some errors in EOF analysis

From: 王海 <wanghai_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Jul 09 2012 - 08:42:01 MDT

Hi all,
    I am a newer in using NCL. Recently I used NCL to analyze the cmip5 GFDL precipitation data and I want to get the EOF result of the Indo-Pacific region. But I encountered some errors that confused me.

Below is the scripts:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

; ==============================================================
; User defined parameters that specify region of globe and
; ==============================================================
  latS = -25.
  latN = 25.
  lonL = 40.
  lonR = 160.

  yrStrt = 1979
  yrLast = 2008

  season = "DJF" ; choose Dec-Jan-Feb seasonal mean

  neof = 1 ; number of EOFs
  optEOF = True
  optEOF@jopt = 0 ; This is the default; most commonly used; no need to specify.
;;optEOF@jopt = 1 ; **only** if the correlation EOF is desired

  optETS = False

; ==============================================================
; Open the file: Read only the user specified period
; ==============================================================
  fils = systemfunc("ls pr_Amon_GFDL-HIRAM-C180_amip_r1i1p1_*.nc")
  f = addfiles (fils,"r")
; printVarSummary(f)

  ListSetType (f,"cat") ; concatenate (=default)

  TIME = f[:]->time
  YYYY = cd_calendar(TIME,-1)/100 ; entire file
  iYYYY = ind( .and. YYYY.le.yrLast)

  prate = f[:]->pr(iYYYY,:,:)
  printVarSummary(prate) ; variable overview

; ==============================================================
; compute desired global seasonal mean: month_to_season (contributed.ncl)
; ==============================================================
  PRA= month_to_season (prate, season)
  nyrs = dimsizes(PRA&time)
  PRA= PRA*24*3600
; =================================================================
; create weights: sqrt(cos(lat)) [or sqrt(gw) ]
; =================================================================
  rad = 4.*atan(1.)/180.
  clat = f[1]->lat
  clat = sqrt( cos(rad*clat) ) ; gw for gaussian grid
; =================================================================
; weight all observations
; =================================================================
  wPRA = PRA ; copy meta data
  wPRA = (/dble2flt(PRA*conform(PRA, clat, 1))/)
  wPRA@long_name = "Wgt: "+wPRA@long_name

; =================================================================
; Reorder (lat,lon,time) the *weighted* input data
; Access the area of interest via coordinate subscripting
; =================================================================
  x = wPRA({lat|latS:latN},{lon|lonL:lonR},time|:)

  eof = eofunc_Wrap(x, neof, optEOF)
  eof_ts = eofunc_ts_Wrap (x, eof, optETS)

  printVarSummary( eof ) ; examine EOF variables
  printVarSummary( eof_ts )

; =================================================================
; Normalize time series: Sum spatial weights over the area of used
; =================================================================
  dimx = dimsizes( x )
  mln = dimx(1)
  sumWgt = mln*sum( clat({lat|latS:latN}) )
  eof_ts = eof_ts/sumWgt

; =================================================================
; Extract the YYYYMM from the time coordinate
; associated with eof_ts [same as PRA&time]
; =================================================================

  yyyymm = cd_calendar(eof_ts&time,-2)/100
;;yrfrac = yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac(yyyymm, 0.0); not used here

  wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","eof_test1")
  gsn_define_colormap(wks,"BlWhRe") ; choose colormap
  plot = new(neof,graphic) ; create graphic array
                                          ; only needed if paneling
; EOF patterns

  res = True
  res@gsnDraw = False ; don't draw yet
  res@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame yet

;---This resource not needed in V6.1.0
  res@gsnSpreadColors = True ; spread out color table

  res@gsnAddCyclic = False ; plotted dataa are not cyclic
  res@mpFillOn = False ; turn off map fill
  res@mpMinLatF = latS ; zoom in on map
  res@mpMaxLatF = latN
  res@mpMinLonF = lonL
  res@mpMaxLonF = lonR

  res@cnFillOn = True ; turn on color fill
  res@cnLinesOn = False ; True is default
 ;res@cnLineLabelsOn = False ; True is default
  res@lbLabelBarOn = False ; turn off individual lb's

                                          ; set symmetric plot min/max
  symMinMaxPlt(eof, 16, False, res) ; contributed.ncl

; panel plot only resources
  resP = True ; modify the panel plot
  resP@gsnMaximize = True ; large format
  resP@gsnPanelLabelBar = True ; add common colorbar
  resP@lbLabelAutoStride = True ; auto stride on labels
  yStrt = yyyymm(0)/100
  yLast = yyyymm(nyrs-1)/100
  resP@tiMainString = "PRA: "+season+": "+yStrt+"-"+yLast
; first plot
  do n=0,neof-1
     res@gsnLeftString = "EOF "+(n+1)
     res@gsnRightString = sprintf("%5.1f", eof@pcvar(n)) +"%"
  end do
  gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/neof,1/),resP) ; now draw as one plot

; second plot
; EOF time series [bar form]

  rts = True
  rts@gsnDraw = False ; don't draw yet
  rts@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame yet
  rts@gsnScale = True ; force text scaling

; these four rtsources allow the user to stretch the plot size, and
; decide exactly where on the page to draw it.

  rts@vpHeightF = 0.40 ; Changes the aspect ratio
  rts@vpWidthF = 0.85
  rts@vpXF = 0.10 ; change start locations
  rts@vpYF = 0.75 ; the plot

  rts@tiYAxisString = "mm/day" ; y-axis label

  rts@gsnYRefLine = 0. ; reference line
  rts@gsnXYBarChart = True ; create bar chart
  rts@gsnAboveYRefLineColor = "red" ; above ref line fill red
  rts@gsnBelowYRefLineColor = "blue" ; below ref line fill blue

; panel plot only resources
  rtsP = True ; modify the panel plot
  rtsP@gsnMaximize = True ; large format
  rtsP@tiMainString = "PRA: "+season+": "+yStrt+"-"+yLast

  year = yyyymm/100

; create individual plots
  do n=0,neof-1
     rts@gsnLeftString = "EOF "+(n+1)
     rts@gsnRightString = sprintf("%5.1f", eof@pcvar(n)) +"%"
     plot(n) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,eof_ts(n,:),rts)
  end do
  gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/neof,1/),rtsP) ; now draw as one plot
and the result is :

Variable: prate
Type: float
Total Size: 298598400 bytes
            74649600 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 360] x [lat | 360] x [lon | 576]
            time: [1111.5..12038.5]
            lat: [-89.75..89.75]
            lon: [0.3125..359.6875]
Number Of Attributes: 11
  long_name : Precipitation
  units : kg m-2 s-1
  cell_methods : time: mean
  interp_method : conserve_order1
  missing_value : 1e+20
  _FillValue : 1e+20
  standard_name : precipitation_flux
  original_units : kg/m2/s
  original_name : precip
  cell_measures : area: areacella
  associated_files : baseURL: areacella:

Variable: clat
Type: double
Total Size: 2880 bytes
            360 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes: [lat | 360]
            lat: [-89.75..89.75]
Number Of Attributes: 5
  long_name : latitude
  units : degrees_north
  bounds : lat_bnds
  standard_name : latitude
  axis : Y
warning:Dimension (0) has not been defined
warning:Dimension (1) has not been defined
warning:Dimension (2) has not been defined

Variable: wPRA
Type: float
Total Size: 24883200 bytes
            6220800 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 30] x [lat | 360] x [lon | 576]
            time: [1111.5..11703.5]
            lat: [-89.75..89.75]
            lon: [0.3125..359.6875]
Number Of Attributes: 13
  NMO : 0
  _FillValue : 1e+20
  anomaly_op_ncl : Annual Cycle Removed: rmMonAnnCycTLL: contributed.ncl
  associated_files : baseURL: areacella:
  cell_measures : area: areacella
  original_name : precip
  original_units : kg/m2/s
  standard_name : precipitation_flux
  missing_value : 1e+20
  interp_method : conserve_order1
  cell_methods : time: mean
  units : kg m-2 s-1
  long_name : DJF: Precipitation

Variable: eof
Type: float
Total Size: 76800 bytes
            19200 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [evn | 1] x [lat | 100] x [lon | 192]
            evn: [1..1]
            lat: [-24.75..24.75]
            lon: [40.3125..159.6875]
Number Of Attributes: 7
  eval_transpose : 19.68391
  eval : 13030.75
  pcvar : 13.04149
  matrix : covariance
  method : transpose
  _FillValue : 1e+20
  long_name : EOF: Wgt: DJF: Precipitation

Variable: eof_ts
Type: float
Total Size: 120 bytes
            30 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [evn | 1] x [time | 30]
            evn: [1..1]
            time: [1111.5..11703.5]
Number Of Attributes: 4
  ts_mean : -0.7275095
  matrix : covariance
  _FillValue : 1e+20
  long_name : EOF: Amplitude: Wgt: DJF: Precipitation
fatal:["NclVar.c":1376]:Assignment type mismatch, right hand side can't be coerced to type of left hand side
fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 95 in file eof_pra_gfdl.ncl

     I would appreciate that if you could help me solve this problem. Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Hai Wang
College of Physical and Environmental Oceanography,
Ocean University of China
238, Songling Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China, 266100

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