netcdf ST4.2007061012.06h_regrid { dimensions: g3_x_0 = 484 ; g3_y_1 = 449 ; variables: float g3_lon_1(g3_x_0, g3_y_1) ; g3_lon_1:La1 = 27.128f ; g3_lon_1:Lo1 = -105.692f ; g3_lon_1:Lov = -98.941f ; g3_lon_1:Dx = 3000.f ; g3_lon_1:Dy = 3000.f ; g3_lon_1:Latin1 = 33.828f ; g3_lon_1:Latin2 = 33.828f ; g3_lon_1:units = "degrees_east" ; g3_lon_1:GridType = "Lambert Conformal Secant or Tangent, Conical or bipolar" ; g3_lon_1:long_name = "longitude" ; g3_lon_1:corners = -105.692f, -92.19232f, -91.08293f, -106.8018f ; float g3_lat_0(g3_x_0, g3_y_1) ; g3_lat_0:La1 = 27.128f ; g3_lat_0:Lo1 = -105.692f ; g3_lat_0:Lov = -98.941f ; g3_lat_0:Dx = 3000.f ; g3_lat_0:Dy = 3000.f ; g3_lat_0:Latin1 = 33.828f ; g3_lat_0:Latin2 = 33.828f ; g3_lat_0:units = "degrees_north" ; g3_lat_0:GridType = "Lambert Conformal Secant or Tangent, Conical or bipolar" ; g3_lat_0:long_name = "latitude" ; g3_lat_0:corners = 27.128f, 27.12814f, 40.09842f, 40.09826f ; float g3_rot_2(g3_x_0, g3_y_1) ; g3_rot_2:note2 = "apply formulas to derive u and v components relative to earth" ; g3_rot_2:note1 = "u and v components of vector quantities are resolved relative to grid" ; g3_rot_2:formula_v = "Vearth = cos(rot)*Vgrid - sin(rot)*Ugrid" ; g3_rot_2:formula_u = "Uearth = sin(rot)*Vgrid + cos(rot)*Ugrid" ; g3_rot_2:units = "radians" ; g3_rot_2:GridType = "Lambert Conformal Secant or Tangent, Conical or bipolar" ; g3_rot_2:long_name = "vector rotation angle" ; float A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h(g3_x_0, g3_y_1) ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:initial_time = "06/09/2007 (12:00)" ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:forecast_time_units = "hours" ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:forecast_time = 24 ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:model = "River Forecast Center Quantitative Precipitation estimate mosaic generated by NCEP" ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:parameter_number = 61 ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:parameter_table_version = 2 ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:gds_grid_type = 3 ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:level_indicator = 1 ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:coordinates = "g3_lat_0 g3_lon_1" ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:units = "kg/m^2" ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:long_name = "Total precipitation" ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:center = "US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)" ; A_PCP_GDS3_SFC_acc6h:sub_center = "Environmental Modeling Center" ; // global attributes: :creation_date = "Thu Oct 27 18:27:12 EDT 2011" ; :NCL_Version = "5.1.1" ; :system = "Linux 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5 #1 SMP Sun Jul 10 08:43:41 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux" ; :conventions = "None" ; :grib_source = "ST4.2007061012.06h_regrid.grb" ; :title = "NCL: convert-GRIB-to-netCDF" ; }