Problem with evans plot

From: Graziela Luzia <graziela.luzia_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu Oct 03 2013 - 15:52:18 MDT

Hi all,

I used this script to make the evans plot of seasonal precipitation with
GPCP data and it works, but with other data I get an error message. It
begins to do, but stop at a certain point. Does anyone know why this is

Thanks in advance.

Part of my ncl code (below) and the ncl_filedump
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
load "evans_plot.ncl"

arquivo =""
a = addfile(arquivo,"r")
ylat = a->lat
xlon = a->lon
u = a->precip

ny = dimsizes(ylat)
nx = dimsizes(xlon)

var_new = new((/ny,nx/),"float",getFillValue(u))

var_new!0 = "lat"
var_new!1 = "lon"
var_new&lat = fspan(-88.57217,88.57217,ny)
var_new&lon = fspan(0,358.125,nx)
var_new&lat@units = "degrees_north"
var_new&lon@units = "degrees_east"

tempo = new((/ny,nx/),"float",getFillValue(u))

tempo!0 = "lat"
tempo!1 = "lon"
tempo&lat = fspan(-88.57217,88.57217,ny)
tempo&lon = fspan(0,358.125,nx)
tempo&lat@units = "degrees_north"
tempo&lon@units = "degrees_east"

do lat = 0,ny-1
   do lon = 0,nx-1
      var = u(:,lat,lon)
      max_var = max(var)
     indMax = ind(var .eq. max_var )
---------------> line 61
     index = indMax(0) + 1
; index = mod(get1Dindex(var,max_var),4)+1 ; Does
not work with repeating data
     var_new(lat,lon) = max_var
     tempo(lat,lon) = index

if (dimsizes(indMax).gt.1) then ; are there multiple places
where var(:).eq.max_var?
print("The following had "+dimsizes(indMax)+" index values = max_var")
end if

     print("lat_i: " + lat + " lon_j: " + lon + " valor: " +
max_var + " estacao: " + index)
   end do
end do

printMinMax (var_new, True)

 NCAR Command Language Version 5.2.0
 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
 See for more details.
(0) Numero de pontos de latitude : 96
(0) Numero de pontos de longitude : 192
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 0 valor: 0.0982143 estacao: 3
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 1 valor: 0.0982143 estacao: 3
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 2 valor: 0.0982143 estacao: 3
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 3 valor: 0.0982143 estacao: 3
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 4 valor: 0.0982143 estacao: 3
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 5 valor: 0.0952381 estacao: 3
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 6 valor: 0.0892857 estacao: 3
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 7 valor: 0.0892857 estacao: 3
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 8 valor: 0.0892857 estacao: 3
(0) lat_i: 0 lon_j: 9 valor: 0.0892857 estacao: 3
fatal:Number of dimensions on right hand side do not match number of
dimension in left hand side
fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 61 in file

filename: prec_mensal1998_2011s
   file global attributes:
      CDI : Climate Data Interface version 1.6.2 (
      Conventions : CF-1.4
      history : Mon Sep 30 22:18:27 2013: cdo yseasmean
Mon Sep 30 22:18:11 2013: cdo -f nc import_binary prec_mensal1998_2011.ctl
      CDO : Climate Data Operators version 1.6.2rc2 (
      lon = 192
      lat = 96
      time = 4 // unlimited
      double lon ( lon )
         standard_name : longitude
         long_name : longitude
         units : degrees_east
         axis : X

      double lat ( lat )
         standard_name : latitude
         long_name : latitude
         units : degrees_north
         axis : Y

      double time ( time )
         standard_name : time
         units : hours since 1998-01-01 12:00:00
         calendar : standard

      float precip ( time, lat, lon )
         long_name : ** sfc TOTAL PRECIPITATION
(KG/M2/DAY )
         grid_type : gaussian
         _FillValue : 9.999e+20
         missing_value : 9.999e+20

Graziela Luzia
Projeto Modelo Brasileiro do Sistema Climático Global - MBSCG
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Rod. Presidente Dutra, Km 40, 12.630-000, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brasil
T: +55 (12) 3186-8614

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