NCL and native polar stereographic grid

From: Christian Page (page AT XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 07:51:19 MST

  • Next message: Christian Page: "Legend and contour plot"

    Hi everyone,

    I am trying to plot data that I have on a polar stereographic projection.
    The projection info is :

    X Position of north pole in grid point: 6.0
    Y Position of north pole in grid point: 65.0
    Angle between X axis and Greenwich Meridian: 21.0
    Projection TRUE at 60 deg N
    Grid space at 60 deg N: 100.0 km

    I generated 2D latitude and longitude vectors.

    Then I used the instructions on how to plot native stereographic plot with the
    following code. The problem is that I cannot find the relative center longitude
    correctly. Also it seems that if this longitude is not in the region I am
    plotting, it doesn't work. Any help? Thanks.

    external FNOM "/io/page/ncl/"
    external FSTOUV "/io/page/ncl/"
    external FCLOS "/io/page/ncl/"
    external FSTFRM "/io/page/ncl/"
    external FSTLIR "/io/page/ncl/"
    external GET_DIM "/io/page/ncl/"
    external GET_STEP_NIV "/io/page/ncl/"
    external GET_TYPGRILLE "/io/page/ncl/"
    external GET_PROJ "/io/page/ncl/"

    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"


    ;*** open file
      iun = 1
      ier = FNOM::fnom(iun, "/data/cartes/sea/reg17n.00z", "RND", 0)
      ier = FSTOUV::fstouv(iun, "RND")

    ;*** Get ni and nj (grid dimensions)
      ni = 0
      nj = 0
      GET_DIM::get_dim(iun, "GZ", " ", ni, nj)

    ;*** Get grid type
      grtyps = new(1,character)
      GET_TYPGRILLE::get_typgrille(iun, "GZ", " ", grtyps)
      grtyp = chartostring(grtyps)

    ;*** Get latitude and longitude
      lon = new((/ni,nj/),float)
      lat = new((/ni,nj/),float)
      dgrw = 0.0
      GET_PROJ::get_proj(iun, "GZ", " ", lon, lat, dgrw, ni, nj)
    ;* Compute projection center longitude
      centerlon = (dgrw-90.0) * 180.0 / 90.0

    ; create plot
      wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","test_map") ; open an ps plot

      res = True ; plot mods desired

      res@cnFillOn = False
      res@cnLinesOn = True
      res@gsnAddCyclic = False ; regional data

      res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; manual levels
      res@cnLevelSpacingF = 4.

      res@tiMainString = "Native Stereographic Example"

      res@gsnMaximize = True

    ; the following resources are REQUIRED to plot this projection correctly

      res@mpProjection = "Stereographic" ; projection

      res@mpLimitMode = "Corners" ; method to zoom
      res@mpLeftCornerLatF = lat(0,0)
      res@mpLeftCornerLonF = lon(0,0)
      res@mpRightCornerLatF = lat(ni-1,nj-1)
      res@mpRightCornerLonF = lon(ni-1,nj-1)

      res@mpRelativeCenterLon = True ; set a center lon

      res@mpCenterLonF = centerlon
      res@mpRelativeCenterLat = True ; set a center lat
      res@mpCenterLatF = 90. ; center lat
      res@tfDoNDCOverlay = True ; do not transform data

    ;*** Get wanted data
      ip1 = 0
      ip2 = 12
      ip3 = -1
      n3 = 1
      buffer = new((/ni,nj/),float)
      ier = FSTLIR::fstlir(buffer, iun, ni, nj, n3, -1, " ", ip1, ip2, ip3, \
            " ", "PN")
      buffer@units = "hPa"
      buffer@long_name = "mean sea-level pressure"

    ;*** Plot
      plot = gsn_contour_map (wks,buffer,res)

    ;*** Close file
      ier = FSTFRM::fstfrm(iun)


    Christian Page
    page AT

    Agent de recherche et de planification +1 514 987 3000 ext. 2376
    Departement des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Atmosphere UQAM

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