Problems combining dim_num_n and dim_numrun_n to number of runs of a given length

From: Cannavina, Dominique <d.cannavina11_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Sun Jul 01 2012 - 12:03:19 MDT

Hi NCL talk

I am trying to use dim_num_n to sum up the number of runs of data (in this case temp below tcrit =0degC) which have been produced from dim_numrun_n. My data extends over europe so I need to extract data at all grid points. The data files have 3 models, each model with 9 ensemble runs, and each ensemble run with 180 days of min temperature. I am just looking at 1 model at the moment.

I am trying to use the dim_num_n to count the number of each 'duration of run' which has been produced by dim_numrun_n

When I try and use a do loop and dim_num_n the function cuts off the lat and lon parts of the variable so I end up with [num file | ensemble | step ] which then causes me problems when I try and plot the data later on.

An exerpt of the main section is given below-but the full script and a sample of the variables is also attached.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Kind regards


; What times and how many time steps are in the data set?

ntimes = dimsizes(times) ; number of times in the file


;First look at data from model ukmo

; Get the variables we will need

t2_uk = ukmo ; T2 in Kelvin

tc2_uk = t2_uk-273.16 ; T2 in C

;Counts the number of consecutive days that the temperature falls to or below the stipulated temperature.

; specify cut off temperature 'tcrit'

;I am trying to tally the number of cold spells per set of data (i.e. for each ensemble for each model for each year/start of ensemble run) but I need to be able to count how many 1,2,3....35 day duration events occur

;ukmo(ncl_join,step,number,latitude,longitude) => ukmo(0,1,2,3,4)

tStrt = 0

tLast = 179

tSkip = 1


; temporary variable

tc2 = tc2_uk(:,tStrt:tLast:tSkip,:,:,:) ; convenience/clarity

printVarSummary(tc2) ; does this look right?

;tc2 [ncl_join | 2] x [step | 180] x [number | 9] x [latitude | 18] x [longitude | 30]

;make sure dimensions of array fit with expected dimensions given above by specifying the following

dimt2 = dimsizes(tc2)

nfils = dimt2(0)

ntim = dimt2(1)

nens = dimt2(2)

nlat = dimt2(3)

mlon = dimt2(4)

tcrit = 0

uk_cold = where(tc2.le.tcrit, 1, 0) ; 0/1 array


uk_cold0 = dim_numrun_n(uk_cold, 0, 0) ; opt = 0 means total

uk_cold1 = dim_numrun_n(uk_cold, 1, 0) ; opt = 1 means unique

uk_cold0@long_name = "total cold runs"

uk_cold0@cold_crit_value = tcrit

copy_VarCoords(tc2, uk_cold0)

uk_cold1@long_name = "unique cold runs"

uk_cold1@cold_crit_value = tcrit

copy_VarCoords(tc2, uk_cold1)


;Second and third models to be added later


;I now want to produce plots showning the average number of times in a given period there has been a 1 day duration cold event.... max day duration cold event

;so if the max duration of the cold event is 20 days, I will have 20 plots. I have 3 models each with 9 ensembles so for this period tally/(3*9)

; Not been able to produce this yet so try and get following two outputs

pltres = True

;pltres@PanelPlot = True

plots = new (60, graphic)

nuk_cold = dimsizes(uk_cold)

do n=0,nuk_cold(0)-1

tc2_tally0 = dim_num_n (uk_cold0, (/3,4/))

tc2_tally1 = dim_num_n (uk_cold1, (/3,4/))



-script defining boundaries lat/lon etc



plots(n) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,tc2_tally0(n,0,0,:,:),res0)

plots(n) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,tc2_tally1(n,0,0,:,:),res1)

end do


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