Re: NARR Zooming Error

From: Mary Haley <haley_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu Feb 14 2013 - 12:49:07 MST


The error is telling you what might be the problem:

> A valid latitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute equal to one of the following values:
> (0) 'degrees_north' 'degrees-north' 'degree_north' 'degrees north' 'degrees_N' 'Degrees_north' 'degree_N' 'degreeN' 'degreesN' 'deg north'

You should look at your data whenever you get errors. "printVarSummary" can be very useful:


>From the "printVarSummary" commands, do you see any "units" attached to your lat/lon arrays? If so, what are their values?

You can try adding/fixing the units yourself, if they are non-existent, or wrong:

   u_wind&gridlat_221@units = "degrees_north"
   u_wind&gridlon_221@units = "degrees_east"


On Feb 13, 2013, at 1:19 PM, brittany.hailey wrote:

> I am attempting to run a script using the NARR Dataset. The script runs fine until I add in commands to zoom into Mississippi. The error message reads:
> (0) check_for_y_lat_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid latitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.
> (0) A valid latitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute equal to one of the following values:
> (0) 'degrees_north' 'degrees-north' 'degree_north' 'degrees north' 'degrees_N' 'Degrees_north' 'degree_N' 'degreeN' 'degreesN' 'deg north'
> (0) check_for_lon_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid longitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.
> (0) A valid longitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute equal to one of the following values:
> (0) 'degrees_east' 'degrees-east' 'degree_east' 'degrees east' 'degrees_E' 'Degrees_east' 'degree_E' 'degreeE' 'degreesE' 'deg east'
> How can I fix this?
> This is the full script:
> ;***************************************************************************
> ; narr_ncl_template.ncl
> ;
> ; Read NARR NCDC-NOMADS data
> ;
> ; Brittany Hailey 02/11/2013
> ; - Plotting NARR data
> ;
> ; Executea: ncl narr_ncl_template.ncl
> ;***************************************************************************
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> begin
> ;*******************************************
> ; Open file and read in data
> ;*******************************************
> dir = "/narrr-data/data/" ; input directory
> f = addfile (dir + "narr-a_221_20011231_0000_000.grb", "r")
> ;print(f)
> ;*******************************************
> ; Read variables and assign names
> ;*******************************************
> latitude = f->gridlat_221
> longitude = f->gridlon_221
> dimlc = dimsizes(latitude)
> nlat = dimlc(0)
> mlon = dimlc(1)
> u_wind = f->U_GRD_221_ISBL ; (lev,lat,lon) u-windnclmponent
> ;*************create plots*******************
> wks = gsn_open_wks ("ps", "narr_dft") ; Create output filename and type
> gsn_define_colormap (wks,"gui_default") ; choose color map
> res = True ; plot mods desired for original grid
> ;************************************************************
> ; Define NARR Map
> ;
> res@mpLimitMode = "Corners" ; choose range of map
> res@mpLeftCornerLatF = 30
> res@mpLeftCornerLonF = -92
> res@mpRightCornerLatF = 35
> res@mpRightCornerLonF = -86
> res@tfDoNDCOverlay = False
> res@mpProjection = "LambertConformal"
> res@mpLambertParallel1F = 50
> res@mpLambertParallel2F = 50
> res@mpLambertMeridianF = 253
> ; Define how map is to be displayed [gridlines, boundaries,
> res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
> res@mpFillOn = False ; turn off map fill
> res@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes" ; Allow plotting of counties
> res@mpOutlineDrawOrder = "PostDraw" ; draw continental outline last
> res@mpProvincialLineColor = "Blue" ; Border color
> res@mpProvincialLineThicknessF = 5 ; Border line thickness
> ; res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "AllBoundaries" ; state/county boundaries
> res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "GeophysicalAndUSStates" ; state boundaries
> ;**********************************************************************
> res@cnFillOn = True ; color fill
> res@cnLinesOn = False ; no contour lines
> res@gsnSpreadColors = True ; use total colormap
> res@gsnSpreadColorStart = 4
> res@gsnSpreadColorEnd = -1
> res@mpGridAndLimbOn = True
> res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always" ; turn on tickmarks
> res@tmXTOn = False
> res@gsnAddCyclic = False ; regional data
> res@gsnCenterString = "U-wind@"+u_wind&lv_ISBL2(8) + " hPa" ; draw center subtitle
> res@gsnLeftString = "U Component Wind" ; draw left subtitle
> plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,u_wind(10,:,:),res) ; Draw original grid on map
> end
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