Re: monthly averages from multitime daily data

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 11:14:16 -0700 (MST)

>Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 17:24:06 +0100
>From: Dietrich Göttlicher <>

>Dear all,
>does someone have a good idea to produce long-term monthly means from
>four-time daily data?
>I have a netCDF-file with dimensions long, lat, level and time (4 times
>per day 0, 6, 12 and 18 hours, NCEP reanalysis data). I want to
>calculate seperated monthly means for the four different timeslots. Is
>it possible to do it with NCL or do I need some other packages like NCO
>or CDO. Thank you very much for any suggestions.

I'm  sure you could use the NCO but you
should ask the NCO user community how best to do this.
If you get a response, please send it to me  :-)
I assume the above dimension order is such that
lon is the fastest varying dimension? 
Yes, it can be done via NCL. 
A crude 0th order start would be:
Assuming you have a directory containing the netCDF files
and each file has a months worth of data
   diri = "./"      ; "/where/ever/"
   fils = systemfunc("cd "+diri+" ; ls *balh*nc)
   do nf=0,nfils-1
      f = addfile (diri+fils(nf), "r")
      x = f->X    ; (time,lev,lat,lon)  
     do nt=0,3    
        xTemp = dim_avg_Wrap( x(lev|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|nt::4) )
     end do  
   end do
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Received on Tue Nov 29 2005 - 11:14:16 MST

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