Re: About Space Time Spectra

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Mar 24 2014 - 15:59:14 MDT

The scripts were designed to do specific tasks and they were designed
for all longitudes and a latitude subset.

%> less $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/diagnostics_cam.ncl


1370 ;-------------------------------------------------------------
1371 undef("wkSpaceTime_cam")
1372 procedure wkSpaceTime_cam \
1373 ( diri[1]:string \ ; input directory
1374 , fili[*]:string \ ; input file
1375 , diro[1]:string \ ; output directory
1376 , caseName[1]:string \ ; case name
1377 , varName[1]:string \ ; variable name
1378 , latBound[1]:numeric \ ; NH lat bound
1379 , spd[1]:numeric \ ; samples per day
1380 , level[1]:numeric \ ; if 4D ... what level?
1381 , nDayWin[1]:integer \ ; temporal window
length [days]
1382 , nDaySkip[1]:integer \ ; days between time
1383 , opt[1]:logical \ ; future options
1384 )
1385 ;
1386 ; ---- local declarations are *not* required ----
1387 local latN, latS, lonL, lonR, SPD, tskip, debug, fillVal \
1388 , nfil, f, rank, nMsg, x, dNam, flist, dNamx \
1389 , TIME, pltId
1390 begin
1391 latN = latBound
1392 latS =-latBound ; make symmetric about the equator
1394 lonL = 0 ; -180
1395 lonR = 360 ; 180
Youc could copy diagnostics_cam.ncl and make your own local
copy and modify that. It will take a lot of work.
Sorry, but I can spend time helping with that task.

Good luck

On 03/24/2014 07:40 AM, 김인원 wrote:
> Dear. NCL experts
> I'm trying to analyze the meridional wavenumber-frequency spectra using
> the "wkSpaceTime_1.ncl
> <>" example .
> But NCL script just provides us the example of zonal wavenumber-frequency.
> If possible, I want to know which part would be modified in
> "wkSpaceTime_1.ncl" example script.
> --
> --
> In-Won Kim
> Intergrated Climate System Modeling Lab.
> Department of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences
> 599-1 Daeyeon-dong, Nam-gu
> Pukyong National University,
> Busan, S.Korea
> Tel. +82-51-629-6643
> Fax +82-51-629-7991
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