Contouring missing values of 850 mb specific humidity due to terrain

From: Phillip Stauffer <phillip.stauffer_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 11:46:18 -0600


I am comparing WRF output to NARR data. The NARR data has interpolated 850
mb specific humidity over areas of high terrain where the WRF output has
missing values. I want to show the areas of missing data due to terrain from
the WRF output on the NARR plot. I have been able to contour the missing
values for the WRF output by setting the cnMissingValPerimOn resource to
true. The specific humidity varible for both WRF and NARR have been summed
into monthly averages and is dimensioned (mlon,nlat).

My question is how to plot this same contour (WRF missing values) on the
NARR plot?
Or another approach to show where the WRF 850 mb data is below ground on the
NARR plot.

Attached is a jpeg of WRF with the missing values contour in black (left)
and the NARR plot (right)

Thank you for your help,
Phillip Stauffer

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