RE: [ncl-talk] Help on Build-in Function of "vinth2p_ecmwf"

From: pan1 (pan1 AT XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 13:22:48 MST

  • Next message: Maurice McHugh: "Variable length arguments for NCL functions?"

    Hi, Sylvia

    I tried to compare the value of T(17) and TS, although they are close, they
    are different. That was supposed as they are at different levels. It can be
    simply viewed as following:

    ------------------------------------T(17) [ last level sigma temperature

    ************************************Ta [Surface air temperature]

    ------------------------------------TS [ Surface temperature ]

    I have values of T and TS, but don't have Ta. I don't know if tbot is for what
    of this there temperature values. If Ta is needed, is there a function to
    calculate that? also I am curious if there is function to calculate Qa and
    Qsat? where Qa is the mixing ratio for the surface air.

    Thanks a lot and have a nice day!


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