NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL): Boulder, CO, USA

FSL/FRD Local Analysis and Prediction Branch (LAPB)

Center: 59
Subcenter: 2
Parameter Table Version: 0

Note: a text version of this table suitable for use as an NCL user-defined GRIB parameter table is available here

2PMSLPaPressure reduced to mean sea level
3PTPa/sPressure tendency
4PVORTKm**2/kg/sPotential vorticity
5ICAHTmICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height
7GHgpmGeopotential Height
8GEHmGeometric Height
9HGHTSDmStandard deviation of height
10TOZODobsonTotal ozone
12VTKVirtual temperature
13POTKPotential temperature
14EPOTKEquivalent potential temperature
15MXTKMaximum temperature
16MNTKMinimum temperature
17DPTKDew point temperature
18DPDKDew point depression
19LRK/mLapse rate
21RSP1undefRadar Spectra (1)
22RSP2undefRadar Spectra (2)
23RSP3undefRadar Spectra (3)
24PLIKParcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)
25TAKTemperature anomaly
26PAPaPressure anomaly
27GHAgpmGeopotential height anomaly
28WSP1undefWave Spectra (1)
29WSP2undefWave Spectra (2)
30WSP3undefWave Spectra (3)
31WDdeg trueWind direction (from which blowing)
32WSm/sWind speed
33UWm/su-component of wind
34VWm/sv-component of wind
35SFm**2/sStream function
36VPOTm**2/sVelocity potential
37MSGm**2/s**2Montgomery stream function
38SVV/sSigma coordinate vertical velocity
39PVVPa/sPressure vertical velocity
40GVVm/sGeometric vertical velocity
41AV/sAbsolute vorticity
42AD/sAbsolute divergence
43RV/sRelative vorticity
44RD/sRelative divergence
45VUCSH/sVertical u-component shear
46VVCSH/sVertical v-component shear
47DIRCdeg trueDirection of current
48SPCm/sSpeed of current
49UOGRDm/su-component of current
50VOGRDm/sv-component of current
51SHkg/kgSpecific humidity
52RH%Relative humidity
53MIXRkg/kgHumidity mixing ratio
54PWkg/m**2Precipitable water
55VAPPPaVapor pressure
56SATDPaSaturation deficit
58CICEkg/m**2Cloud Ice
59PRkg/m**2/sPrecipitation rate
60THP%Thunderstorm probability
61TPkg/m**2Total precipitation
62LGSPkg/m**2Large scale precipitation
63CPkg/m**2Convective precipitation
64SRWEQkg/m**2/sSnowfall rate water equivalent
65WEASDkg/m**2Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth
66SNDmSnow depth
67MIXHTmMixed layer depth
68TTHDPmTransient thermocline depth
69MTHDmMain thermocline depth
70MTHAmMain thermocline anomaly
71TCC%Total cloud cover
72CCC%Convective cloud cover
73LCC%Low cloud cover
74MCC%Medium cloud cover
75HCC%High cloud cover
76CWATkg/m**2Cloud water
77BLIKBest Lifted Index (to 500 hPa)
78SNOCkg/m**2Convective snow
79SNOLkg/m**2Large scale snow
80WTKWater temperature
81LANDproportionLand cover (land=1, sea=0)
82DSLMmDeviation of sea level from mean
83SFCRmSurface roughness
85STKSoil temperature
86SMCkg/m**2Soil moisture content
90WATRkg/m**2Water runoff
91ICECproportionIce cover (ice=1, no ice=0)
92ICETKmIce thickness
93DICEDdeg trueDirection of ice drift
94SICEDm/sSpeed of ice drift
95UICEm/su-component of ice drift
96VICEm/sv-component of ice drift
97ICEGm/sIce growth rate
98ICED/sIce divergence
99SNOMkg/m**2Snow melt
100HTSGWmSignificant height of combined wind waves & swell
101WVDIRdeg trueDirection of wind waves (from which)
102WVHGTmSignificant height of wind waves
103WVPERsMean period of wind waves
104SWDIRdeg trueDirection of swell waves
105SWELLmSignificant height of swell waves
106SWPERsMean period of swell waves
107DIRPWdeg truePrimary wave direction
108PERPWsPrimary wave mean period
109DIRSWdeg trueSecondary wave direction
110PERSWsSecondary wave mean period
111NSWRSW/m**2Net short-wave radiation (surface)
112NLRSW/m**2Net long-wave radiation (surface)
113NSWRTW/m**2Net short-wave radiation (top of atmosphere)
114NLWRTW/m**2Net long-wave radiation (top of atmosphere)
115LWAVRW/m**2Long wave radiation flux
116SWAVRW/m**2Short wave radiation flux
117GRADW/m**2Global radiation flux
118BRTMPKBrightness temperature
119LWRADW/m/srRadiance (with respect to wave number)
120SWRADW/m**3/srRadiance (with respect to wave length)
121LHTFLW/m**2Latent heat net flux
122SHTFLW/m**2Sensible heat net flux
123BLYDPW/m**2Boundary layer dissipation
124UFLXN/m**2Momentum flux, u component
125VFLXN/m**2Momentum flux, v component
126WMIXEJWind mixing energy
127IMGDundefImage data
128RRdBZRadar Reflectivity
129CXRdBZColumn Max Radar Reflectivity
130MRETmMaximum Echo Tops
131SLIXKSurface lifted index
132BLIXKBest (4 layer) lifted index
133KIKK index
134SIKSweat index
135MCONVkg/kg/sHorizontal moisture divergence
136PTYPnon-dimLAPS Precip Type Code
137CCAGmCloud ceiling height AGL
138CBmCloud base height
139CTOPmCloud top height
140S1HRmIncremental snow depth accumulation
141STOTmStorm-total snow depth accumulation
142STPAkg/m**2Total precipitation for model run
142PCkg/m**2Incremental precipitation accumulation
144SOILWfractionVolumetric soil moisture content
153CWKg/kgCloud water
156CINJ/kgConvective inhibition
157CAPEJ/kgConvective available potential energy
170RWMRKg/KgRain water mixing ratio
171SNMRKg/KgSnow mixing ratio
177ELONdegEast longitude
178ICMRKg/KgIce mixing ratio
179GRMRKg/KgGraupel mixing ratio
211USWRFW/m**2Upward short wave radiation flux
212ULWRFW/m**2Upward long wave radiation flux
221HPBLmPlanetary boundary layer height