Re: Min and max values plotted?

From: Mary Haley <haley_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed Aug 11 2010 - 14:39:30 MDT


The min/max functions don't know anything about graphical output or resource value settings (trYMinF/trYMaxF), so you'll need to subset your data somehow.

If your data variable has coordinate arrays, then you can use coordinate subscripting to subscript the data. For example:

   data_min = min(data({zmin:zmax},:))

zmin and zmax would be whatever you set trYMinF and trYMaxF to.


On Aug 11, 2010, at 9:52 AM, Emilie Vanvyve wrote:

> Hello,
> Just a quick question about the minimum and maximum values plotted on a graph. My graph is a cross-section of a variable along the latitude (X axis) and the height (Y axis). On the graph, I limit the extent of the Y axis (ground to a given height in meters) by using the resources @trYMaxF = a given value. It is easier and faster than restricting the vertical dimension of the variable to a given range (I don't want to work out which sigma levels corresponds to that given height), especially since I make this graph for various "given heights" and various datasets which differ by their number of vertical levels.
> It works well, but when I use the functions "min" and "max", they provide (as expected) the minimum and maximum values over the entire range of my variable (i.e. entire vertical extent rather then displayed vertical extent). I would like these values to correspond to what is shown on the graph. Is there any (easy) way to do this other than by restricting the z indices of my variable?
> Emilie
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