warning:ContourPlotDraw: data boundary is out of range

From: Verena Lili <verena.prick_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Mar 24 2014 - 07:32:59 MDT

Hallo NCL,
Why does the "overlay" function seems not really working here. I always got
this error,

warning:VectorPlotSetValues: current transformation requires trXMinF to be
within data coordinate range: resetting
warning:IrTransSetValues: X minimum less than minimum value of coordinate
points array, defaulting
warning:ContourPlotSetValues: current transformation requires trXMinF to be
within data coordinate range: resetting
warning:IrTransSetValues: X minimum less than minimum value of coordinate
points array, defaulting
warning:ContourPlotDraw: data boundary is out of range

 res = True
 res@tiMainString = " "
 res@tiYAxisString = "Height [hPa]"
 res@tiXAxisString = "Latitude [deg]"

 res@vfXArray = lats / 180 * PI * A
 res@tmXBMode = "explicit"
 res@tmXBValues = (/ 0.,30.,60. /) / 180. * PI * A
 res@tmXBLabels = (/ 0,30,60 /)
 res@trXMinF = 0/ 180. * PI * A
 res@trXMaxF = 88/ 180. * PI * A
 res@tmXBLabelFont = 21
 res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.02
 res@tmYLLabelFont = 21
 res@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.02
 res@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.02
 res@tiYAxisFontHeightF =0.02

 res@vfYArray = -H * log(levs/PS)
 res@gsnYAxisIrregular2Linear = True
 res@trYReverse = False
 res@trYMaxF = -H * log(1e2/PS)
 res@tmYLMode = "explicit"
 res@tmYLValues = -H * log((/ 1e5, 1e4, 1e3, 1e2 /)/PS)
 res@tmYLLabels = (/ "10~S~3~N~", "10~S~2~N~", "10~S~1~N~", "10~S~0~N~"/)
 res@tmYLMinorValues = -H * log((/
8e4,5e4,2e4,8e3,5e3,2e3,8e2,5e2,2e2,8e1,5e1,2e1 /)/PS)

 res@vcRefMagnitudeF = 10000000. ; vec magnitude
 res@vcRefLengthF = .025 ; size of ref vector
 res@vcLineArrowColor = "black" ; white vectors
 res@vcMinDistanceF = .001 ; thins arrows near pole

; res@vcGlyphStyle = "CurlyVector" ; turns on curley
 res@vcRefAnnoOn = True
 res@vpHeightF = 0.55
 res@vpWidthF = 0.44
 res@vcRefAnnoString1 = "* $VMG$"
 res@vcRefAnnoString2 = "m**3/s**2"
 res@vcRefAnnoString2On = True
; res@vcRefAnnoZone = 3


 xres = True
 xres@cnFillOn = True
 xres@cnMonoFillColor = False
 xres@cnLinesOn = False
 xres@cnInfoLabelOn = False
 xres@cnLineLabelsOn = False
 xres@pmLabelBarDisplayMode = "Always"
 xres@gsnYAxisIrregular2Log = True
 xres@tiYAxisString = "Height [hPa]"
 xres@tiXAxisString = "Latitude [deg]"
 xres@tmXBLabelFont = 21
 xres@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.02
 xres@tmYLLabelFont = 21
 xres@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.02
 xres@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.02
 xres@tiYAxisFontHeightF =0.02
 xres@sfXArray = lats
 xres@sfYArray = levs
 xres@lbPerimOn = False
 xres@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
 xres@cnMinLevelValF = -2
 xres@cnLevelSpacingF = .1
 xres@cnMaxLevelValF = 2
 xres@trYReverse = True
 ;xres@trYMinF = 1e0
 xres@trXMinF = 0
 xres@trXMaxF = 88
 xres@tmYLMode = "explicit"
 xres@tmYLValues = (/ 1e5, 1e4, 1e3, 1e2/)
 xres@tmYLLabels = (/ "10~S~3~N~", "10~S~2~N~", "10~S~1~N~",
 xres@tmYLMinorValues = (/

 xres@tmXBMode = "explicit"
 xres@tmXBValues = (/ 0.,30.,60./)
 xres@tmXBLabels = (/ 0,30.,60. /)
 xres@vpHeightF = 0.55
 xres@vpWidthF = 0.44

 res@gsnFrame = False
 xres@gsnFrame = False
 res@gsnDraw = False
 xres@gsnDraw = False

 vc = gsn_vector(wks2,fuy3,fuz3,res)
 over = gsn_contour(wks2,ep_div3,xres)

Dr. Verena.
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University
homepage: http://www.somas.stonybrook.edu/

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