ESMF regrid of MODIS ET swath data (1 km to 0.5 degree)

From: Harper, Anna <A.Harper_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed Jun 05 2013 - 16:01:09 MDT


I am having trouble regridding MODIS data onto a 0.5 degree grid. I am using the MOD16 ET data, NCL version 6.1.2. I have generated a weighting file with ESMF_regrid_gen_weights, but when I attempt to interpolate, all of my data is missing.

I am using curvilinear_to_SCRIP for the src Grid. The MOD16 data is in a (1200x1200) array, from a 1 km resolution Swath. Then I use rectilinear_to_SCRIP to generate the destination grid, which I would like to be 0.5 degree over the region of the swath. Then I use ESMF_regrid_gen_weights and ESMF_regrid_with_weights to interpolate. I am not using ESMF_regrid right now because I wanted to try doing this step-by-step, to see where the problem occurs. I put some print statements within the procedure ESMF_regrid_with_weights, and my srcData is okay, but the dstData is all missing. This seems to occur during the function sparse_matrix_mult. One thing I've noticed is that some of my weights are negative - is this okay? Otherwise I guess I have done something wrong with treating missing data (a lot of the original data is missing - of the 1200x1200 array, there are only 66 non-missing values). Any guidance you can give is greatly appreciated!

I will include my code, and the print statements when I run it (in between the "--snip--" lines). I will also upload the following to the ftp (the source SCRIP file and weight file are very large though, so I'm having trouble uploading them):
PET0.RegridWeightGen.Log (the destination grid SCRIP file)


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/esmf/ESMF_regridding.ncl"

;---Output (and input) files
    srcGridName = ""
    dstGridName = ""
    wgtFile = ""

; Read in MODIS HDF files
  hdf_file = addfile("MOD16A2.A2000M07.h00v09.105.2013119144046.hdf","r")

; Print information about the specific dataset to check scale and offset.

Variable: data_info
Type: short
Total Size: 2880000 bytes
            1440000 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [YDim_MOD_Grid_MOD16A2 | 1200] x [XDim_MOD_Grid_MOD16A2 | 1200]
Number Of Attributes: 10
  scale_factor : 0.1
  scale_factor_err : 0
  add_offset : 0
  add_offset_err : 0
  calibrated_nt : 22
  valid_range : ( -32767, 32700 )
  _FillValue : 32767
  long_name : MOD16A2 -- MODIS Gridded 1KM monthly Composite Evapotranspiration (ET)
  units : kg/m^2/mon
  hdf_name : ET_1km

    eos_file = addfile("MOD16A2.A2000M07.h00v09.105.2013119144046.he2","r")

    data_unscaled@_FillValue = data_info@_FillValue

    ; Apply offset and scale using the formula in
    data_valid = where( .and. \
             , \
                       data_unscaled, data_info@_FillValue);
    data = data_info@scale_factor * (data_valid - data_info@add_offset)

(0) min=75.8 max=143.3

Variable: data
Type: double
Total Size: 11520000 bytes
            1440000 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [1200] x [1200]
Number Of Attributes: 1
  _FillValue : 32767

    lat2d = eos_file->GridLat_MOD_Grid_MOD16A2
    lon2d = eos_file->GridLon_MOD_Grid_MOD16A2
    lon2d = where(,360+lon2d,lon2d)
    lat2d(:,:) = lat2d(::-1,::-1) ;reorder so lat is S->N

    if (any( then
; Step 1, part 1
; Write MOD16 grid description to SCRIP file

      Opt = True
      Opt@ForceOverwrite = True
      Opt@Title = "MOD16 grid"
        ;if the following is uncommented, I get no weights in the weight file
        ;from regrid_gen_weights
        ;Opt@Mask2D = where(.not.ismissing(data),1,0)


;---Clean up

; Step 1, part 2
; Write rectilinear grid description to SCRIP file
    latS = doubletoint(min(lat2d))
    latN = doubletoint(max(lat2d))
    lonW = doubletoint(min(lon2d))
    lonE = doubletoint(max(lon2d))
    if( then
    end if
    if( then
    end if
    if( then
    end if
    if( then
    end if
    if( .and. then
      nlat = (abs(latS)-abs(latN))*2 + 1
    else if ( then
      nlat = (abs(latS)+abs(latN))*2 + 1
    end if
    end if

    nlon = (lonE-lonW)*2 + 1
    lat1d = fspan(latS, latN,nlat)
    lon1d = fspan(lonW,lonE,nlon)
    dims = dimsizes(data)

    print("Original range of lat/lon")
    print("New range: ")
    print(nlat+" "+latS+" "+latN+" "+nlon+" "+lonW+" "+lonE)

(0) Original range of lat/lon
(0) latitude: min=-9.99583 max=-0.00416667
(0) longitude: min=177.23 max=189.996
(0) New range:
(0) 21 -10 0 27 177 190

    Opt = True
    Opt@ForceOverwrite = True
    Opt@LLCorner = (/latS,lonW/)
    Opt@URCorner = (/latN,lonE/)
    ;Opt@Debug = True


;---Clean up

; Step 2
; Generate interpolation weights for WRF grid to Rectilinear grid
      print("Generate interpolation weights for MOD grid to Rect grid")

      Opt = True
      Opt@InterpMethod = "Patch"
      Opt@SrcRegional = True
      Opt@DstRegional = True
      Opt@PrintTimings = True
      Opt@ForceOverwrite = True
      Opt@Debug = True

      ESMF_regrid_gen_weights(srcGridName, dstGridName, wgtFile, Opt)

(0) Generate interpolation weights for MOD grid to Rect grid
(0) ESMF_regrid_gen_weights: number of processors used: 1
(0) --------------------------------------------------
(0) ESMF_regrid_gen_weights: the following command is about to be executed on the system:
(0) 'ESMF_RegridWeightGen --source --destination --weight --method patch --src_regional --dst_regional -i --64bit_offset'
(0) --------------------------------------------------
(0) ESMF_regrid_gen_weights: output from 'ESMF_RegridWeightGen':
(0) Starting weight generation with these inputs:
(1) Source File:
(2) Destination File:
(3) Weight File:
(4) Source File is in SCRIP format
(5) Source Grid is a regional grid
(6) Source Grid is a logically rectangular grid
(7) Destination File is in SCRIP format
(8) Destination Grid is a regional grid
(9) Destination Grid is a logically rectangular grid
(10) Regrid Method: patch
(11) Pole option: NONE
(12) Ignore unmapped destination points
(13) Output weight file in 64bit offset NetCDF file format
(15) Completed weight generation successfully.
(0) ESMF_regrid_gen_weights: 'ESMF_RegridWeightGen' was successful.
(0) --------------------------------------------------

;---Clean up

; Step 3
; Interpolate data from WRF to regional rectilinear grid.
; Regrid two datasets: TMP and U_GRD.

;---Interpolate temperature and u
    Opt = True
    Opt@Debug = True
    Opt@DstGridType = "rectilinear"

    data_regrid = ESMF_regrid_with_weights(data,wgtFile,Opt)

(0) ESMF_regrid_with_weights: regridding using interpolation weights ...
(0) ESMF_regrid_with_weights: warning: destination grid is not
(0) completely covered by the source grid. This is not an error.
(0) It just means your destination grid covers a larger area
(0) than your source grid.
(0) ESMF_regrid_with_weights: Source Grid:
(0) rank: 2
(0) dimensions: 1200 1200
(0) original source rank: 2
(0) latitude min/max: -9.99583/-0.00416667
(0) longitude min/max:177.23/189.996
(0) ESMF_regrid_with_weights: Destination Grid:
(0) dimensions: 21 27
(0) latitude min/max: -10/0
(0) longitude min/max:177/190
(0) ESMF_regrid_with_weights: retrieving interpolation weights ...
(0) ESMF_regrid_with_weights: calling sparse_matrix_mult to apply weights...
(0) ESMF_regrid_with_weights: dstData
(0) Dimensions: 21 27
(0) minSrcData: 75.8
(0) maxSrcData: 143.3
(0) minDstData: 32767
(0) maxDstData: 32767

;---Reset 0 values to missing values.
    data_regrid@_FillValue = data_info@_FillValue

    data_regrid = where(data_regrid.eq.0.0,data_regrid@_FillValue,\
    print("Check min/max of regridded and original data, respectively:")

Variable: data_regrid
Type: double
Total Size: 4536 bytes
            567 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [lat | 21] x [lon | 27]
            lat: [ -10.. 0]
            lon: [ 177.. 190]
Number Of Attributes: 3
  _FillValue : 32767
  remap : remapped via ESMF_regrid_with_weights: Bilinear remapping
  missing_value : 32767
(0) Check min/max of regridded and original data, respectively:
(0) min=32767 max=32767
(0) min=75.8 max=143.3

  end if

Anna Harper, PhD
College of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences
University of Exeter
Harrison Building, North Park Road
Exeter, EX4 4QF
Phone: +44 1392 725910

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