Re: NCL batch mode question

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 15:04:14 MDT

  • Next message: Benjamin Lamptey: "NclMalloc Failed:[errno=11]:Resource temporarily unavailable"


    The previous response sent by Larry Horowitz is one way to approach
    the problem. A cruder way is to establish some directory [say, CURRENT]
    and, if u r archiving these files, an archive directory [say, ARCHIVE]

    When your cron file executes, it

    (1) looks in CURRENT and reads the *one* file there [no need to know the name]
    (2) your NCL script accesses the file in CURRENT,
        processes it, and finally, moves it to ARCHIVE leaving
        CURRENT empty
    a sketch [I have not tested this]

           diri = "./CURRENT/"
           path = systemfunc ("ls "+diri) ; read in the one file in CURRENT
           surface_dat = asciiread(path,(/1000,5/),"float")
           [do your thing]
           diro = "./ARCHIVE/"
           system ("mv "+path+" "+diro+fili) ; archive the file
                                                   ; CURRENT will be empty
    Dennis Shea

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