Re: question about WRF Times variable [Was: (no subject)]

From: Mary Haley <haley_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Nov 13 2012 - 14:26:33 MST

Hi Emiliano,

I'm CC-ing on this in case they have a better suggestion.

I see you are using "WRF_Times2Udunits_c", which is not an advertised function, and I'm pretty sure it is not supported by anybody.

You might want to check out "wrf_times_c" instead:

If you look at the examples section, you will see there are several different options to choose from for the output time values.


On Nov 13, 2012, at 8:34 AM, Emiliano Gomez wrote:

> Hi, mi name is Emiliano and im learning the NCL language. Sorry for my bad english its not my native language. Im trying to write a script that does several things, the one im having trouble with is the one that calculates the maxima and minima of RAINC & RAINNC every 24 hours out of a WRF file. I have read some examples you have in the NCL-talk, but my scripts needs a transformation of the 00z to local time, in my case its Mexico City local time i think its -6 hr, the resolution we have is periods of 3 hours and then for some reason change the starting hour to 8am. I mean, i have day periods of 8am -7am. How can i solve this? This is the script im writing.
> ;script para graficar temperatura y precipitacion vs el tiempo
> ;En un punto especifico
> ;Use el ejemplo 4,7,9 de los ejemplos de la pagina de ncl
> ;Y ejemplos de la pagina del WRF
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRF_contributed.ncl"
> begin
> ;que cosas leera
> londf = (/-98.768158/)
> latdf = (/19.500596/)
> f = addfile("/media/sims/SMN/simulaciones/","r")
> lat2d = f->XLAT (0,:,:)
> lon2d = f->XLONG (0,:,:)
> t = f->T2 ; (:,londf,x) ; lee de f la variable T2
> rnc = f->RAINNC ; (:,y,x) ;lee la variable RAINNC
> rc = f->RAINC ;lee la variable RAINC
> times=f->Times ; Lee la variable times, es un tipo caracter
> time =WRF_Times2Udunits_c(times,0) ; convierte a "horas desde"
> timeLST=time
> ntimes=dimsizes(time)
> do i=0,ntimes-1
> timeLST(i)=time(i)-6
> if(timeLST(i) .lt. 0) then
> timeLST(i)=24+timeLST(i)
> end if
> end do
> timeLST&Time=timeLST
> print(time)
> print(timeLST)
> ;la interpolacion bilineal de temperatura, rainnc, rainc
> tdf = rcm2points (lat2d,lon2d,t,latdf,londf,2)
> rncdf = rcm2points (lat2d,lon2d,rnc,latdf,londf,2)
> rcdf = rcm2points (lat2d,lon2d,rc,latdf,londf,2)
> ;printVarSummary (tdf)
> ;printVarSummary (rdf)
> ;printVarSummary (time)
> raT = rcdf + rncdf
> nr=dimsizes(raT)
> rT=new(nr(0),"float")
> do i=1,nr(0)-1
> rT(i)=raT(i,0)-raT(i-1,0)
> end do
> rT(0)=0
> printVarSummary(timeLST)
> ;separacion en dias falta quitar los dos puntos del dia previo.
> ;timeLST@_FillValue = 0
> dia1=new(8,double)
> do i=2,9
> if (timeLST(i) .le. 21) then
> dia1(i-2)=timeLST(i)
> end if
> ;timeLST(i) = where (timeLST(i) .le. 21, dia1(i), timeLST@_FillValue)
> ;timeLST(i)=i+1
> end do
> print(dia1)
> ;dia2=new(8,float)
> ;do i=0,7
> ;timeLST(i)= where (timeLST(i) .ge. 24 .le. 45, dia2(i), timeLST@_FillValue)
> ;timeLST(i)=i+1
> ;end do
> ;dia3=new(8,float)
> ;do i=0,7
> ;timeLST(i) = where (timeLST(i) .ge. 48 .le. 69, dia3(i), timeLST@_FillValue)
> ;timeLST(i)=i+1
> ;end do
> ;dia4=new(8,float)
> ;do i=0,7
> ;timeLST(i) = where (timeLST(i) .ge. 72 .le. 90, dia4(i), timeLST@_FillValue)
> ;timeLST(i)=i+1
> ;end do
> ;calculo de maximos y minimos por dia.
> dia1max=dim_max_n(dia1,0)
> dia1min=dim_min_n(dia1,0)
> dia2max=dim_max_n(dia2,0)
> dia2min=dim_min_n(dia2,0)
> dia3max=dim_max_n(dia3,0)
> dia3min=dim_min_n(dia3,0)
> dia4max=dim_max_n(dia4,0)
> dia4min=dim_min_n(dia4,0)
> print (dia1max)
> print (dia1min)
> print (dia2max)
> print (dia2min)
> print (dia3max)
> print (dia3min)
> print (dia4max)
> print (dia4min)
> ;calcula maximo cada 24 horas aqui hay un problema ya que es para todos los puntos
> ; no se como pedirle que sea para los puntos pedidos
> ;dailymax = timeLST(2:9) ; copia la metadata, es del numero 14 al 38 que serian desde las 8am del dia al 7 am del dia siguiente.
> ;dailymax = dailymax@_FillValue
> ;dailymin = dailymax ; no entiendo por que esta linea pero asi esta en el ejemplo
> ;cntr = 0
> ;do gg = 0,dimsizes(time)-1
> ;dailymax(cntr,:,:) = dim_max_n(tdf(cntr:cntr+7,:,:),0) ;falta escoger el punto de la malla donde se desea obtener
> ;dailymin(cntr,:,:) = dim_min_n(tdf(cntr:cntr+7,:,:),0)
> ;cntr = cntr+7
> ;end do
> ;print (dailymax)
> ;print (dailymin)
> ;crea el wks
> wks= gsn_open_wks("ps","WRF_xy_maxmin")
> ;lado izquierdo que sera temperatura
> resL = True
> resL@tiMainString = "Temperatura y RAINNC vs Tiempo" ; titulo de la grafica
> ;resL@xyLineThicknesses = 2 ;grueso de linea
> resL@xyMarkLineModes = "Markers"
> resL@xyMarkers = 16 ;tipo de marcador
> resL@xyMarkerColor = "red" ; color del marcador
> resL@xyMarkerSizeF= 0.01 ; tamaņo del marcador
> resL@tmLabelAutoStride = True ; creo que hace grueso al marcador hehe
> ;resL@tiYAxisString = t@long_name + "temperatura "+"[solid]" ; nombre en y izquierdo
> ;lado derecho que sera precipitacion
> resR = True
> ;resR@xyDashPatterns = 1 ; hace la linea punteada
> ;resR@xyLineThicknesses =2 ;hace gruesa la linea
> resR@xyMarkLineModes = "Markers"
> resR@xyMarkers = 16 ;tipo de marcador
> resR@xyMarkerColor = "blue" ; color del marcador
> resR@xyMarkerSizeF= 0.01 ; tamaņo del marcador
> resR@tmLabelAutoStride = True ; creo que hace grueso al marcador hehe
> ;resR@tiYAxisString = r@long_name +"rainnc"+"[dash]" ; nombre en y derecho
> plot =gsn_csm_xy2(wks,timeLST,tdf(:,0),rT,resL,resR)
> end
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