Re: raster in b&w

From: Dave Kennison (kennison AT XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Oct 20 2003 - 11:07:21 MDT

  • Next message: Adam Phillips: "AMS Publication requirements"

    Mike Notaro wrote:

    > Hello. I would like to produce a map of vegetation biomes.
    > Currently, I plotted the global raster map in color with a colorbar
    > including 7 different colors for each biome, but I need this
    > figure without color. Any idea how to produce a raster plot
    > with different patterns and/or grey shades, which are distinct
    > enough to differentiate visually? I think shades of grey alone
    > are too similar and make it hard to tell the biomes apart.

    Sylvia Murphy responded:

    > i believe that a grey scale is your only option. all of the fill patterns
    > we have are just that FILL patterns, and only work with contour fill.
    > someone in the ncl group may have another option, but to my knowledge,
    > there i none.

    I have a possible solution. It would require some work. Some time ago, I
    wrote a FORTRAN program that, given a rectangular lat/lon grid of 0's and
    1's representing land (1) and ocean (0), would crank out a set of boundary
    lines separating land from ocean. One could then put these in an "area map"
    and scan the area map, filling land areas with one color and ocean areas
    with another color. Since you have seven different biomes, you would have
    to run an adapted version of this program seven different times, each time
    producing boundary lines for one of the biomes, and then combine the results
    to get the boundary lines you want. That last step might be a little tricky,
    but I think it could be made to work.

    If you're interested in pursuing this, let me know and I will dig up the
    code for you ...

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