how to enlarge the font of legend

From: Katja Lohmüller <lohmueller_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu Jul 10 2014 - 01:26:44 MDT

Dear NCL-talk,

I'm working with an basic xy-Plot and I want to enlarge the the font
of the labels. Right now, the font just get's bigger, if I enlarge the
legend size. Other resources do not work.

It would be great, if anyone could solve my problem.

With kind regards,
Katja Lohmüller

My code is as follows:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"

; read in data

     filename1 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km1i.txt"
     filename2 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km1s.txt"
     filename3 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km2i.txt"
     filename4 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km2s.txt"
     filename5 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km3i.txt"
     filename6 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km3s.txt"
     filename7 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km4i.txt"
     filename8 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km4s.txt"
     filename9 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km5i.txt"
     filename10 = "/home/lohmueller/Programmierpraktikum/Übung4/Km5s.txt"

     data1 = asciiread(filename1,(/151,4/),"float")
     data2 = asciiread(filename2,(/151,4/),"float")
     data3 = asciiread(filename3,(/151,4/),"float")
     data4 = asciiread(filename4,(/151,4/),"float")
     data5 = asciiread(filename5,(/151,4/),"float")
     data6 = asciiread(filename6,(/151,4/),"float")
     data7 = asciiread(filename7,(/151,4/),"float")
     data8 = asciiread(filename8,(/151,4/),"float")
     data9 = asciiread(filename9,(/151,4/),"float")
     data10 = asciiread(filename10,(/151,4/),"float")

; to plot multiple lines, you must put them into
; a mulidimensional array

  uv = new((/4,151/),float)

;Deklaration des Datenfelds

   z = data1(:,0)
   uv(0,:) = data3(:,1)
   uv(1,:) = data4(:,1)
   uv(2,:) = data3(:,2)
   uv(3,:) = data4(:,2)



   wks = gsn_open_wks ("pdf","UV2") ; open ps file


   res = True ; plot mods desired

   ;res@tiMainString = "u/v-Komponente des Windes bei
neutraler Schichtung (vg=3 m/s)"
   res@tiXAxisString = "Windgeschwindigkeit in m/s"
   res@tiYAxisString = "Hoehe in m"
   res@xyLineColors = (/167,144,17,37/) ; Set the line colors.
   res@xyLineThicknesses = 1.0
   res@xyDashPatterns = (/4,5,6,7/) ;Linestyle
   res@xyLineLabelFontColor = 1 ;for line labels
   res@xyLineThicknessF = 2.0
   res@trYMaxF = 1600
   res@xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"u-instationaer", "u-stationaer",
"v-instationaer", "v-stationaer"/)
;Make Legend
   res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -1.11
   res@pmLegendParallelPosF = 0.18
   res@pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always"
   res@pmLegendWidthF = 0.13
   res@pmLegendHeightF = 0.13
; res@trXMaxF = 40

   plot = gsn_xy (wks,uv,z,res)


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