using fortran 90 with NCL, WRAPIT

From: Matt Fearon (matthew.fearon AT XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Jun 21 2002 - 15:30:42 MDT

  • Next message: Dave Brown: "Re: Plotting stretched grids in NCL Contours"

    Dear NCL users:

    I would like to eventually call a fortran 90 script from
    my ncl script. To do this, I followed Dennis's earlier
    notes where I have created a shell script containing my
    NCL code and fortran 90 code. However early on,
    I am getting a parsing error when when using WRAPIT.
    I am using the portland group f90 compiler and I have
    NCL version a023. I can't seem to create the shared
    object w/ WRAPIT (.so file). However, I can compile
    my fortran 90 code fine doing pgf90 -c interp.f90 where
    interp.f90 is my fortran subroutine. To start with a simple
    question, does it matter if my comment notation is (! instead
    of C) in fortran 90 as pgf90 seems to complain when I
    use C instead of !.

    Any suggestions as to why WRAPIT might be complaining.
    many thanks,

    Here is my fortran 90 code:

      subroutine interp(nx,ny,inlen,nhrlen,agglen,aggcnt,fvar, &

      character(len=3) :: fvar
      integer :: nhrlen,nx,ny,agglen,aggcnt
      real,dimension(ny,nx) :: rA,rB
      real,dimension(nhrlen) :: wgtA,wgtB
      real,dimension(inlen,ny,nx) :: varhold
      real,dimension(agglen,ny,nx) :: varhour
    ! NCLEND

      integer :: nind

      if("gpr") then

         do i=0,inlen-2

           do j=0,nhrlen-1

           end do


         end do



         do i=0,inlen-1
         end do

      end if


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