Re: Fill the missing days and read data into one array - problem solved

From: Mary Haley <haley_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Sep 11 2012 - 21:05:54 MDT

You could use the new "reshape" function in 6.1.0-beta to reshape your 2D array to a 3D array. I believe all you need is:

  var2d_dims = dimsizes(var2d)
  var3d_dims = new(3,typeof(var2d_dims))

  var3d_dims(0) = 354
  var3d_dims(1) = var2d_dims(0)/354 ; the assumption is that var2d_dims(0) is evenly divisible by 354
  var3d_dims(2) = var2d_dims(1)

  var3d = reshape(var2d,var3d_dims)

If you don't have V6.1.0-beta, then you can use ndtooned and onedtond:

  var3d = onedtooned(ndtooned(var2d),var3d_dims))


On Sep 9, 2012, at 5:28 PM, Wen.J.Qu wrote:

> Hi, Mary
> I solved the problem by tranpose the "data" array, which should be 365*23 or 366*23 to correctly use the array_append_record function, but I originally setted the dimension to 23*365 or 23*366 and leaded to the error. An update of the code is also attached.
> But I noticed that the current code will get a 2D array with the dimension of (354 station*40 year*365/366 day)*23 varible, which is not the ideal array I want. I will try to construct a 3D array with the dimension of 354 station*(40 year*365/366 day)*23 varible. I would work on this and try to struggle out.
> I will let you know my further progress. Thanks a lot.
> All my best!
> Wen.J.Qu
> 2012-09-09
> 发件人: Wen.J.Qu
> 发送时间: 2012-09-07 17:24:14
> 收件人: haley
> 抄送: ncl-talk
> 主题: Fill the missing days and read data into one array
> Hi, Mary,
> I am trying to construct code based on your script, to read the data of all the stations for all years into one array. I am firstly reading the data of one station for one year into array "data", then trying to array_append_record to expand the array to the data of one station for all years into array "data_new", thirdly trying to array_append_record to expand the array to the data of all the stations for all years into array "data_all".
> In doing this, I also considering that there are some entire months or entires years missing for some stations, so I change the code a little bit to deal with that.
> But when I run the code, it gets an error that "array_append_record: non-record dimensions must be the same size". I can not find where the problem is. Would you please help me with that? Thanks a lot in advance.
> The code is attached.
> All my best!
> Shawn
> Wen.J.Qu
> 2012-09-07
> ########################################################################################################
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; Function to create new yyyymmdd array based on existing
> ; yyyymmdd array that is missing some days.
> ;
> ; If the existing array goes from 19720423 to 19750813, then the
> ; new array will cover every day from 19720401 to 19750831.
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> function create_new_yyyymmdd(year,month)
> local ntotal, ny, nm, ey, em, ict, nvals
> begin
> ;
> ; yearmoday has several days missing. We want to generate a new
> ; yearmoday array with no gaps.
> ;
> ;---Get largest size we need for new yearmoda array.
> nvals = dimsizes(year)
> ntotal = (year(nvals-1)-year(0)+1)*366
> yearmoda_new = new(ntotal,string)
> ny = year(0)
> nm = month(0)
> ey = year(nvals-1)
> em = month(nvals-1)
> ict = 0
> do while((
> dim = days_in_month(ny,nm)
> yearmoda_new(ict:ict+dim-1) = tostring((ny*10000)+(nm*100) + \
> ispan(1,dim,1))
> ict = ict + dim ; Increment yearmoda_new counter
> if( then ; Increment year and month as necessary
> nm = nm + 1
> else
> ny = ny+1
> nm = 1
> end if
> end do
> return(yearmoda_new(0:ict-1))
> end
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; Create new (larger) array given the size, and a list of indexes
> ; to place the new values.
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> function create_new_array(x,nsize,ii)
> begin
> if(isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
> x_new = new(nsize,typeof(x),x@_FillValue)
> else
> x_new = new(nsize,typeof(x))
> end if
> x_new(ii) = x
> return(x_new)
> end
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; Main code
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> begin
> diri = "/work/jwang7/quwj/parallel/data/gsod/" ; data directory
> station_list = diri+"/station_list.txt" ; station_list contains station numbers of the station of interest
> STA = asciiread(station_list,-1,"integer")
> ;---Find the appropriate ASCII file to read in
> do sta_number_loop = 450000,600000,1 ; the station numbers of the station of interest are within this range
> if(any(STA.eq.sta_number_loop)) then
> sta_number = sta_number_loop
> ;Debug print
> printVarSummary(sta_number)
> print(sta_number)
> do year_loop = 1973,2012,1
> Year = year_loop
> fili = systemfunc ("cd "+diri+sta_number+"/" + " ; ls *")
> sta = toint( str_get_cols(fili, 0, 5) )
> YEAR = toint( str_get_cols(fili,13,16) )
> ;Debug print
> printVarSummary(Year)
> print(Year)
> printVarSummary(fili)
> print(fili)
> printVarSummary(sta)
> print(sta)
> printVarSummary(YEAR)
> print(YEAR)
> Index = ind(sta.eq.sta_number .and. YEAR.eq.Year)
> if(ismissing(Index)) then
> delete(fili)
> delete(sta)
> delete(YEAR)
> delete(Index)
> ;Creat a new array for the station that year with missing values
> nDayYear = 365
> if (isleapyear(Year)) then
> nDayYear = 366
> end if
> Yearmoda = yyyymmdd_time(Year,Year,"string")
> delete(Year)
> ;Break yearmoda into individual year, month and day
> year = toint(str_get_cols(Yearmoda,0,3))
> month = toint(str_get_cols(Yearmoda,4,5))
> day = toint(str_get_cols(Yearmoda,6,7))
> year@calendar = "standard"
> yearmoda_new = Yearmoda
> stn_new = new(nDayYear,"integer",999999)
> stn_new = sta_number
> wban_new = new(nDayYear,"integer",99999)
> temp_new = new(nDayYear,"float",9999.9)
> dewp_new = new(nDayYear,"float",9999.9)
> rh_new = new(nDayYear,"float",99.99)
> slp_new = new(nDayYear,"float",9999.9)
> stp_new = new(nDayYear,"float",9999.9)
> visib_new = new(nDayYear,"float",999.9)
> wdsp_new = new(nDayYear,"float",999.9)
> maxspd_new = new(nDayYear,"float",999.9)
> gust_new = new(nDayYear,"float",999.9)
> maxtemp_new = new(nDayYear,"float",9999.9)
> mintemp_new = new(nDayYear,"float",9999.9)
> prcp_new = new(nDayYear,"float",99.99)
> sndp_new = new(nDayYear,"float",999.9)
> frshtt_new = new(nDayYear,"string")
> fog_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,0,0))
> rain_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,1,1))
> snow_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,2,2))
> hail_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,3,3))
> thunder_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,4,4))
> tornado_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,5,5))
> yearmoda_new_int = toint(yearmoda_new)
> frshtt_new_int = toint(frshtt_new)
> ;Construct a new array include all the varibles
> data = (/stn_new,wban_new,yearmoda_new_int,temp_new,\
> dewp_new,rh_new,slp_new,stp_new,visib_new,\
> wdsp_new,maxspd_new,gust_new,maxtemp_new,\
> mintemp_new,prcp_new,sndp_new,frshtt_new_int,\
> fog_new,rain_new,snow_new,hail_new,thunder_new,\
> tornado_new/)
> ;---Release varible
> delete(year)
> delete(month)
> delete(day)
> delete(Yearmoda)
> delete(yearmoda_new)
> delete(yearmoda_new_int)
> delete(stn_new)
> delete(wban_new)
> delete(temp_new)
> delete(dewp_new)
> delete(rh_new)
> delete(slp_new)
> delete(stp_new)
> delete(visib_new)
> delete(wdsp_new)
> delete(maxspd_new)
> delete(gust_new)
> delete(maxtemp_new)
> delete(mintemp_new)
> delete(prcp_new)
> delete(sndp_new)
> delete(frshtt_new)
> delete(frshtt_new_int)
> delete(fog_new)
> delete(rain_new)
> delete(snow_new)
> delete(hail_new)
> delete(thunder_new)
> delete(tornado_new)
> else
> ;Debug print
> print (Index)
> ;Read the file's data
> ;Debug print
> printVarSummary(fili(Index))
> print(fili(Index))
> filename = diri+sta_number+"/"+fili(Index)
> ;Release varibles
> delete(fili)
> delete(sta)
> delete(YEAR)
> delete(Index)
> ;Creat a new wholes array for the station that year
> nDayYear = 365
> if (isleapyear(Year)) then
> nDayYear = 366
> end if
> Yearmoda = yyyymmdd_time(Year,Year,"string")
> delete(Year)
> ;Break yearmoda into individual year, month and day
> year = toint(str_get_cols(Yearmoda,0,3))
> month = toint(str_get_cols(Yearmoda,4,5))
> day = toint(str_get_cols(Yearmoda,6,7))
> year@calendar = "standard"
> ;---Read data file as array of strings
> lines = asciiread(filename,-1,"string")
> nlines = dimsizes(lines)
> ;
> ; Parse strings to get values. Don't use header line [line(0)]
> ; Note that fields 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 are skipped.
> ; They don't appear to have headers associated with them.
> ;
> stn = toint(str_get_field(lines(1:),1," "))
> wban = toint(str_get_field(lines(1:),2," "))
> yearmoda = str_get_field(lines(1:),3," ")
> temp = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),4," "))
> dewp = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),6," "))
> slp = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),8," "))
> stp = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),10," "))
> visib = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),12," "))
> wdsp = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),14," "))
> maxspd = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),16," "))
> gust = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),17," "))
> maxtemp = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),18," "))
> mintemp = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),19," "))
> prcp = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),20," "))
> sndp = tofloat(str_get_field(lines(1:),21," "))
> frshtt = str_get_field(lines(1:),22," ")
> ; Convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
> temp = (temp-32)*5/9
> ; Convert dew point temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
> dewp = (dewp-32)*5/9
> ; Calculate relative humidity (%).
> rh = 100*(((112-0.1*temp+dewp)/(112+0.9*temp))^8)
> ; convert visib from mile to kilometer.
> visib = visib*1.60934398
> ; convert wdsp from knot to m/s.
> wdsp = wdsp*0.51444
> ; convert maxspd from knot to m/s.
> maxspd = maxspd*0.51444
> ; convert gust from knot to m/s.
> gust = gust*0.51444
> ; Convert maximum temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
> maxtemp = (maxtemp-32)*5/9
> ; Convert minimum temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
> mintemp = (mintemp-32)*5/9
> ; convert prcp from inch to millmeter.
> prcp = prcp*25.4
> ; convert sndp from inch to millmeter.
> sndp = sndp*25.4
> nvals = dimsizes(stn)
> ;---Set some missing values where appropriate
> stn@_FillValue = 999999
> wban@_FillValue = 99999
> temp@_FillValue = 9999.9
> dewp@_FillValue = 9999.9
> rh@_FillValue = 99.99
> slp@_FillValue = 9999.9
> stp@_FillValue = 9999.9
> visib@_FillValue = 999.9
> wdsp@_FillValue = 999.9
> maxspd@_FillValue = 999.9
> gust@_FillValue = 999.9
> maxtemp@_FillValue = 9999.9
> mintemp@_FillValue = 9999.9
> prcp@_FillValue = 99.99
> sndp@_FillValue = 999.9
> ;---Debug prints
> print("stn min/max = " + min(stn) + "/" + max(stn))
> print("wban min/max = " + min(wban) + "/" + max(wban))
> print("temp min/max = " + min(temp) + "/" + max(temp))
> print("dewp min/max = " + min(dewp) + "/" + max(dewp))
> print("rh min/max = " + min(rh) + "/" + max(rh))
> print("slp min/max = " + min(slp) + "/" + max(slp))
> print("stp min/max = " + min(stp) + "/" + max(stp))
> print("visib min/max = " + min(visib) + "/" + max(visib))
> print("wdsp min/max = " + min(wdsp) + "/" + max(wdsp))
> print("maxspd min/max = " + min(maxspd) + "/" + max(maxspd))
> print("gust min/max = " + min(gust) + "/" + max(gust))
> print("maxtemp min/max = " + min(maxtemp) + "/" + max(maxtemp))
> print("mintemp min/max = " + min(mintemp) + "/" + max(mintemp))
> print("prcp min/max = " + min(prcp) + "/" + max(prcp))
> print("sndp min/max = " + min(sndp) + "/" + max(sndp))
> printVarSummary(frshtt)
> ;---Create new array based on year and month arrays
> yearmoda_new = create_new_yyyymmdd(year,month)
> ntime = dimsizes(yearmoda_new)
> print("--------------------------------------------------")
> print("# of days in new arrays will be = " + ntime)
> print("--------------------------------------------------")
> ;--Get indices where date value is not missing.
> ii = new(nvals,integer)
> do i=0,nvals-1
> ii(i) = ind(yearmoda(i).eq.yearmoda_new)
> end do
> ;---Use indexes to place real values in location of new arrays
> stn_new = create_new_array(stn,ntime,ii)
> wban_new = create_new_array(wban,ntime,ii)
> temp_new = create_new_array(temp,ntime,ii)
> dewp_new = create_new_array(dewp,ntime,ii)
> rh_new = create_new_array(rh,ntime,ii)
> slp_new = create_new_array(slp,ntime,ii)
> stp_new = create_new_array(stp,ntime,ii)
> visib_new = create_new_array(visib,ntime,ii)
> wdsp_new = create_new_array(wdsp,ntime,ii)
> maxspd_new = create_new_array(maxspd,ntime,ii)
> gust_new = create_new_array(gust,ntime,ii)
> maxtemp_new = create_new_array(maxtemp,ntime,ii)
> mintemp_new = create_new_array(mintemp,ntime,ii)
> prcp_new = create_new_array(prcp,ntime,ii)
> sndp_new = create_new_array(sndp,ntime,ii)
> frshtt_new = create_new_array(frshtt,ntime,ii)
> fog_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,0,0))
> rain_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,1,1))
> snow_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,2,2))
> hail_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,3,3))
> thunder_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,4,4))
> tornado_new = toint(str_get_cols(frshtt_new,5,5))
> printVarSummary(yearmoda_new)
> yearmoda_new_int = toint(yearmoda_new)
> printVarSummary(yearmoda_new_int)
> frshtt_new_int = toint(frshtt_new)
> ;Construct a new array include all the varibles
> ;Debug print
> printVarSummary(stn_new)
> printVarSummary(wban_new)
> printVarSummary(yearmoda_new_int)
> printVarSummary(temp_new)
> printVarSummary(dewp_new)
> printVarSummary(rh_new)
> printVarSummary(slp_new)
> printVarSummary(stp_new)
> printVarSummary(visib_new)
> printVarSummary(wdsp_new)
> printVarSummary(maxspd_new)
> printVarSummary(gust_new)
> printVarSummary(maxtemp_new)
> printVarSummary(mintemp_new)
> printVarSummary(prcp_new)
> printVarSummary(sndp_new)
> printVarSummary(frshtt_new_int)
> printVarSummary(fog_new)
> printVarSummary(rain_new)
> printVarSummary(snow_new)
> printVarSummary(hail_new)
> printVarSummary(thunder_new)
> printVarSummary(tornado_new)
> data = (/stn_new,wban_new,yearmoda_new_int,temp_new,\
> dewp_new,rh_new,slp_new,stp_new,visib_new,\
> wdsp_new,maxspd_new,gust_new,maxtemp_new,\
> mintemp_new,prcp_new,sndp_new,frshtt_new_int,\
> fog_new,rain_new,snow_new,hail_new,thunder_new,\
> tornado_new/)
> ;---Debug prints
> print("stn_new min/max = " + min(stn_new) + "/" + max(stn_new))
> print("wban_new min/max = " + min(wban_new) + "/" + max(wban_new))
> print("temp_new min/max = " + min(temp_new) + "/" + max(temp_new))
> print("dewp_new min/max = " + min(dewp_new) + "/" + max(dewp_new))
> print("rh_new min/max = " + min(rh_new) + "/" + max(rh_new))
> print("slp_new min/max = " + min(slp_new) + "/" + max(slp_new))
> print("stp_new min/max = " + min(stp_new) + "/" + max(stp_new))
> print("visib_new min/max = " + min(visib_new) + "/" + max(visib_new))
> print("wdsp_new min/max = " + min(wdsp_new) + "/" + max(wdsp_new))
> print("maxspd_new min/max = " + min(maxspd_new) + "/" + max(maxspd_new))
> print("gust_new min/max = " + min(gust_new) + "/" + max(gust_new))
> print("maxtemp_new min/max = " + min(maxtemp_new) + "/" + max(maxtemp_new))
> print("mintemp_new min/max = " + min(mintemp_new) + "/" + max(mintemp_new))
> print("prcp_new min/max = " + min(prcp_new) + "/" + max(prcp_new))
> print("sndp_new min/max = " + min(sndp_new) + "/" + max(sndp_new))
> printVarSummary(frshtt_new)
> printVarSummary(data)
> ;---Release varible
> delete(i)
> delete(ii)
> delete(year)
> delete(month)
> delete(day)
> delete(lines)
> delete(nlines)
> delete(stn)
> delete(wban)
> delete(yearmoda)
> delete(Yearmoda)
> delete(temp)
> delete(dewp)
> delete(rh)
> delete(slp)
> delete(stp)
> delete(visib)
> delete(wdsp)
> delete(maxspd)
> delete(gust)
> delete(maxtemp)
> delete(mintemp)
> delete(prcp)
> delete(sndp)
> delete(frshtt)
> delete(yearmoda_new)
> delete(yearmoda_new_int)
> delete(stn_new)
> delete(wban_new)
> delete(temp_new)
> delete(dewp_new)
> delete(rh_new)
> delete(slp_new)
> delete(stp_new)
> delete(visib_new)
> delete(wdsp_new)
> delete(maxspd_new)
> delete(gust_new)
> delete(maxtemp_new)
> delete(mintemp_new)
> delete(prcp_new)
> delete(sndp_new)
> delete(frshtt_new)
> delete(frshtt_new_int)
> delete(fog_new)
> delete(rain_new)
> delete(snow_new)
> delete(hail_new)
> delete(thunder_new)
> delete(tornado_new)
> end if
> ;Construct a new array for one station all the years
> data_1 = data
> ;Release varible
> delete(data)
> if(year_loop.le.1973) then
> data_new = data_1
> ;Release varible
> delete(data_1)
> else
> data_2 = data_new
> ;Release varible "data_new"
> delete(data_new)
> data_new=array_append_record(data_1,data_2,0)
> ;Release varibles
> delete(data_1)
> delete(data_2)
> end if
> ;Debug print
> printVarSummary(data_new)
> end do
> ;Construct an entire array for all the stations all the years
> data_all_1 = data_new
> ;Release varible
> delete(data_new)
> if(sta_number_loop.le.450070) then
> data_all = data_all_1
> ;Release varible
> delete(data_all_1)
> else
> data_all_2 = data_all
> ;Release varible "data_all"
> delete(data_all)
> data_all=array_append_record(data_all_1,data_all_2,0)
> ;Release varibles
> delete(data_all_1)
> delete(data_all_2)
> end if
> ;Debug print
> printVarSummary(data_all)
> end if
> end do
> end
> <fill_incontinous_read.ncl>

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