Masking & shapefiles

From: Nkese Mc Shine <Nkese.McShine_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed Feb 22 2012 - 09:45:23 MST

Dear All,

Attached is my script. It includes two shape-files, a masking script and latitude and longitude for a specific region. I have two problems:

1) The shape-files colour scheme controls the colour scheme for the maps instead of the graphical colour scheme for the maps.
2) I am trying to mask the ocean only but i am not sure where I'm putting the masking script in my script is in the correct position because I am not getting any graphical out puts.





load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"


; This procedure attaches polyline data from a shapefile



function attach_shapefile_polyline(f:file,wks,plot,line_color)

local lnres



  lnres = True ; resources for polylines

  lnres@gsLineThicknessF = 2.0 ; 2x as thick

  lnres@gsLineColor = line_color


; Loop through files that we want to read geographic information from.


; If this loop is extremely slow, consider using gsn_polyline instead

; of gsn_add_polyline. This can have a significant effect. Remember

; that gsn_polyline is a procedure, not a function, and it draws the

; lines right when you call it, so you need to make sure your plot is

; already drawn to the frame.


;---Read data off the shapefile

  segments = f->segments

  geometry = f->geometry

  segsDims = dimsizes(segments)

  geomDims = dimsizes(geometry)

;---Read global attributes

  geom_segIndex = f@geom_segIndex

  geom_numSegs = f@geom_numSegs

  segs_xyzIndex = f@segs_xyzIndex

  segs_numPnts = f@segs_numPnts

  numFeatures = geomDims(0)

;---Section to draw polylines on plot.

  lon = f->x

  lat = f->y

  do i=0, numFeatures-1

     startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)

     numSegments = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)

     do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1

        startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)

        endPT = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1


; This call adds the line segment.


; Can use gsn_polyline here to make it faster.


        dumstr = unique_string("primitive")

        plot@$dumstr$ = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot, lon(startPT:endPT), \

                                        lat(startPT:endPT), lnres)

     end do

  end do


;---Clean up before we read in same variables again.





;---We have to return plot so that attached lines are not lost.







; specify region boundaries

   latS = 9.5

   latN = 11.5

   lonL = -62

   lonR = -60

; directories and files


   DIR = "/root/Desktop/NCLdatasets/Datasst1/"

   DN = "day" ; "day" or "night"

  ;dirs = "day1986" ; one year

   dirs = DN+"[1-2][0-9]*" ; all years


   dir_year = systemfunc("cd "+DIR+" ; ls -d "+dirs)



   diri = "./"+dirs+"/"

   fils = systemfunc("cd "+DIR+" ; ls "+diri+"*.nc")



   fad = addfiles (DIR+fils,"r")


; Read global lat/lon from 1st file; find region index

   LAT = (/ fad[0]->lat /)

   iLAT = ind(LAT.le.latN .and.

   nStrt = iLAT(0) ; start index

   nLast = iLAT(dimsizes(iLAT)-1) ; last index

   LON = (/ fad[0]->lon /)

   iLON = ind(LON.le.lonR .and.

   mStrt = iLON(0) ; start index

   mLast = iLON(dimsizes(iLON)-1) ; last index

  ;print("nStrt="+nStrt+" nLast="+nLast)

  ;print("mStrt="+mStrt+" mLast="+mLast)

; Read from just the desired region

   sst = (/ short2flt( fad[:]->sst(:,nStrt:nLast,mStrt:mLast) ) /) ; return no meta data


                                   ; manually create 'good' meta data

   lat = LAT(nStrt:nLast)

   lat!0 = "lat"

   lat@units = "degrees_north"


   lon = LON(mStrt:mLast)

   lon!0 = "lon"

   lon@units = "degrees_east"

   nyear = dimsizes(dir_year)

   if (DN.eq."day") then

       yrStrt = toint( str_get_cols(dir_year(0),3,6) )

       yrLast = toint( str_get_cols(dir_year(nyear-1),3,6) )


       yrStrt = toint( str_get_cols(dir_year(0),5,8) )

       yrLast = toint( str_get_cols(dir_year(0),5,8) )

   end if

   time = yyyymm_time(yrStrt, yrLast, "integer")


   sst!0 = "time"

   sst!1 = "lat"

   sst!2 = "lon"


   sst&time= time

   sst&lat = lat

   sst&lon = lon

   sst@long_name = "SST"

   sst@units = "degC"

   sst@_FillValue = 1e20

   sst = where(sst.le.-3, sst@_FillValue, sst) ;fix this depending on the results obtained from this script


; End Required User Specifications

; Note: User may edit the mask below


;---try to add mask to the data with a shapefile

  nmrb = dimsizes(lon)

  min_lat = min(lat)

  max_lat = max(lat)

  min_lon = min(lon)

  max_lon = max(lon)


;---Get the approximate index values that contain the area of interest


;---This will make our gc_inout loop below go faster,beacuse we're not

; checking every single lat/lon point to see if it's within the area

; of interest.


  ilt_mn = ind(

  ilt_mx = ind(

  iln_mn = ind(

  iln_mx = ind(

  ilt1 = ilt_mn(dimsizes(ilt_mn)-1) ;Start of lat box

  iln1 = iln_mn(dimsizes(iln_mn)-1) ;Start of lon box

  ilt2 = ilt_mx(0) ;End of lat box

  iln2 = iln_mx(0) ;End of lon box

 sst_mask = new(dimsizes(sst),typeof(sst),sst@_FillValue)


;---Put data in the areas that we don't want masked.

   do ilt=ilt1,ilt2

     do iln=iln1,iln2

       if(gc_inout(lat(ilt),lon(iln),lat,lon)) then

         sst_mask(ilt,iln) = data(ilt,iln)

       end if

     end do

   end do


   printMinMax(sst, True)


;;setfileoption("nc", "Format", "NetCDF4Classic") ; write variables > 2GB


   ;diro = "./"

   ;filo = DN+"."+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast+".nc"

   ;patho = diro+filo

   ;system("/bin/rm -f "+patho)

   ;ncdf = addfile(patho, "c")

   ;ncdf->SST = sst

;creating a plot

wks = gsn_open_wks("x11" ,"sst") ; open a ps file

  setvalues NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId()

      "wsMaximumSize" : 300000000

  end setvalues


  gsn_define_colormap(wks,"rainbow") ; choose colormap

  res = True ; plot mods desired

  res@gsnMaximize = True ; make ps, eps, pdf large

  res@gsnDraw = False ; don't draw plot

  res@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame

  res@cnFillOn = True ; turn on color fill

  res@cnFillMode = "RasterFill" ; Raster Mode

  res@cnLinesOn = False ; turn of contour lines

  res@cnLineLabelsOn = False ; turn of contour line labels

  res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"

  res@cnMinLevelValF = 15

  res@cnMaxLevelValF = 38

  res@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.5 ; contour spacing

  res@gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of color map

  res@lbOrientation = "Vertical";Vertical labelbar

 ;res@lbLabelStride = 4

  res@lbLabelAutoStride = True ; let NCL choose spacing

  res@lbLabelBarOn = True

  ;plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,sst, res) ; global

  res@mpOutlineOn = False ; Turn off map outlines

  res@mpOceanFillColor = 5

  res@mpLandFillColor = 164

  res@mpInlandWaterFillColor = 54

  res@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes" ; slightly better resolution

  res@mpMinLatF = latS

  res@mpMaxLatF = latN

  res@mpMinLonF = lonL

  res@mpMaxLonF = lonR

  res@gsnAddCyclic = False ; not global

  plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,sst(5,{latS:latN},{lonL:lonR}),res)

 ;plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,sst(1,{latS:latN},{lonL:lonR}),res)

  f1 = addfile("TTO_adm1.shp", "r")

  f2 = addfile("VEN_adm0.shp", "r")

;---Attach polylines to map.

  plot = attach_shapefile_polyline(f1,wks,plot,"black")

  plot = attach_shapefile_polyline(f2,wks,plot,"black")




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