labelbar errors in a032?

From: David B. Reusch (dbr AT
Date: Tue Jan 18 2005 - 06:04:07 MST


I am seeing a number of new (to me) errors with labelbars:
1) if I set lbLabelAlignment to "BoxCenters", the last label
   appears as "Label_x", where "x" is the cardinality-1 of
   the last label (Label_9 if 10 boxes are present). also,
   contrary to the web page, BoxCenters does not appear to
   be the default (InteriorEdges is).
2) similarly, if I use "ExternalEdges", the last TWO labels
   are in this format.
3) trying to use cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn=True results in a
   fatal error in $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsun_code.ncl
   at or near line 1062. more specifically:
     fatal:A bad value was passed to stringtolong, input strings
     must contain numeric digits, replacing with missing value
     fatal:The result of the conditional expression yields a
     missing value. NCL can not determine branch, see ismissing function
   and I wonder if this is related to (1) and (2)?

this is all under a032 on OS 10.3.7. I just switched to this
version from a031. not sure if any of the above was happening
in the prior release since I wasn't looking at these features.

switching to a032 has also created a new, spurious warning
message for me. I am using LambertConformal as my projection
and setting gsnMaskLambertConformal=True -- but I always get
a warning "mask_lambert_conformal: warning: you are using a
projection other than LambertConformal. Unexpected results
will likely occur". but I *am* using LambertConformal!

the script itself is generating a set of gsn_csm_contour_map
plots in a panel. it and the data are available on request.


Department of Geosciences
517 Deike Building
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802
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