Re: Complex EOF's

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT
Date: Tue Oct 05 2004 - 11:59:47 MDT

  • Next message: Hui Liu: "link to ncl"

    >Has anyone got any complex eof routines for NCL that they are willing to
    >make available?

    Well, if nobody is going to volunteer code ...

    NCAR's Climate Analysis Section has an f90 subroutine
    to do this. It uses LAPACK "subroutine cheev" to solve the
    complex Hermitian matrix.

    It makes the assumption that the number of spatial pts (M)
    exceeds the number of temporal pts. This is the case with which
    we generally encounter.

    Pls note:

      (1) ***NO SUPPORT is offered for this****
      (2) The f90 subroutine uses complex types. If u r going
          to call this from NCL, the following must be done.
          It is not that difficult.
          (a) u must write a f77 wrapper subroutine so WRAPIT
              can automatically parse the argument list.
          (b) The user must explicitly allocate arrays
              for the returned real/imaginary parts.
          (c) The wrapper subroutine must explicitly transfer
              the returned complex arrays to separate
              real and imaginary arrays. NCL does not
              have a complex data type.
      (3) Unlike NCL's eof routines, this code does not allow
          missing data.
      (4) Did I mention, *no support* is offered for this code. :-)

    The code will be sent off-line.

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