Re: Lat lon coordinate variable dims

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Mar 24 2014 - 13:06:49 MDT

Based on your data snippet, a guess is that the grid is rectilinear.
This means the grid can be completely described
by one dimensional lat and lon arrays. In netCDF-speak,
these are called by a special name ... 'coordinate variables'
NCL graphics codes are 'netCDF aware' and will use these
for graphic rendering.

See "Coordinate Systems" at
See attached ... untested
Please use printVarSummary(...) and print(..)
to see the results of various steps.
Also, like R (your tool) it is often best to encapsulate
repeated tasks within a function to simplify
and clarify code.
On 3/24/14, 12:36 PM, Brammer, Alan P wrote:
> precDJF2D = onedtond(prec_DJF1D,(/npts,ncol/)) ; convert 1D array to a 2D array
> precMAM2D = onedtond(prec_MAM1D,(/npts,ncol/)) ; convert 1D array to a 2D array
> precJJA2D = onedtond(prec_JJA1D,(/npts,ncol/)) ; convert 1D array to a 2D array
> precSON2D = onedtond(prec_SON1D,(/npts,ncol/)) ; convert 1D array to a 2D array
> are these lines correct ?   It seems you should be making a 2d array that is nlat x nlon  (or nlon x nlat; to match up with your dimension names below)  instead.  I would presume that there is also this error or similar being printed out "warning:onedtond : output dimension sizes have fewer elements than input, some data not copied"
> insert a printVarSummary(precDJF2D) between line 46 & 57 and see if the array size looks right.
> Alan.
> ##############################
> Alan Brammer,
> PhD Student,
> Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences,
> University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY, 12222
> ##############################
> On Mar 24, 2014, at 12:04 AM, Katrina Bennett <<>> wrote:
> I am trying to bring in a csv file with coordinates in lat/lon and then create 2d variables and then map these variables using the panel_6.ncl template.
> My confusion is around assigning the lat/lon variables. I have only used ncl once before this so I am still learning. I looked at many different examples of csv import and assign lat/lon but I am still getting the following errors:
> fatal:Coordinate variables must be the same dimension as their dimension
> fatal:No coordinate variable exists for dimension (lat) in variable (precDJF2D)
> fatal:["Execute.c":8128]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 57 in file 4polar_maps.ncl
> Here is my code:
> ;************************************
> ; panel_6.ncl
> ;
> ; Concepts illustrated:
> ;   - Paneling four plots on a page
> ;   - Adding white space around paneled plots
> ;
> ;************************************
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> ;************************************
> begin
> nlat = 13
> nlon = 96
> asciif = asciiread("/import/c/w/kbennett/WAGNER/orig/all_precfn2.csv", -1, "float")
> ncol  = 6                                ; # of columns
> npts  = dimsizes(asciif)/ncol             ; # of points
> print ("Number of npts " + npts)
> data = onedtond(asciif,(/npts,ncol/)) ; npts x ncol
> ;print (data(:,0))
> ;lon,lat,DJFmmka,DJFsig,MAMmmka,MAMsig,JJAmmka,JJAsig,SONmmka,SONsig
> lat1d = data(:,1)
> lon1d = data(:,0)
> lon1d@units = "degrees_east"
> lon1d@long_name = "lon"
> lat1d@units = "degrees_north"
> lat1d@long_name = "lat"
> prec_DJF1D = data(:,2)                      ; 1st create a 1d array
> ;prec_DJFsig = data(:,3)                      ; 1st create a 1d array
> prec_MAM1D = data(:,3)                      ; 1st create a 1d array
> ;prec_MAMsig = data(:,5)                      ; 1st create a 1d array
> prec_JJA1D = data(:,4)                      ; 1st create a 1d array
> ;prec_JJAsig = data(:,7)                      ; 1st create a 1d array
> prec_SON1D = data(:,5)                      ; 1st create a 1d array
> ;prec_SONsig = data(:,9)                      ; 1st create a 1d array
> precDJF2D = onedtond(prec_DJF1D,(/npts,ncol/)) ; convert 1D array to a 2D array
> precMAM2D = onedtond(prec_MAM1D,(/npts,ncol/)) ; convert 1D array to a 2D array
> precJJA2D = onedtond(prec_JJA1D,(/npts,ncol/)) ; convert 1D array to a 2D array
> precSON2D = onedtond(prec_SON1D,(/npts,ncol/)) ; convert 1D array to a 2D array
> ; Assign named dimensions
> precDJF2D!0 = "lon"
> precDJF2D!1 = "lat"
> precMAM2D!0 = "lon"
> precMAM2D!1 = "lat"
> precJJA2D!0 = "lon"
> precJJA2D!1 = "lat"
> precSON2D!0 = "lon"
> precSON2D!1 = "lat"
> ; Assign coordinate variables
> precDJF2D&lat = lat1d
> precDJF2D&lon = lon1d
> precMAM2D&lat = lat1d
> precMAM2D&lon = lon1d
> precJJA2D&lat = lat1d
> precJJA2D&lon = lon1d
> precSON2D&lat = lat1d
> precSON2D&lon = lon1d
> ;************************************
> ;create plot
> ;************************************
>   wks = gsn_open_wks("png","panel")              ; open a png  file
>   gsn_define_colormap(wks,"gui_default")        ; choose colormap
>   plot = new(4,graphic)                         ; create graphic array
>   res                      = True
>   res@cnFillOn             = True         ; turn on color fill
>   res@gsnDraw              = False        ; do not draw picture
>   res@gsnFrame             = False        ; do not advance frame
>   res@gsnPolar             = "NH"         ; select northern hemisphere
>   res@lbOrientation        = "Vertical"   ; vertical label bar
> ; res@gsnAddCyclic         = False
>   res@trXMinF = min(lat1d)
>   res@trXMaxF = max(lat1d)
>   res@trYMinF = min(lon1d)
>   res@trYMaxF = min(lon1d)
>   plot(0)=gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,precDJF2D,res)
>   plot(1)=gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,precMAM2D,res)
>   plot(2)=gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,precSON2D,res)
>   plot(3)=gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,precJJA2D,res)
> ; draw panel without white space
>   gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,2/),False)
> ; draw panel with white space added
>   resP                 = True
>   resP@gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5
>   resP@gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 5
>   gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,2/),resP)
> end
> ;************************************
> This is what the first 10 lines of my data looks like:
> "lon","lat","DJF","MAM","JJA","SON"
> 0,87.1590945558629,1.38447505131676,3.9054964926648,-3.9386162686046,1.05695082807242
> 3.75,87.1590945558629,1.36185868022609,3.89670093682657,-4.34662668586562,0.908322062034282
> 7.5,87.1590945558629,1.37052975794326,3.82423903911227,-4.64227628445981,0.83524295936969
> 11.25,87.1590945558629,1.30806855744817,3.76288928938478,-4.90907575351071,0.730026786178644
> 15,87.1590945558629,1.17795321601124,3.64811392237327,-5.22059802771348,0.599228710484037
> 18.75,87.1590945558629,0.956059206087634,3.5322960292734,-5.41920570457574,0.489581327294277
> 22.5,87.1590945558629,0.783329287589404,3.36918405542919,-5.58526455756134,0.320871568192774
> 26.25,87.1590945558629,0.677955497475461,3.25939083195208,-5.73636498302219,0.210919362690496
> 30,87.1590945558629,0.551645815273951,3.11092339482815,-5.93283519009343,0.0722272558700274
> 33.75,87.1590945558629,0.436237774019278,3.04292256564622,-6.1559265596307,-0.109367042951931
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Katrina E. Bennett
> PhD Candidate
> University of Alaska Fairbanks
> International Arctic Research Center
> 907-474-1939<>
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