Re: vector plot question

From: Mary Haley (haley AT
Date: Mon Aug 29 2005 - 10:45:18 MDT

  • Next message: "loop error"


    If I am understanding your question correctly, and you are indeed
    plotting time versus longitude, this is not something you can overlay
    on a map unless you provide some kind of transformation that maps
    time coordinates into lat/lon coordinates.

    If you want to overlay a longitude/latitude plot, however, this should
    be automatic if your coordinate arrays are set up properly.

    Anyway, if you want to do time versus longitude, then you need to plot
    your data with just gsn_csm_vector, and do not use the
    gsn_csm_vector_map_xxx functions.


    On Mon, 29 Aug 2005, jerry wrote:

    > hi
    > i want to draw vector plot that x-coordinate is "Longitude" y-coordinate is "Time" like attach file "vector.bmp"
    > i use the same dataset as vector.bmp and ncl function
    > plot = gsn_csm_verctor(wks,u(time,longitude),v(time,longitude),res) and i get the vector plot file ""
    > the two plot was different , How could i to plot the X-T vector with the ncl function or resource setting ?
    > Thank you
    ncl-talk mailing list

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