help with panel plot: time labels and hovmollers

From: Erik N <nobleeu_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu Aug 09 2012 - 19:29:26 MDT

Hi. I'm usually pretty good at making panel plots but I am stumped here.

I am trying to make a panel plot of this example, here

I have no problem making an individual plot, but when I try to make a panel
plot, i cannot "compress" the y-axis.

In fact, the time axis disappears, as shown
in ncl_panel_panel_plot-Not_Good.png.

The only way I can make a panel plot is by putting individual plots into
Microsoft Word or powerpoint. It's ok, but I wish it could be better.
(panel_plot_using word.png)

my code is below. I cannot find the bug because I am not getting any errors.

Thank you ahead of time if you take a look.


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/time_axis_labels.ncl"



; Begin Users Input


f1 = ""

f2 = ""

f3 = ""

f4 = ""

f5 = ""

f6 = ""

varname1 = "~F22~v"

varname2 = "~F8~z=~F8~d~F21~v/~F8~d~F21~x"

vunits1 = "~F22~ m*s~S~-1"

units2 = "1*s~S~-1~N~ 1.0x10~S~-6"

IMAGETITLE = "hovmoller_panel_circ1"


; Format of output file


type = "x11"

;type = "pdf"; "eps"; "ps"; "png";


; End Users Input


;******** Get files

a = addfile(f1+".nc","r")

b = addfile(f2+".nc","r")

c = addfile(f3+".nc","r")

d = addfile(f4+".nc","r")

f = addfile(f5+".nc","r")

e = addfile(f6+".nc","r")

;******** Get Variables

merrav = a->V

wrfv = b->V

rm3v = c->V

merraVort = d->dVoverdX

wrfVort = e->dVoverdX

rm3Vort = f->dVoverdX




; Make Plot


plotname = IMAGETITLE;+all_files(i)

wks = gsn_open_wks(type,plotname)

res = True

res@gsnDraw = False ; don't draw

res@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame

res@cnInfoLabelOn = False ; turn off cn info label

;res@gsnMaximize = True ; maximize plot in frame

; Black and White

res@gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF = 3 ; thickness of zero contour (Default =

res@gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = 1 ; sets negative contours to dash

res@cnInfoLabelOn = False ; turn off cn info label


; res@cnFillOn = True

; res@cnMonoFillColor = False

; res@cnLineLabelsOn = False

; res@cnInfoLabelOn = False

; res@cnLinesOn = False

; res@gsnSpreadColors = True

; res@gsnSpreadColorStart = 21

; res@gsnSpreadColorEnd = 13

res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; set manual contour levels

res@cnMinLevelValF = -20

res@cnMaxLevelValF = 20

res@cnLevelSpacingF = 1

; Set special resources for the time axis

resTick = True

resTick@ttmFormat = "%d %c"

resTick@ttmAxis = "YL"

resTick@ttmMajorStride = 1

; Set resources necessary to customize Y axis labels

time_axis_labels( merrav&time, res, resTick )

time_axis_labels( wrfv&time, res, resTick )

time_axis_labels( rm3v&time, res, resTick )

res@tmYROn = False ; right tickmarks

;res@tmYLOn = False ; Left tickmarks

;res@tmYLLabelsOn = False

;res@trYReverse = True

; Set resources necessary to customize X axis labels

res@gsnMajorLonSpacing = 5.

res@tmXBTickSpacingF = 5.

res@tmXTOn = False ; top tickmarks

res@tmXBLabelsOn = False ; do not draw bottom labels

;res@tmXBOn = False ; no bottom tickmarks

;--- Titles

res@tmXBLabelFont = 21

res@tmYLLabelFont = 21

;numPlot = dimsizes(var(0,::))

plot = new(6,graphic)


res@gsnLeftString = varname1

res@gsnCenterString ="MERRA"

res@gsnRightString = units1

plot(0) = gsn_csm_hov(wks,merrav,res)


res@gsnLeftString = varname2

res@gsnCenterString ="MERRA"

res@gsnRightString = units2

res@tmYLLabelsOn = False

plot(1) = gsn_csm_hov(wks,merraVort,res)


res@gsnLeftString = varname1

res@gsnCenterString ="WRF"

res@gsnRightString = units1

res@tmYLLabelsOn = True

plot(2) = gsn_csm_hov(wks,wrfv,res)


res@gsnLeftString = varname2

res@gsnCenterString ="WRF"

res@gsnRightString = units2

res@tmYLLabelsOn = False

plot(3) = gsn_csm_hov(wks,wrfVort,res)



res@gsnLeftString = varname1

res@gsnCenterString ="RM3"

res@gsnRightString = units1


res@tmYLLabelsOn = True

plot(4) = gsn_csm_hov(wks,rm3v,res)


res@gsnLeftString = varname2

res@gsnCenterString ="RM3"

res@gsnRightString = units2

res@tmYLLabelsOn = False

plot(5) = gsn_csm_hov(wks,rm3Vort,res)


; create panel


resP = True

resP@gsnPanelFigureStrings= (/"a)","b)","c)","d)","e)","f)"/) ; add strings
to panel

resP@gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF = 0.015

resP@amJust = "TopRight"

;resP@gsnMaximize = True

gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/3,2/),resP) ; now draw as one plot



- Erik -

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ncl_panel_panel_plot-Not_Good.png panel_plot_using_word.png
Received on Fri Aug 10 11:29:21 2012

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