Invalid plot ID=34 passed to NhlGetBB

From: JinQ Liu <liujq_0912_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed Dec 07 2011 - 02:33:08 MST

I try to draw 5 figures on one page , and meet this error :
         fatal:Invalid plot ID=34 passed to NhlGetBB
the data used in this script had been transfered on ftp.
Can anyone help me?



ftp> put wrfinput_d01
ftp> put obs_gts_2010-09-18_12_00_00.3DVAR
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
; user-defined settings
date = "2010091812"
obfile = "obs_gts_2010-09-18_12_00_00.3DVAR" ; need this data
fgfile = "./wrfinput_d01"
out_type = "ps"
plotname = "./FIG_1p:obs_loc"+date
proc_synop = True
proc_metar = True
proc_ship = True
proc_buoy = True
proc_satem = True
proc_satob = True
proc_gpspw = True
proc_sound = True
proc_airep = True
proc_pilot = True
proc_profl = True
proc_qscat = True
proc_bogus = True
proc_airsr = True
proc_gpsrf = True
proc_radar = True
; end of user-defined settings
if ( isfilepresent(fgfile) ) then
   if ( wrf_file@MAP_PROJ .eq. 1 ) then
      mapproj = "LambertConformal"
      truelat1 = wrf_file@TRUELAT1
      truelat2 = wrf_file@TRUELAT2
      clon = wrf_file@STAND_LON
   end if
   if ( wrf_file@MAP_PROJ .eq. 2 ) then
      mapproj = "Stereographic"
      truelat1 = wrf_file@TRUELAT1
      truelat2 = wrf_file@TRUELAT2
      clon = wrf_file@CEN_LON
      clat = wrf_file@CEN_LAT
   end if
   if ( wrf_file@MAP_PROJ .eq. 3 ) then
      mapproj = "Mercator"
   end if
   dsizes = getfiledimsizes(wrf_file)
   nx = dsizes(2)
   ny = dsizes(3)
   lat_ll = xlat(0,0,0)
   lat_ur = xlat(0,ny-1,nx-1)
   lon_ll = xlon(0,0,0)
   lon_ur = xlon(0,ny-1,nx-1)
   print("Error: no first guess found for retrieving mapping info")
end if

colormap = "BkBlAqGrYeOrReViWh200"

function setmpres(title:string, str1:string, str2:string)
   mpres = True
 ; mpres@gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait"
 ; mpres@gsnMaximize = False ; Maximize plot in frame.
   mpres@gsnDraw = False
   mpres@gsnFrame = False ; Don't advance the frame

   mpres@mpProjection = mapproj ; choose projection
   if ( mapproj .eq. "LambertConformal" ) then
      mpres@mpLambertParallel1F = truelat1 ; two parallels
      mpres@mpLambertParallel2F = truelat2
      mpres@mpLambertMeridianF = clon ; central meridian
   end if
   if ( mapproj .eq. "Stereographic" ) then
      mpres@mpCenterLatF = clat
      mpres@mpCenterLonF = clon
   end if
   mpres@mpLimitMode = "Corners"
   mpres@mpLeftCornerLatF = lat_ll
   mpres@mpLeftCornerLonF = lon_ll
   mpres@mpRightCornerLatF = lat_ur
   mpres@mpRightCornerLonF = lon_ur

   mpres@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
   ; mpres@tmYROn = False
   ; mpres@tmXBOn = False
   mpres@tmXTMajorLengthF = 0
   mpres@tmYLMajorLengthF = 0
   mpres@tmXBMajorLengthF = 0
   mpres@tmYRMajorLengthF = 0
   mpres@mpDataSetName = "Earth..4"
   mpres@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes"
   mpres@mpOutlineSpecifiers = (/"China:states","India","Taiwan"/)
   mpres@mpFillOn = False
   ;mpres@mpFillOn = True
   ;mpres@mpLandFillColor = "gray"
   ;mpres@tfDoNDCOverlay = True
   ;mpres@mpUSStateLineColor = "gray"
   ;mpres@mpNationalLineColor = "gray"
   ;mpres@mpGeophysicalLineColor = "gray"
   mpres@mpGridAndLimbOn = True
   mpres@mpGridLineDashPattern = 2
   mpres@mpGridLineDashSegLenF = 0.06 ; default 0.15

  mpres@mpGridMaskMode="MaskFillArea" ; 擦掉网格线
  mpres@mpFillColors = (/"background","White","chocolate1","DeepSkyBlue", "transparent"/)
  mpres@mpGeophysicalLineColor = "chartreuse3"
  mpres@mpUSStateLineColor = "chartreuse3"
  mpres@mpUSStateLineThicknessF=2 ;省线粗细
  mpres@mpGridMaskMode="MaskFillArea" ; 擦掉网格线
  mpres@mpLimbLineColor = "Red"
  mpres@mpNationalLineColor = "Blue"
  mpres@mpPerimLineColor = "Blue"

   ; gsn resources:
   mpres@gsnStringFontHeightF = 0.015
   mpres@gsnLeftString = str1 ; add left string
   mpres@gsnRightString = str2 ; add right string

   ; Title resources:
   mpres@tiMainString = title
   mpres@tiMainOffsetYF = 0.0 ; Move the title down.
   mpres@tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015


begin ; main script

   system("rm -f "+plotname+"tmp")
   system("sed -n '/^FM/,$p' "+obfile+" > "+plotname+"tmp")
   obfile = plotname+"tmp"
   data = asciiread(obfile, -1, "string") ; -1 means read all rows.
   cdata = stringtochar(data)
   nline = dimsizes(cdata(:,0))
   nsynop = 0
   nmetar = 0
   nship = 0
   nbuoy = 0
   nbogus = 0
   nsound = 0
   nairep = 0
   npilot = 0
   nsatem = 0
   nsatob = 0
   ngpspw = 0
   ngpsrf = 0
   nqscat = 0
   nprofl = 0
   nairsr = 0
   nradar = 0

   ; find out the number of each observation type
   do n = 0, nline-1 ; loop1 of parsing the file line by line
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-12 " ) then
         nsynop = nsynop + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-15 " .or. cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-16 ") then
         nmetar = nmetar + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-13 " ) then
         nship = nship + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-18 " .or. cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-19 " ) then
         nbuoy = nbuoy + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-135" ) then
         nbogus = nbogus + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-35 " .or. cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-36 ") then
         nsound = nsound + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-42 " .or. cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-97 ") then
         nairep = nairep + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-32 " ) then
         npilot = npilot + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-86 " ) then
         nsatem = nsatem + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-88 " ) then
         nsatob = nsatob + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-111" ) then
         ngpspw = ngpspw + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-116" ) then
         ngpsrf = ngpsrf + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-281" ) then
         nqscat = nqscat + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-132" ) then
         nprofl = nprofl + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-133" ) then
         nairsr = nairsr + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-128" ) then
         nradar = nradar + 1
      end if
   end do ; end loop1 of parsing the file line by line

   if ( nsynop .gt. 0 )then
      synop_lat = new(nsynop, float)
      synop_lon = new(nsynop, float)
   end if
   if ( nmetar .gt. 0 )then
      metar_lat = new(nmetar, float)
      metar_lon = new(nmetar, float)
   end if
   if ( nship .gt. 0 )then
      ship_lat = new(nship, float)
      ship_lon = new(nship, float)
   end if
   if ( nbuoy .gt. 0 )then
      buoy_lat = new(nbuoy, float)
      buoy_lon = new(nbuoy, float)
   end if
   if ( nbogus .gt. 0 )then
      bogus_lat = new(nbogus, float)
      bogus_lon = new(nbogus, float)
   end if
   if ( nsound .gt. 0 )then
      sound_lat = new(nsound, float)
      sound_lon = new(nsound, float)
   end if
   if ( nairep .gt. 0 )then
      airep_lat = new(nairep, float)
      airep_lon = new(nairep, float)
   end if
   if ( npilot .gt. 0 )then
      pilot_lat = new(npilot, float)
      pilot_lon = new(npilot, float)
   end if
   if ( nsatem .gt. 0 )then
      satem_lat = new(nsatem, float)
      satem_lon = new(nsatem, float)
   end if
   if ( nsatob .gt. 0 )then
      satob_lat = new(nsatob, float)
      satob_lon = new(nsatob, float)
   end if
   if ( ngpspw .gt. 0 )then
      gpspw_lat = new(ngpspw, float)
      gpspw_lon = new(ngpspw, float)
   end if
   if ( ngpsrf .gt. 0 )then
      gpsrf_lat = new(ngpsrf, float)
      gpsrf_lon = new(ngpsrf, float)
   end if
   if ( nqscat .gt. 0 )then
      qscat_lat = new(nqscat, float)
      qscat_lon = new(nqscat, float)
   end if
   if ( nprofl .gt. 0 )then
      profl_lat = new(nprofl, float)
      profl_lon = new(nprofl, float)
   end if
   if ( nairsr .gt. 0 )then
      airsr_lat = new(nairsr, float)
      airsr_lon = new(nairsr, float)
   end if
   if ( nradar .gt. 0 )then
      radar_lat = new(nradar, float)
      radar_lon = new(nradar, float)
   end if

   isynop = 0
   imetar = 0
   iship = 0
   ibuoy = 0
   ibogus = 0
   isound = 0
   iairep = 0
   ipilot = 0
   isatem = 0
   isatob = 0
   igpspw = 0
   igpsrf = 0
   iqscat = 0
   iprofl = 0
   iairsr = 0
   iradar = 0

   do n = 0, nline-1 ; loop2 of parsing the file line by line
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-12 " ) then
         synop_lat(isynop) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         synop_lon(isynop) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         isynop = isynop + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-15 " .or. cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-16 ") then
         metar_lat(imetar) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         metar_lon(imetar) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         imetar = imetar + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-13 " ) then
         ship_lat(iship) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         ship_lon(iship) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         iship = iship + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-18 " .or. cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-19 " ) then
         buoy_lat(ibuoy) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         buoy_lon(ibuoy) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         ibuoy = ibuoy + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-135" ) then
         bogus_lat(ibogus) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         bogus_lon(ibogus) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         ibogus = ibogus + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-35 " .or. cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-36 ") then
         sound_lat(isound) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         sound_lon(isound) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         isound = isound + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-42 " .or. cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-97 ") then
         airep_lat(iairep) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         airep_lon(iairep) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         iairep = iairep + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-32 " ) then
         pilot_lat(ipilot) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         pilot_lon(ipilot) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         ipilot = ipilot + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-86 " ) then
         satem_lat(isatem) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         satem_lon(isatem) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         isatem = isatem + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-88 " ) then
         satob_lat(isatob) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         satob_lon(isatob) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         isatob = isatob + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-111" ) then
         gpspw_lat(igpspw) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         gpspw_lon(igpspw) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         igpspw = igpspw + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-116" ) then
         gpsrf_lat(igpsrf) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         gpsrf_lon(igpsrf) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         igpsrf = igpsrf + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-281" ) then
         qscat_lat(iqscat) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         qscat_lon(iqscat) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         iqscat = iqscat + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-132" ) then
         profl_lat(iprofl) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         profl_lon(iprofl) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         iprofl = iprofl + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-133" ) then
         airsr_lat(iairsr) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,80:91)))
         airsr_lon(iairsr) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,103:114)))
         iairsr = iairsr + 1
      end if
      if ( cdata(n,0:5) .eq. "FM-128" ) then
         radar_lat(iradar) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,36:47)))
         radar_lon(iradar) = stringtofloat(charactertostring(cdata(n,50:61)))
         iradar = iradar + 1
      end if
   end do ; end loop2 of parsing the file line by line

   markersize1 = 0.006
   wks = gsn_open_wks(out_type, plotname)
   nc1 = NhlNewColor(wks,.8,.8,.8) ; add light gray to colormap

   gsres = True
   gsres@gsMarkerIndex = 16 ; Use filled dots for markers.
   gsres@gsMarkerColor = "navy"
   gsres@gsMarkerSizeF = markersize1 ; default 0.007

   if ( proc_synop .and. nsynop .gt. 0 ) then
      mpres1 = setmpres("SYNOP",date,nsynop+"")
      map1 = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres1)
      dummy1 = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map1,synop_lon(:),synop_lat(:),gsres)
; draw(map1)
   end if
   if ( proc_metar .and. nmetar .gt. 0 ) then
      mpres2 = setmpres("METAR",date,nmetar+"")
      map2 = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres2)
      dummy2 = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map2,metar_lon(:),metar_lat(:),gsres)
   end if
   if ( proc_ship .and. nship .gt. 0 ) then
      mpres3 = setmpres("SHIP",date,nship+"")
      map3 = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres3)
      dummy3 = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map3,ship_lon(:),ship_lat(:),gsres)
   end if
   if ( proc_sound .and. nsound .gt. 0 ) then
      mpres4 = setmpres("sound",date,nsound+"")
      map4 = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres4)
      dummy4 = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map4,sound_lon(:),sound_lat(:),gsres)
   end if
   if ( proc_satob .and. nsatob .gt. 0 ) then
      mpres5 = setmpres("SATOB",date,nsatob+"")
      map5 = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres5)
      dummy5 = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,map5,satob_lon(:),satob_lat(:),gsres)
   end if

  resP = True
  resP@gsnMaximize = True
  resP@txString = "Observation"



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This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Fri Dec 09 2011 - 13:09:09 MST