scatter plots

From: James Correia <jimmyc42_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed Jan 12 2011 - 09:43:23 MST

I am working on scatter plots using gsn_csm_xy and my question is on how to
use the correct resources for what I want to do.
I am plotting two 2 dimensional arrays (model,times). I noticed that there
are two sets of resources for xyMarker and xyMarkers.
But I am confused as to how to use them if I want to plot:
1. all models at an individual time, or
2. all the data

In the case of 1: How do I define my resources such that I can group like
models together using one color but use different markers for each model? I
have 19 models, but I think there are 17 unique marker style, so we can just
use the 17 for an example.

In the case of 2: I think I did this correctly by setting xyMarkLineMode =
"Markers" and xyMarkLineModes = "Markers", while supplying xyMarkers with 19
values and xyMarkerColors with 19 values.

So, I am just confused on when to use the resources ending in "s" and when
not to to set the correct resources.

The views expressed in this email do not necessarily reflect those of NOAA,
the National Weather Service, or the University of Oklahoma.
James Correia Jr.
OU CIMMS Research Associate
SPC HWT Liaison

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