RE: [ncl-talk] random extraction of data

From: Debasish Pai Mazumder <debasish_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 07:44:01 -0900

Dear Dennis,

Thanks again for your solution. unique_index function is working perfectly.
I have already get 500 unique grid points using your solution. Now I am
trying to mark this grid points on contour map. I think I need to use
polymarker examples. But I do not figure it out how will I convert those
grid points to x and y for using polymarker examples or any other way to
mark those grid points in a contour map?

Any help will be appreciated

Thanks in advance


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Shea []
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: [ncl-talk] random extraction of data

>Thanks for your solution. It is working.
>But iu takes the maximum value 3200 whereas I have 10500 grid points.
>I did not figure it out how will I increase the value of iu (it will be
>if iu takes the value nearer to 9000) so that random 500 grids will be more
>disperse over the region (i.e. 10500 grid points)
>-----Original Message-----

I took another look. Attached is a simple function.
This works fine for small grids. Otherwise, it may be
a bit slow.

Please note: Just because the grid locations are randomly
             sampled does not mean that the sampled values
             are random (independent).
             ie: if (say) the 37th random subscript
                 corresponds to T(15,38) and the (say)
                 437th random subscript corresponds
                 to T(15,39), clearly T(15,38)
                 and T(15,39) are not independent.


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