problem of using gsn_attach_plots

From: S. Yi (yis2 AT
Date: Sun Oct 09 2005 - 12:22:23 MDT


  Currently, I am experiencing a problem of using gsn_attach_plots.
  This command always gives a figure with plots aligned horizontally,
although I hope they are aligned vertically.

  Part of the script is given bellow.

wks = gsn_open_wks("X11","composite");
  resources = True
  resources@gsnPaperOrientation = "Landscape"
  resources@gsnDraw = False
  resources@gsnFrame = False
  resources@tmXBMode = "Explicit"
  resources@tmXBValues =xtickval

  plot = new (2, graphic)
  plot(0) = gsn_xy(wks, dayarray, modobssnowdp, resources);
  plot(1) = gsn_xy(wks, dayarray, modobssnowdp, resources);
bs = True;
bs@gsnAttachPlotsXAxisOn = True
;; if I change gsnAttachPlotsXAxisOn to gsnAttachPlotsXAxisOn1 on
purpose, these is no error message on console.

as = True
as@gsnMaximize = True
 newplot = gsn_attach_plots(plot(0), plot(1), bs, as)
;; or newplot = gsn_attach_plots(plot(0), plot(1), as, bs)

Yi, Shuhua
School of Geography and Earth Sciences
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON, CA L8S 4K1
Office: BSB-313
Phone: 905-525-9140 Ext. 24776
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