cumulative distribution functions

From: Allison Steiner <asteiner_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 14:43:24 -0700


I'm trying to plot two cumulative distribution functions for two
different data sets in one plot using cdfnor_p. However, if I try to
plot this as two single functions, I get a complicated array of lines.
Any suggestions? Am I misusing this function?



load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
; read in 2D data

irr25 = addfile("","r")
irr39 = addfile ("../cctm_RUN39/","r")
avoc1 = irr25->lAVOCnet
avoc2 = irr39->lAVOCnet

; make data 1d

avoc11d = (ndtooned(avoc1))*1000.
avoc21d = (ndtooned(avoc2))*1000.

cdf1 = new(dimsizes(avoc11d),float)
mean1 = new(dimsizes(avoc11d),float)
sd1 = new(dimsizes(avoc11d),float)
mean1 = dim_avg(avoc11d)
sd1 = dim_stddev(avoc21d)
cdf1 = cdfnor_p(avoc11d,mean1,sd1)

cdf2 = new(dimsizes(avoc11d),float)
mean2 = new(dimsizes(avoc11d),float)
sd2 = new(dimsizes(avoc11d),float)
mean2 = dim_avg(avoc21d)
sd2 = dim_stddev(avoc21d)
cdf2 = cdfnor_p(avoc21d,mean2,sd2)

; define output arrays
avocout = new((/2,dimsizes(cdf1)/),float)

avocout(0,:) = cdf1(:)
avocout(1,:) = cdf2(:)

; plotting parameters
wks = gsn_open_wks ("x11","fig9")

res = True ; plot mods desired
res_at_xyLineColors = (/"blue","green"/) ; line color

plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,avoc11d,avocout,res)


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