undefined identifier error message

From: Ioana Colfescu <colfescu_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu Jun 10 2010 - 07:28:11 MDT


Could anybody please help me with the following problem - when I run a code that contains the following part :

iopt = 0
jave = 0 ; no smoothing; return periodogram estimates
pct = 0.1 ; taper 10% of the data
dof = specx_anal(lat_lon_ave(:),iopt,jave,pct)
splt = specx_ci(dof,0.05,0.95)

I get the error message :

fatal:Undefined identifier: (specx_ci) is undefined, can't continue
fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 22 in file slect_reg.ncl

Is weird since I copy pasted this from another code where the same lines work fine so I don't understand what's happening here.
Thank you,

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