polymarker on contour

From: Alexander Cohan <cohan_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Oct 07 2013 - 15:04:57 MDT

Hello NCL,

I am having trouble adding a polymarker to a contour plot. I am
using gsn_csm_contour_map and gsn_add_polymarker. I have NCL version
6.1.2. The contour plot displays with no polymarker. My ncl script is
below. Any idea why this is not working?


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
; get environment variables
  PT = getenv("PNT")
  contmax = getenv("CMAX")
  dcont = getenv("CDEL")
  plat = stringtofloat(getenv("CLAT"))
  plon = stringtofloat(getenv("CLON"))

; open file and read in data
  fname = new((/3/),string)
  txt2 = new((/3/),string)
  skipl = new((/3/),integer)
  ncols = new((/3/),integer)
  ndat = new((/3/),integer)

  fname(0) = "../CAMx/DDM.8hrO3.ILSCREEN_DDM_" + PT + ".txt"
  fname(1) = "../HDDM/O3IMPACT_" + PT + "_HDDM.dat"
  fname(2) = "../MODEL/DATA/O3IMPACT_" + PT + "_22.dat"

  skipl(0) = 6
  skipl(1) = 0
  skipl(2) = 0

  ncols(0) = 11
  ncols(1) = 3
  ncols(2) = 3

  ndat(0) = 3
  ndat(1) = 2
  ndat(2) = 2

  fname2 = "IL_4KMb.DOM"
  nlines2 = stringtointeger(systemfunc("awk 'END{print NR}' < " + fname2
  lines2 = readAsciiTable(fname2, 6, "float", 0)

  O3 = new((/nlines2/),float)
  lat = new((/nlines2/),float)
  lon = new((/nlines2/),float)

  do i=0,nlines2-1
  end do


; sig figures
  N1 = 1000.
  N2 = 10.

;set res
wks_type = "pdf"
;wks_type = "png"
;wks_type@wkOrientation = "landscape"

  wks = gsn_open_wks (wks_type, "8hrO3.CONTOUR.ALL." + PT + "")
; gsn_define_colormap (wks,"abby") ; choose color map
; gsn_reverse_colormap(wks)

  map = new(3,graphic)
  mark = new(3,graphic)
  mark2 = new(3,graphic)
  dummy = new(1,graphic)

  res = True ; plot mods desired
  res@gsnDraw = False
  res@gsnFrame = False
  res@mpDataBaseVersion = "Ncarg4_1"
  res@mpOutlineOn = True
  res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "GeophysicalandUSStates"

  res@gsnSpreadColors = True
  res@gsnSpreadColorEnd = 90
  res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"

  res@cnLineLabelPlacementMode = "Constant"
  res@cnLineDashSegLenF = 0.3

  res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
  res@cnMinLevelValF = dcont
  res@cnMaxLevelValF = contmax
  res@cnLevelSpacingF = dcont

  res@cnFillOn = True ; color fill
  res@cnLinesOn = False ; no contour lines
  res@cnLineLabelsOn = False ; no contour labels

  res@cnInfoLabelOn = False ; no contour info label

  res@sfXArray = lat
  res@sfYArray = lon

; !!!!! any plot of data that is on a native grid, must use the "corners"
; method of zooming in on map.


  res@mpLimitMode = "Corners" ; choose range of map
  res@mpLeftCornerLatF = lat1+DDY
  res@mpLeftCornerLonF = lon1+DDX
  res@mpRightCornerLatF = lat2-DDY
  res@mpRightCornerLonF = lon2-DDX

  res@mpFillOn = False

; The following 4 pieces of information are REQUIRED to properly display
; data on a native lambert conformal grid. This data should be specified
; somewhere in the model itself.

  res@mpProjection = "LambertConformal"
  res@mpLambertParallel1F = 33.
  res@mpLambertParallel2F = 45.
  res@mpLambertMeridianF = -97.
  res@tfDoNDCOverlay = True

  res@lbLabelBarOn = False ; turn off individual cb's

;marker info
  pmres = True
; pmres@gsMarkerIndex = 1
  pmres@gsMarkerIndex = 5
  pmres@gsMarkerColor = (/"black"/)
; pmres@gsMarkerColor = (/"red"/)
  pmres@gsMarkerSizeF = 5.
  pmres@gsLineThicknessF = 10.0
  pmres@gsFillColor = "Black"
  pmres@txFontHeightF = 10

  pmres@mpProjection = "LambertConformal"
  pmres@mpLambertParallel1F = 33.
  pmres@mpLambertParallel2F = 45.
  pmres@mpLambertMeridianF = -97.
; pmres@tfDoNDCOverlay = True

; begin main loop
  do III=0,2

  nlines = stringtointeger(systemfunc("awk 'END{print NR}' < " + fname(III)
  nlines2 = nlines - skipl(III)

  dat = readAsciiTable(fname(III), ncols(III), "float", skipl(III))

  do i=0,nlines2-1
  end do


  txt2(III) = "O~B~3~N~ 8-hr Max Source Impact "+MMO3+" ppb ("+MMLAT+",


; plot data

  map(III) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,O3,res)
  mark(III) = gsn_add_polymarker(wks, map(III), plat, plon, pmres)

  end do

; create panel
  resP = True ; modify the panel plot
  resP@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance panel plot
  resP@gsnPanelLabelBar = True ; add common colorbar
  resP@lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.01
  resP@gsnPanelBottom = 0.02
  resP@txFontHeightF = 0.015
  resP@gsnPanelBottom = 0.05 ; add space at bottom

  gsn_panel(wks,map,(/1,3/),resP) ; now draw as one plot

  txt = "O~B~3~N~ 8-hr Max Impact (ppb)"
  txres = True
  txres@txFontHeightF = 0.02

  txres@txFontHeightF = 0.0085

; drawNDCGrid(wks)



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