can't build ncl 6.1.2 on ubuntu 13.10 (can't find ncarg/hlu/hlu.h)

From: Bill Broadley <bill_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu Aug 15 2013 - 11:57:17 MDT

My system identified itself as LINUX, so I edited config/LINUX and
changed only:
#define FcOptions -fPIC -fno-second-underscore -fno-range-check
#define ArchRecLibSearch
#define ArchRecIncSearch

The -fno-range-check prevents a fatal error during compile, already
included for other platforms.

All my dependencies are handled by the CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH
environment variables. I can't find any command not founds. make -j
causes graphc and fontc to not be found.

My Site.local file:
#ifdef FirstSite
#endif /* FirstSite */
#ifdef SecondSite
#define YmakeRoot /share/apps/ncl_ncarg-6.1.2
#define NetCDFlib -lnetcdf
#define BuildHDFEOS 0
#define HDFEOSlib
#define BuildHDFEOS5 0
#define HDFEOS5lib
#define NoMakeDepend
#endif /* SecondSite */

I searched the log with:
$ cat make-output |egrep -i "not found|Command|no such|error|fatal|cannot"

Pretty much the only error I find is a bunch of:
gcc -ansi -fPIC -O -o idt w_idt.o w_file.o file.o glob.o w_display.o
.o w_dialog.o commands.o talkto.o xrubber.o scroll.o w_text.o
spooler.o w_icon
.o xt_env.o animate.o animate_cb.o
-lcgm -L../../../.././common/src/libncarg_c -lncarg_c
-L/share/apps/ncl_ncarg-6.1.2/lib -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXext
-lX11 -lXext -lm
wrapper.h:4:27: fatal error: ncarg/hlu/hlu.h: No such file or directory

Where does that hlu.h get copied from? I'm guessing it's a relatively
silent error and I can look more closely at the makefile if I can figure
out which directory it's from.

The log is 20k lines, so I'll provide a link to it:
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