Re: trouble regridding data

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed May 23 2012 - 16:53:48 MDT


This is offline.

There is something odd about this file.

lat: There is an even number of points (360) and the
pole points are included.

lon: There is an even number of points (720) and the cyclic
(perioic) point is repeated.

spacing: Usually, a file dimensioned 360x720 has a constant lat & lon
spacing of 0.5 degrees. Here, the lat/lon spacings are not constant.

lat: -89.5 to 89.5 or vice versa.
lon: -179.5 to 179.5  or  0 to 359.5
Note that the cyclic (periodic) pts are not included.
You can not use "area_conserve_remap" because it has missing values.
The documentation states:
   "Missing values, designated by the _FillValue attribute, are not 
allowed. If any missing values are encountered, the remap will not be 
performed for that grid."
attached is a modification of the script you sent.
On 5/23/12 2:51 PM, Oleksandra Hararuk wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to regrid data from high resolution to lower resolution,
> however I keep getting an error "Error in "cremapbin": could not map
> global lat array into grid array". There was a thread about this in
> September, however, my data are global and I get same error when I use
> area_hi2lores_Wrap.
> Please help.
> My code is minimally modified example from the ncl webpage
> (regrid_6.ncl) and I attach the input file as well:
> ;*************************************************************
> ; regrid_6.ncl
> ;
> ; Concepts illustrated:
> ;   - Reading data of type "short" and converting it to float
> ;   - Reordering North->South data so it is South->North
> ;   - Interpolating from a fixed grid to a lower resolution grid using
> conservative remapping.
> ;   - Computing global areal mean values by generating the weights
> ;   - Creating a color map using named colors
> ;   - Drawing color-filled contours over a cylindrical equidistant map
> ;   - Paneling three plots vertically on a page
> ;   - Creating a netCDF file
> ;   - Using "systemfunc" to execute a UNIX command
> ;   - Using "system" to execute a UNIX command
> ;   - Using "systemfunc" to get the current date
> ;*************************************************************
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> begin
> ;*************************************************************
> ; User specified options
> ;*************************************************************
>    PLOT    = True
>    netCDF  = True
>    pltDir  = "./"       ; only used if PLOT=True, otherwise ignored
>    pltName = "regrid"
>    pltType = "pdf"       ; x11, ps, pdf, eps, png [v5.2.0]
>    ncDir   = "./"       ; only used if netCDF=True, otherwise ignored
>    ncFil   = "GPCP_2x3"
> ;*************************************************************
> ; read and reorder the data
> ;*************************************************************
>     diri   = "./"
>     fili   = ""          ; (lat, lon)  => (180,360)
>     f      = addfile(diri+fili, "r")
>     x      = f->NPP;  x      = short2flt(f->NPP)               ;
> (time,lat,lon), original order N->S
>     x      = x(::-1,:)                      ; Make s->N as required by
> "area_conserve_remap"
>   ; printVarSummary(x)
>   ; printMinMax(x, True)
> ;*************************************************************
> ; perform conservative remapping to two different grid resolutions
> ;*************************************************************
>     opt    = False
>        NLAT2x3=  64;90                               ; RES   = "2x3"
>     MLON2x3= 128;120
>     ;LAT2x3 = latGlobeFo(NLAT2x3, "LAT", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
>   ; 89S -> 89N
>    ; LON2x3 = lonGlobeFo(MLON2x3, "LON", "longitude", "degrees_east" )
>   ; 1.5E->358.5E
>    printVarSummary(LAT2x3)
> printVarSummary(LON2x3)
> print(LAT2x3)
>     X2x3   = area_conserve_remap_Wrap (x&lon, x&lat, x ,LON2x3, LAT2x3, opt)
> printVarSummary(X2x3)
> ;  ---
>     NLAT5x5=  36                               ; RES   = "5x5"
>     MLON5x5=  72
>     LAT5x5 = latGlobeFo(NLAT5x5, "LAT", "latitude" , "degrees_north")  ;
> 87.5S -> 87.5N
>     LON5x5 = lonGlobeFo(MLON5x5, "LON", "longitude", "degrees_east" )  ;
> 2.5E->357.5E
>     X5x5   = area_conserve_remap_Wrap (x&lon, x&lat, x ,LON5x5, LAT5x5, opt)
>     printVarSummary(X2x3)
>     printMinMax(X2x3, True)
>     printVarSummary(X5x5)
>     printMinMax(X5x5, True)
> ;*************************************************************
> ; For illustration, compute the global means of input and output grids
> ;*************************************************************
>     gwi     = latRegWgt(x&lat , "double", 0)           ; input  lat weights
>     gwo2x3  = latRegWgt(LAT2x3, "double", 0)           ; output lat
> weights 2x3
>     gwo5x5  = latRegWgt(LAT5x5, "double", 0)           ; output lat
> weights 5x5
>     xAvg1x1 = wgt_areaave (x   , gwi   , 1.0, 0)
>     xAvg2x3 = wgt_areaave (X2x3, gwo2x3, 1.0, 0)
>     xAvg5x5 = wgt_areaave (X5x5, gwo5x5, 1.0, 0)
>     xAvgDiff2x3 = xAvg2x3-xAvg1x1
>     xAvgDiff5x5 = xAvg5x5-xAvg1x1
>     print(xAvg1x1+" "+xAvg2x3+" "+xAvg5x5+" "+xAvgDiff2x3+" "+xAvgDiff5x5)
>     eps  = 0.001
>     if (max(abs(xAvgDiff2x3)).lt.eps) then
>         print("area_conserve_remap: 1x1  => 2x3: SUCCESS")
>     else
>         print("area_conserve_remap: 1x1  => 2x3: FAIL: maxDiff
> ="+max(abs(xAvgDiff2x3)))
>     end if
>     if (max(abs(xAvgDiff5x5)).lt.eps) then
>         print("area_conserve_remap: 1x1  => 5x5: SUCCESS")
>     else
>         print("area_conserve_remap: 1x1  => 5x5: FAIL: maxDiff
> ="+max(abs(xAvgDiff5x5)))
>     end if
> ;***************************************************************
> ; Create plot
> ;***************************************************************
>     if (PLOT) then
>         wks    = gsn_open_wks(pltType, pltDir+pltName)
>         colors = (/"white","black","Snow"     \ ; "WhiteSmoke"  \
>                 ,"PaleTurquoise","PaleGreen","SeaGreen3" ,"Yellow"  \
>                 ,"Orange","HotPink","Red","Violet", "Purple", "Brown"/)
>         gsn_define_colormap(wks, colors)               ; generate new
> color map
>         plot = new ( 3 , "graphic")
>         res                      = True     ; plot mods desired
>         res@gsnDraw              = False    ; don't draw
>         res@gsnFrame             = False    ; don't advance frame
>         res@cnFillOn             = True     ; turn on color fill
>         res@cnLinesOn            = False    ; turn of contour lines
>        ;res@cnFillMode           = "CellFill"           ; Cell Mode
>         res@cnFillMode           = "RasterFill"         ; Raster Mode
>         res@cnLinesOn            =  False       ; Turn off contour lines
>         res@cnLineLabelsOn       =  False       ; Turn off contour lines
>         res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
>         res@cnLevels             = (/0.1,1,2.5,5,10,15,20,25,50,75/) ;
> "mm/day"
>         res@cnMissingValFillPattern = 0         ; make 'missing' black
>         res@cnMissingValFillColor   = "black"
>         res@lbLabelBarOn         = False    ; turn off individual cb's
>         res@mpCenterLonF         = 210.
>         res@mpFillOn             = False
>        ;res@mpShapeMode          = "FreeAspect"
>        ;res@vpWidthF             = 0.8
>        ;res@vpHeightF            = 0.4
>         nt = 0
>         res@gsnLeftString   = "1x1"
>         res@gsnCenterString = "Areal Mean="+sprintf("%6.5f", xAvg1x1(nt))
>         plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,x(nt,:,:), res)
>         res@gsnLeftString   = "2x3"
>         res@gsnCenterString = "Areal Mean="+sprintf("%6.5f", xAvg2x3(nt))
>         plot(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,X2x3(nt,:,:), res)
>         res@gsnLeftString   = "5x5"
>         res@gsnCenterString = "Areal Mean="+sprintf("%6.5f", xAvg5x5(nt))
>         plot(2) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,X5x5(nt,:,:), res)
>         resP = True
>         resP@gsnMaximize         = True                ; make ps/eps/pdf
> large [no effect x11]
>       ;;resP@gsnPaperOrientation = "Portrait"          ; force portrait
>         resP@gsnPanelLabelBar    = True                ; add common colorbar
>         resP@lbLabelAutoStride   = True
>         resP@lbLabelFontHeightF  = 0.0175              ; change font size
>         resP@txString            = "Conservative Remap: Fixed-to-Fixed"
>         gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/3,1/),resP)               ; now draw as one
> plot
>     end if    ; PLOT
> ;************************************************
> ; Create netCDF ? ... Only do 2x3
> ; Recommend to always create a 'time' dimension
> ; Save only the interpolated CMORPH (uncomment to sabe "COMB")
> ;************************************************
>     if (netCDF) then
>         nline  = inttochar(10)
>         dimx   = dimsizes(X2x3)
>         ntim   = dimx(0)
>         nlat   = dimx(1)
>         mlon   = dimx(2)
>         time   = f->time
>         globeAtt              = 1
>         globeAtt@title        = "GPCP: 1x1 interpolated to a 2x3 grid"
>         globeAtt@source_file  = fili
>         globeAtt@creation_date= systemfunc ("date" )
>         NCFILE = ncDir + ncFil +".nc"
>         system ("/bin/rm -f " +  NCFILE)    ; remove any pre-exist file
>         ncdf   = addfile(NCFILE,"c")
>         fileattdef( ncdf, globeAtt )        ; create the global [file]
> attributes
>         filedimdef(ncdf,"time",-1,True)     ; make time and UNLIMITED
> dimension
>                                             ; recommended  for most
> applications
>         ncdf->PRC = X2x3
>     end if    ; netCDF
> end
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Received on Wed May 23 16:53:59 2012

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