Re: Ind function and do loops

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT
Date: Tue Feb 15 2005 - 17:11:06 MST

  • Next message: Saravanan Arunachalam: "Support for Variable Grid Resolution Plotting"

    See below

    >This is a follow up to a previous email of mine regarding ignoring indices. I
    >can ignore indices using the ind function when it lies outside of a do loop,
    >but when I embed the ind function in a do loop, I get several fatal errors and
    >the do loop cannot continue. This is problematic because I need to create
    >multiple (1D) arrays, using an outter do loop. Below is a subset of my
    >script. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    > do j=0,5
    > r(j)=j*(De/2)
    > RR(j) = r(j)/12.49135
    > RAZ(j) = r(j)/(MidRVal*.01623)
    > angle = new((/20/),float)
    > azAngle = new((/20/),float)
    > vel_circle = new((/20/),float)
    > aVec = new((/20/),float)
    > bVec = new((/20/),float)
    > cVec = new((/20/),float)
    > aVecSq = new((/20/),float)
    > bVecSq = new((/20/),float)
    > do i=0,19
    > angle(i) = (2*3.14*i)/20
    > rr(i) = dim_rMid+RR(j)*sin(angle(i))
    > az(i) = dim_azMid+RAZ(j)*cos(angle(i))
    > azAngle(i) = az(floattoint(az(i)))
    > azAngle(i) = azAngle(i)*(3.14/180)
    > vel_circle(i) = vel(floattoint(az(i)),floattoint(rr
    > k=ind(.not.ismissing(vel_circle))

    The dimension size of the variable "k"
    can change from one iteration of "i" to the next.
    > aVec(k) = sin(angle(k)-azAngle(k))
    > bVec(k) = cos(angle(k)-azAngle(k))
    > cVec(k) = vel_circle(k)-15*cos(1.4-azAngle(k))
    > aVecSq(k) = (aVec(k))^2
    > bVecSq(k) = (bVec(k))^2

                             delete(k) ; delete, might be different for next "1"
    > end do
    >end do

    FYI: if u really want to have a robust script. The following only
         does computations if their are non-msg vel_circle
                     if (.not.ismissing(k)) then
                         aVec(k) = sin(angle(k)-azAngle(k))
                         bVec(k) = cos(angle(k)-azAngle(k))
                         cVec(k) = vel_circle(k)-15*cos(1.4-azAngle(k))
                         aVecSq(k) = (aVec(k))^2
                         bVecSq(k) = (bVec(k))^2
                    end if
                    delete(k) ; delete, might be different size
                                ; for next "i"

    good luck

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