Re: about spatial Fourier decomposition

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Apr 21 2004 - 12:13:36 MDT

Correction to previous response. I neglected the latitude array subscript.
      xLong = ezfftb(ab(:,:,0:nLong-1), 0.0) ; total amplitude (1-3)
      xShort = ezfftb(ab(:,:,nLong: ) , 0.0)
>>I have a easy question , I want to get long wave(1-3)
>>and short wave(4-) by spatial Fourier decomposition ,
>>do NCL have a function can do this?
>>x(lat ,lon)---> xwave
>>Thanks for any suggestion!
>Yes, of course. One approach is to use the FFT routines: ezfftf, ezfftb
>(Missing data are not allowed.)
>See Example 3
> nLong = 3
> xLong = x
> xShort = x
> ab = ezfftf(x)
> xLong = ezfftb(ab(:,0:nLong-1), 0.0) ; total amplitude (1-3)
> xLong@long_name = "Long Waves"
> xShort = ezfftb(ab(:,nLong: ), 0.0) ; total amplitude (4-nlon/2)
> xShort@long_name = "Short Waves"
>Youc could also try the spherical harmonic analysis/synthesis
>family of functions "sha*" and "shs*"
>good luck
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