Re: To compute daily sum from 3-hourly precipitation

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed May 30 2012 - 17:23:19 MDT

The following is more general. It is untested:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

   f = addfile("","r")
   P = f->data
   dimP = dimsizes(P)

   ntim = dimP(0) ; # of records
   nsam = 8 ; # of samples per day
   nday = ntim/nsam

   nlat = dimP(1)
   mlon = dimP(2)

   Pday = new((/nday,nlat,mlon/),typeof(P)) ; array for daily values

   do nt=0,ntim-1,nsam
      Pday(nt/nsam,:,:) = dim_sum_n(P(nt:nt+nsam-1,:,:),0)
   end do

   copy_VarCoords(P(0,:,:), Pday(0,:,:)) ; contributed.ncl
   Pday!0 = P!0
   Pday&$Pday!0$ = P&$P!0$(::nsam)
   Pday@long_name = "daily total precipitation"
   Pday@units = P@units


On 5/29/12 3:06 PM, Noel Aloysius wrote:
> f = addfile(" <>","r")
> P = f->data
> nt = 2928 ; no. of records (leap year)
> j=-1
> Pday = new((/366,180,360/),"float") ; array for daily values in leap year
> do i=7,nt,8
> j = j+1
> x = P(i-7:i,:,:)
> Pday(j,:,:) = dim_sum_n_Wrap(x,0)
> end do
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