Re: ESMF regridding question

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Mar 10 2014 - 16:09:45 MDT

Typically, when you have a source/destination grid with missing
values, one would see

    optESMF@SrcMask2D = where(.not.ismissing(var_in),1,0)

Also, the output grid would have some specification
of the missing template. I think ESMF will regrid to all destination
lat an lon by default. I think WRF has a LAND_MASK variable

    XLAND(Time, south_north, west_east)
    msk_dst = f_dst->XLAND(0,:,:) ; MASK (1 FOR LAND, 2 FOR WATER)

    optESMF@DstMask2D = where(ismissing(msk_dst),0,1) ; or ,1,0)
In any event, we have no idea where files like

are located.

See ESMG-26 or -28
  03/10/2014 10:45 AM, Elizabeth Cassano wrote:
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; extract_erai.ncl
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; load in the libraries
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/cd_string.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/esmf/ESMF_regridding.ncl"
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; start the main program
> begin
>          title_dst = "Alaska domain"
> ; set the time units
>    TimeUnits = "hours since 1979-01-01 00:00:00"
> ; set the value and attributes for the time
>          time = cd_inv_calendar(1990, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0, TimeUnits, 0)
>                  time@long_name = "Time"
>                  time@standard_name = "time"
>                  time@units = TimeUnits
>                  time@calendar = "standard"
>                  time@_FillValue = 1e20
>                  time!0 = "time"
>                  time&time = time
>   ; read in the lat/lon from the file with the destination domain
>    f_dst = addfile("~/era_i/domain/alaska/", "r")
>    lat_dst = f_dst->XLAT_M(0,:,:)
>    lon_dst = f_dst->XLONG_M(0,:,:)
>   ; -determine the dimensions of the destination grid
>    DimLat = dimsizes(lat_dst)
>    nS_N = DimLat(0)
>    nW_E = DimLat(1)
>   ; -edit some of the attributes
>    lat_dst@long_name = "Latitude"
>      lat_dst@standard_name = "latitude"
>      lat_dst@units = "degrees_north"
>      lat_dst!0 = "south_north"
>      lat_dst!1 = "west_east"
>    lon_dst@long_name = "Longitude"
>      lon_dst@standard_name = "longitude"
>      lon_dst@units = "degrees_east"
>      lon_dst!0 = "south_north"
>      lon_dst!1 = "west_east"
>   ; set the file name for the weights
>    WgtFile = "~/esmf_test/esmf_test-ESMF_weight"
>   ; create the list of settings for ESMF_regrid -> non-source related
>    optESMF                     = True
>    optESMF@InterpMethod        = "bilinear"
>    optESMF@WgtFileName         = WgtFile
>    optESMF@DstGridLat          = lat_dst
>    optESMF@DstGridLon          = lon_dst
>    optESMF@DstRegional         = True
>    optESMF@DstInputFileName    = ""
>    optESMF@DstTitle            = "Alaska Domain"
>    optESMF@CopyVarAtts         = True
>    optESMF@CopyVarCoords       = True
>    optESMF@ForceOverwrite      = True
>    optESMF@RemoveSrcFile       = True
>    optESMF@RemoveDstFile       = True
>    optESMF@RemoveWgtFile       = False
>    optESMF@Debug               = False
>   ; open the ERA-I GRIB files from NCAR-CISL RDA
>          f_sfc1 =
> addfile("/glade/p/rda/data/ds627.0/"+  \
>             "", "r")
>          f_sfc2 =
> addfile("/glade/p/rda/data/ds627.0/ei.oper.fc.sfc/199001/"+  \
>             "ei.oper.fc.sfc.regn128sc.1990010100.grb", "r")
> ; set the values for the lat/lon of the source domain
>          lat_src = f_sfc1->g4_lat_0
>          lon_src = f_sfc1->g4_lon_1
> ; find the values for Z_sfc and LandMask
> ; create the list of settings for ESMF_regrid -> source related
>          optESMF@SrcGridLat          = lat_src
>          optESMF@SrcGridLon          = lon_src
>          optESMF@SrcInputFileName    = ""
>          optESMF@SrcTitle            = "ERA-Interim"
> ; surface elevation
>          Z_sfc_in = f_sfc1->Z_GDS4_SFC        ; read in the data
>          Z_sfc_1 = Z_sfc_in / 9.81            ; calculate the height
> ;  -call ESMF_regrid with the generation of weights
>          Z_sfc = ESMF_regrid(Z_sfc_1, optESMF)
> ;  -copy the attributes (atts were lost with calc)
>          copy_VarAtts(Z_sfc_in, Z_sfc)
> ;  -delete some attributes
>    delete_VarAtts(Z_sfc,(/"lat2d","lon2d"/))
> ;  -fix/add some of the attributes/coordinates
>          Z_sfc@long_name = "Terrain Height"
>                  Z_sfc@units = "m"
>                  Z_sfc@coordinates = "lon lat"
>                  Z_sfc!0 = "south_north"
>                  Z_sfc!1 = "west_east"
> ; read the variable from the ERA-I file
>          x0 = f_sfc2->TP_GDS4_SFC
>          x1 = x0(1,:,:)
> ; regrid the data to the destination grid, using weights
>          x2 = ESMF_regrid_with_weights(x1, WgtFile, optESMF)
> ; create set equal the new variable with time
>          x3 = new((/1,nS_N,nW_E/),"float",0)
>          x3(0,:,:) = x2
> ; delete some attributes
>    delete_VarAtts(x3, (/"lat2d","lon2d"/))
> ; add some attributes / coordinates
>          x3@coordinates = "lon lat"
>          x3!0 = "time"
>          x3!1 = "south_north"
>          x3!2 = "west_east"
>          x3&time = time
>   ; open the file to be written
>          path_file_out = "~/esmf_test/"
>   ;  -check to see if file is present, if so, delete the previous file
>          if isfilepresent(path_file_out) then
>                  system ("rm "+path_file_out)
>          end if
>   ;  -create the file
>          f_out = addfile(path_file_out,"c")
>   ; set time to be the unlimited record variable
>          filedimdef(f_out,"time",-1,True)
>    ; write the data to the file
>          f_out->time=time
>          f_out->lat=lat_dst
>          f_out->lon=lon_dst
>          f_out->Z_sfc=Z_sfc
>          f_out->precip_t = x3
> end
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