logLinPlot on two object in the same plot

From: Paolina B. Cerlini <paolina.cerlini_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu Mar 14 2013 - 09:18:48 MDT

Hello NCL-talk,

I am a new user of ncl, then I am sure there are tons I am missing..
I'd like to plot 2-dimensional data in a vertical height- space (columns)
and (thanks to ncl!!) I succeded in doing it with one file.
Now, I'd like to use contour to plot contouring on top of shading and I
fail to do the right transformation of coordinates to plot both using
a logLinPlotClass, see the script below.

Thank you for your time.


; prova-114.ncl
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
; ================================================;
; open file and read in data
     data1=asciiread ("aveM-pt-bin-114.dat",(/nlev,ncol/),"float")
; print(u)
;---read data
   data = asciiread("Mave-masshzm-bin-114.dat",(/5,5/),"float")
   z = data(:,:)
   hzmAvg=new( (/nlat,nlon/), float )
   hzmAvg = z
; reorganize hzmAvg in 1-D array hzmAvg1d
; rearrange HzmAvg1D in ascending order, sort hzmAvg1d also
     hzmAvg1d =new((/25/),float)
     hzmAvg1d = ndtooned(hzmAvg)
     hzmAvg1d!0 ="col"
     ipAvg = dim_pqsort_n(hzmAvg1d, 2,0) ;no reordering needed



      p = new ((/nlev,ncol/), "float" )
; print(p)

     u2 = new ((/36,ncol/), typeof(u3d) )
     u2= u3d(0:35,:)
     du2 =new((/2,36,ncol/),"float")
     du2v = conform_dims(dimsizes(du2), u2,(/1,2/))

     du2v(0,:,:) = p
; print(du2v(1,:,:))

     range1= new(dims1,"integer")
; printVarSummary(range1)
    do j=0,(nlev-1)
    do i= 0, nc
    end if
    end do
    end do

; print(range1)

     dims = (/2,nlev,ncol/)
     coords = new(dims,"integer")

    coords(0,:,:) = floattointeger(p)
    coords(1,:,:) = range1
    coords!0 = "vcoords" ; name dimensions so we can reorder
    coords!1 = "lev"
    coords!2 = "col"

; print(coords(1,:,:))

   d = du2v(1,:,:)
; second plot *
     data2=asciiread ("aveM-massphow-bin-114.dat",(/nlev,ncol/),"float")
; print(v)
; rearrange data according to ipAvg


     v2 = new ((/36,ncol/), typeof(v3d) )
     v2= v3d(0:35,:)
     dv2 =new((/2,36,ncol/),"float")
     dv2v = conform_dims(dimsizes(dv2), v2,(/1,2/))

     dv2v(0,:,:) = p
; print(dv2v(1,:,:))

     range2= new(dims1,"integer")
; printVarSummary(range2)
    do j=0,(nlev-1)
    do i= 0, nc
    end if
    end do
    end do

; print(range2)

     dims = (/2,nlev,ncol/)
     coords2 = new(dims,"integer")

    coords2(0,:,:) = floattointeger(p)
    coords2(1,:,:) = range2
    coords2!0 = "vcoords" ; name dimensions so we can reorder
    coords2!1 = "lev"
    coords2!2 = "col"

; print(coords2(1,:,:))


   dd = dv2v(1,:,:)

; read in coordinates

   lev1 = coords(vcoords|0,lev|:,col|:)
   col = coords(vcoords|1,lev|:,col|:)

; the challenge with this type of data is a two-dimensional vertical
; coordinate. The gsn_csm high-level graphical interfaces can handle 2D
; lat/lon coordinates but are not currently adpated for 2D vertical coords.

   lev2 = coords2(vcoords|0,lev|:,col|:)
   col2 = coords2(vcoords|1,lev|:,col|:)
; assign variable meta data
   wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","psi-pt-114") ; open a ps file
   gsn_define_colormap(wks,"gui_default") ; choose colormap
   i = NhlNewColor(wks,0.8,0.8,0.8) ; add a gray to colormap

   res = True ; plot mods desired
; res@gsnDraw = False ; don't draw
   res@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame
   res@sfXArray = col ; could be reduced to 1D
   res@sfYArray = lev1 ; 2D
   res@cnInfoLabelOn = False ; turn off contour info label

  res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" ; manual levels
  res@cnMinLevelValF = 0.
  res@cnMaxLevelValF = 400.
  res@cnLevelSpacingF = 5.

   res@cnFillOn = True ; turn on color
   res@cnLineLabelsOn = False ; turn off line labels
   res@gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of colormap
   res@cnLinesOn = False ; turn off contour lines
; res@cnLabelMasking = True

; Linearize the plot by overlaying on a logLinPlot. It's important to use the
; "curvilinear" gridType instead of the default 2D "spherical" grid type
; because the spherical grid type assumes that the X coordinates are modular
; and that the Y coordinates only range from -90 to 90.

   plot = gsn_contour(wks,d,res) ; contour the variable

   res1 = res
   res1@cnFillOn = False ; turn on color
   res1@cnLinesOn = True ; turn off contour lines
   res@sfXArray = col ; could be reduced to 1D
   res@sfYArray = lev1 ; 2D
; delete(res1@cnLevels)
; res1@cnLevelSelectionMode = "EqualSpacedLevels" ; set equal spaced
contour levels
; res1@cnMaxLevelCount = 20
   res1@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" ; use explicit levels
   res1@cnLevels =
; res1@cnMinLevelValF = -4.E-03
; res1@cnMaxLevelValF = 8.E-03
; res1@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.005

   res1@gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = 1 ; sets negative contours
to dash pattern 1
   res1@gsnContourPosLineDashPattern = 0
; res1@gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF = 2. ; doubles thickness of
zero contour

   plotv = gsn_contour(wks,dd,res1) ; contour the variable

  setvalues plot
     "trGridType" : "curvilinear"
     "tiMainString" : "str-rrc day 74/76"
     "tiXAxisString" : "Column " ; x-axis title
     "tiYAxisString" : "Height (m)" ; y-axis title
  end setvalues

   ll = create "ll" logLinPlotClass wks
     "trXMinF" : min(col)
     "trXMaxF" : max(col)
     "trYMinF" : min(lev1)
     "trYMaxF" : max(lev1)
     "pmTickMarkDisplayMode" : "always"
   end create
   overlay(ll, plot)

   draw ((/plot,plotv/))


Dr. Paolina Bongioannini Cerlini
University of Perugia
Dip.to Ingegneria
CIRIAF -room 8
Via G. Duranti, 67
06125 - Perugia
Tel.+39 075 585 3576
Fax +39 075 585 3697
e-mail: paolina.cerlini@unipg.it
cell.:+39 3405761980
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