
From: Daran L. Rife (drife AT XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 15:29:02 MDT

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    Hi Group,

    I'm fairly new to the NCL world, and have a question which may be a bit
    too specific for this group....but here goes:

    I have an interest in creating a surface weather map of sorts.
    Specifically what I am trying to do is plot:

            1) A background map for a specific domain (from a supplied
               upper-right/lower-left lat/lon bounding box pair),

            2) representations of various meteorological parameters at
               given surface stations which exist in the specific
               domain specified in 1. Representations include:

                    a) wind vectors at each station


                    b) surface station model plots

            3) My data are in ASCII format and look like:

               Stid lon lat spd dir
               ---- -------- ------ ----- -----
                01 -112.92 40.19 3.7 275
                02 -113.22 40.04 2.1 289
                03 -113.32 40.20 2.7 193
                04 -113.05 40.05 4.3 322
                05 -112.89 40.16 3.3 162
                06 -112.96 40.14 5.6 271
                07 -112.72 40.22 4.5 293
                08 -113.17 40.20 3.4 055
                09 -113.13 40.24 3.3 310
                10 -113.02 40.18 3.5 333
                11 -112.98 40.10 2.4 306
                12 -113.10 40.10 2.6 271
                17 -113.48 40.73 2.5 119

    Ideally, I'd like the plot to look similar to that in the attached PNG
    -- obs_vec.png. obs_vec.png was created using another tool -- I've just
    attached it so you can see what I am shooting for.

    I should mention that I am pretty familiar with NCL basics like
    asciiread, etc. I have also perused the many SCD and CSM NCL examples,
    but didn't see any that were reasonably close to what I am trying to do.
    I'm not sure quite how to approach this problem, but would sure appreciate
    any help you can provide.

    Best regards,



    Daran L. Rife

    Associate Scientist

    National Center for Atmospheric Research
    Research Applications Program
    P.O. Box 3000
    Boulder CO, 80307-3000


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