;
; Intended to provide an ESTIMATE of geopotential height when ;
; temperature and geopotential data are lacking. ;
; ;
; Values above 85km were obtained from the COSPAR International ;
; Reference Atmosphere: 1986 QB495 .A38 v.10 No.12 [FL] ;
; ;
function gsn_geop_hgt( p[*]:numeric )
local nsa,psa,zsa,ptmp,npres,found,i,j
    ptmp = p * 0.01 ; Convert to mb
    if((.not.isatt(p,"units")).or. \
       (isatt(p,"units").and. \
        .not.(any(p@units.eq.get_allowed_pres_units_hpa()).or. \
      print("gsn_geop_hgt: Warning: The 'units' attribute is either not set, or it is not set")
      print("to the recognized names for 'hecto-pascals' or 'millibars', so")
      print("assuming pressure values are already converted to millibars.")
    end if
    ptmp = tofloat_wunits(p) ; Assume already converted to mb!
  end if

  nsa = 53
  psa = new( (/nsa/), float, 1.e36 )
  zsa = new( (/nsa/), float, 1.e36 )
  zsa = (/ -0.3, \ ; km
            0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, \
            3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, \
            7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0, \
           11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, \
           18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, \
           50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 84.8, 87.7, 90.6, \
           93.3, 96.1, 97.5,100.4,104.9, \

  psa = (/ 1050., \ ; mb (hPa)
           1013.25, 954.61, 898.76, 845.59, 795.01, 746.91, 701.21, \
           657.80, 616.60, 577.52, 540.48, 505.39, 472.17, 440.75, \
           411.05, 382.99, 356.51, 331.54, 308.00, 285.84, 264.99, \
           226.99, 193.99, 165.79, 141.70, 121.11, 103.52, 88.497, \
           75.652, 64.674, 55.293, 25.492, 11.970, 5.746, 2.871, 1.491,\
           0.798, 0.220, 0.052, 0.010, 0.00485,0.00294,0.000178, \
           0.000108, 0.0000656, 0.0000511, 0.0000310, 0.0000146, \
           0.00000691, 0.00000419, 0.00000327, 0.00000254 /)

  if ( any(ptmp.lt.min(psa)) .or. any(ptmp.gt.max(psa))) then
    print("gsn_geop_hgt: Fatal: The pressure values do not fall between")
    print(min(psa) + " mb and " + max(psa) + " mb.")
    print("Execution halted.")
  end if
  npres = dimsizes(ptmp)
  gph = new(npres,float)

  do i = 0,npres-1
    found = False
    j = 0

    do while(.not.found.and.j.le.nsa-2)
     if ( ( ptmp(i) .le. psa(j) ) .and. ( ptmp(i) .ge. psa(j+1) ) ) then
       gph(i) = zsa(j) + (zsa(j+1) - zsa(j)) * \
                log( psa(j)/ptmp(i) )/log( psa(j)/psa(j+1) )
       found = True
     end if
     j = j + 1
    end do

  end do

; This function calculates the zonal means. ;
function calculate_zonal_means(data2,res2)
local zms2, nmeans
  zref = get_res_value(res2,"gsnZonalMeanYRefLine",0.)
  zmns2 = dim_avg(data2)
; The "if" code below was originally checking for le/ge "0.", rather
; than "zref". I think this is a bug, because I think originally,
; the zref line was set to 0. no matter what.
  if(min(zmns2).le.zref.or.max(zmns2).ge.zref) then
    nmeans = dimsizes(zmns2)
    zmns = new((/2,nmeans/),typeof(zmns2))
    zmns(0,:) = zmns2
    zmns(1,:) = fspan(zref,zref,nmeans)
    zmns = zmns2
  end if

; Procedure : check_for_y_lat_coord ;
; data: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; type: string ;
; ;
; This procedure checks if the data contains a coordinate variable in ;
; dimension 0 of an allowable list of latnames ;
; ;
; If so, then it sets sf/vfYArray (depending on if type equals ;
; "contour*" or "vector*" to this coordinate array. ;
; ;
procedure check_for_y_lat_coord(data:numeric,res:logical,type:string)
local latname, char_latname, array_name, start_name, end_name, \
; If the data is 1D, no coord arrays should exist.
  if(dimsizes(dimsizes(data)).eq.1) then
  end if

; If tfDoNDCOverlay is set to True, then coordinate arrays shouldn't be
; used in the first place. It is up to the user to do the right thing
; and *not* set coordinate arrays. Here, we check for the setting
; of this resource to True, and if so, then no warning messages are
; printed out if no coordinate arrays are set.
  if(get_res_value_keep(res,"tfDoNDCOverlay",False)) then
  end if
; Determine what kind of plot we need to set the data field resources for.
    array_name = "vfYArray"
    start_name = "vfYCStartV"
    end_name = "vfYCEndV"
    array_name = "sfYArray"
    start_name = "sfYCStartV"
    end_name = "sfYCEndV"
  end if

; I originally thought that Only plots over maps could have
; 2D lat/lon coordinates, but I don't believe this is the case.
; So, I've commented out the valid_2dcoord_types stuff.
; valid_2dcoord_types = (/"contour_map","vector_map"/)
; Make sure user is not already setting own *Start* and *End*
; or *Array resources. Then check if a valid "lat2d" attribute
; is set or if a valid coordinate array is set.
            isatt(res,array_name))) then
; if(any(type.eq.valid_2dcoord_types).and. \
; is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lat2d")) then
    if(is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lat2d")) then
      res@$array_name$ = data@lat2d
        res@$array_name$ = data&$data!0$
        print("check_for_y_lat_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid latitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.")
        print("A valid latitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute equal to one of the following values: ")
        print(" " + cat_strings(get_allowed_lat_units))
      end if
    end if
  end if


; Procedure : check_for_x_lat_coord ;
; data: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; type: string ;
; ;
; This procedure checks if the data contains a coordinate variable in ;
; dimension 1 of an allowable list of latnames ;
; ;
; If so, then it sets sf/vfYArray (depending on if type equals ;
; "contour*" or "vector*" to this coordinate array. ;
; ;
procedure check_for_x_lat_coord(data:numeric,res:logical,type:string)
local latname, char_latname, array_name, start_name, end_name, \
; If the data is 1D, no coord arrays should exist.
  if(dimsizes(dimsizes(data)).eq.1) then
  end if

; If tfDoNDCOverlay is set to True, then coordinate arrays shouldn't be
; used in the first place. It is up to the user to do the right thing
; and *not* set coordinate arrays. Here, we check for the setting
; of this resource to True, and if so, then no warning messages are
; printed out if no coordinate arrays are set.
  if(get_res_value_keep(res,"tfDoNDCOverlay",False)) then
  end if
; Determine what kind of plot we need to set the data field resources for.
    array_name = "vfXArray"
    start_name = "vfXCStartV"
    end_name = "vfXCEndV"
    array_name = "sfXArray"
    start_name = "sfXCStartV"
    end_name = "sfXCEndV"
  end if

; I originally thought that Only plots over maps could have
; 2D lat/lon coordinates, but I don't believe this is the case.
; So, I've commented out the valid_2dcoord_types stuff.
; valid_2dcoord_types = (/"contour_map","vector_map"/)

; Make sure user is not already setting own *Start* and *End*
; or *Array resources. Then check if a valid "lat2d" attribute
; is set or if a valid coordinate array is set.
  if(.not.((isatt(res,start_name).and.isatt(res,end_name)).or. \
            isatt(res,array_name))) then
; if(any(type.eq.valid_2dcoord_types).and. \
; is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lat2d")) then
    if(is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lat2d")) then
      res@$array_name$ = data@lat2d
        res@$array_name$ = data&$data!1$
        print("check_for_x_lat_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid latitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.")
        print("A valid latitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute equal to one of the following values: ")
        print(" " + cat_strings(get_allowed_lat_units))
      end if
    end if
  end if


; Procedure : check_for_lon_coord ;
; data: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; type: string ;
; ;
; This procedure checks if the data contains a coordinate variable in ;
; dimension 1 of an allowable list of lonnames ;
; ;
; If so, then it sets sf/vfXArray (depending on if type equals ;
; "contour*" or "vector*" to this coordinate array. ;
; ;
procedure check_for_lon_coord(data:numeric,res:logical,type:string)
local lonname, char_lonname, array_name, start_name, end_name, \
; If the data is 1D, no coord arrays should exist.
  if(dimsizes(dimsizes(data)).eq.1) then
  end if

; If tfDoNDCOverlay is set to True, then coordinate arrays shouldn't be
; used in the first place. It is up to the user to do the right thing
; and *not* set coordinate arrays. Here, we check for the setting
; of this resource to True, and if so, then no warning messages are
; printed out if no coordinate arrays are set.
  if(get_res_value_keep(res,"tfDoNDCOverlay",False)) then
  end if

; Determine what kind of plot we need to set the data field resources for.
    array_name = "vfXArray"
    start_name = "vfXCStartV"
    end_name = "vfXCEndV"
    array_name = "sfXArray"
    start_name = "sfXCStartV"
    end_name = "sfXCEndV"
  end if

; I originally thought that Only plots over maps could have
; 2D lat/lon coordinates, but I don't believe this is the case.
; So, I've commented out the valid_2dcoord_types stuff.
; valid_2dcoord_types = (/"contour_map","vector_map"/)

; Make sure user is not already setting his own *Start* and *End*
; or *Array resources. If not, check for a valid lon2d attribute
; or a valid coordinate array.
            isatt(res,array_name))) then
; if(any(type.eq.valid_2dcoord_types).and. \
; is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lon2d")) then
    if(is_valid_latlon2d_attr(data,"lon2d")) then
      res@$array_name$ = data@lon2d
        res@$array_name$ = data&$data!1$
        print("check_for_lon_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid longitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.")
        print("A valid longitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute equal to one of the following values: ")
        print(" " + cat_strings(get_allowed_lon_units))
      end if
    end if
  end if


; Function : get_polar_type ;
; res: logical ;
; ;
; This function checks the resource list for gsnPolar, gsnPolarNH, or ;
; gsnPolarSH to and returns what kind of polar plot is desired. ;
; ;
; The default will be northern ("NH") if none is set. ;
function get_polar_type(res:logical)
local polar_nh, polar_sh
  polar_type = get_res_value(res,"gsnPolar","")
  polar_nh = get_res_value(res,"gsnPolarNH",False)
  polar_sh = get_res_value(res,"gsnPolarSH",False)

  end if
  end if
    print("get_polar_type: Warning: Invalid option for gsnPolar. Defaulting to northern hemisphere.")
  end if
; Can't have polar_nh and polar_sh both False or both True.
    print("get_polar_type: Fatal: You have indicated you want both northern and southern polar projections.")
    print("Only one of them can be selected, so please correct this.")
    print("Execution halted.")
  end if

    print("get_polar_type: Warning: No polar projection has been selected. Defaulting to northern hemisphere.")
  end if

  end if

; Procedure : add_subtitles ;
; wks: graphic ;
; plot: graphic ;
; left_string: logical ;
; center_string: logical ;
; right_string: logical ;
; res: logical ;
; ;
; This procedure adds one to three subtitles to the top of the plot, ;
; depending on whether the special resources gsnLeftString, ;
; gsnCenterString, and/or gsnRightString had been set. ;
procedure add_subtitles(wks:graphic,plot:graphic,left_string:logical,\
local text_object, parallel_pos, anno, just, strings, txres, amres, \
num_res, ablank, chararray, string_len, colors, ss
  amres = False ; Annotation resources
  txres = False ; Text resources
  txres = get_res_eq(res,"tx")
  amres = get_res_eq(res,"am")
; Get the height, as we use this to calculate distance of strings
; from top of plot.
  getvalues plot
    "vpHeightF" : vph
  end getvalues

  num_res = 0
  parallel_pos = new(3,float)
  parallel_pos(0) = get_res_value(left_string, \
                                  "gsnLeftStringParallelPosF", 0.0)
  parallel_pos(1) = get_res_value(center_string, \
                                  "gsnCenterStringParallelPosF", 0.5)
  parallel_pos(2) = get_res_value(right_string, \
                                  "gsnRightStringParallelPosF", 1.0)

  zone = get_res_value(amres,"amZone",3)
  orthpos = get_res_value(amres,"amOrthogonalPosF",0.01*vph)
  orthogonal_pos = new(3,float)
  orthogonal_pos(0) = get_res_value(left_string, \
                                  "gsnLeftStringOrthogonalPosF", orthpos)
  orthogonal_pos(1) = get_res_value(center_string, \
  orthogonal_pos(2) = get_res_value(right_string, \
                                  "gsnRightStringOrthogonalPosF", orthpos)

  just = (/"left","center","right"/)
  fhghts = (/0.,0.,0./)
  strings = (/"","",""/)
  colors = True ; We can't set to an array, because colors could
                       ; be integers or strings. Instead, we'll use
                       ; attributes to set the colors for each string.
; Set the three strings and their fonts, colors, and font heights.
      txres@txFont = left_string@gsnStringFont
    end if
    strings(0) = left_string@sub_string
    if(isatt(left_string,"gsnLeftStringFontHeightF")) then
      fhghts(0) = get_res_value_keep(left_string,"gsnLeftStringFontHeightF",0.)
      if(isatt(left_string,"gsnStringFontHeightF")) then
        fhghts(0) = get_res_value_keep(left_string,"gsnStringFontHeightF",0.)
        fhghts(0) = get_res_value_keep(txres,"txFontHeightF",0.0)
      end if
    end if
    if(isatt(left_string,"gsnLeftStringFontColor")) then
      colors@s0 = get_res_value_keep(left_string,"gsnLeftStringFontColor",1)
      colors@s0 = get_res_value_keep(left_string,"gsnStringFontColor",1)
    end if
  end if
      txres@txFont = center_string@gsnStringFont
    end if
    strings(1) = center_string@sub_string
    if(isatt(center_string,"gsnCenterStringFontHeightF")) then
      fhghts(1) = get_res_value_keep(center_string,"gsnCenterStringFontHeightF",0.)
      if(isatt(center_string,"gsnStringFontHeightF")) then
        fhghts(1) = get_res_value_keep(center_string,"gsnStringFontHeightF",0.)
        fhghts(1) = get_res_value_keep(txres,"txFontHeightF",0.0)
      end if
    end if
    if(isatt(center_string,"gsnCenterStringFontColor")) then
      colors@s1 = get_res_value_keep(center_string,"gsnCenterStringFontColor",1)
      colors@s1 = get_res_value_keep(center_string,"gsnStringFontColor",1)
    end if
  end if
      txres@txFont = right_string@gsnStringFont
    end if
    strings(2) = right_string@sub_string
    if(isatt(right_string,"gsnRightStringFontHeightF")) then
      fhghts(2) = get_res_value_keep(right_string,"gsnRightStringFontHeightF",0.)
      if(isatt(right_string,"gsnStringFontHeightF")) then
        fhghts(2) = get_res_value_keep(right_string,"gsnStringFontHeightF",0.)
        fhghts(2) = get_res_value_keep(txres,"txFontHeightF",0.0)
      end if
    end if
    if(isatt(right_string,"gsnRightStringFontColor")) then
      colors@s2 = get_res_value_keep(right_string,"gsnRightStringFontColor",1)
      colors@s2 = get_res_value_keep(right_string,"gsnStringFontColor",1)
    end if
  end if
; Remove the text font height and txString, so they don't get
; applied at the end.
  if(isatt(txres,"txFontHeightF")) then
  end if
  if(isatt(txres,"txString")) then
  end if

  ablank = stringtocharacter(" ")
  do i=0,2
; Check to make sure the string doesn't contain only blanks.
      chararray = stringtocharacter(strings(i))
      string_len = dimsizes(chararray)-1

        ss = "s" + i
        text_object = create just(i)+"string" textItemClass wks
          "txString" : strings(i)
          "txFontHeightF" : fhghts(i)
          "txFontColor" : colors@$ss$
        end create

        attsetvalues_check(text_object,txres) ; Set some text resources.

        anno = NhlAddAnnotation(plot,text_object) ; Add annotation to plot.

        setvalues anno
          "amZone" : zone ; Outside plot area
          "amSide" : "top" ; Subtitle at top.
          "amParallelPosF" : parallel_pos(i)
          "amJust" : "bottom"+just(i)
          "amOrthogonalPosF": orthogonal_pos(i) ; Move away from top edge
          "amResizeNotify" : True ; Resize subtitle if map resized.
        end setvalues
        attsetvalues_check(anno,amres) ; Set some annotation resources.
      end if
    end if
  end do

; Procedure : add_labelbar ;
; wks: graphic ;
; plot: graphic ;
; zone: integer ;
; font_height: numeric ;
; type: string ;
; res: logical ;
; ;
; This procedure adds a labelbar to "plot" (which must be either a ;
; contour or vector plot). The default is to add the labelbar to the ;
; bottom of the plot, unless resources are set to change this. The zone ;
; must be passed in, as well as the font height for the labelbar labels.;
; "type" is the type of plot ("ce", "polar", and so on) so the labelbar ;
; can be positioned differently depending on the plot. ;
procedure add_labelbar(wks:graphic,plot,zone:integer, \
local anno, num_res, amres, lbres, labelbar_object, lbar_orient, \
lbar_side, lbar_just, fill_patterns, fill_scales, mono_fill_pat, \
mono_fill_scl, mono_fill_col, levels
; If lbLabelBarOn is set to False, then don't bother with a labelbar.
  end if

  lbres = True ; hold labelbar resources
  amres = True ; hold annomanager resources

  parallel = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarParallelPosF",0.5)

; Check for annotation/labelbar resources

  lbres = get_res_eq(res,(/"lb","vp"/))
  amres = get_res_eq(res,"am")


; Default is horizontal at the bottom.

  lbar_orient = "horizontal"
  lbar_side = "bottom"
  lbar_just = "bottomcenter"

     check_attr(lbres,"lbOrientation",1,True)) then
    lbar_orient = "vertical"
    lbar_side = "right"
    lbar_just = "centerright"
  end if


; Determine what the default labelbar width and height should be depending
; on shape of plot (this is for a horizontal labelbar). For example, if
; the plot is square, then make the labelbar the same width as the plot.
; If the plot is 1:2, then make the labelbar .75 * width of the plot.
; For a vertical labelbar, make the height the same as the height of the
; plot.
  getvalues plot
    "vpWidthF" : width ; Width of plot
    "vpHeightF" : height ; Height of plot
  end getvalues

  ratio1 = width/height
  ratio2 = height/width
  ratio = min((/ratio1,ratio2/))
  ratios = (/0.50, 0.75, 1.00/) ; viewport ratios

  lwscale = (/0.75, 0.90, 1.00/)
  wh_ind = ind(ratio.le.ratios)
  def_lvpwf = lwscale(wh_ind(0)) ; default width scale for labelbar

  amres = get_res_eq(res,"am")
  if(lbar_orient.eq."vertical") then
      orth = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF",0.05)
      orth = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF",0.03)
    end if
    height = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarHeightF",height)
    width = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarWidthF",0.2*width)
    height = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarHeightF",0.3*height)
    width = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarWidthF",def_lvpwf*width)
        orth = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF",0.03)
        orth = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF",0.06)
      end if
      orth = get_res_value(res,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF",0.0)
    end if
  end if

  class_name = NhlClassName(plot)
    the_plot = plot@contour
    the_plot = plot
  end if
    getvalues the_plot
      "cnLevels" : levels
      "cnFillDotSizeF" : dot_size
      "cnFillColors" : tmp_colors
      "cnFillPatterns" : tmp_fill_patterns
      "cnFillPattern" : fill_pattern
      "cnFillScales" : tmp_fill_scales
      "cnFillScaleF" : fill_scale
      "cnFillMode" : fill_mode
      "cnMonoFillPattern" : mono_fill_pat
      "cnMonoFillScale" : mono_fill_scl
      "cnMonoFillColor" : mono_fill_col
      "cnLabelBarEndStyle" : end_labelbar_style
      "cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn" : end_labels_on
      "lbLabelStrings" : lbstrings
    end getvalues
; cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn was deprecated in V5.0, but we still need to
; check for it. It's been replaced by cnLabelBarEndStyle.
; The three styles are:
; 0 - IncludeOuterBoxes (default)
; 1 - IncludeMinMaxLabels (the equivalent of cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn=True)
; 2 - ExcludeOuterBoxes
; If the style is 0 (the default) *and* xxLabelBarEndLabelsOn is
; True, then set the style to 1. If the style is 1 or 2 (the only
; other valid values), then xxLabelBarEndLabelsOn should be set True.
    if(end_labelbar_style.eq.0) then
      if(end_labels_on) then
        end_labelbar_style = 1
      end if
      end_labels_on = True
    end if
    if(end_labelbar_style.eq.2) then
; Don't use the first fill color, scale, or pattern.
      nc2 = dimsizes(tmp_colors)
      end_labels_on = True
      colors = tmp_colors(1:nc2-2)
      fill_scales = tmp_fill_scales(1:nc2-2)
      fill_patterns = tmp_fill_patterns(1:nc2-2)
      colors = tmp_colors
      fill_scales = tmp_fill_scales
      fill_patterns = tmp_fill_patterns
    end if
; Check if the fill mode is "RasterFill". If so, be sure to
; set lbRasterFillOn to True
      lbres@lbRasterFillOn = True
    end if
; Check if we want different fill patterns or fill scales. If so, we
; have to pass these on to the labelbar.
    lbres@lbMonoFillColor = mono_fill_col
      lbres@lbMonoFillPattern = False
      lbres@lbFillPatterns = fill_patterns
      lbres@lbFillDotSizeF = dot_size
      lbres@lbFillPattern = fill_pattern
    end if
      lbres@lbMonoFillScale = False
      lbres@lbFillScales = fill_scales
      lbres@lbFillDotSizeF = dot_size
      lbres@lbFillScaleF = fill_scale
    end if
    getvalues the_plot
      "vcLevels" : levels
      "vcLevelColors" : colors
      "vcLabelBarEndLabelsOn" : end_labels_on
      "lbLabelStrings" : lbstrings
    end getvalues
  end if
; Vector and Streamline don't have the xxLabelBarEndStyle resource
; implemented yet. So, based on setting of xxLabelBarEndLabelsOn,
; we can set the style.
  if(.not.isvar("end_labelbar_style")) then
    if(end_labels_on) then
      end_labelbar_style = 1
      end_labelbar_style = 0
    end if
  end if
; If user set cn/vcLabelBarEndLabelsOn to True or the LabelBarStyle
; resource to 1, then we need to add min/max labels. Use lbstrings (rather
; than actual min/max of data) because the labels will already be
; formatted correctly.
  if(end_labels_on) then
    if(end_labelbar_style.eq.1) then
      nlev = dimsizes(levels)
      newlevels = new(nlev+2,typeof(levels))
      newlevels(1:nlev) = levels
      newlevels(0) = stringtoxxx(lbstrings(0),typeof(newlevels))
      newlevels(nlev+1) = stringtoxxx(lbstrings(nlev+1),typeof(newlevels))
      levels = newlevels
    end if
  end if

  levels = fix_zero_contour(levels)

  labelbar_object = create_labelbar(wks,dimsizes(colors),colors,levels,lbres)

  anno = NhlAddAnnotation(plot,labelbar_object)

  attsetvalues_check(anno,amres) ; Set annotation resources.



; Procedure : set_pres_hgt_axes ;
; pres: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; add_hgt: logical ;
; ;
; This procedure sets some resources necessary to label the left and ;
; right Y axis with "nice" pressure and height values. The left axis is ;
; values, and the right for height values. The pressure values are ;
; assumed to be in millibars. ;
procedure set_pres_hgt_axes(pres:numeric,res:logical,add_hgt:logical)
local hgt, hnice, pnice, ptmp
    ptmp = tofloat_wunits(pres(::-1)) ; reverse values so descending order
    ptmp = tofloat_wunits(pres) ; Make sure values are floating point.
  end if

  end if

; Set up the "nice" pressure values for which to label the left axis.
    res@tmYLMode = "Explicit" ; Define own tick mark labels.
    res@tmYLValues = (/1000., 850., 700., 500., 400., 300., 250.,\
                         200., 150., 100., 70., 50., 30., 10./)
    res@tmYLLabels = (/"1000","850","700","500","400","300","250",\
                         "200","150","100", "70", "50", "30", "10"/)
    res@tmYLMinorOn= False ; No minor tick marks.
    set_attr(res,"tiYAxisString","Pressure (mb)")
  end if

; Calculate "nice" height values for which to label the right axis
    add_hgt = True
    hgt = gsn_geop_hgt(ptmp) ; Calculate hgts as a fcn of pres.
    hrange = fabs(hgt(0)-hgt(dimsizes(hgt)-1))
    if(hrange.le.35) then
      step = 4
      if(hrange.le.70) then
        step = 7
        step = 10
      end if
    end if
; If user has set the resource "tmYRTickSpacingF", then use this for
; the value of the height spacing, instead of our calculated values
; above. This value must be a "nice" value, like 1, 2, 4, etc.
    step = tointeger(get_res_value(res,"tmYRTickSpacingF",step))
                                            ; Set range of "nice" hgt values.
    hnice = tofloat(ispan(tointeger(floor(hgt(0))), \
    pnice = ftcurv(hgt,ptmp,hnice) ; Get pres vals at nice hgt vals.

    use_left = get_res_value_keep(res,"tmYUseLeft",False)
    yrvalues = get_res_value_keep(res,"tmYRValues",pnice)
    yrlabels = get_res_value_keep(res,"tmYRLabels",hnice)
    yron = get_res_value_keep(res,"tmYROn",True)
    yrlabelson = get_res_value_keep(res,"tmYRLabelsOn",True )
    yrminoron = get_res_value_keep(res,"tmYRMinorOn",False)
; At each "nice" pressure value put a "height" value label, unless
; the user has specified own labels. The user has to know what he's
; doing if he specifies own labels, because the values must be in pressure
; units, not height units.
    if(.not.isatt(res,"tmYRValues")) then
      res@tmYRValues = yrvalues
    end if
    if(.not.isatt(res,"tmYRLabels")) then
      res@tmYRLabels = yrlabels
    end if
    res@tmYRMode = "Explicit"
    res@tmYUseLeft = use_left
    res@tmYROn = yron
    res@tmYRLabelsOn = yrlabelson
    res@tmYRMinorOn = yrminoron
    add_hgt = False
  end if

; Function : fill_xy_ref ;
; wks: graphic ;
; xy: graphic ;
; xin[*]: numeric ;
; yin[*]: numeric ;
; ref: numeric ;
; ref_line_above_color: integer or string or RGB value ;
; ref_line_below_color: integer or string or RGB value ;
; ;
; Take a set of X and Y points, and fill the Y points in one color if ;
; they are above the ref line, and in another color if they are below ;
; the ref line. ;
function fill_xy_ref(wks:graphic,xy:graphic,xin[*]:numeric,yin[*]:numeric,\
local npts, yabove_gon, ybelow_gon, i, gsresa, gsresb, gsresr, \
fill_above, fill_below

  npts = dimsizes(yin)

  anumgons = 0 ; Count the number of polygons
  bnumgons = 0
    gsresa = True
    gsresa@gsFillColor = ref_line_above_color
; First count the number of the above-the-y-reference-line polygons we
; need to create.
    igon = 0
    create_gon = False
    do i=0,npts-1
            igon = 1
            igon = igon + 1
          end if
          if(i.eq.npts-1) ; On the last point.
            create_gon = True
          end if
          create_gon = True
        end if
        create_gon = True
      end if ; not ismissing
          anumgons = anumgons + 1
        end if
        igon = 0
        create_gon = False
      end if
    end do
  end if

    gsresb = True
    gsresb@gsFillColor = ref_line_below_color
; First count the number of the above-the-y-reference-line polygons we
; need to create.
    igon = 0
    create_gon = False
    do i=0,npts-1
            igon = 1
            igon = igon + 1
          end if
          if(i.eq.npts-1) ; On the last point.
            create_gon = True
          end if
          create_gon = True
        end if
        create_gon = True
      end if ; not ismissing
          bnumgons = bnumgons + 1
        end if
        igon = 0
        create_gon = False
      end if
    end do
  end if
  if(anumgons.gt.0.or.bnumgons.gt.0) then
    polygons = new(anumgons+bnumgons,graphic)
    polygons = new(1,graphic)
  end if
; Loop through and add above-ref-line polygons.
  ngons = 0
    igon = 0
    create_gon = False
    do i=0,npts-1
            xabove_line = new(npts+2,typeof(xin))
            yabove_line = new(npts+2,typeof(yin))
            yabove_line(0) = yin(i)
            xabove_line(0) = xin(i)
            igon = 1
            xabove_line(igon) = xin(i)
            yabove_line(igon) = yin(i)
            igon = igon + 1
          end if
          if(i.eq.npts-1) ; On the last point.
            create_gon = True
          end if
          create_gon = True
        end if
        create_gon = True
      end if ; not ismissing
          yabove_gon = new((/igon+3/),typeof(yin))
          xabove_gon = new((/igon+3/),typeof(xin))
; Close up and draw polygon
            xabove_gon(0) = xabove_line(0)
            yabove_gon(0) = ref
            xabove_gon(1:igon) = xabove_line(0:igon-1)
            yabove_gon(1:igon) = yabove_line(0:igon-1)
            newgon = igon + 1
            xabove_gon(0:igon-1) = xabove_line(0:igon-1)
            yabove_gon(0:igon-1) = yabove_line(0:igon-1)
            newgon = igon
          end if
            xabove_gon(newgon) = xabove_line(igon-1)
            yabove_gon(newgon) = ref
            newgon = newgon + 1
          end if

          polygons(ngons) = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy,xabove_gon(0:newgon-1),\
          ngons = ngons + 1
; Delete temporary arrays so we can recreate them.
        end if
        igon = 0
        create_gon = False
      end if
    end do
  end if

; Loop through and add below-ref-line polygons.
  if(ref_line_below_color.ne.-1.and.bnumgons.gt.0) then
    igon = 0
    create_gon = False

    do i=0,npts-1
            xbelow_line = new(npts+2,typeof(xin))
            ybelow_line = new(npts+2,typeof(yin))
            ybelow_line(0) = yin(i)
            xbelow_line(0) = xin(i)
            igon = 1
            xbelow_line(igon) = xin(i)
            ybelow_line(igon) = yin(i)
            igon = igon + 1
          end if
          if(i.eq.npts-1) ; On the last point.
            create_gon = True
          end if
          create_gon = True
        end if
        create_gon = True
      end if ; not ismissing
          ybelow_gon = new((/igon+3/),typeof(yin))
          xbelow_gon = new((/igon+3/),typeof(xin))
; Close up and draw polygon
            xbelow_gon(0) = xbelow_line(0)
            ybelow_gon(0) = ref
            xbelow_gon(1:igon) = xbelow_line(0:igon-1)
            ybelow_gon(1:igon) = ybelow_line(0:igon-1)
            newgon = igon + 1
            xbelow_gon(0:igon-1) = xbelow_line(0:igon-1)
            ybelow_gon(0:igon-1) = ybelow_line(0:igon-1)
            newgon = igon
          end if
            xbelow_gon(newgon) = xbelow_line(igon-1)
            ybelow_gon(newgon) = ref
            newgon = newgon + 1
          end if

          polygons(ngons) = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy,xbelow_gon(0:newgon-1), \
          ngons = ngons + 1
; Delete temporary arrays so we can recreate them.
        end if
        igon = 0
        create_gon = False
      end if
    end do
  end if

; Function : fill_bw_xy ;
; ;
; This function takes "n" Y or X curves, defined on the same set of X ;
; or Y points, and fills the area between each adjacent curves with ;
; some given color. Depending on options set by the user, the areas ;
; between curves can be filled differently if one is greater than ;
; another. ;
; ;
function fill_bw_xy(wks,plot,xx:numeric,yy:numeric,res:logical)
local y1_gt_y2, y1, y2, i, ab, bpt, ept, x, y, color, first, last, \
dsizes_y, rank_y, ncurves, npts, ppts, ppts2, res2, above_fill_colors, \
below_fill_colors, gsres, dum, fill_x, xi, yi
; Determine whether we're filling between Y curves or X curves.
  ndimsx = dimsizes(xx)
  ndimsy = dimsizes(yy)
  rankx = dimsizes(ndimsx)
  ranky = dimsizes(ndimsy)

  if(rankx.eq.1.and.ranky.eq.2) then
    fill_x = False
    xi = xx
    yi = yy
    if(rankx.eq.2.and.ranky.eq.1) then
      fill_x = True
      xi = yy
      yi = xx
      print("fill_bw_xy: Error: If filling between two curves, one set must be 2D, and the other 1D.")
    end if
  end if

; Check length of arrays.
  dsizes_y = dimsizes(yi)
  npts = dimsizes(xi)
  ncurves = dsizes_y(0)

  if(dsizes_y(1).ne.npts) then
    print("fill_bw_xy: Error: The rightmost dimension of both arrays must be the same.")
  end if

  if(ncurves.le.1) then
    print("fill_bw_xy: Error: The leftmost dimension of input array must be at least 2.")
  end if

    print("fill_bw_xy: Error: The input array cannot contain any missing values")
  end if

  if(.not.res) then
    return(plot) ; No resources set, so just return.
  end if

  if(.not.isatt(res,"gsnXYFillColors").and. \
     .not.isatt(res,"gsnXYAboveFillColors").and. \
     .not.isatt(res,"gsnXYBelowFillColors").and. \
     .not.isatt(res,"gsnXYRightFillColors").and. \
     .not.isatt(res,"gsnXYLeftFillColors")) then
    return(plot) ; No resources set, so just return.
  end if
; Check resources. There are five possible resources:
; gsnXYFillColors
; gsnXYAboveFillColors
; gsnXYBelowFillColors
; gsnXYRightFillColors
; gsnXYLeftFillColors
; If the first one is set, it overwrites the others. If
; none of them are set, then no fill color will be used.
; To make things a little easier, above==right and below==left
  res2 = res ; Make a copy
  if(res2) then
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYFillColors")) then
      above_fill_colors = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYFillColors",-1)
      below_fill_colors = above_fill_colors
      dum = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYAboveFillColors",-1)
      dum = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBelowFillColors",-1)
      dum = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYRightFillColors",-1)
      dum = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYLeftFillColors",-1)
      if(fill_x) then
        above_fill_colors = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYRightFillColors",-1)
        below_fill_colors = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYLeftFillColors",-1)
        above_fill_colors = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYAboveFillColors",-1)
        below_fill_colors = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBelowFillColors",-1)
      end if
    end if
  end if

  nacol = dimsizes(above_fill_colors)
  nbcol = dimsizes(below_fill_colors)

; Convert input arrays to double.
  x = new(npts,double)
  y = new(dsizes_y,double,1.e36)
  x = (/xi/)
  y = (/yi/)

; Create arrays for storing polygon points.
  first = new(2,double)
  last = new(2,double)
  polygon_x = new(2*npts+3,double)
  polygon_y = new(2*npts+3,double)

; Loop through each set of two curves, filling them as we go.
  gsres = True
  do n=0,ncurves-2
    y1 = yi(n,:) ; Grab the current curve
    y2 = yi(n+1,:) ; and the next curve.
    iacol = n % nacol
    ibcol = n % nbcol
; Compute a delta that will be used to determine if two points are
; actually the same point.
    range_y1 = max(y1) - min(y1)
    range_y2 = max(y2) - min(y2)

    delta_y1 = 0.01 * range_y1
    delta_y2 = 0.01 * range_y2
      delta = delta_y2
        delta = delta_y1
        delta = min((/delta_y1,delta_y2/))
      end if
    end if

    npoly = 0 ; Number of polygons
; First fill in polygons where y1 is above y2, and then fill in
; polygons where y2 is above y1.
    do ab = 0,1
      gsres@gsFillColor = above_fill_colors(iacol)
        y1 = (/yi(n+1,:)/)
        y2 = (/yi(n,:)/)
; Color for when first curve is > second curve
        delete(gsres@gsFillColor) ; just in case
        gsres@gsFillColor = below_fill_colors(ibcol)
      end if
; Get areas where y1 > y2.
      y1_gt_y2 = y1.gt.y2

      bpt = -1 ; Index of first point of polygon.
      ept = -1 ; Index of last point of polygon.
; Loop through points.
      do i=0,npts-1
            bpt = i
            ept = i
          end if
            ept = i
          end if
; Draw polygon. If bpt is the very first point or ept is the
; very last point, then these are special cases we have to
; handle separately.
              first(0) = (/ x(bpt) /)
              first(1) = (/ y2(bpt)/)
; If the two points are within delta of each other, then we'll
; consider them to be the same point.
                first(0) = (/ x(bpt-1) /)
                first(1) = (/ y1(bpt-1) /)
; Otherwise, find the intersection where the two curves cross.
                first = find_cross_xy(x(bpt-1),x(bpt),y1(bpt-1), \
              end if
            end if
              last(0) = (/ x(ept) /)
              last(1) = (/ y2(ept) /)
; If the two points are within delta of each other, then we'll
; consider them to be the same point.
                last(0) = (/ x(ept+1) /)
                last(1) = (/ y1(ept+1) /)
; Otherwise, find the intersection where the two curves cross.
                last = find_cross_xy(x(ept),x(ept+1),y1(ept),y1(ept+1), \
              end if
            end if
; Initialize polygon.
            ppts = ept - bpt + 1
            ppts2 = ppts * 2
            polygon_x(0) = (/first(0)/)
            polygon_y(0) = (/first(1)/)
            polygon_x(1:ppts) = x(bpt:ept)
            polygon_y(1:ppts) = y1(bpt:ept)
            polygon_x(ppts+1) = (/last(0)/)
            polygon_y(ppts+1) = (/last(1)/)
            polygon_x(ppts+2:ppts2+1) = x(ept:bpt)
            polygon_y(ppts+2:ppts2+1) = y2(ept:bpt)
            polygon_x(ppts2+2) = (/first(0)/)
            polygon_y(ppts2+2) = (/first(1)/)
; Make sure polygons get drawn *after* the plot gets drawn.
              setvalues plot
                "tfPolyDrawOrder" : "Predraw"
              end setvalues
            end if
; Add polygon to XY plot.
            var_string = unique_string("fill_polygon"+npoly)

            if(fill_x) then
              plot@$var_string$ = gsn_add_polygon(wks,plot, \
                                                  polygon_y(0:ppts2+2), \
              plot@$var_string$ = gsn_add_polygon(wks,plot, \
                                                  polygon_x(0:ppts2+2), \
            end if
; Advance polygon counter.
            npoly = npoly + 1
            bpt = -1 ; Reinitialize
            ept = -1
          end if
        end if
      end do
    end do
  end do

; Function : fill_xy2 ;
; ;
; This function is obsolete. Use resources gsnXYFillColors, ;
; gsnXYAboveFillColors, gsnXYBelowFillColors, gsnXYLeftFillColors, ;
; gsnXYRightFillColors. ;
; ;
; This function takes as input two Y curves, defined on the same set ;
; of X points, and fills the area between the two curves with two ;
; different colors, depending on which curve is above the other one. ;
; ;
function fill_xy2(wks,plot,xi[*]:numeric,yi1[*]:numeric,yi2[*]:numeric, \
local res, nx, ny1, ny2
; Check length of arrays.
  nx = dimsizes(xi)
  ny1 = dimsizes(yi1)
  ny2 = dimsizes(yi2)

    print("fill_xy2: Error: x and y arrays must be the same length and at least two elements")
  end if

  res = True
  res@gsnXYAboveFillColors = colora
  res@gsnXYBelowFillColors = colorb

; Function : get_lon_values ;
; min_lon: numeric ;
; max_lon: numeric ;
; lon_spacing: numeric ;
; mlon_spacing: numeric ;
; ;
; Calculate "nice" longitude values to use for placing longitude labels ;
; an axis. min_lon and max_lon are the min/max longitude values, and ;
; lon_spacing and mlon_spacing are the spacings to use for major and ;
; minor tickmarks. ;
function get_lon_values(min_lon:numeric,max_lon:numeric,lon_spacing:numeric,\
                        mlon_spacing:numeric,range_array,lonspacing_array, \
local lon_range, lcheck_arr, lspcng_arr, mlspcng_arr, lon_spcng, mlon_spcng, \
start_lon, end_lon, xstart_lon, xend_lon

; Initialize

    lcheck_arr = (/ 20, 40, 60, 360/) ; lon range will determine
                                      ; spacing of minor/major ticks
    lcheck_arr = range_array
  end if
    lspcng_arr = (/ 5, 10, 20, 30/) ; spacings for major ticks
    lspcng_arr = lonspacing_array
  end if

    mlspcng_arr = (/ 1, 2, 5, 10/) ; spacings for minor ticks
    mlspcng_arr = mlonspacing_array
  end if

; Longitude range, will help determine longitude spacing.

  lon_range = max_lon - min_lon ; lat/lon range

    print("get_lon_values: Warning: The range your of longitude values is greater than 360.")
    lon_ind = dimsizes(lcheck_arr)-1
    lon_ind = ind(lon_range.le.lcheck_arr)
  end if

    lon_spcng = lspcng_arr(lon_ind(0)) ; spacing for lon major tickmarks
    lon_spcng = tointeger(lon_spacing)
  end if

    mlon_spcng = mlspcng_arr(lon_ind(0)) ; spacing for lon minor tickmarks
    mlon_spcng = tointeger(mlon_spacing)
  end if
; This code will find the first integer value that is divisible
; by the major lon spacing value. This will end up being the first
; labeled longitude value.
   start_lon = floattointeger(ceil(tofloat(min_lon)))
   end_lon = floattointeger(floor(tofloat(max_lon)))
   lon = start_lon
   found = False
   do while(lon.le.end_lon.and..not.found)
     if((lon % lon_spcng).eq.0)
       start_lon = lon
       found = True
     end if
     lon = lon + 1
  end do

; Calculate values for major and minor lon tickmark locations.
  lon_values = ispan(start_lon,end_lon,lon_spcng)
  lon_values@minor = ispan(min(lon_values)-lon_spcng,max(lon_values)+lon_spcng,mlon_spcng)

; Function : get_lat_values ;
; min_lat: numeric ;
; max_lat: numeric ;
; lat_spacing: numeric ;
; mlat_spacing: numeric ;
; ;
; Calculate "nice" latitude values to use for placing latitude labels ;
; an axis. min_lat and max_lat are the min/max latitude values, and ;
; lat_spacing and mlat_spacing are the spacings to use for major and ;
; minor tickmarks. ;
function get_lat_values(min_lat:numeric,max_lat:numeric,lat_spacing:numeric,\
local lat_range, lcheck_arr, lspcng_arr, mlspcng_arr, lat_spcng, mlat_spcng, \
start_lat, end_lat, lat, found

; Initialize

  if(min_lat.lt.-90.or.max_lat.gt.90) then
    print("get_lat_values: Warning: Your latitude values do not fall between -90 and 90 inclusive.")
    print("You will not get 'nice' latitude labels.")
    lat_values = new(1,float,-999)
  end if

  lcheck_arr = (/ 20, 40, 60, 180/) ; lat range will determine
                                     ; spacing of minor/major ticks
  lspcng_arr = (/ 5, 10, 20, 30/) ; spacings for major ticks
  mlspcng_arr = (/ 1, 2, 5, 10/) ; spacings for minor ticks

; Latitude range, will help determine latitude spacing.

  lat_range = max_lat - min_lat ; lat/lat range

  lat_ind = ind(lat_range.le.lcheck_arr)
    lat_spcng = lspcng_arr(lat_ind(0)) ; spacing for lat major tickmarks
    lat_spcng = tointeger(lat_spacing)
  end if

    mlat_spcng = mlspcng_arr(lat_ind(0)) ; spacing for lat minor tickmarks
    mlat_spcng = tointeger(mlat_spacing)
  end if
; This code will find the first integer value that is divisible
; by the major lat spacing value. This will end up being the first
; labeled latitude value.
   start_lat = floattointeger(ceil(tofloat(min_lat)))
   end_lat = floattointeger(floor(tofloat(max_lat)))
   lat = start_lat
   found = False
   do while(lat.le.end_lat.and..not.found)
     if((lat % lat_spcng).eq.0)
       start_lat = lat
       found = True
     end if
     lat = lat + 1
  end do

; Calculate values for major and minor lat tickmark locations.
  lat_values = ispan(start_lat,end_lat,lat_spcng)
  lat_values@minor = ispan(min(lat_values)-lat_spcng,max(lat_values)+lat_spcng,mlat_spcng)

; Function : get_lon_labels ;
; lon_values[*]: numeric ;
; ;
; Return some nice longitude labels given longitude values "lon_values".;
function get_lon_labels(lon_values:numeric)
local lon_index
  lon_labels = new(dimsizes(lon_values),string)

; -180 < lon < 0 (west)

  lon_index = ind((lon_values).lt.0)
    lon_labels(lon_index) = fabs(lon_values(lon_index)) + "W" ; west
  end if

; 0 < lon < 180 (east)

  lon_index = ind(lon_values.gt.0.and.lon_values.lt.180)
    lon_labels(lon_index) = lon_values(lon_index) + "E" ; east
  end if

; 180 < lon < 360 (west)

  lon_index = ind(lon_values.gt.180.and.lon_values.lt.360)
    lon_labels(lon_index) = 360-lon_values(lon_index) + "W" ; west
  end if

; 360 < lon < 540 (east)

  lon_index = ind(lon_values.gt.360.and.lon_values.lt.540)
    lon_labels(lon_index) = lon_values(lon_index)-360 + "E" ; east
  end if

; 540 < lon < 720 (west)

  lon_index = ind(lon_values.gt.540.and.lon_values.lt.720)
    lon_labels(lon_index) = 540-lon_values(lon_index) + "W" ; west
  end if

; lon = +/-180 or lon=540 (180)

  lon_index = ind(fabs(lon_values).eq.180.or.lon_values.eq.540)
    lon_labels(lon_index) = "180"
  end if

; lon=0, lon=360, or lon=720 (0)

  lon_index = ind(lon_values.eq.0.or.lon_values.eq.360.or.lon_values.eq.720)
      lon_labels(lon_index) = "0"
  end if


; Function : get_lat_labels ;
; lat_values[*]: numeric ;
; ;
; Return some nice latitude labels given latitude values "lat_values". ;
function get_lat_labels(lat_values:numeric)
local lat_index

; Create labels for latitude tick marks.
  lat_labels = new(dimsizes(lat_values),string)

  lat_index = ind(lat_values.lt.0)
     lat_labels(lat_index) = fabs(lat_values(lat_index)) + "S" ; south
  end if

  lat_index = ind(lat_values.gt.0)
    lat_labels(lat_index) = lat_values(lat_index) + "N" ; north
  end if

  lat_index = ind(lat_values.eq.0)
    lat_labels(lat_index) = lat_values(lat_index) ; equator
  end if

; Function : add_lon_labels ;
; plot: graphic ;
; min_lon: numeric ;
; max_lon: numeric ;
; lon_spacing: numeric ;
; mlon_spacing: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; ;
; Add "nice" longitude labels ("120W", "60E", etc) to the X axis. ;
procedure add_lon_labels(plot:graphic,min_lon:numeric,max_lon:numeric,\
                         range_array,lonspacing_array,mlonspacing_array, \
local tmres, lonvalues, lonlabels
  tmres = get_res_eq(res,(/"tm","ti"/)) ; Get tickmark resources

  lon_spacing2 = get_res_value(tmres,"tmXBTickSpacingF",lon_spacing)
  lonvalues = get_lon_values(min_lon,max_lon,lon_spacing2,mlon_spacing,\
    lonlabels = get_lon_labels(lonvalues)

    tmres = True
    set_attr(tmres,"tmXBMode" , "Explicit")
    set_attr(tmres,"tmXBLabels" , lonlabels)
    set_attr(tmres,"tmXBValues" , lonvalues)
    set_attr(tmres,"tmXBMinorValues" , lonvalues@minor)
; If the user has set tiXAxisString explicitly, then don't set tiXAxisOn
; to False.
      set_attr(tmres,"tiXAxisOn" , False)
    end if
  end if

; Procedure : add_lat_labels_xaxis ;
; plot: graphic ;
; min_lat: numeric ;
; max_lat: numeric ;
; lat_spacing: numeric ;
; mlat_spacing: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; ;
; ;
; Add "nice" latitude labels ("90S", "30N", etc) to the X axis in ;
; "plot". ;
procedure add_lat_labels_xaxis(plot:graphic,min_lat:numeric,max_lat:numeric,\
                               lat_spacing:numeric,mlat_spacing:numeric, \
local tmres, latvalues, latlabels
  tmres = get_res_eq(res,(/"tm","ti"/)) ; Get tickmark resources

  lat_spacing2 = get_res_value(tmres,"tmXBTickSpacingF",lat_spacing)
  latvalues = get_lat_values(min_lat,max_lat,lat_spacing2,mlat_spacing)
    latlabels = get_lat_labels(latvalues)

    tmres = True
    set_attr(tmres,"tmXBMode" , "Explicit")
    set_attr(tmres,"tmXBLabels" , latlabels)
    set_attr(tmres,"tmXBValues" , latvalues)
    set_attr(tmres,"tmXBMinorValues" , latvalues@minor)
; If the user has set tiXAxisString explicitly, then don't set tiXAxisOn
; to False.
      set_attr(tmres,"tiXAxisOn" , False)
    end if

  end if


; Procedure : add_lat_labels_yaxis ;
; plot: graphic ;
; min_lat: numeric ;
; max_lat: numeric ;
; lat_spacing: numeric ;
; mlat_spacing: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; ;
; Add "nice" latitude labels ("90S", "30N", etc) to the Y axis in ;
; "plot". ;
procedure add_lat_labels_yaxis(plot:graphic,min_lat:numeric,max_lat:numeric,\
                               lat_spacing:numeric,mlat_spacing:numeric, \)
local tmres, latvalues, latlabels
  tmres = get_res_eq(res,(/"tm","ti"/)) ; Get tickmark resources

  lat_spacing2 = get_res_value(tmres,"tmYLTickSpacingF",lat_spacing)
  latvalues = get_lat_values(min_lat,max_lat,lat_spacing2,mlat_spacing)
    latlabels = get_lat_labels(latvalues)

    tmres = True
    set_attr(tmres,"tmYLMode" , "Explicit")
    set_attr(tmres,"tmYLLabels" , latlabels)
    set_attr(tmres,"tmYLValues" , latvalues)
    set_attr(tmres,"tmYLMinorValues" , latvalues@minor)
; If the user has set tiYAxisString explicitly, then don't set tiYAxisOn
; to False.
      set_attr(tmres,"tiYAxisOn" , False)
    end if
  end if

; Procedure : add_latlon_labels ;
; plot: graphic ;
; data: numeric ;
; res: logical ;
; ;
; Add "nice" latitude/longitude labels ("90S", "30N", etc) to the X/Y ;
; axes if the appropriate lat/lon coordinate arrays exist. ;
; ;
procedure add_latlon_labels(plot:graphic,data:numeric,res:logical)
local min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, lat_spacing
; If the plot coming in is an XY plot, then it won't have
; coordinate variables associated with it. Instead, we have
; to determine if it's the X or Y data coming in, and then see
; if the data contains a valid "units" attribute.
  is_xyplot = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnXYPlot", False)
  is_xaxis = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnXAxis", False)
  is_yaxis = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnYAxis", False)

  if((is_xyplot.and.is_xaxis.and.isatt(data,"units").and. \
      any(data@units.eq.get_allowed_lat_units)).or. \
     (.not.is_xyplot.and.is_valid_latlon_coord(data,"x","lat",res))) then

; Label X axis with nice latitude labels.

    getvalues plot
      "trXMinF" : min_lat
      "trXMaxF" : max_lat
    end getvalues

    if((is_xyplot.and.is_xaxis.and.isatt(data,"units").and. \
        any(data@units.eq.get_allowed_lon_units)).or. \
       (.not.is_xyplot.and.is_valid_latlon_coord(data,"x","lon",res))) then

; Label X axis with nice longitude labels.

      getvalues plot
        "trXMinF" : min_lon
        "trXMaxF" : max_lon
      end getvalues
; We want different defaults for longitude spacing, so set them up here.
      lon_range = (/ 20, 40, 60, 180, 360/)
      lon_spacing_arr = (/ 10, 20, 30, 45, 60/)
      mlon_spacing_arr = (/ 5, 5, 10, 15, 30/)

      add_lon_labels(plot,min_lon,max_lon,0,0,lon_range, \
; Only set a X axis label if it is not a lon axis.
      if((is_xyplot.and.is_xaxis).or..not.is_xyplot) then
      end if
    end if
  end if

  if((is_xyplot.and.is_yaxis.and.isatt(data,"units").and. \
      any(data@units.eq.get_allowed_lat_units)).or. \
     (.not.is_xyplot.and.is_valid_latlon_coord(data,"y","lat",res))) then

; Label Y axis with nice latitude labels.

    getvalues plot
      "trYMinF" : min_lat
      "trYMaxF" : max_lat
    end getvalues

; Only set a Y axis label if it is not a lat axis.
    if((is_xyplot.and.is_yaxis).or..not.is_xyplot) then
    end if
  end if

; Procedure : add_map_tickmarks ;
; plot:object ;
; res:logical ;
; font_height:numeric ;
; ;
; This procedure adds tickmarks to a C.E. map projection. ;
procedure add_map_tickmarks(wks:graphic,map:graphic,tmres:logical, \
local vpxf, vpyf, vpwf, vphf, min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat, \
center_lon, lonvalues, latvalues, lonlabels, latlabels, tickmark
; Retrieve the view port location of the map plot so we know where
; to put lat/lon labels.

    getvalues map
      "vpXF" : vpxf
      "vpYF" : vpyf
      "vpWidthF" : vpwf
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
      "mpLimitMode" : limit_mode
    end getvalues
; We allow either mpLimitMode to be "LatLon" (1) or "Corners" (5)
      getvalues map
        "mpMinLonF" : min_lon
        "mpMaxLonF" : max_lon
        "mpMinLatF" : min_lat
        "mpMaxLatF" : max_lat
        "mpCenterLonF" : center_lon
      end getvalues
        getvalues map
          "mpLeftCornerLonF" : min_lon
          "mpRightCornerLonF" : max_lon
          "mpLeftCornerLatF" : min_lat
          "mpRightCornerLatF" : max_lat
          "mpCenterLonF" : center_lon
        end getvalues
        print("add_map_tickmarks: Warning: you cannot use mpLimitMode=" + limit_mode + " with the gsm_csm_map routines")
      end if
    end if

; Create tickmark values for lat/lon labels.

    lonvalues = get_lon_values(min_lon,max_lon,lon_spacing,mlon_spacing,0,0,0)
    latvalues = get_lat_values(min_lat,max_lat,lat_spacing,mlat_spacing)

; Create labels for lat/lon tick marks.

    latlabels = get_lat_labels(latvalues)
    lonlabels = get_lon_labels(lonvalues)

; Create a TickMark object to label lat/lon grid.

    tickmark = create "tickmarks" tickMarkClass wks
       "vpXF" : vpxf ; Set the viewport location of the
       "vpYF" : vpyf ; tick marks to be the same as
       "vpWidthF" : vpwf ; the map.
       "vpHeightF" : vphf

       "tmYLDataBottomF" : min_lat ; Use the lat/lon limits
       "tmYLDataTopF" : max_lat ; from the coordinate variables.
       "tmXBDataLeftF" : min_lon
       "tmXBDataRightF" : max_lon

       "tmXBMode" : "Explicit" ; Indicate that we want to
       "tmXBLabels" : lonlabels ; explicitly label the X axis.
       "tmXBValues" : lonvalues
       "tmXBMinorValues" : lonvalues@minor

       "tmYLMode" : "Explicit" ; Indicate that we want to
       "tmYLLabels" : latlabels ; explicitly label the Y axis.
       "tmYLValues" : latvalues
       "tmYLMinorValues" : latvalues@minor
    end create


; Point tick marks outward and make labels the same size.


; Add the tick mark object as an annotation of the map object, so that
; whenever the map object is drawn the tick mark object will also be
; drawn. It will also be rescaled automatically.
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(map,tickmark)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 0 ; Zone 0 centers tick marks over map.
      "amResizeNotify" : True ; Resize tick marks if map resized.
    end setvalues

    map@tickmarks = tickmark


; Function : gsn_add_cyclic_point ;
; data : numeric ;
; ;
; Add a cyclic point in "x" to the 2D array "data". ;
; For a lat/lon plot "x" corresponds to "lon" ;
; "ny" corresponds to "nlat" ;
; "mx" corresponds to "mlon" ;
; ;
; If a lat/lon coordinate doesn't exist, then the data is tested to see ;
; if it contains a lat2d/lon2d attribute, and uses this instead. ;
function gsn_add_cyclic_point(data:numeric)
local dims, newdata, ny, mx, mx1, range, delta, first_val, second_val, \
; If the data is 1D, no cyclic point should be added.
    dims = dimsizes(data)
    if(dimsizes(dims).eq.1) then
    end if

    ny = dims(0)
    mx = dims(1)
    mx1 = mx+1

    newdata = new((/ny, mx1/),typeof(data))
    newdata(:,0:mx-1) = data ; pass everything
    newdata(:,mx) = (/ data(:,0) /) ; value only
; Only check the longitude values if we are dealing with a 1D coordinate
; array. It is possible that if we have a 2D longitudate "coordinate"
; array, it will not be 360 in range, so we don't want to check 2D arrays.
    res = False
    if(is_valid_latlon_coord(newdata,"x","lon",res)) then
      first_val = newdata&$newdata!1$(0)
      second_val = newdata&$newdata!1$(1)
      last_val = newdata&$newdata!1$(mx-1)
      delta = second_val - first_val
      range = last_val - first_val

        print("gsn_add_cyclic: Warning: The range of your longitude coordinate array is at least 360.")
        print("You may want to set gsnAddCyclic to False to avoid a warning")
        print("message from the spline function.")
      end if
        print("gsn_add_cyclic: Warning: The range of your longitude data is not 360.")
        print("You may want to set gsnAddCyclic to False to avoid a warning")
        print("message from the spline function.")
      end if
      if(.not.(isatt(newdata,"lon2d").and.isatt(newdata,"lat2d"))) then
        if(.not.all(dimsizes(newdata@lon2d).eq.dimsizes(newdata@lat2d))) then
          print("gsn_add_cyclic: Warning: Your lat2d/lon2d attributes must have the same dimension sizes.")
        end if
      end if
    end if

    if(is_valid_latlon_coord(newdata,"x","lon",res)) then
      newdata&$newdata!1$(mx) = newdata&$newdata!1$(0) + 360
; Have to store lat2d/lon2d to a local variable, because NCL
; doesn't let you subscript attributes that are greater than
; one dimension.
      lon2d = newdata@lon2d
      lat2d = newdata@lat2d
      lon_dims = dimsizes(lon2d)
      nlat = lon_dims(0)
      nlon = lon_dims(1)
      nlon1 = nlon+1
      new_lon2d = new((/nlat,nlon1/),typeof(lon2d))
      new_lat2d = new((/nlat,nlon1/),typeof(lat2d))
      new_lon2d(:,0:nlon-1) = lon2d
      new_lon2d(:,nlon) = lon2d(:,0)
      new_lat2d(:,0:nlon-1) = lat2d
      new_lat2d(:,nlon) = lat2d(:,0)

      newdata@lon2d = new_lon2d
      newdata@lat2d = new_lat2d

    end if

; Function : pop_tick_locs ;
; lonorlat : numeric ;
; locs : numeric ;
; ;
; This function calculates tickmark values for placing tick marks on a ;
; plot that has a POP grid overlaid on it. ;
; ;
function pop_tick_locs(lonorlat,locs)
local ret, i, in, j1, j0
    ret = new(dimsizes(locs),typeof(lonorlat))
    do i =0 , dimsizes(locs)-1
        in = ind(lonorlat.gt.locs(i))
        j1 = in(0)
        j0 = in(0)-1
        ret(i) = j0 + (lonorlat(j1)-locs(i))/(lonorlat(j1) -lonorlat(j0))
    end do

; Procedure : pop_latlon_grid ;
; wks: graphic ;
; plot: graphic ;
; popgrid: string ;
; ;
; This procedure overlays a POP grid on a plot. ;
procedure pop_latlon_grid(wks:graphic,plot:graphic,popgrid:string)
local latlon_res, tmplon, lat_object, lon_object, valid_popgrids, \
popgrid_dir, popgrid_files, i, found
; Open POP grid that contains lat/lon information.
    popgrid_dir = "/fs/cgd/data0/shea/pop/"
    valid_popgrids = (/"POP23"/) ; list of valid POP grids
    popgrid_files = (/"POP23PCM.nc"/) ; list of corresponding POP files

      print("pop_latlon_grid: "+popgrid+" is not a supported POP grid.")
      print(" Supported POP grids include: " + valid_popgrids)
      print(" No grid will be overlaid.")
    end if

    i = 0
    found = False
    do while(i.lt.dimsizes(valid_popgrids).and..not.found)
        a = addfile(popgrid_dir + popgrid_files(i),"r")
        found = True
      end if
      i = i + 1
    end do
; Set up list of latitude and longitude resources.
    latlon_res = True
    latlon_res@gsnDraw = False
    latlon_res@gsnFrame = False
    latlon_res@cnInfoLabelOn = False
    latlon_res@cnLineLabelsOn = False
    latlon_res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
    latlon_res@cnMinLevelValF = -90
    latlon_res@cnMaxLevelValF = 90
    latlon_res@cnLevelSpacingF = 15
    latlon_res@cnLineDashPattern = 10

    lat_object = gsn_contour(wks,a->LAT,latlon_res)

    tmplon = a->LON - 360.0
    tmplon(242:,190) = -999.0
    tmplon@_FillValue = -999.0

    latlon_res@cnMinLevelValF = -90
    latlon_res@cnMaxLevelValF = 270
    lon_object = gsn_contour(wks,tmplon,latlon_res)

    setvalues plot
      "tmXBMode" : "Explicit"
      "tmXBValues" : pop_tick_locs((a->LON(0,:)-360.0),\
      "tmXBLabels" : (/"90W","45W","0","45E","90E","135E",\
      "tmYLMode" : "EXPLICIT"
      "tmYLValues" : pop_tick_locs(a->LAT(:,0),\
      "tmYLLabels" : (/"75S","60S","45S","30S","15S","EQ",\
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : 0.015
      "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : 0.015
      "tmXBMajorLengthF" : 0.0001
      "tmYLMajorLengthF" : 0.0001
    end setvalues

    overlay(plot,lat_object) ; Overlay latitude/longitude
    overlay(plot,lon_object) ; lines on plot.

; Function : mask_lambert_conformal ;
; wks: graphic ;
; maplc: graphic ;
; minlat: numeric ;
; maxlat: numeric ;
; minlon: numeric ;
; maxlon: numeric ;
; maskoutln: logical ;
; res: logical ;
; ;
; Given a lambert conformal projection, and min/max lat/lon coords, ;
; this function will mask the map outside the boundaries defined by ;
; the coords. maskoutln determines whether the area will be outlined ;
; in the foreground color. "res" is an optional list of resources. ;
; ;
; Note, due to the nature of Lambert Conformal plots, lon labels ;
; cannot be automatically drawn on this type of plot. ;
; ;
; Programming Note: The function expects longitude input data to ;
; range from -360:180E. If this is not the case, the function ;
; will alter the min/max to be in that range. ;
; ;
function mask_lambert_conformal(wks:graphic, maplc:graphic, minlat:numeric,\
                                maxlat:numeric, minlon:numeric, \
                                maxlon:numeric, maskoutln, res)
local pres, var_string, maplc, mpres, tmplat, vpx, vpy, vpw, vph, \
xlft, xrgt, ytop, ybot, nscirc, nncirc, nxpoly, nypoly, sxpoly, sypoly, \
var_string, scirc_xndc, scirc_yndc, ncirc_xndc, ncirc_yndc, mask_outline, \
xmnlnmnlt, ymnlnmnlt, xmnlnmxlt, ymnlnmxlt, \
xmxlnmnlt, ymxlnmnlt, xmxlnmxlt, ymxlnmxlt, is_nh
; Some error checking.
  if(maxlat.gt.0.and.minlat.lt.0) then
    print("mask_lambert_conformal: warning: you are not authorized to specify.")
    print(" a maxlat that is above the equator and a minlat that is below")
    print(" the equator. No masking will take place.")
  end if

  if (minlon.gt.maxlon) then
     print("mask_lambert_conformal: warning: Minimum longitude is greated than")
     print(" maximum, subtracting 360 from minumum.")
     minlon = minlon - 360
     print("minlon = "+minlon+", maxlon = "+maxlon)
  end if
  if (minlat.gt.maxlat) then
     print("mask_lambert_conformal: warning: Minimum latitude is greater than")
     print(" maximum, swapping the two.")
     tmplat = minlat
     minlat = maxlat
     maxlat = tmplat
     print("minlat = "+minlat+", maxlat = "+maxlat)
  end if
  if (minlon.ge.180.and.maxlon.gt.180) then
     minlon = minlon - 360
     maxlon = maxlon - 360
  end if
  if (minlon.lt.180.and.maxlon.ge.180) then
     minlon = minlon - 360
     maxlon = maxlon - 360
  end if
; Set up list of map resources. The user should have already created a
; lambert conformal map, but just in case he/she didn't, it will be done
; here. Some of these resources may have already been set by the user, so
; be sure to use these values.
  meridian = minlon + (maxlon - minlon)/2.
  mpres = True
  if(isatt(res,"mpProjection")) then
    iproj = res@mpProjection
       (typeof(iproj).eq."string".and. \
        lower_case(iproj).ne."lambertconformal")) then
      print("mask_lambert_conformal: warning: you are using a projection other")
      print(" than LambertConformal. Unexpected results will likely occur.")
    end if
  end if

  mpres@mpProjection = get_res_value_keep(res,"mpProjection", \

  if(isatt(res,"mpLimitMode")) then
    need_to_set_limits = False
    need_to_set_limits = True
    mpres@mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
  end if
  mpres@mpLambertMeridianF = get_res_value_keep(res, \
  if (minlat.lt.0) then
     mpres@mpLambertParallel1F = get_res_value_keep(res, \
     mpres@mpLambertParallel2F = get_res_value_keep(res, \
                                 "mpLambertParallel2F",-89.999 )
     mpres@mpLambertParallel1F = get_res_value_keep(res, \
                                 "mpLambertParallel1F", 0.001)
     mpres@mpLambertParallel2F = get_res_value_keep(res, \
                                 "mpLambertParallel2F",89.999 )
  end if
; Determine whether we are in the southern or northern hemisphere.
  if(minlat.ge.0) then
    is_nh = True
    is_nh = False
  end if

; If the user hasn't already set the limits of the map, then set them
; here. Make sure there's some space around the area we want to mask.
  if(need_to_set_limits) then
      mpres@mpMinLatF = max((/minlat-0.5, 0/))
      mpres@mpMaxLatF = min((/maxlat+0.5, 90/))
      mpres@mpMinLatF = max((/minlat-0.5,-90/))
      mpres@mpMaxLatF = min((/maxlat+0.5, 0/))
    end if
    mpres@mpMinLonF = minlon-0.5
    mpres@mpMaxLonF = maxlon+0.5
  end if

; These draw order resources are necessary to make sure the map
; outlines, lat/lon lines, and perimeter gets drawn *after* the
; masking polygons are drawn.
  mpres@mpOutlineDrawOrder = get_res_value_keep(res, \
  mpres@mpGridAndLimbDrawOrder = get_res_value_keep(res, \
  mpres@mpPerimDrawOrder = get_res_value_keep(res, \

; This section is to get rid of some of the remnants that appear around the
; edges of the plot, even after the masking is done. To accomplish this,
; tickmarks are being turned on, but only the border is being drawn in the
; background color. Since things like streamlines can *still* leave
; remnants, even with this extra code, we have put in a hook to allow the
; user to specify the thickness of the border line.
  mpres@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
  mpres@tmXBLabelsOn = False
  mpres@tmXTLabelsOn = False
  mpres@tmYLLabelsOn = False
  mpres@tmYRLabelsOn = False
  mpres@tmYLOn = False
  mpres@tmYROn = False
  mpres@tmXBOn = False
  mpres@tmXTOn = False
  mpres@tmBorderLineColor = "background"
  mpres@tmBorderThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(res, \
; Now that we've set all these resources, apply them to the map.

; Thus begins the section for creating the two masking polygons.
; The polygons must be drawn in NDC, because trying to draw them in
; lat/lon space is not a good use of time and produces unpredictable
; results.
; Get viewport coordinates and calculate NDC positionsd of the
; four corners of the plot.
  getvalues maplc
    "vpXF" : vpx
    "vpYF" : vpy
    "vpWidthF" : vpw
    "vpHeightF" : vph
  end getvalues

  xlft = vpx
  xrgt = vpx + vpw
  ytop = vpy
  ybot = vpy - vph

; Calculate NDC coordinates of four corners of area defined by min/max
; lat/lon coordinates.
  xmnlnmnlt = new(1,float) ; (minlon,minlat)
  ymnlnmnlt = new(1,float)
  xmxlnmnlt = new(1,float) ; (maxlon,minlat)
  ymxlnmnlt = new(1,float)
  xmnlnmxlt = new(1,float) ; (minlon,maxlat)
  ymnlnmxlt = new(1,float)
  xmxlnmxlt = new(1,float) ; (maxlon,maxlat)
  ymxlnmxlt = new(1,float)

  datatondc(maplc, tofloat(minlon), tofloat(minlat), xmnlnmnlt, ymnlnmnlt)
  datatondc(maplc, tofloat(maxlon), tofloat(minlat), xmxlnmnlt, ymxlnmnlt)
  datatondc(maplc, tofloat(minlon), tofloat(maxlat), xmnlnmxlt, ymnlnmxlt)
  datatondc(maplc, tofloat(maxlon), tofloat(maxlat), xmxlnmxlt, ymxlnmxlt)

; Calculate NDC coordinates of southern hemisphere semi-circle.
  nscirc = 100
  scirc_xndc = new(nscirc,float)
  scirc_yndc = new(nscirc,float)
  scirc_lon = new(nscirc,float)
  scirc_lat = new(nscirc,float)
  scirc_lon = fspan(maxlon,minlon,nscirc)
  scirc_lat = minlat

; Calculate NDC coordinates of northern hemisphere semi-circle.
  nncirc = 100
  ncirc_xndc = new(nncirc,float)
  ncirc_yndc = new(nncirc,float)
  ncirc_lon = new(nncirc,float)
  ncirc_lat = new(nncirc,float)
  ncirc_lon = fspan(maxlon,minlon,nncirc)
  ncirc_lat = maxlat

; Create two polygons in NDC space (northern and southern hemisphere),
; using all the coordinates we gathered above. The two polygons will be
; set differently depending on whether we're in the northern or
; southern hemisphere. Yes, we could do this with one polygon, but it's
; a little cleaner this way, trust me.
  if(is_nh) then
    nxpoly = new(nncirc+7,float)
    nypoly = new(nncirc+7,float)
    sxpoly = new(nscirc+5,float)
    sypoly = new(nscirc+5,float)
    nxpoly = new(nncirc+5,float)
    nypoly = new(nncirc+5,float)
    sxpoly = new(nscirc+7,float)
    sypoly = new(nscirc+7,float)
  end if
; Define masking polygons for map that is in the northern hemisphere.
  if(is_nh) then
    nxpoly(0) = xrgt
    nypoly(0) = ymxlnmnlt
    nxpoly(1) = xmxlnmnlt
    nypoly(1) = ymxlnmnlt
    nxpoly(2:nncirc+1) = ncirc_xndc
    nypoly(2:nncirc+1) = ncirc_yndc
    nxpoly(nncirc+2) = xmnlnmnlt
    nypoly(nncirc+2) = ymnlnmnlt
    nxpoly(nncirc+3) = xlft
    nypoly(nncirc+3) = ymnlnmnlt
    nxpoly(nncirc+4) = xlft
    nypoly(nncirc+4) = ytop
    nxpoly(nncirc+5) = xrgt
    nypoly(nncirc+5) = ytop
    nxpoly(nncirc+6) = xrgt
    nypoly(nncirc+6) = ymxlnmnlt

    sxpoly(0) = xrgt
    sypoly(0) = ymxlnmnlt
    sxpoly(1:nscirc) = scirc_xndc
    sypoly(1:nscirc) = scirc_yndc
    sxpoly(nscirc+1) = xlft
    sypoly(nscirc+1) = ymnlnmnlt
    sxpoly(nscirc+2) = xlft
    sypoly(nscirc+2) = ybot
    sxpoly(nscirc+3) = xrgt
    sypoly(nscirc+3) = ybot
    sxpoly(nscirc+4) = xrgt
    sypoly(nscirc+4) = ymxlnmnlt
; Define masking polygons for plot that is in the southern hemisphere.
    nxpoly(0) = xrgt
    nypoly(0) = ymxlnmxlt
    nxpoly(1:nncirc) = ncirc_xndc
    nypoly(1:nncirc) = ncirc_yndc
    nxpoly(nncirc+1) = xlft
    nypoly(nncirc+1) = ymnlnmxlt
    nxpoly(nncirc+2) = xlft
    nypoly(nncirc+2) = ytop
    nxpoly(nncirc+3) = xrgt
    nypoly(nncirc+3) = ytop
    nxpoly(nncirc+4) = xrgt
    nypoly(nncirc+4) = ymxlnmxlt

    sxpoly(0) = xrgt
    sypoly(0) = ymxlnmxlt
    sxpoly(1) = xmxlnmxlt
    sypoly(1) = ymxlnmxlt
    sxpoly(2:nscirc+1) = scirc_xndc
    sypoly(2:nscirc+1) = scirc_yndc
    sxpoly(nscirc+2) = xmnlnmxlt
    sypoly(nscirc+2) = ymnlnmxlt
    sxpoly(nscirc+3) = xlft
    sypoly(nscirc+3) = ymnlnmxlt
    sxpoly(nscirc+4) = xlft
    sypoly(nscirc+4) = ybot
    sxpoly(nscirc+5) = xrgt
    sypoly(nscirc+5) = ybot
    sxpoly(nscirc+6) = xrgt
    sypoly(nscirc+6) = ymxlnmxlt
  end if
; Attach the two polygons (and optionally, the outline polyline)
; to the map. Fill the polygons in the background color.
  pres = True
  pres@gsFillColor = "background"

; Northern hemisphere polygon
  var_string = unique_string("lamb_polygon")
  maplc@$var_string$ = gsn_add_primitive(wks,maplc,nxpoly,nypoly,True, \
; Southern hemisphere polygon
  var_string = unique_string("lamb_polygon")
  maplc@$var_string$ = gsn_add_primitive(wks,maplc,sxpoly,sypoly,True, \
; For debugging purposes only. This draws outlines around the two
; polygons, in case you need to see what areas are being masked.
; pres@gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
; pres@gsLineColor = "red"
; var_string = unique_string("lamb_polyline")
; maplc@$var_string$ = gsn_add_primitive(wks,maplc,nxpoly,nypoly,True, \
; "polyline",pres)
; pres@gsLineColor = "blue"
; var_string = unique_string("lamb_polyline")
; maplc@$var_string$ = gsn_add_primitive(wks,maplc,sxpoly,sypoly,True, \
; "polyline",pres)
; Outline the area we are looking at (optional).
   if(maskoutln) then
     pres@gsLineColor = "foreground"
     pres@gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
     var_string = unique_string("lamb_polyline")
     outline_lon = (/ minlon, maxlon, maxlon, minlon, minlon /)
     outline_lat = (/ minlat, minlat, maxlat, maxlat, minlat /)
     maplc@$var_string$ = gsn_add_polyline(wks,maplc,outline_lon, \
  end if


; Function : gsn_csm_xy ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; x: X values ;
; y: X values ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a titled XY plot to the workstation ;
; "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks"). ;
; "resources" is an optional list of resources. The Id of the map plot ;
; is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_xy in that it will ;
; add additional titles to the top of the plot if any of the special ;
; GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," "gsnCenterString," and/or ;
; "gsnRightString" are set, They are used to title the top left, center,;
; and right of the plot (in addition, the regular resource ;
; "tiMainString" can be set to create a regular title). ;
; ;
; If gsnYRefLine is set to some value(s), then reference line(s) will be;
; drawn at this value(s). In addition, if gsnAboveYRefLineColor and/or ;
; gsnBelowYRefLineColor is set, the polygons above and below the ;
; reference line will be filled in these colors. ;
; ;
; If gsnXRefLine is set to some value, then a reference line will be ;
; drawn at this value. ;
; ;
; If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then a bar chart will be drawn ;
; instead of a line plot. You can also set gsnYRefLine to have your ;
; bars point up or down from the reference line. ;
; ;
; The resource gsnXYBarChartColors can be used to specify an array of ;
; bar colors. This resource was not implemented very smartly. These ;
; colors will apply independently to both the above ref line bars, and ;
; the below ref line bars. So, if you give this resource the colors ;
; "red", "green", and "blue", then all the colors above the ref line ;
; will cycle b/w these three colors, and independently, the colors below;
; the ref line will cycle b/w these colors. If you want to have one ;
; resource that specifies the color for each bar, not caring whether it ;
; is above or below the ref line, use the "gsnXYBarChartColors2" ;
; resource. ;
; ;
; Same for the gsnXYBarChartPatterns/gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 resource. ;
; ;
; The resource gsnXYBarChartBarWidth can be used to specify the width ;
; of each bar. The smallest dx is used by default. ;
; ;
; The resource gsnAbove/BelowYRefLineBarColors can be used to specify ;
; an array of bar colors. ;
; ;
; Tick marks will be made to point outwards. ;
; ;
; If the user sets lgLabelFontHeightF to change the size of the legend ;
; labels, then lgAutoManage will be set to False (unless it is being ;
; set explicitly by the user. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_xy(wks:graphic,x:numeric,y:numeric,resources:logical)
local res, xy_object, res2, xfontf, yfontf, font_height, calldraw, nlines, \
callframe, left_string, center_string, right_string, main_zone, ncurves, \
yabove, ybelow, ya_ind, yb_ind, xinterp, yinterp, bar_chart

; Initialize.
    main_zone = 2 ; Zone for main title (may change later)
    xref_line_on = False ; X reference line flag
    yref_line_on = False ; Y reference line flag
    yref_fill_on = False ; Whether to fill above/below Y ref line.
    bar_chart = False ; Whether we want bars
    fill_xy_res = False ; Whether we want to fill b/w curves
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    left_string = False
    center_string = False
    right_string = False
    tm_scale = get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnScale",True)
    point_outward = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksPointOutward",True)

; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Calculate number of Y points.

    ndimsy = dimsizes(dimsizes(y))
    ndimsx = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))

      ncurves = 1
      npts = dimsizes(y)
      ncurves = dimsizes(y(:,0))
      npts = dimsizes(y(0,:))
    end if

      nptsx = dimsizes(x)
      nptsx = dimsizes(x(0,:))
    end if
; Test dimensions. They must both either be the same, or have the
; same rightmost dimension.
    if( (ndimsx.gt.1.and.ndimsy.gt.1.and.(ndimsx.ne.ndimsy.or. \
      print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: X and Y must have the same dimensions sizes, or one must be one-dimensional and both have the same rightmost dimension.")
    end if

; This section tests for more special resources: those that start
; with "gsn."

; Check if gsnShape set.
        main_zone = main_zone+1 ; Zone for main title
      end if

; Check if filling between curves is desired. This can be
; specified via gsnXYFillColors, gsnXYAboveFillColors,
; gsnXYBelowFillColors, gsnXYLeftFillColors, gsnXYRightFillColors.

      fill_atts = (/"gsnXYFillColors", "gsnXYAboveFillColors", \
                    "gsnXYBelowFillColors","gsnXYLeftFillColors", \
      if(any(isatt(res2,fill_atts))) then
; Make sure you collect the appropriate resources to pass
; to fill_bw_xy later.
        fill_xy_res = True
        do na = 0,dimsizes(fill_atts)-1
          if(isatt(res2,fill_atts(na))) then
            fill_xy_res@$fill_atts(na)$ = get_res_value(res2,fill_atts(na),1)
          end if
        end do
; This next requirement is mostly out of laziness. It wouldn't be that
; hard to let both X and Y be multi-dimensional. Or would it?
        if(ndimsx.ne.1.and.ndimsy.ne.1) then
          print("gsn_csm_xy: Warning: to fill between curves, either X or Y must be 1D.")
          fill_xy_res = False
        end if
      end if

; Check if gsnYRefLine set.

        yref_line_on = True
        yref_line = res2@gsnYRefLine
        nyref = dimsizes(yref_line)
; Determine color of fill above reference line(s).
            print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: there must either be an above-line fill color for every reference line, or one global above-line fill color specified")
          end if
          yref_line_above = res2@gsnAboveYRefLineColor
          yref_fill_on = True
          if(any(isatt(res2,(/"gsnXYBarChartPatterns", \
                              "gsnXYBarChartPatterns2", \
                              "gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns"/)))) then
            yref_line_above = 1 ; defaults to foreground.
            yref_line_above = -1 ; defaults to no fill.
          end if
        end if
; Determine color of fill below reference line(s).
            print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: there must either be an below-line fill color for every reference line, or one global below-line fill color specified ")
          end if
          yref_line_below = get_res_value(res2,"gsnBelowYRefLineColor",1)
          yref_fill_on = True
          if(any(isatt(res2,(/"gsnXYBarChartPatterns", \
                              "gsnXYBarChartPatterns2", \
                              "gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns"/)))) then
            yref_line_below = 1 ; defaults to foreground.
            yref_line_below = -1 ; defaults to no fill.
          end if
        end if
; If yref_fill_on is True, and we have more than one curve, then there
; should be the same number of reference lines as curves.
          print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: if you plan to fill above and/or below reference lines, then the number of reference lines must either equal the number")
          print("of curves, or be one.")
        end if
; Determine color of Y reference line(s).
        set_yref_line_color = False
          yref_line_color = get_res_value(res2,"gsnYRefLineColors","foreground")
          set_yref_line_color = True
            yref_line_color = get_res_value(res2,"gsnYRefLineColor","foreground")
            set_yref_line_color = True
            yref_line_color = "foreground"
          end if
        end if
        if(set_yref_line_color) then
            print("gsn_csm_xy: Warning: you must specify either one Y reference line color")
            print("or the same number of colors as there are reference lines.")
            print("Will use the foreground color.")
            yref_line_color = "foreground"
          end if
        end if
; Determine dash pattern of Y reference line(s).
          yref_line_pattern = res2@gsnYRefLineDashPattern(0)
            yref_line_pattern = res2@gsnYRefLineDashPatterns
              print("gsn_csm_xy: Warning: you must specify either one Y reference line dash pattern")
              print("or the same number of dash patterns as there are reference lines.")
              print("Will use a solid line.")
              yref_line_pattern = 0 ; defaults to solid
            end if
            yref_line_pattern = 0 ; defaults to solid
          end if
        end if
; Determine thickness of Y reference line(s).
          yref_line_thickness = res2@gsnYRefLineThicknessF(0)
            yref_line_thickness = res2@gsnYRefLineThicknesses
              print("gsn_csm_xy: Warning: you must specify either one Y reference line thickness")
              print("or the same number of line thicknesses as there are reference lines.")
              print("Will use a thickness of 1.")
              yref_line_thickness = 1.0
            end if
            yref_line_thickness = 1.0
          end if
        end if
      end if ; Check if gsnYRefLine set.
; Check if we want a bar chart.
      bar_chart = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChart",False)
      bar_outline_only = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartOutlineOnly",False)

        if(.not.yref_line_on) then
; If no ref line specified, but bar fill is on, then set the reference
; line to the minimum y value.
          yref_line = get_res_value_keep(res2,"trYMinF",min(y))
          nyref = 1
          yref_line_on = True
          yref_line_color = "foreground"
          yref_line_pattern = 0
          yref_line_thickness = 1.
          if((ncurves.gt.1.and.nyref.gt.1.and.ncurves.ne.nyref).or. \
            print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: if you plan to draw a bar chart with values above")
            print("and/or below reference lines, then the number of reference lines")
            print("must either equal the number of curves, or be one.")
          end if
        end if ; Check for Y ref line.
      end if ; Check for bar chart settage.

; Check if gsnXRefLine set.

        xref_line_on = True
        xref_line = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXRefLine",0.)
        nxref = dimsizes(xref_line)

        xref_line_color = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXRefLineColor","foreground")
        xref_line_pattern = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXRefLineDashPattern",0)
        xref_line_thickness = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXRefLineThicknessF",1.)
      end if

; Check for existence of the left, center, and right subtitles.

        main_zone = main_zone+1
      end if
; These resources allow you to control the look of the fill patterns
; in the bars. You can change the fill line thickness, the density of
; the fill pattern, or the thickness of the stippled dots.
      bar_outline_thickness = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartOutlineThicknessF",1.0)
      bar_fill_line_thickness = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartFillLineThicknessF",1.0)
      bar_fill_scale = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartFillScaleF",1.0)
      bar_fill_dot_size = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartFillDotSizeF",0.0)
    end if ; Done checking special resources.

    res2 = True
    res2@gsnDraw = False ; Internally, don't draw plot or advance
    res2@gsnFrame = False ; frame since we take care of that later.
    res2@gsnScale = tm_scale ; Force labels and ticks to be same.

; If user explicitly sets X or Y tick marks, then don't label the X
; or Y axis automatically.

    end if

    end if

; The following code is going to create new X,Y arrays, depending
; on whether the user wants:
; - a regular XY plot
; - a regular XY plot with curves above and below a given reference
; line filled in
; - a bar plot without any fill
; - a bar plot with filling above and below a given Y reference value.

; This is the regular XY plot with the curve above and below a given
; reference line filled in with some color.
    if(yref_fill_on.and..not.bar_chart) then
; Create new X and Y arrays to hold new data values. Wherever the curve
; crosses the reference line, an interpolation needs to be done to create
; a point *on* that reference line.
      xinterp = new((/nyref,2*npts/),double,1e36)
      yinterp = new((/nyref,2*npts/),double,1e36)


      new_npts = ref_line_interp(x,y,xinterp,yinterp,yref_line)
      if(bar_chart) then
; This is the bar XY plot with outlined bars only.
; For each old y point, we need two new y points to represent
; the horizontal line.
          nyb = 2 * (npts-1) + 1

          yinterp = new((/ncurves,nyb/),double,1e36)
          xinterp = new((/ncurves,nyb/),double,1e36)


; This is the bar XY plot with filled bars.
; Get bar widths. They are either set by user via a resource, or
; from the smallest dx.
          bar_widths = get_bar_widths(x,ncurves,res2)
            print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: The x array is not monotonically increasing.")
            print("Cannot draw a bar chart.")
          end if
;---Special test for just one point.
        if(npts.eq.1) then
          if(isatt(y,"_FillValue")) then
            ybarmsg = y@_FillValue
            ybarmsg = 1e20
          end if
;---If just one point, add some dummy missing vals before and after.
          xbar = (/x-bar_widths,x,x+bar_widths/)
          ybar = (/ybarmsg,y,ybarmsg/)
          nptsbar = 3
          ybar@_FillValue = ybarmsg
           xbar = x
           ybar = y
           nptsbar = npts
        end if
; Figure out if we want to fill bars. Three resources can be used to
; specify fill colors, in this order:
; gsnAbove/BelowYRefLineBarColors gsnAbove/BelowYRefLineBarPatterns
; gsnXYBarChartColors gsnXYBarChartPatterns
; gsnXYBarChartColors2 gsnXYBarChartPatterns2
          mlt_above_bar_colors = False
          mlt_below_bar_colors = False
          mlt_above_bar_pttrns = False
          mlt_below_bar_pttrns = False
          mlt_above_bar_scales = False
          mlt_below_bar_scales = False
          colors2 = False ; Flag to indicate whether the
          pttrns2 = False ; 3rd resource is being used.
; First check for above reference line bar fill colors.
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnAboveYRefLineBarColors")) then
            yref_fill_on = True
            mlt_above_bar_colors = True
            bar_colors_above = get_res_value(res2,"gsnAboveYRefLineBarColors",1)
; If gsnXYBarChartColors or gsnXYBarChartColors2 are set, then
; delete them.
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartColors")) then
            end if
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartColors2")) then
            end if
          end if
; Now check for below reference line bar fill colors.
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnBelowYRefLineBarColors")) then
            yref_fill_on = True
            mlt_below_bar_colors = True
            bar_colors_below = get_res_value(res2,"gsnBelowYRefLineBarColors",1)
; If gsnXYBarChartColors and/or gsnXYBarChartColors2 are set,
; then delete them.
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartColors")) then
            end if
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartColors2")) then
            end if
          end if
; If neither gsnBelow/AboveYRefLineBarColors were set, then the
; second choice is to check for gsnXYBarChartColors.
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartColors")) then
            yref_fill_on = True
            mlt_above_bar_colors = True
            mlt_below_bar_colors = True
            bar_colors_above = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartColors",1)
            bar_colors_below = bar_colors_above
; If gsnXYBarChartColors2 is set, then delete it.
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartColors2")) then
            end if
          end if

; If none of gsnBelow/AboveYRefLineBarColors/gsnXYBarChartColors were
; set, then the third choice is to use gsnXYBarChartColors2.
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartColors2")) then
            colors2 = True
            yref_fill_on = True
            mlt_above_bar_colors = True
            mlt_below_bar_colors = True
            bar_colors_above = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartColors2",1)
            bar_colors_below = bar_colors_above
          end if
; Now that we've exhausted all the possible ways that bar colors can
; be set for the above ref line, check that the array is a valid size.
          if(mlt_above_bar_colors) then
            bac_rank = dimsizes(dimsizes(bar_colors_above))
            if(bac_rank.gt.2.or. \
              (bac_rank.eq.2.and.dimsizes(bar_colors_above(:,0)).ne.nyref)) then
              print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: The resource for specifying bar colors must either be 1D, or 2D where the first dimension is equal to the number of Y reference lines or curves.")
              print("Will not fill your bar chart.")
              mlt_above_bar_colors = False
            end if
          end if
          if(mlt_below_bar_colors) then
            bbc_rank = dimsizes(dimsizes(bar_colors_below))
            if(bbc_rank.gt.2.or. \
              (bbc_rank.eq.2.and.dimsizes(bar_colors_below(:,0)).ne.nyref)) then
              print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: The resource for specifying bar colors must either be 1D, or 2D where the first dimension is equal to the number of Y reference lines or curves.")
              print("Will not fill your bar chart.")
              mlt_below_bar_colors = False
            end if
          end if
; Check for above reference line fill patterns.
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns")) then
            yref_fill_on = True
            mlt_above_bar_pttrns = True
            bar_pttrns_above = get_res_value(res2,"gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns",1)
; If gsnXYBarChartPatterns or gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 are set,
; then delete them.
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartPatterns")) then
            end if
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartPatterns2")) then
            end if
          end if
; Now check for below reference line fill patterns.
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns")) then
            yref_fill_on = True
            mlt_below_bar_pttrns = True
            bar_pttrns_below = get_res_value(res2,"gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns",1)
; If gsnXYBarChartPatterns or gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 are set,
; then delete them.
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartPatterns")) then
            end if
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartPatterns2")) then
            end if
          end if

; If the gsnAbove/BelowYRefLineBarPatterns resources are not set, then
; the second choice is to use gsnXYBarChartPatterns.
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartPatterns")) then
            yref_fill_on = True
            mlt_above_bar_pttrns = True
            mlt_below_bar_pttrns = True
            bar_pttrns_above = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartPatterns",1)
            bar_pttrns_below = bar_pttrns_above
; If gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 is set, then delete it.
            if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartPatterns2")) then
            end if
          end if
; If gsnAbove/BelowYRefLineBarPatterns and gsnXYBarChartPatterns are
; not set, then the third choice is to use gsnXYBarChartPatterns2.
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnXYBarChartPatterns2")) then
            pttrns2 = True
            yref_fill_on = True
            mlt_above_bar_pttrns = True
            mlt_below_bar_pttrns = True
            bar_pttrns_above = get_res_value(res2,"gsnXYBarChartPatterns2",1)
            bar_pttrns_below = bar_pttrns_above
          end if
; Now that we've exhausted all the possible ways that bar patterns can
; be set for the above ref line, check that the array is a valid size.
          if(mlt_above_bar_pttrns) then
            bap_rank = dimsizes(dimsizes(bar_pttrns_above))
            if(bap_rank.gt.2.or. \
              (bap_rank.eq.2.and.dimsizes(bar_pttrns_above(:,0)).ne.nyref)) then
              print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: The resource for specifying bar patterns must either be 1D, or 2D where the first dimension is equal to the number of Y reference lines or curves.")
              print("Will not fill your bar chart.")
              mlt_above_bar_pttrns = False
            end if
          end if
          if(mlt_below_bar_pttrns) then
            bbp_rank = dimsizes(dimsizes(bar_pttrns_below))
            if(bbp_rank.gt.2.or. \
              (bbp_rank.eq.2.and.dimsizes(bar_pttrns_below(:,0)).ne.nyref)) then
              print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: The resource for specifying bar patterns must either be 1D, or 2D where the first dimension is equal to the number of Y reference lines or curves.")
              print("Will not fill your bar chart.")
              mlt_below_bar_pttrns = False
            end if
          end if
; Check for fill scales above and below.
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnAboveYRefLineBarFillScales")) then
            mlt_above_bar_scales = True
            bar_scales_above = get_res_value(res2,"gsnAboveYRefLineBarFillScales",1)
          end if
          if(isatt(res2,"gsnBelowYRefLineBarFillScales")) then
            mlt_below_bar_scales = True
            bar_scales_below = get_res_value(res2,"gsnBelowYRefLineBarFillScales",1)
          end if

; Loop across curves and figure out which points are above, below,
; and equal to the references lines. First create arrays to hold points
; above, below, and equal to reference lines.
          xabove = new((/ncurves,5*nptsbar/),double,1e36)
          yabove = new((/ncurves,5*nptsbar/),double,1e36)
          xbelow = new((/ncurves,5*nptsbar/),double,1e36)
          ybelow = new((/ncurves,5*nptsbar/),double,1e36)
          xequal = new((/ncurves,5*nptsbar/),double,1e36)
          yequal = new((/ncurves,5*nptsbar/),double,1e36)
; Arrays to hold number of points in each set of above/below points,
; and the index values where points fall above, below, and equal
; to the Y ref value.
          nabove = new(ncurves,integer)
          nbelow = new(ncurves,integer)
          nequal = new(ncurves,integer)
          indabove = new((/ncurves,nptsbar/),integer)
          indbelow = new((/ncurves,nptsbar/),integer)
          indequal = new((/ncurves,nptsbar/),integer)
; Fill in values for filled bars (that will be filled later).
          filled_bars(xbar,ybar,xabove,yabove,xbelow,ybelow,xequal,yequal, \
                      nabove,nbelow,nequal,indabove,indbelow,indequal, \
; Combine the above/below/equal arrays into one X/Y array so that we can
; pass to gsn_xy routine. Make the 5th point missing, since the 5th point
; closes the polygon, and we only want an outline here.
          na_max = max(nabove)
          nb_max = max(nbelow)
          ne_max = max(nequal)
          nabe_max = na_max + nb_max + ne_max

            print("gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: There are no values above or below the chosen reference line.")
            print("Cannot draw a bar chart.")
            xinterp = x
            yinterp = y
            ncurves3 = 3*ncurves
            xinterp = new((/ncurves3,nabe_max/),double,xabove@_FillValue)
            yinterp = new((/ncurves3,nabe_max/),double,yabove@_FillValue)


              xinterp(0:ncurves3-1:3,0:na_max-1) = xabove(:,0:na_max-1)
              yinterp(0:ncurves3-1:3,0:na_max-1) = yabove(:,0:na_max-1)
              yinterp(0:ncurves3-1:3,4:na_max-1:5) = yinterp@_FillValue
            end if
              xinterp(1:ncurves3-1:3,0:nb_max-1) = xbelow(:,0:nb_max-1)
              yinterp(1:ncurves3-1:3,0:nb_max-1) = ybelow(:,0:nb_max-1)
              yinterp(1:ncurves3-1:3,4:nb_max-1:5) = yinterp@_FillValue
            end if
              xinterp(2:ncurves3-1:3,0:ne_max-1) = xequal(:,0:ne_max-1)
              yinterp(2:ncurves3-1:3,0:ne_max-1) = yequal(:,0:ne_max-1)
              yinterp(2:ncurves3-1:3,4:ne_max-1:5) = yinterp@_FillValue
            end if
; Make sure all lines are solid, and not dashed as is the default
; with the second curve drawn.
            res2@xyDashPatterns = get_res_value(res2,"xyDashPatterns",0)
          end if
        end if
; This is just a regular XY plot.
        xinterp = x
        yinterp = y
      end if
    end if

    end if

    end if

; If user sets lgLabelFontHeightF, then lgAutoManage needs to
; be False in order for this resource to have any affect.
    end if

; Create XY plot
    xyres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"tx"/))
    xy_object = gsn_xy(wks,xinterp,yinterp,xyres)
; Fill between two curves if desired
    if(fill_xy_res) then
      xy_object = fill_bw_xy(wks,xy_object,xinterp,yinterp,fill_xy_res)
    end if

; Add lat/lon labels to X/Y axes if appropriate units exist.

    res2@gsnXYPlot = True
    res2@gsnXAxis = True

    res2@gsnYAxis = True

; Fill above/below Y reference line.

; Make sure polygons get filled before xy plot is drawn. This way,
; any lines will be drawn *after* the fill. This makes the filled
; polygons look better if the lines are drawn thicker.
      xyres_tmp = True
      xyres_tmp@tfPolyDrawOrder = "Predraw"

      fill_above = yref_line_above(0)
      fill_below = yref_line_below(0)

      do i=0,max((/ncurves,nyref/))-1
          fill_above = yref_line_above(i)
        end if
          fill_below = yref_line_below(i)
        end if
        var_string = unique_string("polygons"+i)
        xy_object@$var_string$=fill_xy_ref(wks,xy_object, \
                                     xinterp(i,0:new_npts(i)-1), \
      end do
    end if

; Fill bars with either a single color for above and below, or with
; individual colors.

      gsres = True
      if(bar_outline_thickness.gt.0.and.bar_outline_thickness.ne.1) then
        gsres@gsEdgesOn = True
        gsres@gsEdgeThicknessF = bar_outline_thickness
      end if
      gsres@gsFillLineThicknessF = bar_fill_line_thickness
      gsres@gsFillScaleF = bar_fill_scale
      gsres@gsFillDotSizeF = bar_fill_dot_size
      do i=0,ncurves-1
        var_string = unique_string("polygons"+i)
; Fill above reference line.
; Single bar color for each above and below bars.
            gsres@gsFillColor = yref_line_above(0)
              gsres@gsFillColor = yref_line_above(i)
            end if
          end if
; Single bar fill scale for each above and below bars.
          if(mlt_above_bar_scales) then
            gsres@gsFillScaleF = bar_scales_above(0)
              gsres@gsFillScaleF = bar_scales_above(i)
            end if
          end if
; Multiple bar colors and/or patterns.
          if(mlt_above_bar_colors.or.mlt_above_bar_pttrns) then
            if(mlt_above_bar_colors) then
              if(bac_rank.eq.1) then
                nca = dimsizes(bar_colors_above)
                nca = dimsizes(bar_colors_above(0,:))
              end if
            end if
            if(mlt_above_bar_pttrns) then
              if(bap_rank.eq.1) then
                npa = dimsizes(bar_pttrns_above)
                npa = dimsizes(bar_pttrns_above(0,:))
              end if
            end if
            do ii = 0,nabove(i)/5-1
              var_string2 = var_string + "above" + ii
              if(mlt_above_bar_colors) then
                if(colors2) then
                  ci = indabove(i,ii) % nca
                  ci = ii % nca
                end if
                if(bac_rank.eq.1) then
                  gsres@gsFillColor = bar_colors_above(ci)
                  gsres@gsFillColor = bar_colors_above(i,ci)
                end if
              end if
              if(mlt_above_bar_pttrns) then
                if(pttrns2) then
                  pi = indabove(i,ii) % npa
                  pi = ii % npa
                end if
                if(bap_rank.eq.1) then
                  gsres@gsFillIndex = bar_pttrns_above(pi)
                  gsres@gsFillIndex = bar_pttrns_above(i,pi)
                end if
              end if
              xy_object@$var_string2$ = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy_object, \
                                                     xabove(i,ii*5:ii*5+4), \
                                                     yabove(i,ii*5:ii*5+4), \
            end do
            var_string2 = var_string + "above"
            xy_object@$var_string2$ = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy_object, \
                                                     xabove(i,:), \
          end if
        end if
; Fill below reference line.
          if(.not.mlt_below_bar_colors) then
            gsres@gsFillColor = yref_line_below(0)
              gsres@gsFillColor = yref_line_below(i)
            end if
          end if
; Single bar fill scale for each above and below bars.
          if(mlt_below_bar_scales) then
            gsres@gsFillScaleF = bar_scales_below(0)
              gsres@gsFillScaleF = bar_scales_below(i)
            end if
          end if
; Multiple bar colors and/or patterns.
         if(mlt_below_bar_colors.or.mlt_below_bar_pttrns) then
            if(mlt_below_bar_colors) then
              if(bbc_rank.eq.1) then
                ncb = dimsizes(bar_colors_below)
                ncb = dimsizes(bar_colors_below(0,:))
              end if
            end if
            if(mlt_below_bar_pttrns) then
              if(bbp_rank.eq.1) then
                npb = dimsizes(bar_pttrns_below)
                npb = dimsizes(bar_pttrns_below(0,:))
              end if
            end if
            do ii = 0,nbelow(i)/5-1
              var_string2 = var_string + "below" + ii
              if(mlt_below_bar_colors) then
                if(colors2) then
                  ci = indbelow(i,ii) % ncb
                  ci = ii % ncb
                end if
                if(bbc_rank.eq.1) then
                  gsres@gsFillColor = bar_colors_below(ci)
                  gsres@gsFillColor = bar_colors_below(i,ci)
                end if
              end if
              if(mlt_below_bar_pttrns) then
                if(pttrns2) then
                  pi = indbelow(i,ii) % npb
                  pi = ii % npb
                end if
                if(bbp_rank.eq.1) then
                  gsres@gsFillIndex = bar_pttrns_below(pi)
                  gsres@gsFillIndex = bar_pttrns_below(i,pi)
                end if
              end if
              xy_object@$var_string2$ = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy_object, \
                                                     xbelow(i,ii*5:ii*5+4), \
                                                     ybelow(i,ii*5:ii*5+4), \
            end do
            var_string2 = var_string + "below"
            xy_object@$var_string2$ = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy_object, \
                                                     xbelow(i,:), \
                                                     ybelow(i,:), gsres)
          end if
        end if
      end do
; Make sure polygons get drawn first, so that XY lines are drawn on top.
      setvalues xy_object
        "tfPolyDrawOrder" : "Predraw"
      end setvalues

    end if

; Draw X reference line.

      getvalues xy_object
        "trYMinF" : ymin
        "trYMaxF" : ymax
      end getvalues

      gsres = True

      yline = (/ymin,ymax/)

      gsres@gsLineColor = xref_line_color(0)
      gsres@gsLineDashPattern = xref_line_pattern(0)
      gsres@gsLineThicknessF = xref_line_thickness(0)

      do i=0,nxref-1
          gsres@gsLineColor = xref_line_color(i)
        end if
        xline = fspan(xref_line(i),xref_line(i),2)
        var_string = unique_string("xpolyline"+i)
        xy_object@$var_string$ = gsn_add_polyline(wks,xy_object,xline,yline, \
      end do
    end if

; Draw Y reference line.

      getvalues xy_object
        "trXMinF" : xmin
        "trXMaxF" : xmax
      end getvalues

      gsres = True

      xline = (/xmin,xmax/)

      gsres@gsLineColor = yref_line_color(0)
      gsres@gsLineDashPattern = yref_line_pattern(0)
      gsres@gsLineThicknessF = yref_line_thickness(0)

      do i=0,nyref-1
          gsres@gsLineColor = yref_line_color(i)
        end if
          gsres@gsLineDashPattern = yref_line_pattern(i)
        end if
          gsres@gsLineThicknessF = yref_line_thickness(i)
        end if
        yline = fspan(tofloat(yref_line(i)),tofloat(yref_line(i)),2)
        var_string = unique_string("ypolyline"+i)

        xy_object@$var_string$ = gsn_add_polyline(wks,xy_object,xline, \
      end do

    end if

; Get title label sizes and tickmark lengths.
    getvalues xy_object
      "vpWidthF" : width
      "vpHeightF" : height
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf

      "tmYLMajorLengthF" : ylength
      "tmXBMajorLengthF" : xlength
      "tmYLMinorLengthF" : ymlength
      "tmXBMinorLengthF" : xmlength
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
    major_length = min((/ylength,xlength/))
    minor_length = min((/ymlength,xmlength/))

; If the plot is close to square in size, then make the
; three top titles and the tick marks smaller.

    ratio = height/width
      ratio = 1./ratio
    end if
      font_height = 0.75 * font_height
      major_length = 0.75 * major_length
      minor_length = 0.75 * minor_length
    end if

; Make tick marks same length and point outward.

    tmres = get_res_eq(res2,"tm")
    gsnp_point_tickmarks_outward(xy_object,tmres,xlength,ylength,xmlength, \
                                 ymlength,major_length,minor_length, \

; Set up three subtitles at top, if they exist.
    subres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"tx","am"/)) ; Get textitem resources
    subres = True
    add_subtitles(wks,xy_object,left_string,center_string,right_string, \

; Draw all this stuff: XY plot and subtitles.

; Return XY plot object.


; Function : gsn_csm_y ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; y: n-dimensional array of Y array ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function is similar to gsn_csm_xy, except instead of a specific ;
; X array, index values are used. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_y(wks:graphic, y:numeric, resources:logical )
local dsizes_y, npts, x, rank_y, xy
  res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if
; Get dimension sizes of Y array.
  dsizes_y = dimsizes(y)
  rank_y = dimsizes(dsizes_y)
  if(rank_y.eq.1) then
    npts = dsizes_y
    if(rank_y.ne.2) then
      print("Error: gsn_csm_y: The input Y array must either be 1-dimensional, or 2-dimensional, where the leftmost dimension represents the number of curves and the rightmost dimension the number of points in each curve.")
    end if
    npts = dsizes_y(1)
  end if

; Create the indexed X array.
  x = ispan(0,npts-1,1)
  x@long_name = ""

; Call gsn_csm_xy.
  xy = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,y,res2)

; Function : gsn_csm_zonal_means ;
; ;
; wks : Workstation object ;
; zdata : data for calculating zonal means ;
; zres : optional resource list ;
; ;
; This function creates a zonal means plot. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_zonal_means(wks,zdata,zres)
local max_lat, zres2, zmeans
; Calculate zonal means, and add Y reference line curve if requested.
  zmeans = calculate_zonal_means(zdata,zres)

  if(zres) then
    zres2 = zres
  end if

  zres2 = True

; Set up rest of resource list.
  zres2@xyDashPattern = get_res_value(zres2,"xyDashPattern",0)

; Set trXMinF/trXMaxF only if specified by user.
  if(isatt(zres,"gsnZonalMeanXMinF")) then
    zres2@trXMinF = get_res_value(zres2,"gsnZonalMeanXMinF",0.)
  end if

  if(isatt(zres,"gsnZonalMeanXMaxF")) then
    zres2@trXMaxF = get_res_value(zres2,"gsnZonalMeanXMaxF",0.)
  end if

; Create zonal XY plot, using the coordinate array of the Y axis for
; the Y values.

  xy_object = gsn_csm_xy(wks,zmeans,zdata&$zdata!0$,zres2)


; Function : gsn_csm_attach_zonal_means ;
; ;
; wks : Workstation object ;
; map_object : map plot to attach zonal plot to ;
; zdata : data for calculating zonal means ;
; zres : optional resource list ;
; ;
; This function creates a zonal means plot and attaches it to the ;
; given map object. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_attach_zonal_means(wks,map_object,zdata,zres)
local zres2, zres3

; Resources for creating the zonal plot. Make sure gsnMaximize is not
; set for this phase.
  zres2 = get_res_ne(zres,(/"am","gsnDraw","gsnFrame","gsnMaximize"/))
  zres2 = True

; Retrieve the lat limits and view port size of the map plot so we plot
; the correct range in Y, and make the plot the correct size.
  getvalues map_object
    "vpHeightF" : vphf
    "mpMinLatF" : min_lat
    "mpMaxLatF" : max_lat
  end getvalues
; If the map has tickmarks, then retrieve font heights and tickmark lengths.
  if(isatt(map_object,"tickmarks")) then
    getvalues map_object@tickmarks
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
      "tmXBMajorLengthF" : xlength
      "tmXBMinorLengthF" : xmlength
    end getvalues
    zres2@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value(zres2, \
                                                  "tmXBLabelFontHeightF", \
    zres2@tmXBMajorLengthF = get_res_value(zres2, \
                                                  "tmXBMajorLengthF", \
    zres2@tmYRMajorLengthF = get_res_value(zres2, \
                                                  "tmYRMajorLengthF", \
    zres2@tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF = get_res_value(zres2, \
                                                  "tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF", \
    zres2@tmYRMajorOutwardLengthF = get_res_value(zres2, \
                                                  "tmYRMajorOutwardLengthF", \
    zres2@tmXBMinorLengthF = get_res_value(zres2, \
                                                  "tmXBMinorLengthF", \
    zres2@tmYRMinorLengthF = get_res_value(zres2, \
                                                  "tmYRMinorLengthF", \
    zres2@tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF = get_res_value(zres2, \
                                                  "tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF", \
    zres2@tmYRMinorOutwardLengthF = get_res_value(zres2, \
                                                  "tmYRMinorOutwardLengthF", \
  end if

; Set up rest of resource list.
  zres2@vpHeightF = get_res_value(zres2,"vpHeightF",vphf)
  zres2@vpWidthF = get_res_value(zres2,"vpWidthF",0.15)
  zres2@trYMaxF = get_res_value(zres2,"trYMaxF",max_lat)
  zres2@trYMinF = get_res_value(zres2,"trYMinF",min_lat)
  zres2@tmYLOn = get_res_value(zres2,"tmYLOn",False)
  zres2@tmYROn = get_res_value(zres2,"tmYROn",False)
  zres2@tmXBMaxTicks = get_res_value(zres2,"tmXBMaxTicks",3)
  zres2@tmXBMinorPerMajor = get_res_value(zres2,"tmXBMinorPerMajor",1)
  zres2@tmXTMinorPerMajor = get_res_value(zres2,"tmXTMinorPerMajor",1)
  zres2@tiXAxisOn = get_res_value(zres2,"tiXAxisOn",False)
  zres2@tiYAxisOn = get_res_value(zres2,"tiYAxisOn",False)
  zres2@gsnDraw = False
  zres2@gsnFrame = False

; Create zonal XY plot, using the coordinate array of the Y axis for
; the Y values.

  zonal_plot = gsn_csm_zonal_means(wks,zdata,zres2)
; Resources for attaching the zonal plot. By default, we don't
; want the attached plots drawn or the frame advanced.
  zres3 = zres
  maxbb = get_bb_res(zres)
  zres3 = True
  zres3@gsnDraw = get_res_value(zres3,"gsnDraw",False)
  zres3@gsnFrame = get_res_value(zres3,"gsnFrame",False)
; Make maximize True by default, because the zonal plot is likely to
; go off the frame.
  maxbb = get_res_value(zres3,"gsnMaximize",True)

; Add zonal plot as annotation of map plot.
  anno = NhlAddAnnotation(map_object,zonal_plot)
  setvalues anno
    "amZone" : get_res_value(zres3,"amZone",2)
    "amSide" : get_res_value(zres3,"amSide","right")
    "amResizeNotify" : get_res_value(zres3,"amResizeNotify",True)
    "amParallelPosF" : get_res_value(zres3,"amParallelPosF",0.5)
    "amOrthogonalPosF": get_res_value(zres3,"amOrthogonalPosF",0.05)
  end setvalues



; Function : gsn_csm_map_ce ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a labeled cylindrical equidistant map ;
; plot to the workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous ;
; call to "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of ;
; resources. The Id of the map plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_map in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The lat/lon grid is labeled with tickmarks. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top left, center, and right of the plot ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
function gsn_csm_map_ce(wks:graphic,resources:logical)
local i, res, map_object, tickmark_object, calldraw, callframe, \
left_string, center_string, right_string, main_zone, min_lat, max_lat, \
min_lon, max_lon, res2, tmres, ticks_on, display_mode, rel_c_lat, rel_c_lon, \
center_lon, center_lat
; Initialize.
    main_zone = 2 ; Zone for main title (may change later)
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Make sure user is not calling this function, and then trying to
; change the map projection, because this can cause problems later.
    if(isatt(res2,"mpProjection")) then
      iproj = res2@mpProjection
      if( (typeof(iproj).eq."integer".and.iproj.ne.8).or.\
          (typeof(iproj).eq."string".and.lower_case(iproj).ne. \
                                             "cylindricalequidistant")) then
        print("gsn_csm_map_ce: Warning: you are calling one of the CE map functions,")
        print("but setting the map projection to something other than")
        print("'CylindricalEquidistant'. You may get errors or unexpected results.")
      end if
    end if

; This section tests for more special resources: those that start
; with "gsn."

; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.
    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
    point_outward = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksPointOutward",True)

    left_string = new(1,logical)
    center_string = new(1,logical)
    right_string = new(1,logical)

      main_zone = 4
    end if
; Increase title zone if map tickmarks are on.
       check_attr(res2,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode",3,False)) then
      main_zone = main_zone + 1
    end if

; If automatic tick marks are turned on, then turn off gsn_csm generated
; tickmarks.
    display_mode = get_display_mode(res2,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","nocreate")
    if(display_mode.eq.1.or.display_mode.eq.2) then
      ticks_on = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",False)
      ticks_on = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)
    end if
    lat_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMajorLatSpacing",0.)
    lat_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"tmYLTickSpacingF",lat_spacing)
    lon_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMajorLonSpacing",0.)
    lon_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"tmXBTickSpacingF",lon_spacing)
    mlat_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMinorLatSpacing",0.)
    mlon_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMinorLonSpacing",0.)
    center_lon = get_res_value_keep(res2, "mpCenterLonF", 0)
    center_lat = get_res_value_keep(res2, "mpCenterLatF", 0)
    rel_c_lat = get_res_value(res2, "mpRelativeCenterLat", False)
    rel_c_lon = get_res_value(res2, "mpRelativeCenterLon", False)
    shape_mode = get_res_value(res2,"mpShapeMode","FixedAspectFitBB")
    limit_mode = get_res_value(res2,"mpLimitMode","LatLon")
    if((typeof(limit_mode).eq."integer".and.(limit_mode.ne.1.and. \
                                             limit_mode.ne.5)).or. \
       (typeof(limit_mode).eq."string").and.(lower_case(limit_mode).ne. \
                                             "latlon".and. \
                                             lower_case(limit_mode).ne. \
     print("gsn_csm_map_ce: Warning: you cannot use mpLimitMode=" + limit_mode + " with the gsm_csm_map routines.")
   end if
; If mpCenterLonF is set, but mpMinLonF/mpLeftCornerLonF and/or
; mpMaxLonF/mpRightCornerLonF are not, then we need to set them.
      min_lon_str = "mpMinLonF"
      max_lon_str = "mpMaxLonF"
      min_lat_str = "mpMinLatF"
      max_lat_str = "mpMaxLatF"
        min_lon_str = "mpLeftCornerLonF"
        max_lon_str = "mpRightCornerLonF"
        min_lat_str = "mpLeftCornerLatF"
        max_lat_str = "mpRightCornerLatF"
      end if
    end if
      res2@$min_lon_str$ = res2@mpCenterLonF - 180
      res2@$max_lon_str$ = res2@mpCenterLonF + 180
    end if
      res2@$min_lon_str$ = res2@mpCenterLonF - \
    end if
      res2@$max_lon_str$ = res2@mpCenterLonF + \
    end if
    min_lon = get_res_value(res2,min_lon_str,-180)
    max_lon = get_res_value(res2,max_lon_str, 180)
    min_lat = get_res_value(res2,min_lat_str, -90)
    max_lat = get_res_value(res2,max_lat_str, 90)

      print("gsn_csm_map_ce: Fatal: The resources mpMinLonF/mpLeftCornerLonF must be less than the resources mpMaxLonF/mpRightCornerLonF.")
      print("Execution halted.")
    end if

      print("gsn_csm_map_ce: Fatal: The resources mpMinLatF/mpLeftCornerLatF must be less than the resources mpMaxLatF/mpRightCornerF.")
      print("Execution halted.")
    end if
; Determine what the default width and height should be depending
; on shape of plot.
    lat_range = tofloat(max_lat - min_lat)
    lon_range = tofloat(max_lon - min_lon)

    ratio1 = lat_range/lon_range
    ratio2 = lon_range/lat_range
    ratio = min((/ratio1,ratio2/))

    ratios = (/0.50, 0.75, 1.00/) ; lat/lon ratios
    wharray = (/0.80, 0.70, 0.52/) ; default widths/heights

    wh_ind = ind(ratio.le.ratios)
    def_vpwf = wharray(wh_ind(0)) ; default width for plot
    def_vphf = def_vpwf ; default height for plot

    set_attr(res2,"vpWidthF",min((/lon_range/lat_range,1./)) * def_vpwf)

    set_attr(res2,"vpHeightF",min((/lat_range/lon_range,1./)) * def_vphf)
    set_attr(res2,"vpXF",(1. - res2@vpWidthF)/2.)
    set_attr(res2,"vpYF",1. - (1. - res2@vpHeightF)/2.)
    set_attr(res2,"mpGridAndLimbOn", False)
    set_attr(res2,"mpFillOn", True)
                                   "transparent"/)) ; (default,ocean,land,
                                                    ; inland water)
; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless mpFillOn is set to False,
; then it is set back to True.
; Create the map object. We have to use this code instead of gsn_map
; because we want to set the size of the map. If we set the size of the
; map later with setvalues, as gsn_map would do, then the size wouldn't
; be correct.
      map_object = create "map" mapPlotClass wks
        "vpXF" : res2@vpXF
        "vpYF" : res2@vpYF
        "vpWidthF" : res2@vpWidthF
        "vpHeightF" : res2@vpHeightF
        "mpLimitMode" : limit_mode
        "mpMinLonF" : min_lon
        "mpMaxLonF" : max_lon
        "mpMinLatF" : min_lat
        "mpMaxLatF" : max_lat
        "mpCenterLonF" : center_lon
        "mpCenterLatF" : center_lat
        "mpRelativeCenterLat" : rel_c_lat
        "mpRelativeCenterLon" : rel_c_lon
        "mpShapeMode" : shape_mode ; must be set when map created
        "pmTitleDisplayMode" : "Always"
        "pmTitleZone" : main_zone ; Zone for main title
      end create
        map_object = create "map" mapPlotClass wks
          "vpXF" : res2@vpXF
          "vpYF" : res2@vpYF
          "vpWidthF" : res2@vpWidthF
          "vpHeightF" : res2@vpHeightF
          "mpShapeMode" : shape_mode
          "mpLimitMode" : limit_mode
          "mpLeftCornerLonF" : min_lon
          "mpRightCornerLonF" : max_lon
          "mpLeftCornerLatF" : min_lat
          "mpRightCornerLatF" : max_lat
          "mpCenterLonF" : center_lon
          "mpCenterLatF" : center_lat
          "mpRelativeCenterLat" : rel_c_lat
          "mpRelativeCenterLon" : rel_c_lon
          "pmTitleDisplayMode" : "Always"
          "pmTitleZone" : main_zone ; Zone for main title
        end create
      end if
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.

    tmres = get_res_eq(res2,"tm") ; Get tickmark resources
      tmres = True
    end if
; If user has turned on built-in map tickmarks, then go ahead and
; let the tickmark resources (if any) be passed to the map object.
    if(display_mode.eq.1.or.display_mode.eq.2) then
      mpres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"tx","am"/)) ; Get rest of resources
      mpres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"tx","am","tm"/)) ; Get rest of resources
    end if
; Set some map resources
; Add tickmark object, even if the tickmarks have been turned off, because
; we need to get the size of the X/Y axis labels.

; Make sure axes labels (if any) are the same size.

    getvalues map_object@tickmarks
      "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : yfontf
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the tickmark labels.
    font_height = 1.25 * font_height ; Make fonts 25% bigger.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    main_font = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainFont","helvetica-bold")

    setvalues map_object
      "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
      "tiMainFont" : main_font ; main title font
    end setvalues

; Set up three subtitles at top, if they exist.
    subres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"tx","am"/)) ; Get textitem resources
    subres = True
    add_subtitles(wks,map_object,left_string,center_string,right_string, \

; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.


; Return plot object and tickmark object.


; Function : gsn_csm_map_polar ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a polar stereographic map plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id ;
; of the map plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_map in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The longitude lines are labeled. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top of the plot. ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 3. If either of the resources "gsnPolarNH" or "gsnPolarSH" are set ;
; to True then only the northern or southern hemisphere is ;
; displayed. ;
; 4. If gsnPolarLabelSpacing is set, then this spacing will be used ;
; to label the longitude lines. ;
; 5. If gsnPolarLabelDistance is set, then this will be used to ;
; increase/decrease the default position of the labels from the ;
; perimeter of the map. ;
; 6. gsnPolarLabelFont and gsnPolarLabelFontHeightF can be used to ;
; control the label font and heights of the lat/lon labels. ;
function gsn_csm_map_polar(wks:graphic,resources:logical)
local i, res, res2, map_object, main_zone, \
calldraw, callframe, left_string, center_string, right_string, yoffset, \
min_lat, max_lat, center_lat, main_offset, \
side, just, orth, para, quad1, quad2, quad3, quad4, topbot, xcen, ycen, \
vpxf, vpyf, vphf, vpwf, plon, plat, xndc, yndc, polar_type, center_lon, \
center_lat, rel_c_lon, rel_c_lat

; Initialize.
    min_lat = 0.0
    max_lat = 90.0
    center_lat = 0.0
    main_zone = 2 ; Zone for main title (may change later)
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; This section tests for special resources: those that start with "gsn."

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
    polar_dst = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarLabelDistance",1.04)
    ticks_on = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)
    polar_time = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarTime",False)
    ut = tofloat(get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarUT",0.))

    left_string = new(1,logical)
    center_string = new(1,logical)
    right_string = new(1,logical)

      main_zone = 4
    end if
; Check for type of polar plot desired.
    polar_type = get_polar_type(res2)

      min_lat = 0
      max_lat = 90
      center_lat = 90
      min_lat = -90
      max_lat = 0
      center_lat = -90
    end if

    height = get_res_value(res2,"vpHeightF",0.62)
    width = get_res_value(res2,"vpWidthF",0.62)
    xpos = get_res_value(res2,"vpXF",0.2)
    ypos = get_res_value(res2,"vpYF",0.8)

; Print a warning if user tries to set mpMinLonF and/or mpMaxLonF,
; since these values should not be messed with in a polar plot (they
; should be -180 and 180.
    if(isatt(res2,"mpMinLonF").or.isatt(res2,"mpMaxLonF")) then
      print("gsn_csm_map_polar: Warning: you should not set the mpMinLonF and/or mpMaxLonF resources.")
      print("Setting these resources to something other than -180 and 180 may produce unexpected results.")
    end if

; Check for other resources that we need to set at the time the
; map is created.
    limit_mode = get_res_value(res2,"mpLimitMode","LatLon")
    shape_mode = get_res_value(res2,"mpShapeMode","FixedAspectFitBB")
    rel_c_lat = get_res_value(res2,"mpRelativeCenterLat", False)
    rel_c_lon = get_res_value(res2,"mpRelativeCenterLon", False)

; If labeling the polar plot with time values, then we want slt = 0
; to be at the bottom of the plot, so we need to rotate the map
; accordingly, by setting mpCenterLonF.
; If slt = ut + lon/15, then at slt=0:
; 0 = ut + lon/15 --> lon/15 = -ut --> lon = -ut*15.
    center_lon = 0.
    if(polar_time) then
        center_lon = -ut*15
        center_lon = -ut*15+180
      end if
    end if
    center_lon = get_res_value(res2, "mpCenterLonF", center_lon)

; Create a polar stereographic map object.

    map_object = create "ezplot1p_map" mapPlotClass wks
      "vpHeightF" : height
      "vpWidthF" : width
      "vpXF" : xpos
      "vpYF" : ypos

      "mpProjection" : "Stereographic"
      "mpEllipticalBoundary" : True
      "mpLimitMode" : limit_mode
      "mpShapeMode" : shape_mode ; must be set when map created

      "mpCenterLonF" : center_lon
      "mpCenterLatF" : center_lat
      "mpRelativeCenterLat" : rel_c_lat
      "mpRelativeCenterLon" : rel_c_lon

      "mpFillOn" : True
      "mpFillColors" : (/"background","transparent","LightGray",\
      "pmTitleDisplayMode" : "Always"
      "pmTitleZone" : main_zone
    end create

; Set some map plot resources.

    res2 = True
; Set the spacing of the polar labels to the same as mpGridLonSpacingF,
; unless user has explicitly set gsnPolarLabelSpacing.
    label_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarLabelSpacing", \
; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless mpFillOn is set to False,
; then it is set back to True.
; Retrieve the map resources.
    mpres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"gs","tx","tm"/))


; Retrieve the view port location of the map plot so we know where
; to put titles.

    getvalues map_object
      "vpXF" : vpxf
      "vpYF" : vpyf
      "vpWidthF" : vpwf
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
      "mpMinLatF" : min_lat
      "mpMaxLatF" : max_lat
    end getvalues

; Make sure axes labels are the same size.

    font_height = 0.02 * vphf ; Make various label sizes a function
                                  ; of the height of the viewport.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    main_font = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainFont","helvetica-bold")
    main_offset = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainOffsetYF",0.02)

    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainOffsetYF" : main_offset ; main title offset
        "tiMainFont" : main_font ; main title font
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

  if(ticks_on) then
; Create the lat/lon coordinates where you want labels to appear.
; In this case, we want the labels to appear at a fixed latitude value
; and at varying longitude values.
      if(.not.polar_time) then
        ngrid = floattoint(360/label_spacing)
        plon = fspan(0.,360.-label_spacing,ngrid)
; If labeling with time, we calculate the longitudes, given nice
; time values of 0, 3, ..., 21.
        slt = ispan(0,21,3)
        plon = 15.*(slt-ut)
        ngrid = dimsizes(plon)
      end if
; The "0.005" addition is to make sure we are within the map perimeter.
; Otherwise,; if we enter points right along the edge of the circle, then
; when they are converted to NDC coords, you might get missing values.
          plat = fspan(min_lat+.005,min_lat+.005,ngrid)
          plat = fspan(max_lat-.005,max_lat-.005,ngrid)
      end if

; Create arrays to hold the NDC values that we're going to convert
; the lat/lon values to.

      xndc = new(dimsizes(plon),float)
      yndc = new(dimsizes(plat),float)

; Convert lat/lon cooridinates to NDC coordinates since we are
; drawing the labels in NDC space and NOT in lat/lon space.

; Get center of plot in NDC coordinates.
      xcen = vpxf + vpwf/2. ; X center
      ycen = vpyf - vphf/2. ; Y center

; Determine if we want longitude labels, or time labels.
      labels = new(dimsizes(plon),string)

      if(.not.polar_time) then
; Define an array of strings to label the longitude values.
        indexes = ind(plon.gt.0.and.plon.lt.180)
        labels(indexes) = floattoint(plon(indexes)) + "E"

        indexes = ind(plon.gt.180.and.plon.lt.360)
        labels(indexes) = floattoint(360-plon(indexes)) + "W"

        indexes = ind(plon.eq.0.or.plon.eq.180)
        labels(indexes) = floattoint(plon(indexes))
; Define an array of strings to label the time values.
        labels = slt
      end if
      num_labels = dimsizes(labels)
      text_ids = new(num_labels,graphic)
; Check if user setting own font heights. gsnPolarLabelFontHeightF
; takes precedence over txFontHeightF.
      text_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarLabelFontHeightF", \
      text_font = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarLabelFont", \

; Create an array of TextItem objects that we'll use to label the
; lat/lon grid.

      do i=0,num_labels-1
        text_ids(i) = create "lon_"+labels(i) textItemClass wks
          "txString" : labels(i)
          "txFont" : text_font
          "txFontHeightF" : text_font_height
        end create
      end do

      setvalues map_object
        "pmAnnoViews" : text_ids ; Add text items as annotations of map.
      end setvalues

      getvalues map_object
        "pmAnnoManagers" : am_ids ; Retrieve anno managers so we can
                                    ; change some stuff.
      end getvalues

; Determine which quadrant each label is in, and then set values
; for justification, side, orthogonal and parallel positions.
      quad1 = ind((ycen-yndc).le.0.and.(xcen-xndc).le.0)
      quad2 = ind((ycen-yndc).le.0.and.(xcen-xndc).gt.0)
      quad3 = ind((ycen-yndc).gt.0.and.(xcen-xndc).gt.0)
      quad4 = ind((ycen-yndc).gt.0.and.(xcen-xndc).le.0)

      side = new(ngrid,string)
      just = new(ngrid,string)
      orth = new(ngrid,float)
      para = new(ngrid,float)
; The zone is being set to 0, so this means all labels will appear in the
; center of the map by default. We set the orthogonal and parallel values
; to move the labels away from the center of the plot. The orth/para values
; are a fraction of the total width of the map, so if you set an orthogonal
; value to 0.5, this will move the label from the center of the plot to the
; edge of the plot.
; We increase the orth/para values by 4 percent so that the labels are
; placed outside of the plot.
        side(quad1) = "Top" ; Position labels in quadrants I and II wrt
        orth(quad1) = ((yndc(quad1) - ycen)/vphf) * polar_dst
        just(quad1) = "CenterLeft"
      end if
        side(quad2) = "Top" ; top of plot.
        orth(quad2) = ((yndc(quad2) - ycen)/vphf) * polar_dst
        just(quad2) = "CenterRight"
      end if
        side(quad3) = "Bottom" ; Position labels in quadrants III and IV wrt
        orth(quad3) = ((ycen - yndc(quad3))/vphf) * polar_dst
        just(quad3) = "CenterRight"
      end if
        side(quad4) = "Bottom" ; bottom of plot.
        orth(quad4) = ((ycen - yndc(quad4))/vphf) * polar_dst
        just(quad4) = "CenterLeft"
      end if
      para = ((xndc - xcen)/vpwf) * polar_dst
; Labels at the very top or bottom of the map should be centered, not
; right or left justified.
      topbot = ind(fabs(xndc-xcen).le.1e-5)
        just(topbot) = "CenterCenter"
      end if
; map_object may already have some other annotations added to it,
; so we have to search until we find the lon label annotations. They
; all start with "lon_", so the first occurrence of this string will
; be the consecutive start of the lon label annotations.
      names = NhlName(am_ids)
      found = False
      i = 0
      do while(i.lt.dimsizes(names).and..not.found)
        names_char = stringtocharacter(names)
          start = i
          found = True
        end if
        i = i + 1
      end do
; Set the side, justifcation, and position of each longitude label.
      do i=0,num_labels-1
        setvalues am_ids(start+i)
          "amTrackData" : False
          "amResizeNotify" : True
          "amZone" : 0
          "amSide" : side(i)
          "amJust" : just(i)
          "amOrthogonalPosF" : orth(i)
          "amParallelPosF" : para(i)
        end setvalues
      end do
    end if

; Set up three subtitles at top, if they exist.
    subres = get_res_eq(res2,"tx") ; Get textitem resources
    subres = True
    subres@amOrthogonalPosF = 0.06
    add_subtitles(wks,map_object,left_string,center_string,right_string, \



; Function : gsn_csm_map_other ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a labeled "other" map (non-polar, ;
; cylindrical equidistant. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_map in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top left, center, and right of the plot ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 2. If the special resource "gsnMaskLambertConformal" is set, then ;
; if the resources mpMinLatF, mpMaxLatF, mpMinLonF, and mpMaxLonF ;
; are also set, the lambert conformal map will be masked outside ;
; of these min/max lat/lon boundaries. Note: mpProjection must ;
; be set to "LambertConformal". ;
; 3. If the special resource "gsnMaskLambertConformalOutlineOn" is ;
; set to False, then the lat/lon area of interest will not be ;
; outlined in the foreground color. ;
function gsn_csm_map_other(wks:graphic,resources:logical)
local i, res, map_object, calldraw, callframe, \
left_string, center_string, right_string, main_zone, res2
; Initialize.
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if
; Need to check what kind of tickmarks are being used so we can set
; the zone appropriately. It may be the case that it's okay to always
; set it to 3, but this makes the title move slightly up, even if there
; are no tickmarks.
    display_mode = get_display_mode(res2,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","nocreate")
    if(display_mode.eq.1.or.display_mode.eq.2) then
      main_zone = 3
      main_zone = 2
    end if

; This section tests for more special resources: those that start
; with "gsn."

; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.
    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    masklc = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMaskLambertConformal",False)
    maskoutln = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMaskLambertConformalOutlineOn",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
    left_string = new(1,logical)
    center_string = new(1,logical)
    right_string = new(1,logical)

      main_zone = 4
    end if

    shape_mode = get_res_value(res2,"mpShapeMode","FixedAspectFitBB")

    set_attr(res2,"vpXF", 0.2)
    set_attr(res2,"vpYF", 0.8)
    set_attr(res2,"vpWidthF", 0.6)

    set_attr(res2,"mpGridAndLimbOn", False)
    set_attr(res2,"mpPerimOn", .not.masklc)
    set_attr(res2,"mpFillOn", True)
                                   "transparent"/)) ; (default,ocean,land,
                                                    ; inland water)
; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless mpFillOn is set to False,
; then it is set back to True.
; Create the map object. We have to use this code instead of gsn_map
; because we want to set the size of the map. If we set the size of the
; map later with setvalues, as gsn_map would do, then the size wouldn't
; be correct.

    map_object = create "map" mapPlotClass wks
      "vpXF" : res2@vpXF
      "vpYF" : res2@vpYF
      "vpWidthF" : res2@vpWidthF
      "vpHeightF" : res2@vpHeightF
      "pmTitleDisplayMode" : "Always"
      "pmTitleZone" : main_zone ; Zone for main title
      "mpShapeMode" : shape_mode ; must be set when map created
    end create

; This section tests for regular resources.

    mpres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"tx","tm"/)) ; Get rest of resources
; If user wants to mask the lambert conformal map, then to avoid
; the error message:
; warning:MapSetTrans: map limits invalid - using maximal area
; we must set the lambert parallels here. We also use this opportunity
; to make sure the Min/Max/Lat/LonF resources are set.
    if(masklc) then
      if(isatt(res2,"mpMinLatF").and.isatt(res2,"mpMaxLatF").and. \
         isatt(res2,"mpMinLonF").and.isatt(res2,"mpMaxLonF")) then
        if (res2@mpMinLatF.lt.0) then
          mpres@mpLambertParallel1F = -0.001
          mpres@mpLambertParallel2F = -89.999
        end if
        print("gsn_csm_map_other: Warning: one or more of the resources mpMinLatF, mpMaxLatF, mpMinLonF, and mpMaxLonF have not been set.")
        print("No masking of the Lambert Conformal map will take place.")
        masklc = False
      end if
    end if

; If user has turned on built-in map tickmarks, then go ahead and
; let the tickmark resources (if any) be passed to the map object.
    if(display_mode.eq.1.or.display_mode.eq.2) then
      mpres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"tx","am"/)) ; Get rest of resources
      mpres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"tx","am","tm"/)) ; Get rest of resources
    end if
; Set some map resources.
; If user wants to mask the lambert conformal map, then the four
; mpMin/Max resources must be set. The masking routine will be called,
; and masking polygons will be attached to map_object.
    if(masklc) then
      map_object = mask_lambert_conformal(wks,map_object,res2@mpMinLatF, \
                                          res2@mpMaxLatF,res2@mpMinLonF, \
    end if

; Make sure axes labels (if any) are the same size.

    getvalues map_object
        "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
        "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    main_font = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainFont","helvetica-bold")

    setvalues map_object
      "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
      "tiMainFont" : main_font ; main title font
    end setvalues

; Set up three subtitles at top, if they exist.
    subres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"tx","am"/)) ; Get textitem resources
    subres = True
    add_subtitles(wks,map_object,left_string,center_string,right_string, \

; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.


; Return plot object and tickmark object.


; Function : gsn_csm_map ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function calls either gsn_csm_map_ce, gsn_csm_map_other, or ;
; gsn_csm_map_polar depending on if gsnPolar is set, or how ;
; mpProjection is set. ;
function gsn_csm_map(wks:graphic,resources:logical)
  res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
  if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
  end if

    end if
  end if

; Function : gsn_csm_contour_map_polar ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a contour plot over a polar ;
; stereographic map plot to the workstation "wks" (the variable ;
; returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks"). "data" is the ;
; 2-dimensional data to be contoured, and "resources" is an optional ;
; list of resources. The id of the map plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_contour in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. By default, a cyclic point is added. If gsnAddCyclic is set to ;
; False, then the cyclic point is not added. ;
; 2. The longitude lines are labeled. ;
; 3. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top of the plot. ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 4. If the resource "cnFillOn" is set to True, then a labelbar is ;
; drawn and line labels are turned off. ;
; 5. If data has an attribute called "long_name," and "gsnLeftString";
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the left string title. ;
; 6. If data has an attribute called "units," and "gsnRightString" ;
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the right string title. ;
; 7. If either of the resources "gsnPolarNH" or "gsnPolarSH" are set ;
; to True then only the northern or southern hemisphere is ;
; displayed. ;
function gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks:graphic,data:numeric,resources:logical)
local i, contour_object, map_object, res, lbar_pos, lbar_zone, \
lbar_on, calldraw, callframe, main_offset, datanew, res2, cnres, mpres, \
vpwf, vphf, font_height, levels, colors, lbres, \
infolabel_on, infolabel_zone, lbar_zone, lbar_height, lbar_width
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_contour_map_polar: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if

; Initialize.
    lbar_on = False ; Labelbar flag
    res2 = get_resources(resources) ; Copy of resources
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    lbar_zone = 3 ; Zone for labelbar (may change later)
    mpres = True ; Will hold map resources

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes).

    set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data,"lat2d").and.isatt(data,"lon2d"))
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
      datanew = data
    end if

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check for draw and frame.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for type of polar plot and polar labels desired.
    mpres@gsnPolar = get_polar_type(res2)
    mpres@gsnPolarTime = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarTime",False)
    mpres@gsnPolarUT = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarUT",0.)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.

; Tickmarks.
    mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)

; Create data object and use coordinate variables if they exist.


; Set some more contour plot resources.


; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless cnFillOn is set to True
; or mpFillOn is set to False, then it is set back to True.
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.

    lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","ti","vp","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT",\
    cnres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","lb","tx","am","gsnPolar"/))

          lbar_on = True ; Turn on a labelbar
        end if
      end if
    end if
; Compute zone for labelbar if it is supposed to get drawn.
; Zone for labelbar changes only if an info label is not drawn.
      lbar_zone = 2
    end if

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    cnres = True
    mpres = True
    cnres@gsnDraw = False
    cnres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

    contour_object = gsn_contour(wks,datanew,cnres) ; Create contours.
    map_object = gsn_csm_map_polar(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,contour_object) ; Overlay contour plot
                                                    ; on map.
; Retrieve the view port location of the map plot so we know where
; to put titles and labelbar (if there is one).
    getvalues map_object
      "vpWidthF" : vpwf
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
    end getvalues

; Make sure axes labels are the same size.

    font_height = 0.02 * vphf ; Make various label sizes a function
                                  ; of the height of the viewport.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    main_font = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainFont","helvetica-bold")

    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFont" : main_font ; main title font
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Create a labelbar.

    end if

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@data = contour_object@data
    map_object@contour = contour_object

; Function : gsn_csm_contour_map_ce ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a contour plot over a map plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "data" is the 2-dimensional data to be contoured, ;
; and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The Id of the map ;
; plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_contour in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The lat/lon grid is labeled with tickmarks. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top left, center, and right of the plot ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 3. If the special GSUN resource "gsnZonalMean" is set to True, ;
; then a zonal mean XY plot is drawn. ;
; 3a. In addition, if "gsnZonalMeanYRefLine" is set, then a vertical ;
; line is drawn at this value. Otherwise, a line is drawn at 0. ;
; 4. If the resource "cnFillOn" is set to True, then a labelbar is ;
; drawn and line labels are turned off. ;
; 5. If data has an attribute called "long_name," and "gsnLeftString";
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the left string title. ;
; 6. If data has an attribute called "units," and "gsnRightString" ;
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the right string title. ;
function gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks:graphic,data:numeric,resources:logical)
local i, contour_object, labelbar_object, xy_object, map_object, \
calldraw, callframe, lbar_on, zonal_mean_plot, min_lat, max_lat, datanew, \
res, res2, lbres, xy_res, mpres, cnres, levels, colors, \
lbar_zone, lbar_orient, lbar_side, lbar_height, lbar_width, lbar_just, \
map_vpwf, map_vphf, vphf, contour_plot, zonal_zone
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_contour_map_ce: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if

; Initialize.
    lbar_on = False ; Default is no labelbar.
    mpres = True

    infolabel_zone = 2 ; Zone for info label (may change later)
    lbar_zone = 2 ; Zone for labelbar (may change later)
    zonal_zone = 2 ; Zone for zonal means plot

    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Default is no zonal mean plot.
    zonal_mean_plot = get_res_value(res2,"gsnZonalMean",False)

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes and data is not 1D).

    set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data,"lat2d").and.isatt(data,"lon2d"))
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
        datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
        datanew = data
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay contour on map.


      set_attr(res2,"sfXCEndV", 180.)
    end if

      set_attr(res2,"sfYCEndV", 90.)
    end if

; Check if a zonal mean plot is desired. First make sure data
; is not all missing and that we have valid lat/lon coords.
    if(zonal_mean_plot) then
      if(all(ismissing(datanew))) then
        zonal_mean_plot = False
      end if
      if(.not.(is_valid_latlon_coord(datanew,"y","lat",res2).and. \
               is_valid_latlon_coord(datanew,"x","lon",res2))) then
        print("gsn_csm_contour_map_ce: Warning: The resource gsnZonalMean can only be set to True")
        print("if the data has one of the coordinate variables " + get_allowed_latnames() + "and " + get_allowed_lonnames())
        zonal_mean_plot = False
      end if
    end if

    if(zonal_mean_plot) then
        map_vphf = res2@vpHeightF
        map_vphf = 0.7 ; make sure zonal plot will fit in view port
        set_attr(res2, "vpWidthF",0.7)
        set_attr(res2, "vpXF",0.1)
        set_attr(res2, "vpYF",0.9)
      end if
    end if

; Create some contour plot resources.

    res2 = True
    set_attr(res2,"cnLineLabelBackgroundColor", "transparent")

; This section tests for more special resources: those that start
; with "gsn."

      mpres@gsnMajorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMajorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLatSpacing
    end if

      mpres@gsnMinorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMinorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLatSpacing
    end if
    mpres@gsnTickMarksPointOutward = get_res_value(res2, \

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
; Tickmarks.
    display_mode = get_display_mode(res2,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","nocreate")
    if(display_mode.eq.1.or.display_mode.eq.2) then
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",False)
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)
    end if

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.
; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless cnFillOn is set to True
; or mpFillOn is set to False, then it is set back to True.
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT"/))
    cnres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","lb","tx","am","pm","gsnZonal"/))

          lbar_on = True ; Turn on a labelbar
            set_attr(mpres, "vpWidthF",0.75) ; Make room for labelbar
            set_attr(mpres,"vpHeightF",0.75) ; on the side.
            set_attr(mpres, "vpXF",0.08)
            set_attr(mpres, "vpYF",0.90)
          end if
        end if
      end if
    end if
; Compute zones for zonal means plot, info label, and labelbar if
; they are supposed to get drawn.
    infolabel_on = get_res_value_keep(cnres,"cnInfoLabelOn",True)

    if(zonal_mean_plot) then
      if(infolabel_on) then
        infolabel_zone = zonal_zone + 1
        lbar_zone = zonal_zone + 2
        lbar_zone = zonal_zone + 1
      end if
        lbar_zone = infolabel_zone + 1
      end if
    end if

        cnres@cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF = 0.13
      end if
      cnres@cnInfoLabelZone = infolabel_zone
    end if

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    cnres = True
    mpres = True
    cnres@gsnDraw = False
    cnres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

    contour_object = gsn_contour(wks,datanew,cnres) ; Create contours.
    map_object = gsn_csm_map_ce(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,contour_object) ; Overlay contours on map.

; Retrieve some font heights and make the X/Y axis labels the same
; size, and the info label size the same as the tick mark label size.

    getvalues map_object@tickmarks
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
    end getvalues

    getvalues map_object
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value_keep(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Set font heights only if they haven't been set explicitly by user.

    contour_plot = check_class_name(contour_object,"contour")

      setvalues contour_plot
        "cnLineLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
      end setvalues
    end if

      setvalues contour_plot
        "cnInfoLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
      end setvalues
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

    end if

; Add a zonal mean plot if requested.
    if(zonal_mean_plot) then
      zres = get_res_eq(res2,"gsnZonal")
      zres = True ; Make sure it is True
      zres@vpWidthF = 0.15 * map_vphf
      zres@amZone = zonal_zone
      zonal_object = gsn_csm_attach_zonal_means(wks,map_object,datanew,zres)

      map_object@xy = zonal_object
    end if

; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.


; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@data = contour_object@data
    map_object@contour = contour_object

; Function : gsn_csm_contour_map_other ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a contour plot over a map plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "data" is the 2-dimensional data to be contoured, ;
; and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The Id of the map ;
; plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_contour in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The lat/lon grid is labeled with tickmarks. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top left, center, and right of the plot ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 3. If the resource "cnFillOn" is set to True, then a labelbar is ;
; drawn and line labels are turned off. ;
; 4. If data has an attribute called "long_name," and "gsnLeftString";
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the left string title. ;
; 5. If data has an attribute called "units," and "gsnRightString" ;
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the right string title. ;
; 6. If the special GSUN resource "gsnZonalMean" is set to True, ;
; then a zonal mean XY plot is drawn. ;
; 6a. In addition, if "gsnZonalMeanYRefLine" is set, then a vertical ;
; line is drawn at this value. Otherwise, a line is drawn at 0. ;
function gsn_csm_contour_map_other(wks:graphic,data:numeric,\
local i, contour_object, labelbar_object, xy_object, map_object, \
calldraw, callframe, lbar_on, min_lat, max_lat, datanew, \
res, res2, lbres, xy_res, mpres, cnres, levels, colors, \
lbar_zone, lbar_orient, lbar_side, lbar_height, lbar_width, lbar_just, \
map_vpwf, map_vphf, vphf, contour_plot, zonal_mean_plot, zonal_zone
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_contour_map_other: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if

; Initialize.
    lbar_on = False ; Default is no labelbar.
    mpres = True

    infolabel_zone = 2 ; Zone for info label (may change later)
    lbar_zone = 2 ; Zone for labelbar (may change later)
    zonal_zone = 2 ; Zone for zonal means plot

    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
      gsnp_write_debug_info(data,new(1,float),new(1,float), \
    end if

; Default is no zonal mean plot.
    zonal_mean_plot = get_res_value(res2,"gsnZonalMean",False)

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes).

    set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data,"lat2d").and.isatt(data,"lon2d"))
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
        datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
        datanew = data
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay contour on map.


; Check if a zonal mean plot is desired. First make sure data
; is not all missing.

    if(zonal_mean_plot) then
      if(all(ismissing(datanew))) then
        zonal_mean_plot = False
      end if

      if(.not.(is_valid_latlon_coord(datanew,"y","lat",res2).and. \
               is_valid_latlon_coord(datanew,"x","lon",res2))) then
        print("gsn_csm_contour_map_other: Warning: The resource gsnZonalMean can only be set to True")
        print("if the data has one of the coordinate variables " + get_allowed_latnames() + "and " + get_allowed_lonnames())
        zonal_mean_plot = False

      end if
    end if

    if(zonal_mean_plot) then
        map_vphf = res2@vpHeightF
        map_vphf = 0.7 ; make sure zonal plot will fit in view port
        set_attr(res2, "vpWidthF",0.7)
        set_attr(res2, "vpXF",0.1)
        set_attr(res2, "vpYF",0.9)
      end if
    end if

; Create some contour plot resources.

    res2 = True
    set_attr(res2,"cnLineLabelBackgroundColor", "transparent")

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.

; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless cnFillOn is set to True
; or mpFillOn is set to False, then it is set back to True.
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT","gsnMask"/))
    cnres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","lb","tx","am","pm","gsnMask","gsnZonal"/))

          lbar_on = True ; Turn on a labelbar
            set_attr(mpres, "vpWidthF",0.75) ; Make room for labelbar
            set_attr(mpres,"vpHeightF",0.75) ; on the side.
            set_attr(mpres, "vpXF",0.08)
            set_attr(mpres, "vpYF",0.85)
          end if
        end if
      end if
    end if
; Compute zones for info label and labelbar if
; they are supposed to get drawn.
    infolabel_on = get_res_value_keep(cnres,"cnInfoLabelOn",True)

    if(zonal_mean_plot) then
      if(infolabel_on) then
        infolabel_zone = zonal_zone + 1
        lbar_zone = zonal_zone + 2
        lbar_zone = zonal_zone + 1
      end if
        lbar_zone = infolabel_zone + 1
        cnres@cnInfoLabelZone = infolabel_zone
      end if
    end if

; Increase labelbar zone if map tickmarks are on.
       check_attr(mpres,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode",3,False)) then
      lbar_zone = lbar_zone + 1
    end if

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    cnres = True
    mpres = True
    cnres@gsnDraw = False
    cnres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

    contour_object = gsn_contour(wks,datanew,cnres) ; Create contours.
    map_object = gsn_csm_map_other(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,contour_object) ; Overlay contours on map.

; Retrieve some font heights and make the X/Y axis labels the same
; size, and the info label size the same as the tick mark label size.

    getvalues map_object
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
      "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Set font heights only if they haven't been set explicitly by user.

    contour_plot = check_class_name(contour_object,"contour")

      setvalues contour_plot
        "cnLineLabelFontHeightF" : 0.6 * font_height
      end setvalues
    end if

      setvalues contour_plot
        "cnInfoLabelFontHeightF" : 0.6 * font_height
      end setvalues
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

    if(lbar_on) then
                   0.6 * font_height,"other",lbres)
    end if

; Add a zonal mean plot if requested.
    if(zonal_mean_plot) then
      zres = get_res_eq(res2,"gsnZonal")
      zres = True ; Make sure it is True
      zres@vpWidthF = 0.15 * map_vphf
      zres@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.6*font_height
      zonal_object = gsn_csm_attach_zonal_means(wks,map_object,datanew,zres)
      map_object@xy = zonal_object
    end if

; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.


; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@data = contour_object@data
    map_object@contour = contour_object

; Function : gsn_csm_vector_map_ce ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a vector plot over a map plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "u,v" is the 2-dimensional data to be vectorized, ;
; and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The Id of the map ;
; plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_vector in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The lat/lon grid is labeled with tickmarks. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top left, center, and right of the plot ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 3. If data has an attribute called "long_name," and "gsnLeftString";
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the left string title. ;
; 4. If data has an attribute called "units," and "gsnRightString" ;
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the right string title. ;
; 5. If the resource "vcMonoLineArrowColor" is set to False, then a ;
; labelbar is drawn. ;
function gsn_csm_vector_map_ce(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,v[*][*]:numeric,\
local i, vector_object, map_object, res, res2, calldraw, vcres, \
lbres, map_vpwf, map_vphf, vpwf, vphf, callframe, min_lat, max_lat, \
lbar_on, lbar_zone, unew, vnew

; Initialize.
    annolabel_zone = 2 ; Zone for vector anno label
    mpres = True
    lbar_zone = 2 ; Zone for labelbar (may change later)
    lbar_on = False

    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    if(isatt(res2,"vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF")) then
      user_set_ref_orth = True
      user_set_ref_orth = False
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes).

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay vector on map.


      set_attr(res2,"vfXCEndV", 180.)
    end if

      set_attr(res2,"vfYCEndV", 90.)
    end if

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.


; Check for other special resources.
      mpres@gsnMajorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMajorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLatSpacing
    end if

      mpres@gsnMinorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMinorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLatSpacing
    end if

; Tickmarks.
    display_mode = get_display_mode(res2,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","nocreate")
    if(display_mode.eq.1.or.display_mode.eq.2) then
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",False)
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT"/))
    vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","tx","am","lb","pm"/))
    lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))

          lbar_on = True ; Turn on a labelbar
            set_attr(mpres, "vpWidthF",0.75) ; Make room for labelbar
            set_attr(mpres,"vpHeightF",0.75) ; on the side.
            set_attr(mpres, "vpXF",0.08)
            set_attr(mpres, "vpYF",0.90)
          end if
        end if
      end if
    end if
; Default is for the vector reference anno label to be on. To be
; turned off, it has to be explicitly turned off.
    refanno_on = get_res_value_keep(vcres,"vcRefAnnoOn",True)
; If the user is moving the vector annotation around, then
; the labelbar will no longer be in the zone outside the ref anno.
; This is to avoid the problem of the user moving the ref anno into
; the plot, and then having the labelbar follow it up too far, and
; running into the tickmarks.
      if(user_set_ref_orth) then
        lbar_zone = annolabel_zone
        lbar_zone = annolabel_zone + 1
      end if
    end if

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    vcres = True
    mpres = True
    vcres@gsnDraw = False
    vcres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False
    set_attr(vcres,"vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF", 0.12)

    vector_object = gsn_vector(wks,unew,vnew,vcres) ; Create vectors

    map_object = gsn_csm_map_ce(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,vector_object) ; Overlay vectors on map.

; Retrieve some font heights and make the X/Y axis labels the same
; size, and the anno label size the same as the tick mark label size.

    getvalues map_object@tickmarks
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
      "tmXBMajorLengthF" : xlength
      "tmXBMinorLengthF" : xmlength
    end getvalues

    getvalues map_object
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

      setvalues vector_object
        "vcRefAnnoFontHeightF" : xbfontf
      end setvalues
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

    end if
; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@data = vector_object@data
    map_object@vector = vector_object

; Function : gsn_csm_vector_map_polar ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a vector plot over a polar ;
; stereographic map projection to the workstation "wks" (the variable ;
; returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks"). "u,v" is the ;
; 2-dimensional data to be vectorized, and "resources" is an optional ;
; list of resources. The Id of the map plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_vector in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The longitude lines are labeled. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top of the plot. ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 3. If either of the resources "gsnPolarNH" or "gsnPolarSH" are set ;
; to True then only the northern or southern hemisphere is ;
; displayed. ;
; 4. If the resource "vcMonoLineArrowColor" is set to False, then a ;
; labelbar is drawn. ;
function gsn_csm_vector_map_polar(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric, \
local i, vector_object, map_object, res, res2, calldraw, vcres, \
lbres, map_vpwf, map_vphf, vpwf, vphf, callframe, min_lat, max_lat, \
lbar_on, lbar_zone, unew, vnew

; Initialize.
    lbar_on = False
    annolabel_zone = 2 ; Zone for vector anno label
    lbar_zone = 2 ; Zone for labelbar (may change later)
    mpres = True
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes).

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check for draw and frame.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for type of polar plot and polar labels desired.
    mpres@gsnPolar = get_polar_type(res2)
    mpres@gsnPolarTime = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarTime",False)
    mpres@gsnPolarUT = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarUT",0.)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.

; Tickmarks.
    mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)

; Create data object and use coordinate variables if they exist.


; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO", \
    vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","tx","am","lb","pm","gsnPolar"/))
    lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))

          lbar_on = True ; Turn on a labelbar
        end if
      end if
    end if

      end if
    end if
; Default is for the vector reference anno label to be on. To be
; turned off, it has to be explicitly turned off.
    refanno_on = get_res_value_keep(vcres,"vcRefAnnoOn",True)
      lbar_zone = annolabel_zone + 1
    end if

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    vcres = True
    mpres = True
    vcres@gsnDraw = False
    vcres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False
    set_attr(vcres,"vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF", 0.01)
    set_attr(vcres,"vcRefAnnoParallelPosF", 0.8)

    vector_object = gsn_vector(wks,unew,vnew,vcres) ; Create vectors
    map_object = gsn_csm_map_polar(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,vector_object) ; Overlay vectors on map.

; Retrieve the view port location of the map plot so we know where
; to put titles and labelbar (if there is one).
    getvalues map_object
      "vpWidthF" : vpwf
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
    end getvalues
; Make sure axes labels are the same size.

    font_height = 0.02 * vphf ; Make various label sizes a function
                                  ; of the height of the viewport.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Create a labelbar.

      add_labelbar(wks,vector_object,lbar_zone, \
    end if
; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@data = vector_object@data
    map_object@vector = vector_object

; Function : gsn_csm_vector_map_other ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a vector plot over a map plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "u"/"v" is the 2-dimensional data to be vectored, ;
; and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The Id of the map ;
; plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_vector in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The lat/lon grid is labeled with tickmarks. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top left, center, and right of the plot ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 3. If the resource "vcMonoLineArrowColor" is set to False, then a ;
; labelbar is drawn. ;
function gsn_csm_vector_map_other(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,\
local i, vector_object, labelbar_object, xy_object, map_object, \
calldraw, callframe, lbar_on, min_lat, max_lat, datanew, \
res, res2, lbres, xy_res, mpres, vcres, levels, colors, \
lbar_zone, lbar_orient, lbar_side, lbar_height, lbar_width, lbar_just, \
map_vpwf, map_vphf, vphf
; Initialize.
    lbar_on = False ; Default is no labelbar.
    mpres = True

    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes).

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay vectors on map.


; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.

; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless vcMonoLineArrowColor is set to
; False or mpFillOn is set to False, then it is set back to True.
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT","gsnMask"/))
    vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","lb","tx","am","pm","gsnMask"/))

          lbar_on = True ; Turn on a labelbar
        end if
      end if
    end if

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    vcres = True
    mpres = True
    vcres@gsnDraw = False
    vcres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False


    vector_object = gsn_vector(wks,unew,vnew,vcres) ; Create vectors.
    map_object = gsn_csm_map_other(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,vector_object) ; Overlay vectors on map.

; Retrieve some font heights and make the X/Y axis labels the same
; size, and the info label size the same as the tick mark label size.

    getvalues map_object
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
      "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Set font heights only if they haven't been set explicitly by user.

      setvalues vector_object
        "vcRefAnnoFontHeightF" : 0.6 * font_height
      end setvalues
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

      add_labelbar(wks,vector_object,2,0.6 * font_height,"other",lbres)
    end if

; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.


; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@data = vector_object@data
    map_object@vector = vector_object

; Function : gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a streamline plot over a map plot to ;
; the workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "u,v" is the 2-dimensional data to be streamlined, ;
; and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The Id of the map ;
; plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_streamline in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The lat/lon grid is labeled with tickmarks. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top left, center, and right of the plot ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 3. If data has an attribute called "long_name," and "gsnLeftString";
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the left string title. ;
; 4. If data has an attribute called "units," and "gsnRightString" ;
; hasn't explicitly been set, then the value of this attribute ;
; is used for the right string title. ;
function gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,\
local i, stream_object, map_object, stres, calldraw, callframe, \
min_lat, max_lat, unew, vnew, res, res2, map_vpwf, map_vphf, vpwf, vphf

; Initialize.
    infolabel_zone = 2 ; Zone for info label (may change later)
    mpres = True

    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes).

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay streamline on map.


      set_attr(res2,"vfXCEndV", 180.)
    end if

      set_attr(res2,"vfYCEndV", 90.)
    end if

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.


; Check for other special resources.
      mpres@gsnMajorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMajorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLatSpacing
    end if

      mpres@gsnMinorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMinorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLatSpacing
    end if
; Tickmarks.
    display_mode = get_display_mode(res2,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","nocreate")
    if(display_mode.eq.1.or.display_mode.eq.2) then
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",False)
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT"/))
    stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","tx","am"/))

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    stres = True
    mpres = True
    stres@gsnDraw = False
    stres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

    stream_object = gsn_streamline(wks,unew,vnew,stres) ; Create streamlines

    map_object = gsn_csm_map_ce(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,stream_object) ; Overlay streamlines on map.

; Retrieve some font heights and make the X/Y axis labels the same
; size, and the info label size the same as the tick mark label size.

    getvalues map_object@tickmarks
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
      "tmXBMajorLengthF" : xlength
      "tmXBMinorLengthF" : xmlength
    end getvalues

    getvalues map_object
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@data = stream_object@data
    map_object@streamline = stream_object

; Function : gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a streamline plot over a polar ;
; stereographic map projection to the workstation "wks" (the variable ;
; returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks"). "u,v" is the ;
; 2-dimensional data to be streamlined, and "resources" is an optional ;
; list of resources. The Id of the map plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_streamline in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The longitude lines are labeled. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top of the plot. ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
; 3. If either of the resources "gsnPolarNH" or "gsnPolarSH" are set ;
; to True then only the northern or southern hemisphere is ;
; displayed. ;
function gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric, \
local i, stream_object, map_object, res, res2, calldraw, stres, \
map_vpwf, map_vphf, vpwf, vphf, callframe, unew, vnew

; Initialize.
    mpres = True
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes).

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check for draw and frame.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for type of polar plot and polar labels desired.
    mpres@gsnPolar = get_polar_type(res2)
    mpres@gsnPolarTime = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarTime",False)
    mpres@gsnPolarUT = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarUT",0.)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.

; Tickmarks.
    mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)

; Create data object and use coordinate variables if they exist.


; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO", \
    stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","tx","am","gsnPolar"/))

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    stres = True
    mpres = True
    stres@gsnDraw = False
    stres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

    stream_object = gsn_streamline(wks,unew,vnew,stres) ; Create streamlines
    map_object = gsn_csm_map_polar(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,stream_object) ; Overlay strmlns on map.
; Retrieve the view port location of the map plot so we know where
; to put titles.
    getvalues map_object
      "vpWidthF" : vpwf
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
    end getvalues

; Make sure axes labels are the same size.

    font_height = 0.02 * vphf ; Make various label sizes a function
                                  ; of the height of the viewport.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@data = stream_object@data
    map_object@streamline = stream_object

; Function : gsn_csm_streamline_map_other ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a streamline plot over a map plot to ;
; the workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "u"/"v" is the 2-dimensional data to be ;
; streamlined, and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The ;
; id of the map plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_streamline in that it will ;
; create a special kind of plot if certain attributes are set. ;
; ;
; 1. The lat/lon grid is labeled with tickmarks. ;
; 2. If any of the special GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," ;
; "gsnCenterString," and/or "gsnRightString" are set, then they ;
; are used to title the top left, center, and right of the plot ;
; (in addition, the regular resource "tiMainString" can be set to ;
; create a regular title). ;
function gsn_csm_streamline_map_other(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,\
local i, stream_object, labelbar_object, xy_object, map_object, \
calldraw, callframe, lbar_on, min_lat, max_lat, datanew, \
res, res2, mpres, stres, map_vpwf, map_vphf, vphf
; Initialize.
    mpres = True

    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes).

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay streamlines on map.


; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.

; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless mpFillOn is set to False, then
; it is set back to True.
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT","gsnMask"/))
    stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT","gsnMask"/))

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    stres = True
    mpres = True
    stres@gsnDraw = False
    stres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

    stream_object = gsn_streamline(wks,unew,vnew,stres) ; Create streamlines.
    map_object = gsn_csm_map_other(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,stream_object) ; Overlay streamlines on map.

; Retrieve some font heights and make the X/Y axis labels the same
; size, and the info label size the same as the tick mark label size.

    getvalues map_object
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
      "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.


; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@data = stream_object@data
    map_object@streamline = stream_object

; Function : gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; data: 2-dimensional scalar data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function is similar to gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce except it ;
; overlays contours. ;
function gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,\
local i, stream_object, map_object, res, res2, \
calldraw, callframe, min_lat, max_lat, unew, vnew, datanew, \
map_vpwf, map_vphf, vpwf, vphf, lbar_on
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if

; Initialize.
    infolabel_on = False
    lbar_on = True
    mpres = True
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes). Check the vector and contour data separately.

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

    set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data,"lat2d").and.isatt(data,"lon2d"))
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
      datanew = data
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay vector on map.


      set_attr(res2,"vfXCEndV", 180.)
    end if

      set_attr(res2,"vfYCEndV", 90.)
    end if

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

    lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.


; Check for other special resources.
      mpres@gsnMajorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMajorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLatSpacing
    end if

      mpres@gsnMinorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMinorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLatSpacing
    end if

    lbar_on = False
; Turn on labelbar if cnFillOn is True and it wasn't explicitly
; turned off.
        lbar_on = True ; Turn on a labelbar
      end if
    end if


      set_attr(res2,"sfXCEndV", 180.)
    end if

      set_attr(res2,"sfYCEndV", 90.)
    end if

      lbar_on = False
    end if

; Turn off info label if labelbar is on, unless otherwise specified by user.
    end if
; Tickmarks.
    display_mode = get_display_mode(res2,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","nocreate")
    if(display_mode.eq.1.or.display_mode.eq.2) then
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",False)
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT"/))
    stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","lb","tx","am","pm"/))

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    stres = True
    mpres = True
    stres@gsnDraw = False
    stres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

      set_attr(mpres, "vpWidthF",0.75) ; Make room for labelbar
      set_attr(mpres,"vpHeightF",0.75) ; on the side.
      set_attr(mpres, "vpXF",0.08)
      set_attr(mpres, "vpYF",0.90)
    end if

    set_attr(stres,"cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF", 0.13)

    stream_object = gsn_streamline_contour(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,stres)

    map_object = gsn_csm_map_ce(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,stream_object) ; Overlay streamlines on map.

; Retrieve some font heights and make the X/Y axis labels the same
; size, and the info label size the same as the tick mark label size.

    getvalues map_object@tickmarks
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
    end getvalues

    getvalues map_object
      "vpWidthF" : vpwf
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Make sure line labels and info labels are same size.
      setvalues stream_object@contour
        "cnInfoLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
     end setvalues
    end if
      setvalues stream_object@contour
        "cnLineLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
      end setvalues
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

        lbar_zone = 2
        lbar_zone = 3
      end if

    end if
; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@vfdata = stream_object@vfdata
    map_object@sfdata = stream_object@sfdata
    map_object@streamline = stream_object
    map_object@contour = stream_object@contour

; Function : gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; data: 2-dimensional scalar data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function is similar to gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar except it ;
; overlays a contour plot. ;
function gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric, \
local i, stream_object, map_object, res, res2, calldraw, vcres, \
lbres, vpwf, vphf, callframe, lbar_on, lbar_zone, unew, vnew
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if

; The default is to draw streamlines colored by a scalar field, so this
; means a labelbar should be drawn, and no contour information is
; needed.
; Initialize.
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    mpres = True

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes). Check the vector and contour data separately.

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

    set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data,"lat2d").and.isatt(data,"lon2d"))
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
      datanew = data
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay streamlines on map.


; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check for draw and frame.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for type of polar plot and polar labels desired.
    mpres@gsnPolar = get_polar_type(res2)
    mpres@gsnPolarTime = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarTime",False)
    mpres@gsnPolarUT = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarUT",0.)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.

; Determine which annotations (labelbar, info label) should be turned on.
; By default, labelbar is on, and contour info label is off.
    end if
; Check for coordinate variables for scalar field.

    lbar_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"lbLabelBarOn",True)
    lbar_orient = lower_case(get_res_value_keep(res2,"lbOrientation", \
    infolabel_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"cnInfoLabelOn",False)
; Now that we know what's being drawn for annotations (labelbar,
; info label), we can determine where to put all this
; stuff.
      set_attr(res2,"cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF", 0.1)
      set_attr(res2,"cnInfoLabelParallelPosF", 1.0)
    end if

      end if
    end if
; Tickmarks.
    mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)

; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO", \
    stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","tx","am","lb","pm","gsnPolar"/))

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    stres = True
    mpres = True
    stres@gsnDraw = False
    stres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

    stream_object = gsn_streamline_contour(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,stres)
    map_object = gsn_csm_map_polar(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,stream_object) ; Overlay streamlines on map.

; Retrieve plot height so we can compute font height.

    getvalues map_object
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
    end getvalues

; Make sure axes labels are the same size.

    font_height = 0.02 * vphf ; Make various label sizes a function
                                  ; of the height of the viewport.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Create a labelbar.

        lbar_zone = 2
        lbar_zone = 3
      end if
; Get labelbar resources, if any.
      lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))

      add_labelbar(wks,stream_object@contour, \
    end if
; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@vfdata = stream_object@vfdata
    map_object@sfdata = stream_object@sfdata
    map_object@streamline = stream_object
    map_object@contour = stream_object@contour

; Function : gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_other ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; data: 2-dimensional scalar data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function is similar to gsn_csm_streamline_map_other except ;
; overlays a contour plot. ;
function gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_other(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,\
                                        v[*][*]:numeric,data:numeric, \
local i, stream_object, labelbar_object, map_object, \
calldraw, callframe, lbar_on, min_lat, max_lat, datanew, \
res, res2, lbres, mpres, vcres, levels, colors, \
lbar_zone, lbar_orient, lbar_side, lbar_height, lbar_width, lbar_just, \
map_vpwf, map_vphf, vphf
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_other: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if
; Initialize.
    infolabel_on = False
    lbar_on = False ; Default is no labelbar.
    mpres = True

    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes). Check the vector and contour data separately.

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

    set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data,"lat2d").and.isatt(data,"lon2d"))
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
      datanew = data
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay streamlines on map.


; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.


; Determine which annotations (labelbar, info label) should be turned on.
; By default, labelbar is on, and contour info label is off.
    end if
; Check for coordinate variables for scalar field.

    lbar_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"lbLabelBarOn",True)
    lbar_orient = lower_case(get_res_value_keep(res2,"lbOrientation", \
    infolabel_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"cnInfoLabelOn",False)

; Now that we know what's being drawn for annotations (labelbar,
; info label), we can determine where to put all this
; stuff.
      set_attr(res2,"cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF", 0.1)
      set_attr(res2,"cnInfoLabelParallelPosF", 1.0)
    end if
; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless mpFillOn is set to False,
; then it is set back to True.
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT","gsnMask"/))
    stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","lb","tx","am","pm","gsnMask"/))

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    stres = True
    mpres = True
    stres@gsnDraw = False
    stres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

    stream_object = gsn_streamline_contour(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,stres)

    map_object = gsn_csm_map_other(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,stream_object) ; Overlay streamlines on map.

; Retrieve plot height so we can compute font height.

    getvalues map_object
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
    end getvalues

; Make sure axes labels are the same size.

    font_height = 0.02 * vphf ; Make various label sizes a function
                                  ; of the height of the viewport.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
      "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Create a labelbar.

        lbar_zone = 2
        lbar_zone = 3
      end if
; Get labelbar resources, if any.
      lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))

    end if
; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.


; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    map_object@vfdata = stream_object@vfdata
    map_object@sfdata = stream_object@sfdata
    map_object@vector = stream_object
    map_object@contour = stream_object@contour


; Function : gsn_csm_vector_scalar ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; data: 2-dimensional scalar data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function colors vectors according to a scalar field. ;
; ;
; There's a special resource associated with this function called ;
; "gsnScalarContour". If it's set to True, then the scalar field will ;
; be drawn as a contour plot. Otherwise, the vectors will be colored ;
; according to the scalar field. This resource defaults to False. ;
function gsn_csm_vector_scalar(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,v[*][*]:numeric, \
local i, vector_object, res, res2, \
calldraw, callframe, unew, vnew, datanew, vpwf, vphf, lbar_on, lbar_type
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_vector_scalar: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if

; Initialize.
    main_zone = 2 ; Zone for main title (may change later)
    infolabel_on = False
    refanno_on = True
    lbar_on = True
    lbar_type = ""
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    tm_scale = get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnScale",True)
    point_outward = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksPointOutward",True)

; The default is to not add a cyclic point.
    if(get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",False)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",False)) then
      datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
      datanew = data
    end if

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check for existence of the left, center, and right subtitles.

    left_string = new(1,logical)
    center_string = new(1,logical)
    right_string = new(1,logical)


      main_zone = main_zone+1
    end if

; Check if gsnShape set.

      main_zone = main_zone+1 ; Zone for main title
    end if

; Use coordinate variables for X and/or Y if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for type of scalar field representation.
    scalar_contour = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScalarContour",False)

; Get labelbar resources.
    lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))

      lbar_on = False
; Turn on labelbar if cnFillOn is True and it wasn't explicitly
; turned off.
        lbar_type = "contour"
          lbar_on = True ; Turn on a labelbar
        end if
      end if
    end if

      lbar_on = False
    end if

; Turn off anno label if specified by user.
      refanno_on = False
    end if

; Turn off info label if labelbar is on, unless otherwise specified by user.
      end if
      infolabel_on = res2@cnInfoLabelOn
    end if

      set_attr(res2, "vpWidthF",0.75) ; Make room for labelbar
      set_attr(res2,"vpHeightF",0.75) ; on the side.
      set_attr(res2, "vpXF",0.08)
      set_attr(res2, "vpYF",0.90)
    end if

      set_attr(res2,"cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF", 0.13)
    end if

      end if
      set_attr(res2,"vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF", 0.13)
    end if

; Before we create the vector object, turn off draw and frame for it.
    vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","lb","tx","am","pm"/))

    vcres = True
    vcres@gsnDraw = False
    vcres@gsnFrame = False

      vector_object = gsn_vector_contour(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,vcres)
      vector_object = gsn_vector_scalar(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,vcres)
    end if

; Add lat/lon labels to X/Y axes if appropriate coordinate arrays exist.


; Retrieve some font heights and make the X/Y axis labels the same
; size, and the info label size the same as the tick mark label size.

    getvalues vector_object
      "vpHeightF" : height
      "vpWidthF" : width

      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make subtitle label sizes a
                                          ; function of the size of the
                                          ; X/Y axis labels.

; If the plot is close to square in size, then make the
; three top titles and the tick marks smaller.

    font_scale = (/1.0,0.8,0.8/)
    ratios = (/0.5,0.75,1.0/)

    ratio = height/width
      ratio = 1./ratio
    end if
    index = ind(ratio.le.ratios)

    scale = font_scale(index(0))
    font_height = scale * font_height
; If gsnScale is True, then make sure we have a valid tickmark
; object before we do anything else.
    if(tm_scale.and.is_tm_obj_valid(vector_object,unew)) then
; Make tick marks same length and point outward.
      getvalues vector_object
        "tmYLMajorLengthF" : ylength
        "tmXBMajorLengthF" : xlength
        "tmYLMinorLengthF" : ymlength
        "tmXBMinorLengthF" : xmlength
      end getvalues

      major_length = min((/ylength,xlength/)) ; New length for major ticks.
      minor_length = min((/ymlength,xmlength/)) ; New length for minor ticks.

      major_length = scale * major_length
      minor_length = scale * minor_length

      tmres = get_res_eq(res2,"tm")
    end if

; Make sure info labels, line labels, and vector labels are same size.
        setvalues vector_object@contour
          "cnInfoLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
       end setvalues
      end if
        setvalues vector_object@contour
          "cnLineLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
        end setvalues
      end if
    end if

      setvalues vector_object
        "vcRefAnnoFontHeightF" : xbfontf
     end setvalues
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

        lbar_zone = 2
        lbar_zone = 3
      end if

        add_labelbar(wks,vector_object@contour,lbar_zone,xbfontf, \
      end if
    end if
; Set up three subtitles at top, if they exist.
    subres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"tx","am"/)) ; Get textitem resources
    subres = True

; Draw all this stuff: vector/contour plot, subtitles, and tick marks.

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    vector_object@vfdata = vector_object@vfdata
    vector_object@sfdata = vector_object@sfdata
    if(lbar_type.eq."contour") then
      vector_object@labelbar = vector_object@contour
      vector_object@labelbar_type = lbar_type
    end if

; Function : gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; data: 2-dimensional scalar data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function is similar to gsn_csm_vector_map_ce except it colors the;
; vectors according to a scalar field. ;
; ;
; There's a special resource associated with this function called ;
; "gsnScalarContour". If it's set to True, then the scalar field will ;
; be drawn as a contour plot. Otherwise, the vectors will be colored ;
; according to the scalar field. This resource defaults to False. ;
function gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,\
local i, vector_object, map_object, res, res2, \
calldraw, callframe, min_lat, max_lat, unew, vnew, datanew, \
map_vpwf, map_vphf, vpwf, vphf, lbar_on, lbar_type
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if

; Initialize.
    infolabel_on = False
    refanno_on = True
    lbar_on = True
    lbar_type = ""
    mpres = True
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    if(isatt(res2,"vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF")) then
      user_set_ref_orth = True
      user_set_ref_orth = False
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes). Check the vector and contour data separately.

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

    set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data,"lat2d").and.isatt(data,"lon2d"))
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
      datanew = data
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay vector on map.


      set_attr(res2,"vfXCEndV", 180.)
    end if

      set_attr(res2,"vfYCEndV", 90.)
    end if

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

    lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))

; Check for type of scalar field representation.
    scalar_contour = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScalarContour",False)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.


; Check for other special resources.
      mpres@gsnMajorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMajorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMajorLatSpacing
    end if

      mpres@gsnMinorLonSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLonSpacing
    end if
      mpres@gsnMinorLatSpacing = res2@gsnMinorLatSpacing
    end if

      lbar_on = False
; Turn on labelbar if cnFillOn is True and it wasn't explicitly
; turned off.
        lbar_type = "contour"
          lbar_on = True ; Turn on a labelbar
        end if
      end if


        set_attr(res2,"sfXCEndV", 180.)
      end if

        set_attr(res2,"sfYCEndV", 90.)
      end if
    end if

      lbar_on = False
    end if

; Turn off anno label if specified by user.
      refanno_on = False
    end if

; Turn off info label if labelbar is on, unless otherwise specified by user.
      end if
      infolabel_on = res2@cnInfoLabelOn
    end if
; Tickmarks.
    display_mode = get_display_mode(res2,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","nocreate")
    if(display_mode.eq.1.or.display_mode.eq.2) then
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",False)
      mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT"/))
    vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","lb","tx","am","pm"/))

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    vcres = True
    mpres = True
    vcres@gsnDraw = False
    vcres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

      set_attr(mpres, "vpWidthF",0.75) ; Make room for labelbar
      set_attr(mpres,"vpHeightF",0.75) ; on the side.
      set_attr(mpres, "vpXF",0.08)
      set_attr(mpres, "vpYF",0.90)
    end if

      set_attr(vcres,"cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF", 0.13)
    end if

      end if
      set_attr(vcres,"vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF", 0.13)
    end if

      vector_object = gsn_vector_contour(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,vcres)
      vector_object = gsn_vector_scalar(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,vcres)
    end if

    map_object = gsn_csm_map_ce(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,vector_object) ; Overlay vectors on map.

; Retrieve some font heights and make the X/Y axis labels the same
; size, and the info label size the same as the tick mark label size.

    getvalues map_object@tickmarks
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
    end getvalues

    getvalues map_object
      "vpWidthF" : vpwf
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Make sure info labels, line labels, and vector labels are same size.
        setvalues vector_object@contour
          "cnInfoLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
       end setvalues
      end if
        setvalues vector_object@contour
          "cnLineLabelFontHeightF" : xbfontf
        end setvalues
      end if
    end if

      setvalues vector_object
        "vcRefAnnoFontHeightF" : xbfontf
     end setvalues
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

        lbar_zone = 2
; If the user is moving the vector annotation around, then
; the labelbar will no longer be in the zone outside the ref anno.
; This is to avoid the problem of the user moving the ref anno into
; the plot, and then having the labelbar follow it up too far, and
; running into the tickmarks.
        if(user_set_ref_orth) then
          lbar_zone = 2
          lbar_zone = 3
        end if
      end if

        add_labelbar(wks,vector_object@contour,lbar_zone,xbfontf, \
      end if
    end if

; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    if(lbar_type.eq."contour") then
      map_object@labelbar = vector_object@contour
      map_object@labelbar_type = lbar_type
    end if

    map_object@vfdata = vector_object@vfdata
    map_object@sfdata = vector_object@sfdata
      map_object@vector = vector_object
      map_object@contour = vector_object@contour
      map_object@vector = vector_object
    end if


; Function : gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; data: 2-dimensional scalar data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function is similar to gsn_csm_vector_map_polar except it either ;
; colors the vectors according to a scalar field, or it overlays a ;
; contour plot. ;
; ;
; There's a special resource associated with this function called ;
; "gsnScalarContour". If it's set to True, then the scalar field will ;
; be drawn as a contour plot. Otherwise, the vectors will be colored ;
; according to the scalar field. This resource defaults to False. ;
function gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric, \
local i, vector_object, map_object, res, res2, calldraw, vcres, \
lbres, vpwf, vphf, callframe, lbar_on, lbar_type, lbar_zone, unew, vnew
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if
; The default is to draw vectors colored by a scalar field, so this
; means a labelbar should be drawn, and no contour information is
; needed.
; Initialize.
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    mpres = True

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes). Check the vector and contour data separately.

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

    set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data,"lat2d").and.isatt(data,"lon2d"))
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
      datanew = data
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay vectors on map.


; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check for draw and frame.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for type of polar plot and scalar field representation.
    mpres@gsnPolar = get_polar_type(res2)
    mpres@gsnPolarTime = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarTime",False)
    mpres@gsnPolarUT = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPolarUT",0.)
    scalar_contour = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScalarContour",False)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.

; Determine which annotations (labelbar, vector reference anno, info label)
; should be turned on. By default, labelbar and vector anno are on, and
; contour info label is off.
      end if
; Check for coordinate variables for scalar field.
    end if

    lbar_type = ""
    lbar_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"lbLabelBarOn",True)
    lbar_orient = lower_case(get_res_value_keep(res2,"lbOrientation", \
    infolabel_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"cnInfoLabelOn",False)
    refanno_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"vcRefAnnoOn",True)
; Now that we know what's being drawn for annotations (labelbar,
; info label, ref anno), we can determine where to put all this
; stuff. If both info label and ref anno are on, put the info label
; on the right, and the ref anno on the left. If only one of them is
; on, put it on the right.
        set_attr(res2,"vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF", 0.1)
        set_attr(res2,"vcRefAnnoParallelPosF", 0.0)
      end if
    end if

      set_attr(res2,"cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF", 0.1)
      set_attr(res2,"cnInfoLabelParallelPosF", 1.0)
    end if

      end if
    end if
; Tickmarks.
    mpres@gsnTickMarksOn = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)

; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO",\
    vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","tx","am","lb","pm","gsnPolar"/))

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    vcres = True
    mpres = True
    vcres@gsnDraw = False
    vcres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

      vector_object = gsn_vector_contour(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,vcres)
      vector_object = gsn_vector_scalar(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,vcres)
    end if
    map_object = gsn_csm_map_polar(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,vector_object) ; Overlay vectors on map.

; Retrieve plot height so we can compute font height.

    getvalues map_object
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
    end getvalues

; Make sure axes labels are the same size.

    font_height = 0.02 * vphf ; Make various label sizes a function
                                  ; of the height of the viewport.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
        "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Create a labelbar.

        lbar_zone = 2
        lbar_zone = 3
      end if
; Get labelbar resources, if any.
      lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))

        lbar_type = "contour"
        add_labelbar(wks,vector_object@contour,lbar_zone,font_height, \
      end if
    end if
; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.

; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    if(lbar_type.eq."contour") then
      map_object@labelbar = vector_object@contour
      map_object@labelbar_type = lbar_type
    end if

    map_object@vfdata = vector_object@vfdata
    map_object@sfdata = vector_object@sfdata
      map_object@vector = vector_object
      map_object@contour = vector_object@contour
      map_object@vector = vector_object
    end if

; Function : gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_other ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; data: 2-dimensional scalar data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function is similar to gsn_csm_vector_map_other except it either ;
; colors the vectors according to a scalar field, or it overlays a ;
; contour plot. ;
; ;
; There's a special resource associated with this function called ;
; "gsnScalarContour". If it's set to True, then the scalar field will ;
; be drawn as a contour plot. Otherwise, the vectors will be colored ;
; according to the scalar field. This resource defaults to False. ;
function gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_other(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,\
                                        v[*][*]:numeric,data:numeric, \
local i, vector_object, labelbar_object, map_object, \
calldraw, callframe, lbar_on, lbar_type, min_lat, max_lat, datanew, \
res, res2, lbres, mpres, vcres, levels, colors, \
lbar_zone, lbar_orient, lbar_side, lbar_height, lbar_width, lbar_just, \
map_vpwf, map_vphf, vphf
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_other: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if

; Initialize.
    infolabel_on = False
    refanno_on = True
    lbar_on = False ; Default is no labelbar.
    lbar_type = ""
    mpres = True

    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes). Check the vector and contour data separately.

    set_cyclic = .not.((isatt(u,"lat2d").and.isatt(u,"lon2d")).or.\
    if(get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if

    set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data,"lat2d").and.isatt(data,"lon2d"))
    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
      datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
      datanew = data
    end if

; Check for coordinate variables. These values will determine where to
; overlay vectors on map.


; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for subtitles at top and add to mpres if exist.


; Check for type of scalar field representation.
    scalar_contour = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScalarContour",False)

; Determine which annotations (labelbar, vector reference anno, info label)
; should be turned on. By default, labelbar and vector anno are on, and
; contour info label is off.
        lbar_type = "contour"
      end if
; Check for coordinate variables for scalar field.
    end if

    lbar_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"lbLabelBarOn",True)
    lbar_orient = lower_case(get_res_value_keep(res2,"lbOrientation", \
    infolabel_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"cnInfoLabelOn",False)
    refanno_on = get_res_value_keep(res2,"vcRefAnnoOn",True)

; Now that we know what's being drawn for annotations (labelbar,
; info label, ref anno), we can determine where to put all this
; stuff. If both info label and ref anno are on, put the info label
; on the right, and the ref anno on the left. If only one of them is
; on, put it on the right.
        set_attr(res2,"vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF", 0.1)
        set_attr(res2,"vcRefAnnoParallelPosF", 0.0)
      end if
    end if

      set_attr(res2,"cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF", 0.1)
      set_attr(res2,"cnInfoLabelParallelPosF", 1.0)
    end if
; By default, mpOutlineOn is False, unless vcMonoLineArrowColor is set to
; False or mpFillOn is set to False, then it is set back to True.
    end if

; This section tests for regular resources.
    mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","ti","tx","am","pmA","pmO","pmT","gsnMask"/))
    vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vp","tm","lb","tx","am","pm","gsnMask"/))

; Before we create the objects, turn off draw and frame for them.
    vcres = True
    mpres = True
    vcres@gsnDraw = False
    vcres@gsnFrame = False
    mpres@gsnDraw = False
    mpres@gsnFrame = False

      vector_object = gsn_vector_contour(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,vcres)
      vector_object = gsn_vector_scalar(wks,unew,vnew,datanew,vcres)
    end if

    map_object = gsn_csm_map_other(wks,mpres) ; Create map.
    overlay(map_object,vector_object) ; Overlay vectors on map.

; Retrieve plot height so we can compute font height.

    getvalues map_object
      "vpHeightF" : vphf
    end getvalues

; Make sure axes labels are the same size.

    font_height = 0.02 * vphf ; Make various label sizes a function
                                  ; of the height of the viewport.
; Check if user setting own font heights.
    main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", \
    setvalues map_object
      "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height ; main title size
    end setvalues

; Set font heights only if they haven't been set explicitly by user.

      setvalues vector_object
        "vcRefAnnoFontHeightF" : font_height
      end setvalues
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

        lbar_zone = 2
        lbar_zone = 3
      end if
; Get labelbar resources, if any.
      lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))

        add_labelbar(wks,vector_object@contour,lbar_zone,font_height, \
        add_labelbar(wks,vector_object,lbar_zone,font_height, \
      end if
    end if
; Draw all this stuff: map plot, subtitles, and tick marks.


; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).

    if(lbar_type.eq."contour") then
      map_object@labelbar = vector_object@contour
      map_object@labelbar_type = lbar_type
    end if

    map_object@vfdata = vector_object@vfdata
    map_object@sfdata = vector_object@sfdata
      map_object@vector = vector_object
      map_object@contour = vector_object@contour
      map_object@vector = vector_object
    end if

; Function : gsn_csm_contour_map ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function calls either gsn_csm_contour_map_ce, ;
; gsn_csm_contour_map_polar or gsn_csm_contour_map_polar depending on ;
; the map projection selected. ;
function gsn_csm_contour_map(wks:graphic,data:numeric,resources:logical)
local res
  res = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
  if(isatt(res,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
  end if

    end if
  end if

; Function : gsn_csm_streamline_map ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function calls either gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce, ;
; gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar or gsn_csm_streamline_map_other ;
; depending on the map projection selected. ;
function gsn_csm_streamline_map(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,v[*][*]:numeric,\
local res
  res = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
  if(isatt(res,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
  end if

    end if
  end if

; Function : gsn_csm_vector_map ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function calls either gsn_csm_vector_map_ce, ;
; gsn_csm_vector_map_polar or gsn_csm_vector_map_polar depending on the ;
; map projection selected. ;
function gsn_csm_vector_map(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,v[*][*]:numeric,\
local res
  res = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
  if(isatt(res,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
  end if

    end if
  end if

; Function : gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; data: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function calls either gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce, ;
; gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar or gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_other ;
; depending on the map projection selected. ;
function gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric, \
                                   v[*][*]:numeric,data:numeric, \
local res
  res = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
  if(isatt(res,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
  end if

    end if
  end if

; Function : gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; data: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function calls either gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce, ;
; gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar, or ;
; gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_other depending on the map projection ;
; selected. ;
function gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric, \
                                   v[*][*]:numeric,data:numeric, \
local res
  res = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
  if(isatt(res,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
  end if

    end if
  end if

; Function : gsn_csm_contour_map_overlay ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data1: first data to contour ;
; data2: second data to contour ;
; res1: optional resources ;
; res2: optional resources ;
; ;
; This is similar to gsn_csm_contour_map, only it overlays an ;
; additional contour plot. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_contour_map_overlay(wks:graphic,data1:numeric,data2:numeric, \
local calldraw, callframe, res1_tmp, res2_tmp
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
  if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data1).or..not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data2)) then
    print("gsn_csm_contour_map_overlay: Fatal: the input data arrays must be 1D or 2D")
  end if

  res1_tmp = get_resources(res1) ; Transfer attributes
  res2_tmp = get_resources(res2) ; Transfer attributes
  res1_tmp = True
  res2_tmp = True
  calldraw = get_res_value(res1_tmp,"gsnDraw", True)
  callframe = get_res_value(res1_tmp,"gsnFrame",True)
  maxbb = get_bb_res(res1_tmp)

  res1_tmp@gsnDraw = False
  res1_tmp@gsnFrame = False

; Default for first plot is to turn fill on and turn off lines and line
; labels.

    res1_tmp@cnFillOn = True
  end if

  contour1 = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,data1,res1_tmp)

  res2_tmp@gsnDraw = False
  res2_tmp@gsnFrame = False

; Check for cyclic point (default is True if we are not setting both
; lon2d/lat2d attributes).

  set_cyclic = .not.(isatt(data2,"lat2d").and.isatt(data2,"lon2d"))
  if(get_res_value(res2_tmp,"gsnAddCyclic",set_cyclic)) then
    datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data2)
    datanew = data2
  end if


; Default for second plot is to draw line labels, but make background
; label box transparent. Also, move the info label around depending on
; whether the labelbar from the first plot is on the side or the bottom.

      end if
    end if
  end if

  contour2 = gsn_contour(wks,datanew,res2_tmp)


; Draw all this stuff: contour plots and subtitles.

; Return contour plot object.

  contour1@contour2 = contour2


; Function : plot_x2y2 ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; x1: X values, representing the bottom axis ;
; x2: second set of X values (opt'l) ;
; representing the top axis ;
; y1: Y values, representing the left axis ;
; y2: second set of Y values (opt'l) ;
; representing the right axis ;
; res1: opt'l resources, to apply to first plot ;
; axes used are bottom/left. ;
; res2: opt'l resources, to apply to second plot ;
; axes used are top/right. ;
; axis: which axis has the multiple curves ("x" means ;
; the X axes has the multiple curves, "y" is for the ;
; Y axes, and "xy" for both axes) ;
; plot_type: whether we're doing generic gsn, or gsn_csm ;
; ;
; Originally created by Dennis Shea to allow two Y curves with two ;
; separate Y axes to reside on the same plot and share the same X axis. ;
; The Y axes are labeled both on the left and right to indicate the two ;
; different axes. ;
; ;
; Modified by Mary Haley and made more generic so it can handle the X ;
; or Y axis or both axes having multiple curves. ;
function plot_x2y2(wks:graphic, x1:numeric, x2:numeric, \
                                y1:numeric, y2:numeric, \
                                res1:logical, res2:logical, \
                                axis:string, plot_type:string)
local locRes1, locRes2, Atts1, Atts2, xy1, xy2, calldraw, callframe, maxbb
; Make copy of local resources.
    if (res2) then
      locRes2 = res2
    end if
    if (res1) then
      locRes1 = get_res_ne(res1,"tiMain")
      locRes2 = get_res_eq(res1,"tiMain")
    end if
    locRes1 = True
    locRes2 = True
; Retain draw, frame, and maximize settings for later.
    calldraw = get_res_value(locRes1,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(locRes1,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(locRes1)
; Check for subtitles. We don't want to add the subtitles until all
; the plot stuff is done, in case some zones need to be adjusted.
    left_string = new(1,logical)
    center_string = new(1,logical)
    right_string = new(1,logical)

; Set some zone information for the subtitles and main string.
    if(axis.eq."x".or.axis.eq."xy") then
      mainzone = 5
      amzone = 4
      mainzone = 6
      amzone = 5
    end if

    locRes2@pmTitleZone = mainzone
; For first plot, don't auto advance the frame or draw or maximize
; the plot.
    locRes1@gsnFrame = False
    locRes1@gsnDraw = False
    locRes1@gsnMaximize = False

; If drawing a multiple axis plot, make sure you turn off the
; tickmarks on the other side, since they will later be defined
; by the second set of data.
    if(axis.eq."y".or.axis.eq."xy") then
        locRes1@tmYROn = False ; Turn off right tick marks.
        locRes1@tmYRMinorOn = False ; Turn off right minor tick marks.
        locRes1@tmYUseLeft = False ; Keep independent of right.
    end if
    if(axis.eq."x".or.axis.eq."xy") then
        locRes1@tmXTOn = False ; Turn off top tick marks.
        locRes1@tmXTMinorOn = False ; Turn off top minor tick marks.
        locRes1@tmXUseBottom = False ; Keep independent of top.
    end if

; Create first plot.
    if(plot_type.eq."csm") then
      xy1 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,x1,y1,locRes1)
      xy1 = gsn_xy (wks,x1,y1,locRes1)
    end if
; Get viewport coordinates, tickmark lengths, and font heights of
; first plot to use for second plot.
    getvalues xy1
      "vpHeightF" : vph ; Get assorted info from previous
      "vpWidthF" : vpw ; plot for use on second plot.
      "vpXF" : vpx
      "vpYF" : vpy
                                            ; Bottom X axis stuff
      "trXMinF" : trxmin
      "trXMaxF" : trxmax
      "trYMinF" : trymin
      "trYMaxF" : trymax

      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfonth
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfonth
      "tmXBMajorLengthF" : xmjlength
      "tmXBMinorLengthF" : xmnlength
      "tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF" : xmjolength
      "tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF" : xmnolength
                                            ; Left Y axis stuff
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfonth
      "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : ylfonth
      "tmYLMajorLengthF" : ymjlength
      "tmYLMinorLengthF" : ymnlength
      "tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF" : ymjolength
      "tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF" : ymnolength
    end getvalues

; If the user is setting any of these, then use these settings and
; not the ones we just retrieved.
; For second plot, don't auto advance the frame or draw or maximize
; the plot.
    locRes2@gsnFrame = False
    locRes2@gsnDraw = False
    locRes2@gsnMaximize = False
; Set resources that are common for second plot, regardless of what
; kind of axes situation we have.
    locRes2@gsnFrame = False
    locRes2@gsnDraw = False
    locRes2@gsnMaximize = False

    locRes2@vpHeightF = vph ; set to same size as first plot
    locRes2@vpWidthF = vpw
    locRes2@vpXF = vpx
    locRes2@vpYF = vpy

    locRes2@tmXBLabelsOn = False ; Turn off bottom x axis labels
    locRes2@tmXBMinorOn = False ; and tick marks.
    locRes2@tmXBOn = False
    locRes2@tmYLLabelsOn = False ; Turn off left y axis labels
    locRes2@tmYLMinorOn = False ; and tick marks.
    locRes2@tmYLOn = False

; Set some resources that will apply if you have two Y axes.
    if(axis.eq."y".or.axis.eq."xy") then
      locRes2@tmYRLabelsOn = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
                                        "tmYRLabelsOn",True) ; rgt axis labels
      locRes2@tmYROn = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
                                        "tmYROn",True) ; rgt tick marks on
      locRes2@tmYUseLeft = False
      locRes2@tiYAxisSide = "Right"; put title on right scale
      locRes2@tiYAxisFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
      locRes2@tmYRLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
      locRes2@tmYRMajorLengthF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
      locRes2@tmYRMinorLengthF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
      locRes2@tmYRMajorOutwardLengthF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
      locRes2@tmYRMinorOutwardLengthF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
    end if

; Set resources specific only to having two Y axes and one X axis.
    if(axis.eq."y") then
      locRes2@trXMinF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2,"trXMinF",trxmin)
      locRes2@trXMaxF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2,"trXMaxF",trxmax)
      locRes2@tiXAxisString = "" ; already done
      locRes2@tmXTLabelsOn = False ; Turn off top x axis labels
      locRes2@tmXTMinorOn = False ; and tick marks.
      locRes2@tmXTOn = False
; Create second plot, but only for the case of two Y axes and one X axis.
      if(plot_type.eq."csm") then
        xy2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x1,y2,locRes2)
        xy2 = gsn_xy(wks,x1,y2,locRes2)
      end if
    end if

; Set some resources that will apply if you have two X axes.
; Note that normally, the x axis will use "long_name" for a title.
; However, this causes clutter if you try to put this title at
; the top of the plot, so for now, we are disabling an x axis string
; for the top, unless it is explicitly set by the user.
    if(axis.eq."x".or.axis.eq."xy") then
      locRes2@tmXTLabelsOn = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
                                        "tmXTLabelsOn",True) ; top axis labels
      locRes2@tmXTOn = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
                                        "tmXTOn",True) ; top tick marks on
      locRes2@tmXUseBottom = False
      if(isatt(locRes2,"tiXAxisString")) then
        locRes2@tiXAxisSide = "Top"; put title on Top scale
        locRes2@tiXAxisOn = False
      end if
      locRes2@tiXAxisFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
      locRes2@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2,\
      locRes2@tmXTMajorLengthF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
      locRes2@tmXTMinorLengthF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
      locRes2@tmXTMajorOutwardLengthF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
      locRes2@tmXTMinorOutwardLengthF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2, \
    end if

; Set resources specific only to having two X axes and one Y axis.
    if(axis.eq."x") then
      locRes2@trYMinF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2,"trYMinF",trymin)
      locRes2@trYMaxF = get_res_value_keep(locRes2,"trYMaxF",trymax)
      locRes2@tiYAxisString = "" ; already done
      locRes2@tmYRLabelsOn = False ; Turn off right y axis labels
      locRes2@tmYRMinorOn = False ; and tick marks.
      locRes2@tmYROn = False

      if(plot_type.eq."csm") then
        xy2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x2,y1,locRes2)
        xy2 = gsn_xy(wks,x2,y1,locRes2)
      end if
    end if

; Create a second plot for the case of two Y axes and two X axes.
    if(axis.eq."xy") then
      if(plot_type.eq."csm") then
        xy2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x2,y2,locRes2)
        xy2 = gsn_xy(wks,x2,y2,locRes2)
      end if
    end if

; Set up three subtitles at top, if they exist. Note that we are
; attaching the subtitles to the second plot. This is because the
; second plot is the one that might have tickmarks and labels
; coming out the top, and we need to make sure these gsn strings stay
; outside of them. This is also true for the main title, which we
; already handled above.
    getvalues xy2
      "vpHeightF" : height
      "vpWidthF" : width
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
    end getvalues

; If the plot is close to square in size, then make the
; three top titles and the tick marks smaller.

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make label sizes a function of

    ratio = height/width
      ratio = 1./ratio
    end if
      font_height = 0.75 * font_height
    end if

    subres = True
    subres = get_res_eq(locRes1,"tx") ; Get textitem resources
    subres@amOrthogonalPosF = 0.06


; Add second plot as annotation of 1st plot.
    anno = NhlAddAnnotation(xy1,xy2)
    setvalues anno
      "amZone" : 0 ; Zone 0 centers tick marks over map.
      "amResizeNotify" : True ; Resize tick marks if map resized.
    end setvalues

; Copy over xy2 atts, if any. This is just in case any
; primitives were attached.
    xy2att = getvaratts(xy2)
    if(.not.all(ismissing(xy2att))) then
      do i=0,dimsizes(xy2att)-1
        xy1@$xy2att(i)$ = xy2@$xy2att(i)$
      end do
    end if
    xy1@xy2 = xy2
    return (xy1)

; Function : plot_xy3 ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; x1 : X values ;
; y1 : First set of Y values ;
; y2 : Second set of Y values ;
; y3 : Third set of Y values ;
; res1 : opt'l resources, to apply to first curve ;
; res2 : opt'l resources, to apply to second curve ;
; res3 : opt'l resources, to apply to third curve ;
; plot_type : whether we're doing generic gsn, or gsn_csm ;
; ;
; This function calls plot_x2y2 with a single set of X values, and two ;
; sets of Y values, each with their own Y axis, and puts them on the ;
; same plot. The left axis is labeled according to the y1 values, and ;
; the right axis is labeled according to the y2 values. ;
; ;
function plot_xy3(wks:graphic, x1:numeric, y1:numeric, y2:numeric, \
                  y3:numeric, res1:logical, res2:logical, res3:logical, \
; Make a copy of the resources
  if(res1) then
    res1_new = res1
  end if
  if(res2) then
    res2_new = res2
  end if
  if(res3) then
    res3_new = get_res_ne(res3,(/"am"/))
  end if
; Make sure these are True
  res1_new = True
  res2_new = True
  res3_new = True
; Retain draw, frame, and maximize settings for later.
  calldraw = get_res_value(res1_new,"gsnDraw", True)
  callframe = get_res_value(res1_new,"gsnFrame",True)
  maxbb = get_bb_res(res1_new)

; Create some dummy variables.
  x2 = new(1,typeof(x1))
; Call plot_x2y2 function.
  res1_new@gsnDraw = False
  res1_new@gsnFrame = False
  res1_new@gsnMaximize = False ; Don't need to maximize yet.
  res2_new@gsnDraw = False
  res2_new@gsnFrame = False
  res2_new@gsnMaximize = False ; Don't need to maximize yet.
  xy12 = plot_x2y2 (wks, x1, x2, y1, y2, res1_new, res2_new, "y", plot_type)
; Get the size and X limits of this plot, and use them for the third plot.
  getvalues xy12
    "vpHeightF" : vph
    "vpWidthF" : vpw
    "vpXF" : vpx
    "vpYF" : vpy
    "trXMinF" : xmin
    "trXMaxF" : xmax
    "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xaxis_fh
    "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yaxis_fh
    "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xlab_fh
    "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : ylab_fh
  end getvalues

; Set up some resources so we can add the third Y curve to the
; previous plot in the same location as the first two curves,
; but without any tickmarks.
; Notice that we are allowing the user to override some of these
; settings, but the user really shouldn't be doing this in the
; first place.
  res3_new@gsnFrame = False
  res3_new@gsnDraw = False
  res3_new@gsnMaximize = False
  res3_new@vpHeightF = get_res_value_keep(res3, "vpHeightF",vph)
  res3_new@vpWidthF = get_res_value_keep(res3, "vpWidthF", vpw)
  res3_new@vpXF = get_res_value_keep(res3, "vpXF", vpx)
  res3_new@vpYF = get_res_value_keep(res3, "vpYF", vpy)
  res3_new@trXMinF = get_res_value_keep(res3, "trXMinF", xmin)
  res3_new@trXMaxF = get_res_value_keep(res3, "trXMaxF", xmax)
  res3_new@tmXTOn = get_res_value_keep(res3, "tmXTOn", False)
  res3_new@tmXBOn = get_res_value_keep(res3, "tmXBOn", False)
  res3_new@tmYROn = get_res_value_keep(res3, "tmYROn", False)
  res3_new@tmYLOn = get_res_value_keep(res3, "tmYLOn", False)
  res3_new@tiYAxisOn = get_res_value_keep(res3,"tiYAxisOn",False)
  res3_new@tiXAxisOn = get_res_value_keep(res3,"tiXAxisOn",False)

  if(plot_type.eq."csm") then
    xy3 = gsn_csm_xy(wks, (/x1/), (/y3/), res3_new)
    xy3 = gsn_xy(wks, (/x1/), (/y3/), res3_new)
  end if

; Add this third curve as annotation of the xy12 plot.
  anno1 = NhlAddAnnotation(xy12,xy3)
  setvalues anno1
    "amZone" : 0 ; Zone 0 centers tick marks over map.
    "amResizeNotify" : True ; Resize tick marks if map resized.
  end setvalues

; Last step is to attach a single vertical line that will
; represent the Y axis for the third curve. Make the width
; of this plot basically 0, so we can then use the amZone
; resource to attach the left edge of this plot to right side
; of the previous plot, outside of the tickmarks and labels.
  if(res3) then
    res3_new = get_res_ne(res3,(/"am","xy"/))
  end if
  res3_new = True ; Make sure this is True.

  res3_new@gsnFrame = False
; res3_new@xyMarkLineMode = "Lines" ; Make sure not markers!
  res3_new@gsnDraw = False
  res3_new@vpHeightF = vph
  res3_new@vpWidthF = 0.0001
  res3_new@vpXF = vpx
  res3_new@vpYF = vpy
  res3_new@trXMinF = xmin
  res3_new@trXMaxF = xmax
; Pick some "nice" values for this single vertical axis, and
; use them if the user hasn't already set their own.
  mnmxint = nice_mnmxintvl(min(y3), max(y3), 10, True)
  res3_new@trYMinF = get_res_value(res3_new,"trYMinF",mnmxint(0))
  res3_new@trYMaxF = get_res_value(res3_new,"trYMaxF",mnmxint(1))

  res3_new@tmXBOn = get_res_value(res3_new,"tmXBOn",False)
  res3_new@tmXBBorderOn = get_res_value(res3_new,"tmXBBorderOn",False)
  res3_new@tmXTOn = get_res_value(res3_new,"tmXTOn",False)
  res3_new@tmXTBorderOn = get_res_value(res3_new,"tmXTBorderOn",False)
  res3_new@tmYLOn = get_res_value(res3_new,"tmYLOn",False)
  res3_new@tmYROn = get_res_value(res3_new,"tmYROn",True)
; Turn on right axis labels; they are off by default.
  res3_new@tmYRLabelsOn = get_res_value(res3_new,"tmYRLabelsOn",True)
  res3_new@tmYUseLeft = get_res_value(res3_new,"tmYUseLeft",False)
  res3_new@tiYAxisSide = get_res_value(res3_new,"tiYAxisSide","Right")
  res3_new@tiXAxisFontHeightF = get_res_value(res3_new, \
  res3_new@tiYAxisFontHeightF = get_res_value(res3_new, \
  res3_new@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value(res3_new, \
  res3_new@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = get_res_value(res3_new, \
; Generate some dummy data for our plot.
  xdummy = new( 2, double) ; Make it double so it can handle
  ydummy = new( 2, double)
  if (isatt(y3,"long_name")) then
      ydummy@long_name = y3@long_name
  end if
  ydummy(0) = res3_new@trYMinF ; dummy for vertical line
  ydummy(1) = res3_new@trYMaxF
  xdummy(0) = xmax
  xdummy(1) = xmax
; Create the vertical line.
  if(plot_type.eq."csm") then
    line = gsn_csm_xy(wks,xdummy,ydummy,res3_new)
    line = gsn_xy(wks,xdummy,ydummy,res3_new)
  end if

; Right now we are using 0.7 for an orthgonal distance for the
; single vertical axis to be positioned with respect to the
; previous plot. The real way to do this is to figure out the
; distance from the outermost right edge of the xy3
; plot to the plot border. Then, figure out what fraction of the
; width of the plot this is. This fraction is how much we need to
; move the vertical line to the right. The problem is that if we
; do an NhlGetBB on the plot, it won't include the annotation that
; was added, and hence the outermost edge of the plot space is the
; same as the edge of the plot itself.
; At least let the user change this value if he/she wants to.
  anno2 = NhlAddAnnotation(xy12,line)
  amres = get_res_eq(res3,(/"am"/))
  setvalues anno2
    "amZone" : 0 ; Zone 2 is outside the tickmarks
    "amResizeNotify" : True ; Resize tick marks if plot resized.
    "amJust" : "CenterLeft"
    "amOrthogonalPosF" : get_res_value(res3,"amOrthgonalPosF",0.7)
    "amSide" : "Right"
  end setvalues

; Maximize plot, draw and advance the frame, if so desired.

    xy12@xy3 = xy3
    return (xy12)

; Function : plot_xy2 ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; x1: X values ;
; y1: First set of Y values ;
; y2: Second set of Y values ;
; res1: opt'l resources, to apply to first plot ;
; res2: opt'l resources, to apply to second plot ;;
; ;
; This function calls plot_x2y2 with a single set of X values, and two ;
; sets of Y values, each with their own Y axis, and puts them on the ;
; same plot. The left axis is labeled according to the y1 values, and ;
; the right axis is labeled according to the y2 values. ;
; ;
; "gsn_xy" is the underlying XY plotting routine called to generate ;
; the XY plots. ;
; ;
; Note: the reason I didn't call this routine "gsn_xy2" is two-fold: ;
; ;
; 1. I would have had to put a version of "plot_x2y2" in both ;
; gsn_code.ncl and gsn_csm.ncl. ;
; 2. It's not a widely used routine, so I didn't think people would ;
; miss it. They can just call "plot_xy2". ;
function plot_xy2(wks:graphic, x1:numeric, y1:numeric, y2:numeric, \
                  res1:logical, res2:logical)
; Create some dummy variables.
    x2 = new(1,typeof(x1))
; Call plot_x2y2 function.
    xy = plot_x2y2 (wks, x1, x2, y1, y2, res1, res2, "y", "gsun")

; Function : plot_x2y ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; x1: First set of X values ;
; x2: Second set of X values ;
; y1: Y values ;
; res1: opt'l resources, to apply to first plot ;
; res2: opt'l resources, to apply to second plot ;
; ;
; This function calls plot_x2y2 with a single set of Y values, and two ;
; sets of X values, each with their own X axis, and puts them on the ;
; same plot. The bottom axis is labeled according to the x1 values, and ;
; the top axis is labeled according to the x2 values. ;
; ;
; "gsn_xy" is the underlying XY plotting routine called to generate ;
; the XY plots. ;
; ;
; Note: the reason I didn't call this routine "gsn_x2y" is two-fold: ;
; ;
; 1. I would have had to put a version of "plot_x2y2" in both ;
; gsn_code.ncl and gsn_csm.ncl. ;
; 2. It's not a widely used routine, so I didn't think people would ;
; miss it. They can just call "plot_x2y". ;
function plot_x2y(wks:graphic, x1:numeric, x2:numeric, y1:numeric, \
                  res1:logical, res2:logical)
; Create some dummy variables.
    y2 = new(1,typeof(y1))
; Call plot_x2y2 function.
    xy = plot_x2y2 (wks, x1, x2, y1, y2, res1, res2, "x", "gsun")

; Function : gsn_csm_xy2 ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; x1: X values ;
; y1: First set of Y values ;
; y2: Second set of Y values ;
; res1: opt'l resources, to apply to first plot ;
; res2: opt'l resources, to apply to second plot ;
; ;
; This function calls plot_x2y2 with a single set of X values, and two ;
; sets of Y values, each with their own Y axis, and puts them on the ;
; same plot. The left axis is labeled according to the y1 values, and ;
; the right axis is labeled according to the y2 values. ;
; ;
; "gsn_csm_xy" is the underlying XY plotting routine called to generate ;
; the XY plots. ;
function gsn_csm_xy2(wks:graphic, x1:numeric, y1:numeric, y2:numeric, \
                                 res1:logical, res2:logical)
; Create some dummy variables.
    x2 = new(1,typeof(x1))
; Call plot_x2y2 function.
    xy = plot_x2y2 (wks, x1, x2, y1, y2, res1, res2, "y", "csm")

; Function : gsn_csm_x2y ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; x1: First set of X values ;
; x2: Second set of X values ;
; y1: Y values ;
; res1: opt'l resources, to apply to first plot ;
; res2: opt'l resources, to apply to second plot ;
; ;
; This function calls plot_x2y2 with a single set of Y values, and two ;
; sets of X values, each with their own X axis, and puts them on the ;
; same plot. The bottom axis is labeled according to the x1 values, and ;
; the top axis is labeled according to the x2 values. ;
; ;
; "gsn_csm_xy" is the underlying XY plotting routine called to generate ;
; the XY plots. ;
function gsn_csm_x2y(wks:graphic, x1:numeric, x2:numeric, y1:numeric, \
                     res1:logical, res2:logical)
; Create some dummy variables.
    y2 = new(1,typeof(y1))
; Call plot_x2y2 function.
    xy = plot_x2y2 (wks, x1, x2, y1, y2, res1, res2, "x", "csm")

; Function : gsn_csm_x2y2 ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; x1: First set of Y values ;
; x2: First set of Y values ;
; y1: First set of X values ;
; y2: Second set of X values ;
; res1: optl resources, to apply to first plot ;
; res2: optl resources, to apply to second plot ;
; ;
; This function calls plot_x2y2 with a two sets of X *and* Y values, ;
; and puts them on the same plot. ;
; ;
; "gsn_csm_xy" is the underlying XY plotting routine called to generate ;
; the XY plots. ;
function gsn_csm_x2y2(wks:graphic, x1:numeric, x2:numeric, \
                      y1:numeric, y2:numeric, res1:logical, res2:logical)
; Call plot_x2y2 function.
    xy = plot_x2y2 (wks, x1, x2, y1, y2, res1, res2, "xy", "csm")

; Function : gsn_csm_xy3 ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; x1 : X values ;
; y1 : First set of Y values ;
; y2 : Second set of Y values ;
; y3 : Third set of Y values ;
; res1 : opt'l resources, to apply to first curve ;
; res2 : opt'l resources, to apply to second curve ;
; res3 : opt'l resources, to apply to third curve ;
; ;
; This function calls plot_xy3 with a plot_type of "csm". ;
function gsn_csm_xy3(wks:graphic, x1:numeric, y1:numeric, y2:numeric, \
                     y3:numeric, res1:logical, res2:logical, res3:logical)
; Call plot_xy3 function.
    xy = plot_xy3 (wks, x1, y1, y2, y3, res1, res2, res3, "csm")

; Function : gsn_csm_contour ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: data to contour ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a titled contour plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of resources. The ;
; Id of the contour plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_contour in that it will ;
; add additional titles to the top of the plot if any of the special ;
; GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," "gsnCenterString," and/or ;
; "gsnRightString" are set, They are used to title the top left, center,;
; and right of the plot (in addition, the regular resource ;
; "tiMainString" can be set to create a regular title). ;
; ;
; If cnFillOn is True, then a labelbar will be added, and the info label;
; will be removed.
; ;
; Tick marks will be made to point outwards. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_contour(wks:graphic,data:numeric,resources:logical)
local res, contour_object, res2, xfontf, yfontf, font_height, lbar_on, \
calldraw, callframe, left_string, center_string, right_string, \
main_zone, datanew, popgrid, contour_plot
; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
    if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
      print("gsn_csm_contour: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
    end if

; Initialize.
    lbar_on = False ; Labelbar flag
    main_zone = 2 ; Zone for main title (may change later)
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    tm_scale = get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnScale",True)
    point_outward = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksPointOutward",True)

; This section tests for more special resources: those that start
; with "gsn."

; The default is to not add a cyclic point.

    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",False)) then
        datanew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(data)
        datanew = data
    end if
; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.
    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
; Check if a POP grid is to be overlaid.
    popgrid = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPopGrid","")
; If adding a POP grid, then don't label the X and Y axis since the
; axes will have lat/lon labels.
    end if

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check for existence of the left, center, and right subtitles.

    left_string = new(1,logical)
    center_string = new(1,logical)
    right_string = new(1,logical)


      main_zone = main_zone+1
    end if

; Check if gsnShape set.

      main_zone = main_zone+1 ; Zone for main title
    end if

; Use coordinate variables for X and/or Y if they exist.

; Turn on a labelbar if fill is True and if the labelbar is not
; explicitly being turned off.
    if(check_attr(res2,"cnFillOn",True,False).and. \
      lbar_on = True
    end if
    end if

    res2 = True
    res2@gsnDraw = False ; Internally, don't draw plot or advance
    res2@gsnFrame = False ; frame since we take care of that later.
    res2@gsnScale = tm_scale ; Force labels and ticks to be same, if True.

    cnres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"tx","am"/))
    contour_object = gsn_contour(wks,datanew,cnres)

; Get some information from contour plot that was created.

    contour_plot = check_class_name(contour_object,"contour")

; Add lat/lon labels to X/Y axes if appropriate coordinate arrays exist.


    getvalues contour_plot
      "vpWidthF" : width
      "vpHeightF" : height
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make subtitle label sizes a
                                          ; function of the size of the
                                          ; X/Y axis labels.

; If the plot is close to square in size, then make the
; three top titles and the tick marks smaller.

    font_scale = (/1.0,0.8,0.8/)
    ratios = (/0.5,0.75,1.0/)

    ratio = height/width
      ratio = 1./ratio
    end if
    index = ind(ratio.le.ratios)

    scale = font_scale(index(0))
    font_height = scale * font_height

    if(popgrid.ne."") then
      pop_latlon_grid(wks,contour_object,popgrid) ; Add a POP grid.
; Make tick marks same length and point outward.
      if(tm_scale.and.is_tm_obj_valid(contour_plot,datanew)) then
        getvalues contour_plot
          "tmYLMajorLengthF" : ylength
          "tmXBMajorLengthF" : xlength
          "tmYLMinorLengthF" : ymlength
          "tmXBMinorLengthF" : xmlength
        end getvalues

        major_length = scale * min((/ylength,xlength/))
        minor_length = scale * min((/ymlength,xmlength/))

        tmres = get_res_eq(res2,"tm")

      end if
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

    if (lbar_on)
      lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))
    end if
; Set up three subtitles at top, if they exist.
    subres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"tx","am"/)) ; Get textitem resources
    subres = True

; Draw all this stuff: contour plot and subtitles.

; Return contour plot object.

; Function : gsn_csm_hov ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: data to be contoured ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a titled Hovmueller plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of resources. The ;
; Id of the contour plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_csm_contour in that it ;
; draws a specially-labelled longitude X axis. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_hov(wks:graphic,data[*][*]:numeric,resources:logical)
local res, contour_object, res2, font_height, calldraw, callframe, \
datanew, lon_spacing, contour_plot

; Initialize.
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
    lon_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMajorLonSpacing",0)
    mlon_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMinorLonSpacing",0)

    end if

; Use coordinate variable for X if it exists.

    if(is_valid_coord(data,"x").and..not.(isatt(res2,"sfXCStartV").and. \
    end if

    res2 = True
    res2@gsnDraw = False
    res2@gsnFrame = False

    contour_object = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data,res2) ; Create a contour plot.

; Check if we should label X axis with nice longitude labels.

    if(is_valid_latlon_coord(data,"x","lon",res2)) then

; Get min and max X axis values (longitude units)

      contour_plot = check_class_name(contour_object,"contour")

      getvalues contour_plot
        "trXMinF" : min_lon
        "trXMaxF" : max_lon
      end getvalues
; We want different defaults for longitude spacing, so set them up here.
      lon_range = (/ 20, 40, 60, 180, 360/)
      lon_spacing_arr = (/ 10, 20, 30, 45, 60/)
      mlon_spacing_arr = (/ 5, 5, 10, 15, 30/)
    end if

; Draw all this stuff: contour plot and subtitles.

; Return contour plot object.


; Function : gsn_csm_lat_time ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: data to be contoured ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a titled Lat/time plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of resources. The ;
; Id of the contour plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_csm_contour in that it ;
; draws a specially-labelled latitude Y axis. ;
; ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_lat_time(wks:graphic,data[*][*]:numeric,resources:logical)
local res, contour_object, res2, font_height, calldraw, callframe, \
datanew, lat_spacing

; Initialize.
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
    lat_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMajorLatSpacing",0)
    mlat_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMinorLatSpacing",0)

    end if

; Use coordinate variable for Y if it exists.


    res2 = True
    res2@gsnDraw = False
    res2@gsnFrame = False

    contour_object = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data,res2) ; Create a contour plot.

; Get min and max Y axis values (latitude units)

    contour_plot = check_class_name(contour_object,"contour")

    getvalues contour_plot
      "trYMinF" : min_lat
      "trYMaxF" : max_lat
    end getvalues


; Draw all this stuff: contour plot and subtitles.

; Return contour plot object.


; Function : gsn_csm_time_lat ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: data to be contoured ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a titled time/lat plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of resources. The ;
; Id of the contour plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_csm_contour in that it ;
; draws a specially-labeled latitude X axis. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_time_lat(wks:graphic,data[*][*]:numeric,resources:logical)
local res, contour_object, res2, font_height, calldraw, callframe, \
datanew, lat_spacing

; Initialize.
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
    lat_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMajorLatSpacing",15)
    mlat_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMinorLatSpacing",5)

    end if

; Use coordinate variable for X if it exists.


    res2 = True
    res2@gsnDraw = False
    res2@gsnFrame = False

    contour_object = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data,res2) ; Create a contour plot.

; Get min and max X axis values (latitude units)

    contour_plot = check_class_name(contour_object,"contour")

    getvalues contour_plot
      "trXMinF" : min_lat
      "trXMaxF" : max_lat
    end getvalues


; Draw all this stuff: contour plot and subtitles.

; Return contour plot object.


; Function : gsn_csm_pres_hgt ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: data to be contoured ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a titled contour plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of resources. The ;
; Id of the contour plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_csm_contour in that it ;
; draws a specially-labelled pressure axis on one side and a height axis;
; on the other side. It also labels the longitude X axis, if one ;
; exists. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks:graphic,data[*][*]:numeric,resources:logical)
local res, contour_object, res2, xfontf, yfontf, font_height, \
calldraw, callframe, add_hgt, contour_plot

; Initialize.
    add_hgt = False
    pres_reverse = True ; Default is to assume pressure values
                           ; already reversed.
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    add_hgt_label = get_res_value(res2,"gsnPresHgtHeightLabelOn",True)
    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
    lat_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMajorLatSpacing",0)
    mlat_spacing = get_res_value(res2,"gsnMinorLatSpacing",0)

      title = get_csm_long_name_units_string(data&$data!0$)
      if(.not.ismissing(title)) then
      end if
    end if

; If this is a pressure/hgt plot, then do stuff to the pressure values.
      npres = dimsizes(data&$data!0$)
; Check for pressure values. If they are not in descending order, then
; reverse 'em.
        pres = tofloat_wunits(data&$data!0$(::-1)) ; reverse the values
        pres_reverse = False ; pres values weren't already reversed
        pres = tofloat_wunits(data&$data!0$)
      end if
; Check the units.
; If pressure values are Pascals, convert them to millibars.
          pres = tofloat_wunits(data&$data!0$) * 0.01 ; convert to mb
          pres@units = "mb"
        end if
        print("gsn_csm_pres_hgt: Fatal: The coordinate array for the first dimension of the input data must be in Pascals, Hecto-pascals, or millibars")
        print("and it must contain the attribute 'units' set to one of the following strings (depending on your units):")
        print(" " + cat_strings(get_allowed_pres_units))
        print("Cannot create plot.")
      end if

      print("gsn_csm_pres_hgt: Fatal: The first dimension of the input data must")
      print("have a coordinate variable called 'lev.'")
      print("Cannot create plot.")
    end if

    log_y = get_res_value(res2,"trYLog",True) ; Check if Y axis to stay linear.
    res2 = True
    res2@gsnDraw = False
    res2@gsnFrame = False

      contour_object = gsn_csm_hov(wks,data,res2) ; Create a contour plot.
      contour_object = gsn_csm_hov(wks,data(::-1,:),res2) ; reverse Y
    end if

; Retrieve some values from the contour plot so we can create a LogLin
; plot with the same information.

    contour_plot = check_class_name(contour_object,"contour")

    getvalues contour_plot
      "vpXF" : xvp
      "vpYF" : yvp
      "vpWidthF" : widthvp
      "vpHeightF" : heightvp
      "trXMinF" : xmin
      "trXMaxF" : xmax
      "trYMinF" : ymin
      "trYMaxF" : ymax
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yaxis_font_height
      "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : yaxis_label_height
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make subtitles sizes a function of
                                          ; the size of the X/Y axis labels.
    setvalues contour_plot
      "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : yaxis_label_height * 0.8
      "tmYRLabelFontHeightF" : yaxis_label_height * 0.8
      "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : yaxis_label_height * 0.8
    end setvalues

; Check if we should label X axis with nice latitude labels.

    if(is_valid_latlon_coord(data,"x","lat",res2)) then
      add_lat_labels_xaxis(contour_plot,xmin,xmax,lat_spacing, \
    end if
; Add a right Y axis "height" label.
      rightaxis_string = create "right_axis" textItemClass wks
        "txString" : "Height (km)"
        "txFontHeightF" : yaxis_font_height
        "txAngleF" : 90.
      end create

      anno = NhlAddAnnotation(contour_object,rightaxis_string)

      setvalues anno
        "amZone" : 3 ; Just outside plot area
        "amJust" : "centercenter"
        "amSide" : "right"
        "amParallelPosF" : 0.5
        "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.03
        "amResizeNotify" : True ; Resize if plot resized.
      end setvalues
    end if

    wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")

    loglin_object = create wksname + "_loglin" logLinPlotClass wks
      "vpXF" : xvp
      "vpYF" : yvp
      "vpWidthF" : widthvp
      "vpHeightF" : heightvp
      "trYReverse" : True
      "trXMinF" : xmin
      "trXMaxF" : xmax
      "trYMinF" : ymin
      "trYMaxF" : ymax
      "trYLog" : log_y
    end create
; Check for transformation resources and apply them to loglin plot.
; Not all transformation resources can be applied to the loglin plot.
; For example, you can't apply IrregularTransformation resources. So,
; we have to explicitly test for these.
    trres = get_res_eq(res2,"tr")

    irreg_res = (/"trXAxisType","trXCoordPoints","trXInterPoints", \

    do i = 0, dimsizes(irreg_res)-1
      if(isatt(trres,irreg_res(i))) then
        delete(trres@$irreg_res(i)$) ; Remove irreg trans resource.
      end if
    end do


; Overlay this on a LogLin plot so we can get a logarithmic Y axis.


; Draw all this stuff: contour plot and subtitles.

; Return loglin plot with contour plot object as an attribute.

    loglin_object@contour = contour_object
    loglin_object@data = contour_object@data

; Function : gsn_csm_vector ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a titled vector plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of resources. The ;
; Id of the vector plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_vector in that it will ;
; add additional titles to the top of the plot if any of the special ;
; GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," "gsnCenterString," and/or ;
; "gsnRightString" are set, They are used to title the top left, center,;
; and right of the plot (in addition, the regular resource ;
; "tiMainString" can be set to create a regular title). ;
; ;
; Tick marks will be made to point outwards. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_vector(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,v[*][*],resources:logical)
local res, vector_object, res2, xfontf, yfontf, font_height, lbar_on, \
calldraw, callframe, left_string, center_string, right_string, \
main_zone, unew, vnew

; Initialize.
    lbar_on = False ; Labelbar flag
    main_zone = 2 ; Zone for main title (may change later)
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    tm_scale = get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnScale",True)
    point_outward = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksPointOutward",True)

; This section tests for more special resources: those that start
; with "gsn."

; The default is to not add a cyclic point.

    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",False)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if
; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.
    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check for existence of the left, center, and right subtitles.

    left_string = new(1,logical)
    center_string = new(1,logical)
    right_string = new(1,logical)


      main_zone = main_zone+1
    end if

; Check if gsnShape set.

      main_zone = main_zone+1 ; Zone for main title
    end if

; Use coordinate variables for X and/or Y if they exist.

; Turn on a labelbar if fill is True and if the labelbar is not
; explicitly being turned off.
      lbar_on = True
    end if
    end if

    res2 = True
    res2@gsnDraw = False ; Internally, don't draw plot or advance
    res2@gsnFrame = False ; frame since we take care of that later.
    res2@gsnScale = tm_scale ; Force labels and ticks to be same.

    vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"tx"/))
    vector_object = gsn_vector(wks,unew,vnew,vcres)

; Get some information from vector plot that was created.

    vector_plot = check_class_name(vector_object,"vector")

; Add lat/lon labels to X/Y axes if appropriate coordinate arrays exist.


    getvalues vector_plot
      "vpWidthF" : width
      "vpHeightF" : height
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make subtitle label sizes a
                                          ; function of the size of the
                                          ; X/Y axis labels.

; If the plot is close to square in size, then make the
; three top titles and the tick marks smaller.

    font_scale = (/1.0,0.8,0.8/)
    ratios = (/0.5,0.75,1.0/)

    ratio = height/width
      ratio = 1./ratio
    end if
    index = ind(ratio.le.ratios)

    scale = font_scale(index(0))
    font_height = scale * font_height

    if(tm_scale.and.is_tm_obj_valid(vector_plot,unew)) then
; Make tick marks same length and point outward.
      getvalues vector_plot
        "tmYLMajorLengthF" : ylength
        "tmXBMajorLengthF" : xlength
        "tmYLMinorLengthF" : ymlength
        "tmXBMinorLengthF" : xmlength
      end getvalues

      major_length = min((/ylength,xlength/)) ; New length for major ticks.
      minor_length = min((/ymlength,xmlength/)) ; New length for minor ticks.

      major_length = scale * major_length
      minor_length = scale * minor_length

      tmres = get_res_eq(res2,"tm")
    end if

; Create a labelbar.

    if (lbar_on)
      lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","pm"/))
    end if
; Set up three subtitles at top, if they exist.
    subres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"am","tx"/)) ; Get textitem resources
    subres = True

; Draw all this stuff: vector plot and subtitles.

; Return vector plot object.


; Function : gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: data to be contoured ;
; u: u component of vectors ;
; v: u component of vectors ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function behaves like gsn_csm_pres_hgt, only it overlays a ;
; vector plot as well. ;
function gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector(wks:graphic,data[*][*]:numeric, \
                                 u[*][*]:numeric, v[*][*]:numeric, \
local res2, cnres, vcres, calldraw, callframe, npres, lbar_zone, anno_zone
  res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
  if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
  end if

  calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
  callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
  maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
  anno_zone = get_res_value(res2,"vcRefAnnoZone",3)
  ypos = get_res_value(res2,"vpYF",0.87)
  info_para = get_res_value(res2,"cnInfoLabelParallelPosF",0.)
  info_just = get_res_value(res2,"cnInfoLabelJust","TopLeft")
  refanno_on= get_res_value_keep(res2,"vcRefAnnoOn",True)

    lbar_zone = get_res_value(res2,"pmLabelBarZone",4)
    lbar_orth = get_res_value(res2,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF",0.05)
    lbar_zone = get_res_value(res2,"pmLabelBarZone",3)
    lbar_orth = get_res_value(res2,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF",0.0)
  end if

  cnres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"vc","vf","pm"/))
  vcres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"vc","vf","tr"/))

; Set some contour resources.
  cnres = True
  cnres@gsnDraw = False
  cnres@gsnFrame = False
  cnres@vpYF = ypos
  cnres@cnInfoLabelParallelPosF = info_para ; Change locations of info
  cnres@cnInfoLabelJust = info_just ; label and label bar so
  cnres@pmLabelBarZone = lbar_zone ; they don't run into vector
  cnres@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = lbar_orth ; reference anno.
; Create contour pressure/height plot.
  contour = gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks,data,cnres)

; Set some vector resources.
  vcres = True
  vcres@vcRefAnnoZone = anno_zone ; change zones so ref anno and
                                     ; labelbar don't run into each other
  vcres@gsnDraw = False
  vcres@gsnFrame = False
  vcres@gsnRightString = "" ; Use gsnRightString and gsnLeftString
  vcres@gsnLeftString = "" ; from contour plot.
; Create vector plot. We have to check the pressure values. If they
; are not in descending order, then reverse 'em.
    npres = dimsizes(u&$u!0$)
      vector = gsn_csm_vector(wks,u(::-1,:),v(::-1,:),vcres)
      vector = gsn_csm_vector(wks,u,v,vcres)
    end if
    vector = gsn_csm_vector(wks,u,v,vcres)
  end if

; Overlay the vectors on the contour plot.

; Draw all this stuff: vector over contour plot.


; Return contour/vector plot with data objects as attributes.

  contour@sfdata = contour@data
  contour@vcdata = vector@data

; Function : gsn_csm_streamline ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; u: 2-dimensional data ;
; v: 2-dimensional data ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function creates and draws a titled streamline plot to the ;
; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to ;
; "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an optional list of resources. The ;
; Id of the streamline plot is returned. ;
; ;
; This function behaves differently from gsn_streamline in that it will ;
; add additional titles to the top of the plot if any of the special ;
; GSUN resources "gsnLeftString," "gsnCenterString," and/or ;
; "gsnRightString" are set, They are used to title the top left, center,;
; and right of the plot (in addition, the regular resource ;
; "tiMainString" can be set to create a regular title). ;
; ;
; Tick marks will be made to point outwards. ;
; ;
function gsn_csm_streamline(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,v[*][*],\
local res, stream_object, res2, xfontf, yfontf, font_height, \
calldraw, callframe, left_string, center_string, right_string, \
main_zone, unew, vnew

; Initialize.
    main_zone = 2 ; Zone for main title (may change later)
    res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
    if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
    end if

    tm_scale = get_res_value_keep(res2,"gsnScale",True)
    point_outward = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksPointOutward",True)

; This section tests for more special resources: those that start
; with "gsn."

; The default is to not add a cyclic point.

    if(get_res_value(res2,"gsnAddCyclic",False)) then
      unew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(u)
      vnew = gsn_add_cyclic_point(v)
      unew = u
      vnew = v
    end if
; Check if frame and/or draw are not supposed to be called.
    calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
    callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
    maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

; Check for left/right titles at top. Use valid "long_name" type attributes
; and "units" if they exist.


; Check for existence of the left, center, and right subtitles.

    left_string = new(1,logical)
    center_string = new(1,logical)
    right_string = new(1,logical)


      main_zone = main_zone+1
    end if

      main_zone = main_zone+1 ; Zone for main title
    end if

; Use coordinate variables for X and/or Y if they exist.


    res2 = True
    res2@gsnDraw = False ; Internally, don't draw plot or advance
    res2@gsnFrame = False ; frame since we take care of that later.
    res2@gsnScale = tm_scale ; Force labels and ticks to be same.

    stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"tx"/))
    stream_object = gsn_streamline(wks,unew,vnew,stres)

; Get some information from streamline plot that was created.

    streamline_plot = check_class_name(stream_object,"streamline")

; Add lat/lon labels to X/Y axes if appropriate coordinate arrays exist.


; Get some information from streamline plot that was created.

    getvalues streamline_plot
      "vpWidthF" : width
      "vpHeightF" : height
      "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : xfontf
      "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : yfontf
    end getvalues

    font_height = min((/xfontf,yfontf/)) ; Make subtitle label sizes a
                                          ; function of the size of the
                                          ; X/Y axis labels.

; If the plot is close to square in size, then make the
; three top titles and the tick marks smaller.

    font_scale = (/1.0,0.8,0.8/)
    ratios = (/0.5,0.75,1.0/)

    ratio = height/width
      ratio = 1./ratio
    end if
    index = ind(ratio.le.ratios)

    scale = font_scale(index(0))
    font_height = scale * font_height

    if(tm_scale.and.is_tm_obj_valid(streamline_plot,unew)) then
; Make tick marks same length and point outward.
      getvalues streamline_plot
        "tmYLMajorLengthF" : ylength
        "tmXBMajorLengthF" : xlength
        "tmYLMinorLengthF" : ymlength
        "tmXBMinorLengthF" : xmlength
      end getvalues

      major_length = min((/ylength,xlength/)) ; New length for major ticks.
      minor_length = min((/ymlength,xmlength/)) ; New length for minor ticks.

      major_length = scale * major_length
      minor_length = scale * minor_length

      tmres = get_res_eq(res2,"tm")
    end if

; Set up three subtitles at top, if they exist.
    subres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"am","tx"/)) ; Get textitem resources
    subres = True

; Draw all this stuff: streamline plot and subtitles.

; Return streamline plot object.


; Function : gsn_csm_pres_hgt_streamline ;
; wks: workstation object ;
; data: data to be contoured ;
; u: u component of streamlines ;
; v: u component of streamlines ;
; resources: optional resources ;
; ;
; This function behaves like gsn_csm_pres_hgt, only it overlays a ;
; streamline plot as well. ;
function gsn_csm_pres_hgt_streamline(wks:graphic,data[*][*]:numeric, \
                                     u[*][*]:numeric, v[*][*]:numeric, \
local res2, cnres, stres, calldraw, callframe, npres
  res2 = get_resources(resources)
; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can
; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
; code beforehand.
  if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
  end if

  calldraw = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
  callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
  maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)

  cnres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"st","vf","pm"/))
  stres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"st","vf"/))

; Set some contour resources.
  cnres = True
  cnres@gsnDraw = False
  cnres@gsnFrame = False
; Create contour pressure/height plot.
  contour = gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks,data,cnres)

; Set some streamline resources.
  stres = True
  stres@gsnDraw = False
  stres@gsnFrame = False
  stres@gsnRightString = "" ; Use gsnRightString and gsnLeftString
  stres@gsnLeftString = "" ; from contour plot.
; Create streamline plot. We have to check the pressure values. If they
; are not in descending order, then reverse 'em.
    npres = dimsizes(u&$u!0$)
      streamline = gsn_csm_streamline(wks,u(::-1,:),v(::-1,:),stres)
      streamline = gsn_csm_streamline(wks,u,v,stres)
    end if
    streamline = gsn_csm_streamline(wks,u,v,stres)
  end if

; Overlay the streamlines on the contour plot.

; Draw all this stuff: streamline over contour plot.


; Return contour/streamline plot with data objects as attributes.

  contour@sfdata = contour@data
  contour@vcdata = streamline@data

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Try the attached gsn_csm.ncl in place of the system one and see if your =
program works.


On Sep 30, 2010, at 7:18 PM, mark collier wrote:

> Hi,
> my script
> begin
> wks =3D gsn_open_wks("x11","bar")
> sres =3D True
> sres@gsnDraw =3D False
> sres@gsnFrame =3D False
> sres@gsnXYBarChart =3D True
> sres@trYMinF =3D 0.
> sres@trYMaxF =3D 10.
> sres@gsnXYBarChartBarWidth =3D 0.25
> lst1 =3D (/1.,4.,7./)
> y1 =3D (/6.,7.,8./)
> lst2 =3D (/2.,5.,8./)
> y2 =3D (/2.,3.,5./)
> lst3 =3D (/3.,6.,9./)
> y3 =3D (/1.,1.,1./)
> ;lst3 =3D (/3/)
> ;y3 =3D (/1/)
> printVarSummary(lst3)
> sres@gsnXYBarChartColors =3D "green"
> plot =3D gsn_csm_xy(wks,lst1,y1,sres)
> sres@gsnXYBarChartColors =3D "brown"
> plot_1 =3D gsn_csm_xy(wks,lst2,y2,sres)
> sres@gsnXYBarChartColors =3D "red"
> plot_2 =3D gsn_csm_xy(wks,lst3,y3,sres)
> overlay(plot,plot_1)
> overlay(plot,plot_2)
> draw(plot)
> frame(wks)
> end
> works, however, if I change my third set of values to a scalar (lst3/=20=

> y3), I get the error:
> fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0
> fatal:An error occurred reading x
> fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 161 in file $NCARG_ROOT/=20=

> lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl
> fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 4337 in file =
> lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl
> fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 31 in file =20
> test_xy_plot.ncl
> clearly it doesn't like the fact that I just have one x/y pair. In my =20=

> script I just set a dummy value to it (turn it into a vector) and it =20=

> works. However, this isn't very elegant. Is there a way of forcing the =
> single value to be plotted?
> Many thanks,
> Mark.
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