writing along a dimension in a loop

From: mark collier <Mark.Collier_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Jul 13 2010 - 22:14:10 MDT

I've struggled to write along a time dimension in a loop, the
following (cutdown) example illustrates the problem. I have to loop
over time as the arrays are large. I have removed the call to the
local function unesco and simply give it a value of the current loop
counter. The problem in this case is that the new variable is
continuously written to the first time in the file rather than
successive times (I thought by attaching the time scalar to the time
dimension would locate where to write the data. Obviously it cannot
work out where to fill in the output variable with ovar - somehow I
need to specify the location in "rhopoto" of where ovar goes?

I don't think this kind of syntax is allowed:

fh_ovar->ovar(n,:,:,:) = ovar

I've uploaded the files (thetao.nc,so.nc,test.ncl) to your incoming
directory which illustrates what I am trying to do.


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