problem with NETCDF files produced by NCL

From: louis Vonder <appopson_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Mar 03 2014 - 01:56:22 MST

Dear NCL users,

Below appears NCL script used to convert TRMM 3B42 data from HDF to NETCDF.
This script was proposed by Denis for TRMM 3B42 V6 and was ajusted to work with TRMM 3B42 V7.
Data are created without problem.

All netcdf files created was merged to a single file by NCO using NCRCAT or with CDO using MERGETIME.

After this operation I tried to compute the annual mean.
But the file I obtained contain only missing value.
Even using NCO (ncra) or CDO (timmean), the problem remains the same !!!

I don't know the origin of the problem.
There is anyway to solved it?

Here the header of one file created

netcdf \3B42_V7.1998010100 {
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
        lat = 400 ;
        lon = 1440 ;
        double time(time) ;
                time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
                time:units = "hours since 1998-01-01 00:00:0.0" ;
        float lat(lat) ;
                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
                lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
        float lon(lon) ;
                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
                lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
        float precip(time, lat, lon) ;
                precip:missing_value = -9999.f ;
                precip:avg_period = "0000-00-00 01:00:00" ;
                precip:delta_t = "0000-00-00 03:00:00" ;
                precip:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
                precip:units = "mm/h" ;
                precip:hdf_name = "precipitation" ;

// global attributes:
                :creation_date = "Sat Sep 21 08:19:32 WAT 2013" ;
                :Conventions = "None" ;
                :source_html = "\n",
                        "" ;
                :title = "TRMM: 3B42 V7" ;

Thank for you for your kind help.

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"

function parse_3B42_date (fHDF[1]:string)
; parse a string with the following structure: 3B42.060101.0.6.HDF
; return with a better file name==>
local perc, per, fhdfc
  perc = stringtochar(".") ; dimsizes(chr)=2
  per = perc(0) ; period

  fhdfc = stringtochar( fHDF )
  iper = ind(fhdfc.eq.per)

  yymmdd = fhdfc(iper(0)+1 : iper(1)-1)
  hh = stringtointeger( chartostring(fhdfc(iper(1)+1 : iper(2)-1)))

  yyyy = stringtointeger( chartostring(yymmdd(0:3)))
  mm = stringtointeger( chartostring(yymmdd(4:5)))
  dd = stringtointeger( chartostring(yymmdd(6:7)))


  date = new ( 4, "integer", "No_FillValue")

  date(0) = yyyy
  date(1) = mm
  date(2) = dd
  date(3) = hh



begin ; begin not required

; Create TRMM coordinate variables
   nlat = 400
   mlon = 1440
   lat = ispan(0,nlat-1,1)*0.25 - 49.875
   lon = ispan(0,mlon-1,1)*0.25 - 179.875
   lat!0 = "lat"
   lat&lat = lat
   lat@long_name = "latitude"
   lat@units = "degrees_north"
   lon!0 = "lon"
   lon&lon = lon
   lon@long_name = "longitude"
   lon@units = "degrees_east"
                                      ; miscellaneous
   tunits = "hours since 1998-01-01 00:00:0.0"
   minute = 0
   second = 0.d0
   nline = inttochar(10)

; get all 3B42 HDF file names
; As returned by "ls", these will not be in chronological order
; files were poorly named
   diri = "./"
   fili = systemfunc("cd "+diri+" ; ls 3B42.*HDF")
   print(fili) ; these may not be in chronological order
   nfil = dimsizes( fili )
; loop over each file and create netCDF
   do n=0,nfil-1

      ymdh = parse_3B42_date ( fili(n) )


      f = addfile ( fili(n), "r")

      PP = f->precipitation

      P = new((/1, mlon, nlat/), "float")

      P(0, :, : ) = PP

      P!0 = "time" ; rename to
      P!1 = "lon" ; match model names
      P!2 = "lat" ; convenience only

      p = P(time|:, lat|:, lon|:) ; reorder to match model

                                     ; ADD META DATA
      p@units = "mm/h" ; ?
      p@delta_t = "0000-00-00 03:00:00"
      p@avg_period = "0000-00-00 01:00:00"
      p@_FillValue = -9999.
      p@missing_value = p@_FillValue

                                     ; ADD COORDINATE VARIABLES
      p&lat = lat
      p&lon = lon

      time = ut_inv_calendar(ymdh(0),ymdh(1),ymdh(2),ymdh(3) \
                              ,minute,second,tunits, 0)
      time@calendar = "gregorian"
      time!0 = "time"
      p&time = time


                                     ; ADD AUXILARY TIME VARIABLES
      date = ymdh(0)*10000+ ymdh(1)*100 + ymdh(2)
      date!0 = "time"
      date@long_name = "current date"
      date@units = "yyyymmdd"

      datesec = ymdh(3)*3600
      datesec!0 = "time"
      datesec@long_name = "current seconds of current date"
      datesec@units = "seconds"

      yyyymmddhh = date*100 + ymdh(3)

    ; WRITE OUTPUT netCDF: Use efficient method [ie: classic method]

      ncDir = "./"
      ncName = "3B42_V7."+yyyymmddhh+".nc"
      system ("'rm' -f "+ncDir+ncName)
      fnc = addfile (ncDir+ncName, "c")

    ; explicitly declare file definition mode. Improve efficiency.
        setfileoption(fnc, "DefineMode", True)

    ; create global attributes of the file
    filAtt = True

      filAtt@title = "TRMM: 3B42 V7"
      filAtt@source_html = nline + \
"" + nline
      filAtt@Conventions = "None"
      filAtt@creation_date = systemfunc("date")

      fileattdef( fnc, filAtt ) ; copy file attributes
    ; predefine the coordinate variables and their dimensionality
    ; note: to get an UNLIMITED record dimension, we set the dimensionality
    ; to -1 and set the unlimited array to True.
        dimNames = (/"time", "lat", "lon"/)
        dimSizes = (/-1 , nlat, mlon/)
        dimUnlim = (/ True, False, False/)
        filedimdef(fnc, dimNames, dimSizes, dimUnlim)

    ; predefine the the dimensionality of the variables to be written out
    ; filevardef(fnc, "time" ,typeof(time),getvardims(time))
       filevardef(fnc, "time", typeof(time), getvardims(time))
       filevardef(fnc, "lat", typeof(lat), getvardims(lat ))
       filevardef(fnc, "lon", typeof(lon), getvardims(lon ))
       ;filevardef(fnc, "date", typeof(date), getvardims(date))
       ;filevardef(fnc, "datesec", typeof(datesec), getvardims(datesec))
       filevardef(fnc, "precip", typeof(p) , getvardims(p ))

    ; Copy attributes associated with each variable to the file
    ; All attributes associated with each variable will be copied.
       filevarattdef(fnc, "time", time) ; copy time attributes
       filevarattdef(fnc, "lat", lat) ; copy lat attributes
       filevarattdef(fnc, "lon", lon) ; copy lon attributes
       ;filevarattdef(fnc, "date", date)
       ;filevarattdef(fnc, "datesec", datesec)
       filevarattdef(fnc, "precip", p) ; copy p attributes

    ; explicitly exit file definition mode. **NOT REQUIRED**
        setfileoption(fnc, "DefineMode", False)

    ; output only the data values since the dimensionality and such have
    ; been predefined. The "(/", "/)" syntax tells NCL to only output the
    ; data values to the predefined locations on the file.
       fnc->time = (/time/)
       fnc->lat = (/lat /)
       fnc->lon = (/lon /)
       ;fnc->date = (/date/)
       ;fnc->datesec= (/datesec/)
       fnc->precip = (/p/)

   end do

end ;

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