Can getvalues reference tickmark resources

From: jonathan meyer <tallj03_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Jun 16 2014 - 11:24:47 MDT

Hi NCL group,
I am hoping to use the getvalues statement to reference a maps tickmark res=
ources for use on a subsequent plot.
I have used getvalues for contour resources before but can not find an exam=
ple or documentation on which resources can be accessed with this statement=
Ideally, I'd like to gather the tmYL resources used to create the nice lo=
ngitude labels/tickmark locations on a map which would then be given to an =
X-Y plot with the same Y dimensions, but no lat/lon attributes.
If there is a place besides the quick NCL statement guide that describes wh=
at can be accessed by the getvalues statement, feel free to direct me the=
Thanks in advance.Jon =

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