Re: NOGAPS plot (fwd)

From: Mary Haley (haley AT XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Aug 05 2003 - 14:57:18 MDT

  • Next message: Uma S. Bhatt: "re: vibeta"

    > Hello
    > The difference is that the ".hluresfile" used for one account
    > is the 'recommended' .hluresfile
    > The 2nd account [login] does not have the recommended .hluresfile
    > installed in its' home directory.
    > Just copy the .hluresfile residing in the home directory
    > of account-1 into the home directory of account-2 [the Web account].
    > Dennis Shea

    I'd like to point out what this ".hluresfile" is for people who are
    unfamiliar with it. This file allows you to override some of NCL's
    default settings, like the foreground/background colors of a graphic,
    the size of the window that pops up when you are going to an X11
    window, the font used for all text strings, and the character used for
    a text function code (to name a few). If you put this file in your
    home directory, then every time you run NCL this file will get loaded
    and all its settings will apply to every NCL script you run. You can
    always override any settings in a .hluresfile by setting them within
    your NCL script.

    An example .hluresfile might look like this:

    ! Comments in a ".hluresfile" are preceded by a "!".
    ! Quotations are not needed in this file.

    ! White background/black foreground
    *wkForegroundColor : (/0.,0.,0./)
    *wkBackgroundColor : (/1.,1.,1./)

    ! Font stuff - note: no quotes around helvetica
    *Font : helvetica

    ! Change character used for start of text function code
    *TextFuncCode : ~
    *txFuncCode : ~

    ! Width and height of X11 window
    *wkWidth : 800
    *wkHeight : 800

    If you are the system administrator for a machine that several people
    use to run NCL, and you them to all have these settings applied, then
    you can call this file "sysresfile" and put it in the directory
    $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg. Then, each individual NCL user won't need to
    put the ".hluresfile" in their home directory.

    Please note that settings in a .hluresfile override settings in the
    $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/sysresfile, and settings in an NCL script
    override all settings in *res files.

    For more discussion on resource files, see:


    > >I'm trying to get some NOGAPS plots to work using a web interface and have
    > >a small problem. I am including two plots here. The first one was made
    > >using one account. The second with another. The fonts are different and
    > >the title is messed up. The second account gave the error...
    > >
    > >
    > >as it was running. Could anyone tell me how to specify in the ncl script
    > >how to force it to use what the first gif looks like and also fix the
    > >title?
    > >
    > >Thanks,
    > >Kelley Miles
    > >
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    Mary Haley         
    NCAR/SCD/VETS                303-497-1254 (voice)
    1850 Table Mesa Dr           303-497-1804 (fax)
    Boulder, CO  80305
    ncl-talk mailing list

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