NCL and encapsulated postscript

From: Mary Haley (haley AT XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 08:05:18 MDT

  • Next message: Mark J. Stevens: "ncl equivalent of f90 'where' function"

    The question came up on how to generate encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
    files from NCL. EPS is a specialized format used primarily for
    importing PostScript into other applications.

    We decided this was a question worthy of being posted to ncl-talk, so
    here's the answer:

    If you are using GSUN calls, you can generate an encapsulated PostScript
    file as follows:
        wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","name")

    With straight NCL code, it might look like this:

      wks = create "name" psWorkstationClass defaultapp
        "wkPSFormat" : "eps"
      end create

    Either one of these examples will create an encapsulated PostScript
    file called "name.eps".

    By definition, EPS are restricted to a single page of output. Thus,
    if your NCL script generates multiple frames, you can't write them
    all to a single EPS file.

    To generate individual EPS files from multi-framed output, first write
    the output to a regular PostScript file, and then split the PS file
    into individual EPS files using an application called "psplit". Your
    NCL script may now look like this:

       plotName = "whatever"
       wks = gsn_open_wks("ps", plotName)

       ===> create and draw plots

       system("psplit " + plotName + ".ps")


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