problem writing netCDF file using filevardef

From: Will Hobbs <whobbs_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 11:28:37 PDT
('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Hi

I have a script that writes data to a netCDF, but I get the following
error message

ncvardef: ncid 10: NC_UNLIMITED in the wrong index
fatal:FileAddVar: an error occurred while adding a variable to a file,
check to make sure data type is supported by the output format
fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 162 in file

The command at line 162 is ' filevardef(fout, "slp_mn", typeof(slp_mn),

The data type of slp_mn is float, as are 'region' and 'time', so I really
can't see where the problem is. The full script is pasted below, and I've
moved the datafile to my ptmp directory (i.e. /ptmp/whobbs/) on
'tempest', should you wish to try and run it.

Many thanks


Room 3221C
UCLA Department of Geography
1255 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles CA 90095-1524

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
;Reads in sea_level_pressure for a number of station critical to SH ZW1,
averages into regions of interest and into monthly means, then writes to file
  yrstrt = 1994
  yrend = 1999
;read in data
  FIL0 = ""
  diri0 = "/whobbs/ptmp/"
  f0 = addfile(diri0+FIL0, "r")
  x = f0->pressure
  jul = f0->T
  p = short2flt(x(T|:,IWMO|:))
;Create new p-data array
  dimz = dimsizes(p)
  days = dimz(0)
  stat = new((/3, days/), float)
;first dim of stat is area of interest
;0 = subpolar trough (stns 619970, 619980, 689940)
;1 = subtrop trough (stns 919580, 939940, 939970, 919600)
;2 = subtrop ridge (stns 689020, 689060)
;get regional statn averages
  stat(0,:) = dim_avg(p(:,0:2))
  stat(1,:) = dim_avg(p(:,3:6))
  stat(2,:) = dim_avg(p(:,7:8))
;assign attributes to time dimension
  stat!0 = "region"
  stat!1 = "time"
  stat&time = jul
;create new time array in format mmyyyy
  nmon = 12*(yrend-yrstrt+1) ; total number of months in data
  X = new((/nmon/), string) ; new time coord array
  mn = 0
  do yy = yrstrt, yrend ; concatenate month and years
    do mm = 1,12
      X(mn) = mm+""+yy
      mn = mn+1
    end do
  end do
  time = stringtofloat(X) ; need to convert for use as netCDF
;convert daily data to monthly means
  slp_mn = new((/3,nmon/), float)
  monlength = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
  mn = 0
  do yy = yrstrt, yrend
    do mm = 1, 12
      STR = doubletoint(greg2jul(yy, mm, 1, 0)) ; determine julian start
day of month
      ll = monlength(mm-1)
      if (mm.eq.2) then ; for Feb in leapyear.....
        if (isleapyear(yy).eq."True") then
          ll = 29 ;....use ll = 29 days...
        end if
      end if
      FIN = doubletoint(STR+ll)
      slp_mn(:,mn) = dim_avg(stat(:, {STR:FIN}))
      mn = mn+1
    end do
  end do
; print(slp_mn(:,0:3))
;Write data to file
  diri1 = "/u/whobbs/fourier/data/"
  FIL1 = ""
  system("rm "+diri1+FIL1)
  fout = addfile(diri1+FIL1, "c")
 ;create file attributes
  fAtt = True ; assign file attributes
  fAtt_at_title = "Station slp for SH ZW1-critical regions"
  fAtt_at_source_file = "station_daytomonth.ncl"
  fAtt_at_Conventions = "Region 0=subpolar_trough, 1=subtrop_trough,
  fAtt_at_creation_date = systemfunc ("date")
  fileattdef( fout, fAtt )
;set dimensions
 dimNames = (/"region","time"/)
 dimSizes = (/3, -1/)
 dimUnlim = (/False,True/)
;set file variables
 region = fspan(1,3,1)
 filevardef(fout, "time" ,typeof(time),"time")
 filevardef(fout, "region", typeof(region), "region")
 filevardef(fout, "slp_mn", typeof(slp_mn), (/"region","time"/))
;set other attributes
 time_at_long_name = "month+year"
 slp_mn_at_long_name = "Monthly mean slp for each ZW1-critical region"
 slp_mn_at_units = "hPa"
 region_at_long_name = "ZW1-critical region"
 filevarattdef(fout,"slp_mn", slp_mn)
;populate file
 fout->time = (/time/)
 fout->region = (/region/)
 fout->slp_mn = (/slp_mn/)

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