Re: facing problem in making xy plot

From: Ruksana Abedin <ruksana.abedin_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Jul 15 2014 - 03:04:45 MDT

Oops what a silly mistake have I done! Thank you for pointing that out. But
still not working and getting this outcome:
Variable: temp_mod
Type: float
Total Size: 122056 bytes
            30514 values
Number of Dimensions: 4
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 1] x [surface | 1] x [lat | 146] x [lon |
            time: [2685..2685]
            surface: [-1..-1]
Number Of Attributes: 11
  lon2d : <ARRAY of 30305 elements>
  lat2d : <ARRAY of 30305 elements>
  standard_name : temperature_at_1-5m
  units : (C)
  coordinates : global_longitude0 global_latitude0
  _FillValue : -1.073742e+09
  stash_item : 236
  stash_section : 3
  description : TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M
  cell_method : time: mean
  sampling_frequency : 1 hours
(0) is_valid_latlon2d_attr: Warning: The 'lat2d' attribute must either
be the same dimension sizes as the data, or one element larger in both
directions. Your data will most likely not be overlaid on the map
(0) check_for_y_lat_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a
valid latitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.
(0) A valid latitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute
equal to one of the following values:
(0) 'degrees_north' 'degrees-north' 'degree_north' 'degrees north'
'degrees_N' 'Degrees_north' 'degree_N' 'degreeN' 'degreesN' 'deg north'
(0) is_valid_latlon2d_attr: Warning: The 'lon2d' attribute must either
be the same dimension sizes as the data, or one element larger in both
directions. Your data will most likely not be overlaid on the map
(0) check_for_lon_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid
longitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all.
(0) A valid longitude coordinate array should have a 'units' attribute
equal to one of the following values:
(0) 'degrees_east' 'degrees-east' 'degree_east' 'degrees east'
'degrees_E' 'Degrees_east' 'degree_E' 'degreeE' 'degreesE' 'deg east'

Please help me for getting rid of these errors.

Best regards,
DPhil Student
University of Oxford

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Karin Meier-Fleischer <> wrote:

> Hi Ruksana,
> the error message tells you that the function wgt_areaavg_Wrap is
> undefined in this case it is
> the wrong name of the function. It has to be
> wgt_areaav*e*_Wrap
> see also
> Bye,
> Karin
> Am 14.07.14 11:49, schrieb Ruksana Abedin:
> Hi,
> I am trying to make a simple XY plot using a netcdf file; but getting
> this error:
> fatal:Undefined identifier: (wgt_areaavg_Wrap) is undefined, can't continue
> fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 20 in file test2.ncl
> Please help me to solve this.
> the script I tried:
> ;
> ;**********************************
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/time_axis_labels.ncl"
> ;************************************************
> begin
> ; read in data
> f=addfile ("/ouce-home/students/rege1218/West_Asia/", "r");
> Temp = f->field16 ; get Temp data
> time =Temp&time0
> ;-- compute the area mean without weigthing
> fldmean = wgt_areaavg_Wrap (Temp,1.0,1.0,1)
> wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","time_series") ; open workstation
> res = True
> res@tiMainString = "Basic XY Plot" ; add title
> restime = True ; set time tickmark resouces
> restime@ttmFormat = "%d %c %y" ; time tickmark format
> time_axis_labels(time, res, restime) ; sets the correct time labels
> res@tmXBLabelFontHeight = 0.01
> res@tmXBLabelJust = "CentreRight"
> res@tmXBLabelDeltaF = 1.0
> res@tmXBLabelAngleF = 50.
> res@tmXBLabelAutoStride = True
> plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks, time, fldmean, res)
> end
> the ncdump -h of the input file:
> ncdump -h
> netcdf annual {
> dimensions:
> x = 209 ;
> y = 146 ;
> x_2 = 209 ;
> y_2 = 145 ;
> z0 = 1 ;
> z1 = 1 ;
> z2 = 1 ;
> z3 = 1 ;
> z4 = 2 ;
> z5 = 1 ;
> z6 = 3 ;
> z7 = 1 ;
> time0 = UNLIMITED ; // (12 currently)
> variables:
> float global_longitude0(y, x) ;
> global_longitude0:standard_name = "longitude" ;
> global_longitude0:long_name = "longitude" ;
> global_longitude0:units = "degrees_east" ;
> global_longitude0:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon" ;
> float global_latitude0(y, x) ;
> global_latitude0:standard_name = "latitude" ;
> global_latitude0:long_name = "latitude" ;
> global_latitude0:units = "degrees_north" ;
> global_latitude0:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat" ;
> float global_longitude1(y_2, x_2) ;
> global_longitude1:standard_name = "longitude" ;
> global_longitude1:long_name = "longitude" ;
> global_longitude1:units = "degrees_east" ;
> global_longitude1:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon" ;
> float global_latitude1(y_2, x_2) ;
> global_latitude1:standard_name = "latitude" ;
> global_latitude1:long_name = "latitude" ;
> global_latitude1:units = "degrees_north" ;
> global_latitude1:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat" ;
> float z0(z0) ;
> z0:standard_name = "height" ;
> z0:units = "m" ;
> z0:positive = "up" ;
> z0:axis = "Z" ;
> float z1(z1) ;
> z1:axis = "Z" ;
> float z2(z2) ;
> z2:standard_name = "height" ;
> z2:units = "m" ;
> z2:positive = "up" ;
> z2:axis = "Z" ;
> float z3(z3) ;
> z3:standard_name = "height" ;
> z3:units = "m" ;
> z3:positive = "up" ;
> z3:axis = "Z" ;
> float z4(z4) ;
> z4:standard_name = "air_pressure" ;
> z4:units = "hPa" ;
> z4:positive = "down" ;
> z4:axis = "Z" ;
> float z5(z5) ;
> z5:standard_name = "air_pressure" ;
> z5:units = "hPa" ;
> z5:positive = "down" ;
> z5:axis = "Z" ;
> float z6(z6) ;
> z6:standard_name = "air_pressure" ;
> z6:units = "hPa" ;
> z6:positive = "down" ;
> z6:axis = "Z" ;
> float z7(z7) ;
> z7:standard_name = "height" ;
> z7:units = "m" ;
> z7:positive = "up" ;
> z7:axis = "Z" ;
> double time0(time0) ;
> time0:standard_name = "time" ;
> time0:units = "days since 1959-12-01 00:00:00" ;
> time0:calendar = "360_day" ;
> float field186(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field186:standard_name = "net_down_surface_sw_flux" ;
> field186:units = "W m-2" ;
> field186:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field186:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field186:stash_item = "201" ;
> field186:stash_section = "1" ;
> field186:description = "NET DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX: SW TS
> ONLY" ;
> field186:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field186:sampling_frequency = "3 hours" ;
> float field200(time0, z1, y, x) ;
> field200:standard_name = "incoming_sw_rad_flux" ;
> field200:units = "W m-2" ;
> field200:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field200:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field200:stash_item = "207" ;
> field200:stash_section = "1" ;
> field200:description = "INCOMING SW RAD FLUX (TOA): ALL
> TSS" ;
> field200:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field200:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field201(time0, z1, y, x) ;
> field201:standard_name = "outgoing_sw_rad_flux" ;
> field201:units = "W m-2" ;
> field201:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field201:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field201:stash_item = "208" ;
> field201:stash_section = "1" ;
> field201:description = "OUTGOING SW RAD FLUX (TOA)" ;
> field201:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field201:sampling_frequency = "3 hours" ;
> float field203(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field203:standard_name = "total_down_surface_sw_flux" ;
> field203:units = "W m-2" ;
> field203:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field203:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field203:stash_item = "235" ;
> field203:stash_section = "1" ;
> field203:description = "TOTAL DOWNWARD SURFACE SW FLUX" ;
> field203:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field203:sampling_frequency = "3 hours" ;
> float field30(time0, z2, y, x) ;
> field30:standard_name = "total_cloud_fraction" ;
> field30:units = "***" ;
> field30:coordinates = "global_longitude0 global_latitude0"
> ;
> field30:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field30:stash_item = "204" ;
> field30:stash_section = "2" ;
> field30:description = "TOTAL CLOUD AMOUNT IN LW RADIATION"
> ;
> field30:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field30:sampling_frequency = "3 hours" ;
> float field206(time0, z1, y, x) ;
> field206:standard_name = "outgoing_lw_rad_flux" ;
> field206:units = "W m-2" ;
> field206:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field206:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field206:stash_item = "205" ;
> field206:stash_section = "2" ;
> field206:description = "OUTGOING LW RAD FLUX (TOA)" ;
> field206:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field206:sampling_frequency = "3 hours" ;
> float field205(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field205:standard_name = "total_downward_surface_lw_flux" ;
> field205:units = "W m-2" ;
> field205:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field205:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field205:stash_item = "207" ;
> field205:stash_section = "2" ;
> field205:description = "DOWNWARD LW RAD FLUX: SURFACE" ;
> field205:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field205:sampling_frequency = "3 hours" ;
> float field48(time0, z3, y_2, x_2) ;
> field48:standard_name = "10m_wind_u-comp" ;
> field48:units = "m s-1" ;
> field48:coordinates = "global_longitude1 global_latitude1"
> ;
> field48:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field48:stash_item = "225" ;
> field48:stash_section = "3" ;
> field48:description = "10 METRE WIND U-COMP B GRID" ;
> field48:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field48:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field49(time0, z3, y_2, x_2) ;
> field49:standard_name = "10m_wind_v-comp" ;
> field49:units = "m s-1" ;
> field49:coordinates = "global_longitude1 global_latitude1"
> ;
> field49:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field49:stash_item = "226" ;
> field49:stash_section = "3" ;
> field49:description = "10 METRE WIND V-COMP B GRID" ;
> field49:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field49:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field115(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field115:standard_name = "evaporation_from_soil_surface" ;
> field115:units = "kg m-2 ts-1" ;
> field115:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field115:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field115:stash_item = "229" ;
> field115:stash_section = "3" ;
> field115:description = "EVAP FROM SOIL SURF -AMOUNT
> KG/M2/TS" ;
> field115:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field115:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field180(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field180:standard_name = "surface_latent_heat_flux" ;
> field180:units = "W m-2" ;
> field180:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field180:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field180:stash_item = "234" ;
> field180:stash_section = "3" ;
> field180:description = "SURFACE LATENT HEAT FLUX W/M2" ;
> field180:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field180:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field16(time0, z3, y, x) ;
> field16:standard_name = "temperature_at_1-5m" ;
> field16:units = "K" ;
> field16:coordinates = "global_longitude0 global_latitude0"
> ;
> field16:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field16:stash_item = "236" ;
> field16:stash_section = "3" ;
> field16:description = "TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M" ;
> field16:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field16:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field16_1(time0, z3, y, x) ;
> field16_1:standard_name = "temperature_at_1-5m" ;
> field16_1:units = "K" ;
> field16_1:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field16_1:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field16_1:stash_item = "236" ;
> field16_1:stash_section = "3" ;
> field16_1:description = "TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M" ;
> field16_1:cell_method = "time: maximum " ;
> field16_1:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field16_2(time0, z3, y, x) ;
> field16_2:standard_name = "temperature_at_1-5m" ;
> field16_2:units = "K" ;
> field16_2:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field16_2:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field16_2:stash_item = "236" ;
> field16_2:stash_section = "3" ;
> field16_2:description = "TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M" ;
> field16_2:cell_method = "time: minimum " ;
> field16_2:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field95(time0, z3, y, x) ;
> field95:standard_name = "specific_humidity_at_1-5m" ;
> field95:units = "1" ;
> field95:coordinates = "global_longitude0 global_latitude0"
> ;
> field95:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field95:stash_item = "237" ;
> field95:stash_section = "3" ;
> field95:description = "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT 1.5M" ;
> field95:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field95:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field50(time0, z3, y_2, x_2) ;
> field50:standard_name = "wind_speed_at_10m" ;
> field50:units = "m s-1" ;
> field50:coordinates = "global_longitude1 global_latitude1"
> ;
> field50:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field50:stash_item = "249" ;
> field50:stash_section = "3" ;
> field50:description = "WIND SPEED AT 10 METRES (WIND
> GRID)" ;
> field50:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field50:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field50_1(time0, z3, y_2, x_2) ;
> field50_1:standard_name = "wind_speed_at_10m" ;
> field50_1:units = "m s-1" ;
> field50_1:coordinates = "global_longitude1
> global_latitude1" ;
> field50_1:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field50_1:stash_item = "249" ;
> field50_1:stash_section = "3" ;
> field50_1:description = "WIND SPEED AT 10 METRES (WIND
> GRID)" ;
> field50_1:cell_method = "time: maximum " ;
> field50_1:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field90(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field90:standard_name = "total_precipitation_rate" ;
> field90:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
> field90:coordinates = "global_longitude0 global_latitude0"
> ;
> field90:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field90:stash_item = "216" ;
> field90:stash_section = "5" ;
> field90:description = "TOTAL PRECIPITATION RATE KG/M2/S" ;
> field90:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field90:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field106(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field106:standard_name = "total_soil_moisture_content" ;
> field106:units = "kg m-2" ;
> field106:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field106:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field106:stash_item = "208" ;
> field106:stash_section = "8" ;
> field106:description = "SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT" ;
> field106:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field106:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field1530(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field1530:standard_name = "snow_melt_rate_land" ;
> field1530:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
> field1530:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field1530:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field1530:stash_item = "231" ;
> field1530:stash_section = "8" ;
> field1530:description = "SNOW MELT RATE (LAND)" ;
> field1530:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field1530:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field1532(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field1532:standard_name = "surface_runoff_rate" ;
> field1532:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
> field1532:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field1532:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field1532:stash_item = "234" ;
> field1532:stash_section = "8" ;
> field1532:description = "SURFACE RUNOFF RATE KG/M2/S" ;
> field1532:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field1532:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field1533(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field1533:standard_name = "subsurface_runoff_rate" ;
> field1533:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
> field1533:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field1533:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field1533:stash_item = "235" ;
> field1533:stash_section = "8" ;
> field1533:description = "SUB-SURFACE RUNOFF RATE KG/M2/S" ;
> field1533:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field1533:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field56(time0, z4, y_2, x_2) ;
> field56:standard_name = "wind_u-comp" ;
> field56:units = "m s-1" ;
> field56:coordinates = "global_longitude1 global_latitude1"
> ;
> field56:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field56:stash_item = "201" ;
> field56:stash_section = "15" ;
> field56:description = "U WIND ON PRESSURE LEVELS B GRID" ;
> field56:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field56:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field57(time0, z4, y_2, x_2) ;
> field57:standard_name = "wind_v-comp" ;
> field57:units = "m s-1" ;
> field57:coordinates = "global_longitude1 global_latitude1"
> ;
> field57:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field57:stash_item = "202" ;
> field57:stash_section = "15" ;
> field57:description = "V WIND ON PRESSURE LEVELS B GRID" ;
> field57:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field57:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field95_1(time0, z5, y_2, x_2) ;
> field95_1:standard_name = "specific_humidity_wind_grid" ;
> field95_1:units = "1" ;
> field95_1:coordinates = "global_longitude1
> global_latitude1" ;
> field95_1:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field95_1:stash_item = "226" ;
> field95_1:stash_section = "15" ;
> field95_1:description = "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY (=Q) (WIND
> GRID)" ;
> field95_1:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field95_1:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field1(time0, z4, y, x) ;
> field1:standard_name = "geopotential_height" ;
> field1:units = "m" ;
> field1:coordinates = "global_longitude0 global_latitude0" ;
> field1:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field1:stash_item = "202" ;
> field1:stash_section = "16" ;
> field1:description = "GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT (=Z)" ;
> field1:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field1:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field16_3(time0, z6, y, x) ;
> field16_3:standard_name = "temperature" ;
> field16_3:units = "K" ;
> field16_3:coordinates = "global_longitude0
> global_latitude0" ;
> field16_3:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field16_3:stash_item = "203" ;
> field16_3:stash_section = "16" ;
> field16_3:description = "TEMPERATURE (=T)" ;
> field16_3:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field16_3:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field8(time0, z7, y, x) ;
> field8:standard_name = "pmsl" ;
> field8:units = "Pa" ;
> field8:coordinates = "global_longitude0 global_latitude0" ;
> field8:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field8:stash_item = "222" ;
> field8:stash_section = "16" ;
> field8:description = "PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL" ;
> field8:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field8:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field93(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field93:standard_name = "snowfall_amount" ;
> field93:units = "kg/m2" ;
> field93:coordinates = "global_longitude0 global_latitude0"
> ;
> field93:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field93:stash_item = "23" ;
> field93:stash_section = "0" ;
> field93:description = "SNOW AMOUNT AFTER TIMESTEP KG/M2" ;
> field93:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field93:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> float field37(time0, z0, y, x) ;
> field37:standard_name = "sea_ice_fraction" ;
> field37:units = "***" ;
> field37:coordinates = "global_longitude0 global_latitude0"
> ;
> field37:_FillValue = -1.073742e+09f ;
> field37:stash_item = "31" ;
> field37:stash_section = "0" ;
> field37:description = "SEA ICE FRACTION AFTER TIMESTEP" ;
> field37:cell_method = "time: mean " ;
> field37:sampling_frequency = "1 hours" ;
> // global attributes:
> :CDI = "Climate Data Interface version 1.6.0 (
>" ;
> :Conventions = "CF-1.3" ;
> :history = "Fri Jul 11 16:11:03 2014: cdo cat
>" ;
> :CDO = "Climate Data Operators version 1.6.0 (
>" ;
> }
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Received on Tue Jul 15 09:04:52 2014

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