using "ut_calendar" for "months since"

From: flyyks <flyyks_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed Oct 21 2009 - 19:49:35 MDT

hello everyone,
when using function ut_calendar, there is a problem mentioned on the web page, as follow:
Caveats of Udunits:
Year 0 is treated as year 1, because year 0 does not exist in the real world calendar.
The length of a month is fixed at 1/12 of a tropical year or 2629743.831225 seconds. This means if you have a units of something like "months since 1870-1-1", then at time = 0 you will get:
    year = 1870
    month = 1
    day = 1
    hour = 0
    second = 0
However, at time = 1, you will get:
    year = 1870
    month = 1
    day = 31
    hour = 10
    second = 3.83122

when data's time unit is "months since xxxx-x-x", how to use this function?

Thank you !



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